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84.37% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 27: Chapter 26 - Journey to Violet city Part - 2 {final}

Chapter 27: Chapter 26 - Journey to Violet city Part - 2 {final}

In the forest we encountered Gary and when he asked how we were traveling without a Hoothoot, I just pointed at my shadow from where Gengar came out and waved at him. And seeing the ghost Pokémon Gary nodded as the wild ghost Pokémon would usually avoid another strong ghost Pokémon unless the ghost Pokémon wanted to challenge the stronger Ghost Pokémon. After saying goodbye to Gary, we met a granny who rented her Hoothoots. After getting a rest we traveled and I also captured the Shiny Noctowl I caught in the show. All it took was a quick Thunderbolt from Pikachu and he was down for the count.

After that, we were able to leave the forest and meet with another granny who looked like the woman we met in the forest It turns out she is the twin of the granny we met and after that, we continued to Violet City to get my first Jhoto Badge.

After leaving the forest, we reached a city called Catallia City, where Blissey met with another Blissey in the city and she was happy to meet another Blissey from her species. Soon I was called for a thief and turns out it was just Team Rocket trio. Seriously when will they learn, that now they cannot steal Pikachu as he is way more powerful than them but seriously how do they always survive such high falls every day?

During my stay, I had my Spinarak get some tips from Officer Jennys Spinarak and train with them for a while. 

The next day, after getting back everything to normal we left for Violet City to get my first Jhoto badge. While going to the city, we encountered a young injured stantler. After healing the young stantler with the help of Brock and Blissey, and returns to its herd. When meeting with the heard.

Ash: Hello, I am Ash Ketchum a Pokémon trainer and I wanted to ask if any one of you is interested in coming with me on my journey to become stronger and travel the world.

As Stantler herd looked at each other. I saw 2 Stantlers coming out of the herd and looked at the Alpha. And as they were talking. I, Misty, and Brock were quiet and after a few minutes, Pikachu also joined. While Togepi went to play with the children stantler of the group. And soon the alpha agreed. And both came forward and across me with a challenging look.

Ash: so you want me to prove to you that I am worthy to train you? Very well challenge accepted. So will you fight with me one on one or both at the same time?

Both Stantlers looked at one another and used their hooves to send back dirt.

Ash: so 2 on 2 it is. Very well for my Pokemon, I choose you Nidoking and Nidoqueen.

As I said that, both my ground and poison Pokémon came out. Nidoking like Charizard roared while Nidoqueen gave out a cry and waved at her opponent. yeah and I wouldn't underestimate her Nidoqueen is a lot like Blissey, sweet and innocent but during battle she is ruthless.

3rd person POV –

Ash: Alright, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, let's do this!

Ash said with excitement.

The two Poison/Ground-type Pokémon nodded in unison, ready for the battle ahead. The wild Stantlers also raised their heads and stared at Ash and his Pokémon, their eyes glowing with a mystical light.

Ash: All alright, Stantler's I hope you are ready.

The wild Stantler responded with a cry, ready to defend themselves. The stage was set for an intense 2-on-2 battle.

Ash: Alright, Nidoking, start with Poison Jab on the first Stantler!

Nidoking's large, spiked arm glowed with a toxic purple light as he charged toward the first Stantler. The wild Pokémon tried to dodge, but Nidoking was too fast. The Poison Jab landed squarely, causing the Stantler to stagger back.

Ash: Nidoqueen, use Body Slam on the other Stantler!

Ash commanded.

Nidoqueen moved with surprising speed for her size, her body glowing as she leaped into the air and slammed into the second Stantler. The impact was powerful, knocking the Stantler to the ground.

The wild Stantlers weren't going to go down without a fight. The first Stantler, recovering from Nidoking's Poison Jab, used Hypnosis. Its eyes glowed with a mesmerizing light, attempting to put Nidoking to sleep.

Ash: Nidoking, snap out of it!

Ash called out, but it was too late. Nidoking's eyes closed, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Ash: Alright, Nidoqueen, it's up to you! Use Earth Power on the first Stantler!

Nidoqueen focused her energy, causing the ground beneath the first Stantler to shake violently. The Earth Power attack created fissures in the ground that erupted with energy, hitting the Stantler hard. The Stantler cried out in pain, clearly weakened by the powerful Ground-type move.

The second Stantler, now back on its feet, retaliated with Take Down, charging at Nidoqueen with full force. Nidoqueen braced herself, but the impact was strong, pushing her back a few steps.

Ash: Nidoqueen, don't give up! Use Ice Beam on the second Stantler!

Ash commanded.

Nidoqueen's mouth glowed with a frosty light as she released a beam of icy energy toward the second Stantler. The Ice Beam hit its mark, freezing parts of the Stantler's fur and causing it to shiver from the cold.

Meanwhile, Nidoking was still fast asleep. The first Stantler saw an opportunity and used Confuse Ray, hoping to confuse Nidoqueen and turn the tide of the battle. The eerie light of the Confuse Ray hit Nidoqueen, and she began to sway unsteadily, her movements erratic.

Ash: Come on, Nidoqueen, you can do it!

Ash encouraged, but Nidoqueen was struggling with the confusion.

Seeing Nidoking still asleep and Nidoqueen confused, Ash knew he needed to act fast.

Ash: Nidoking, wake up and use Thunder Punch on the first Stantler!"

he shouted, hoping to rouse his Pokémon.

Nidoking stirred, slowly opening his eyes. Shaking off the drowsiness, he heard Ash's command and charged at the first Stantler with his fist crackling with electrical energy. The Thunder Punch connected, sending a jolt of electricity through Stantler's body and causing it to collapse, unable to battle any longer.

Ash: great job, Nidoking! Now let's finish this, Nidoqueen!

Ash called out.

Ash: Nidoqueen, use Superpower on the second Stantler!

Nidoqueen, still under the effects of confusion, struggled to focus. But with Ash's encouragement, she managed to clear her head enough to gather her strength. Her muscles bulged with power as she charged at the second Stantler, delivering a devastating blow with Superpower. The impact was overwhelming, and the second Stantler was knocked out cold.

With the battle won, Ash quickly grabbed two Poké Balls from his belt.

Ash: Great job, Nidoking and Nidoqueen! Now it's time to catch them!

He threw the Poké Balls at the fallen Stantler, watching as they were enveloped in red light and absorbed into the balls. The Poké Balls wobbled on the ground, the tension palpable as Ash and his Pokémon watched intently.

After a few tense moments, both Poké Balls emitted a satisfying click, signaling successful captures. Ash ran over and picked them up, holding the Poké Balls high in triumph.

Ash: Yes! We did it, Nidoking and Nidoqueen! We caught both Stantler!

Nidoking and Nidoqueen roared in victory, their eyes shining with pride. Ash walked over and patted both of them on the back.

Ash: You two were amazing! We make a great team.

As Ash admired his new Pokémon, Brock, and Misty emerged from the trees, having watched the entire battle from a distance. Brock gave a thumb-up, a proud smile on his face. While the rest of the herd also left by the end of the battle.

Brock: Great job, Ash. That was an impressive battle.

Misty nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Misty: Yeah, you and your Pokémon did an awesome job.

Ash grinned at his friends, feeling the warmth of their support.

Ash: Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without Nidoking and Nidoqueen. They're really strong.

Brock walked over to examine the Poké Balls containing the newly caught Stantler.

Brock: You've added two strong Pokémon to your team, Ash. Stantler has unique abilities that will be useful.

Misty smiled, looking at the serene forest around them.

Misty: It's always exciting to see you catch new Pokémon, Ash. You never know what adventures lie ahead.

Ash nodded, feeling a surge of determination.

Ash: Yeah, and I'm ready for whatever comes next. Let's keep moving forward and see what other Pokémon we can find!

With new friends added to his team and his loyal companions by his side, Ash felt more ready than ever to continue his journey. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the bond between Ash and his Pokémon grew stronger, promising even greater adventures and battles in the future.

Ash POV –

After catching my new Pokémon, the next day Primeape finally evolved into Annihilape, and due to the evolution caused Annihilape to jump from Low Elite to High Elite. And Professor Oak was shocked to learn about the evolution of Primeape to Annihilape. He wanted me to send Annihilape to his lab, but I asked for some time to help Annihilape get adjusted to his new evolution and have Gengar help with the new ghost typing. Professor Oak just nodded and told me how my gauntlet can collect information about my Pokemon on a smaller scale than a lab, and just activate a setting and it will also share data with him.

After that, I also got a message from Bruno and Agatha of the Elite 4 that they would be meeting me at Violet City.

I admit I am a bit nervous, about meeting my "Boss" well, that's future Ash's problem. Currently, I was training with my Pokemon when I saw a Quagsire looking at our training, and it decided in its wisdom to attack Pikachu with a water gun. Pikachu did not look amused and shot the Quagsire with an electro ball that caused a small explosion Quagsire fell away from the place Pikachu threw the electro ball and I decided to catch the poor Quagsire.

Brock and Misty also came to my training area and after healing the Quagsire, he looked more determined and asked me to train it. but at the end, he looked a bit hesitant and took us to a lake with 7 to 8 Quagsire and its pre-evolution whoopers according to what I could understand my Quagsire is the leader of this group and he is afraid without him, they would become the prey of other as Quagsire line are usually docile creatures and don't like to fight much.

I looked at Misty and Brock as they also thought about it, and using my gauntlet we called Misty's sisters and Brock's Parents as Brock's mom is a water type expert and so are Misty's sisters. After telling them about what's happening Misty's sister took some Wooper, Misty also captured a Wooper and the rest of Wooper and all Quagsire went to the Pewter gym. After the transfer, we left for our journey.

3rd person POV –

The group travels, while Team Rocket observes them from underneath a bridge. They know if they were to walk across the bridge, they'd fall in their cage and the twerps' Pikachu will be stolen. Team Rocket dances, but the bridge begins to crash, making Meowth see they don't get washed away.

Team Rocket floats away, while the heroes see they cannot get across the bridge, seeing it is ruined. Brock reads the next bridge is ten miles away, leaving the gang in a tough position. Suddenly, they see a woman being carried by Ledyba. Brock makes his observation, making Misty, Ash, and Pikachu not amused. The woman notices the heroes and uses her whistle to command Ledyba to land down. Ash asks Misty how she is not scared of Ledyba, so Misty replies they look cute enough.

Brock thanks the woman, while Ash asks her to help them go across the river and make Brock go back to Earth. The woman tells her she can get the Ledyba fly over, making the heroes grateful. They introduce themselves, as the woman is Arielle. Ash introduces Pikachu and Skarmory, when she asks why they can't just Skarmory, Brock explains that Skarmory only allows Ash to sit on its back and no one else. She just nodded and Later, the gang thanked her for getting them across the river. Arielle tells them she has to go to the apple orchard. Misty sees the beautiful white flowers, while Arielle tells a man named Mr. Douglas who passes by she is ready to start her work - Brock asks why would she come here, so Arielle tells them to see for themselves. The heroes see Arielle commanding the Ledyba and using her whistle. Brock concludes they are pollinating the orchard. Ash now sees what they are doing, but asks about pollination of such plants. Brock says that the Ledyba are spreading pollen to get the trees to produce fruit and many more things related to the plant. Ash has an idea - he sends Heracross to help Ledyba, Heracross drinks some tree sap but can get in control from a single glare from Ash and Pikachu.

The heroes acknowledge that all her six Ledyba listen well to her commands. Brock wishes he could be her student. Ash asks Arielle how did she manage to control Ledyba like that. Arielle reveals she has the whistle to play different tunes. Misty wishes she had one to control Psyduck like that. Ash asks her to use the whistle but understands that she cannot allow other people to use, it since it is a family heirloom. Team Rocket, see they need to take the whistle to control Ledyba. Arielle commands her Ledyba to return using the whistle. Jessie and James appear (disguised) as Jessie studies the value of the whistle. She gives it five stars and they go away with the whistle. Arielle and Ash stop them, so they undisguised themselves. Team Rocket taunts them, then departs away. Jessie uses the whistle to get Ledyba to her but sees Ledyba stand around. Arielle warns them they need training to control Ledyba, making Team Rocket disappointed.

Nevertheless, they do not give back the whistle, as Jessie sends Lickitung to use Supersonic. Arielle orders Ledyba to use Tackle, but due to the effect of Supersonic, they are confused. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to blast Team Rocket off, but in doing so, Ledyba scatters away and the whistle is with Team Rocket. The heroes search for Ledyba, while Ash apologizes to Arielle, as Team Rocket has the whistle. Arielle knows it has to be done, so Brock sends Zubat, knowing they can track Ledyba using sonic waves. Zubat goes away and returns, as Golbat appears. Brock calls Zubat back, calming down Golbat. Arielle recalls her Ledyba love scent of flowers, so Ash sends Heracross and Skarmory to track some flower scents and check from the sky.

Jessie imagines herself in a field of flowers but is angry as she has to sew the balloon up. Jessie sees that the whistle reminds her of Meowth and James; it is useless. Meowth uses the whistle and blows it, but he fails to do anything, making Jessie laugh. She sends Arbok to get lunch and Meowth blows the whistle. They see Arbok react to it, then see the Ledyba. Meowth orders Arbok to dig into Ledyba. Jessie and James do not think that Arbok would listen to her, but Meowth blows the whistle, causing Arbok to dig up and scare Ledyba and Meowth captures them using the net, proving to Jessie and James he can do it. He ties Ledyba with ropes, but they fly up, so Meowth, Jessie, and James hang on the rope. Jessie orders them to go after the twerps, but Ledyba uses Stun Spore on them, then flies away.

The heroes tell Arielle they'll find Ledyba. Arielle worries that Ledyba will not listen to her, as that happened once before. Brock remembers they were affected by Lickitung's Supersonic, so they should still listen to her. Arielle still worries, as they were trained by the whistle. Ash says that is important what lies in their hearts, not in the whistle. Arielle remembers the training and starts believing in that statement. Arielle thanks him and soon smells a faint smell from Ledyba. Ash places Pikachu on a tree, so he climbs up and sees a fog. The heroes come into it and Arielle sees Ledyba are in danger, so they follow the fog. Team Rocket cannot control Ledyba, so Arbok ties itself to a tree to bind Ledyba. The gang comes, but Team Rocket releases a net to capture them. Jessie demands Ash to hand Pikachu over, but he refuses, so Jessie and James send Lickitung and Victreebel, with the latter chewing its master. Victreebel tackles and Lickitung stomps on the heroes, while Arielle encourages her Ledyba to strike. Arbok starts to lose control of them, and after the Ledyba hears Arielle's plea for help, they fly away with it.

The Ledyba send Arbok flying into Victreebel and Lickitung, tackling them, then they force Arbok to attack Team Rocket, while Ash sends Bulbasaur, who uses Razor Leaf to cut the net. Victreebel uses Razor Leaf, but Ledyba evades the attacks. Lickitung goes to use Supersonic, but Pikachu stops it using Thunderbolt. Ledyba dives down and tackles Team Rocket, blasting them off. They drop the whistle, which Brock catches. Arielle reunites with Ledyba. Later, Arielle uses the whistle to make Ledyba end the job they started. She admits she is happier without the whistle and will use it less each day. The heroes depart, waving goodbye to Arielle and Ledyba. 


The heroes run up the hill, as Ash sees Violet City, hurrying Misty and Brock to go as he can have his Gym Battle. As they walk through the city, Ash wonders where the Gym is, so Misty advises him to ask around. Pikachu sniffs some flowers and suddenly, two children pull him. Pikachu goes to electrocute and Ash grabs him and manages to calm Pikachu down. The children thought it was a wild one and their teachers arrived, apologizing to Ash for the trouble they caused. Brock says they did not, flirting with her, patting Ash on the head thinking that he has such a lovely Pokemon. The children realize Ash is a trainer and tell him they will be trainers once they graduate from the Pokémon Academy school. The woman tells them they teach children how to be trainers.

Brock admires the school (still attempting to flirt with the woman) and introduces himself. The woman introduces herself as Miss. Priscilla and Brock tell them they are to go to the Gym and see if they can teach the children a thing or two since it is more important (making Ash and Misty surprised at that statement). At the class, the principal named Earl, tells Ash, Misty, and Brock they can teach the children what they know, making Ash, Misty, and Brock frightened a bit by his cheerfulness. Priscilla admits she likes men who have that amount of energy, making Brock dance like the principal. Ash goes on to say what a person must do before becoming a trainer but forgets. The children ask him to tell them about battles. Ash tells them about him coming second place at the Indigo conference, but when a child, Zackie, asks why would they listen to someone who is not a winner, Ash is a bit irritated but he ignores him and talks to others.

Everyone goes outside to meet the gang's Pokémon. Chikorita comes to Ash's leg and makes a furious face to Pikachu, making him surprised. Heracross goes to drink Venusaur's sap, but Venusaur uses Vine Whip to chase him away. Brock points to a tower and wonders what it is, so Priscilla says it is the Sprout Tower, a tower that has a being that moves like a Bellsprout. Ash wonders why the tower does not move, so Priscilla offers them a trip to the tower, which Brock agrees to. Meanwhile, Zackie tells Pikachu to forget Ash and join him instead. Pikachu is surprised and denies it, so Zackie takes him. Pikachu electrocutes him, so Ash stops the event. Zackie orders Ash to give him his Pikachu and when told he cannot, Zackie whines. Ash is unsure what to do, so Zackie pushes him gets one of his Poké Balls, and goes to capture Pikachu, who runs away. While Chikorita pulls Ash's leg, he sees he needs to get Pikachu back and handle Zackie later, so calls his Pokémon back and tracks him down, promising to get him to the Sprout Tower when done.

Pikachu hides from Zackie as it knows the kid would get seriously hurt from even a small voltage of the electricity he can produce. Zackie searches for him sees Pikachu's ears and throws the Poké Ball, catching him. Ash is surprised he managed to capture him, but holds his hand and tells him to drop it. Suddenly, they fall in the hole, so Team Rocket appears. Jessie and James tell the child to give them the Poké Ball so he can go. Meowth recalls they told them they were going to leave him there, so Jessie pounds him and continues persuading the child. Ash tells Zackie to give him the Ball, but Zackie refuses and sends Pikachu. To Team Rocket's disappointment, it is a Bellsprout. Team Rocket knows Pikachu will help the twerp to come to the rescue. They use megaphones to emulate the twerps' voice. Pikachu comes and Team Rocket throws the net, but Ash warns Pikachu so they miss. Ash and Zackie climb out of the hole and Ash throws Pikachu up, as he uses Thunderbolt to shock Team Rocket. With an explosion, they blast off.

Zackie is fascinated by the battle. At the tower, Misty and Brock see that the log that supports the tower swings like a Bellsprout. Team Rocket blasted off and heard that the trainers came here to remember who they once were, making Brock and Misty believe the idea of the experience the trainers seek here is forgotten by Ash. With the mind that the twerp will come with Pikachu, Team Rocket gladly smiles. Zackie is not impressed by the Bellsprout he caught. Ash advises he can make the best of it, but Zackie wants Pikachu. In the tower, James sends Weezing to use Smokescreen to get everyone out. Misty and Brock take the children away from the smoke. Zackie proposes they can trade Pikachu and Bellsprout, but Ash refuses. Zackie whines, but laughs seeing Bellsprout moving funnily.

At the tower, Ash sends Kingler to get rid of some of the fire, while sending Gengar to make sure there for some rescue work and evacuate the children and others Misty sends Poliwag and Wooper, all 3 use Water Gun, but see it is not a fire. Misty calls Poliwag back and when the smoke clears, Team Rocket appears. The heroes rush inside and see Weezing, Arbok, and Lickitung cutting the log with a saw. Meowth declares once cut enough, he'll press the button to activate the bomb. They declare they can stop if Pikachu is given to them. Pikachu approaches and Ash accepts this desperate offer. Jessie picks him up and is not electrocuted, since she, James, and Meowth have rubber gloves and boots. Zackie sees they have to get back Pikachu. Ash attempts to send a Pokémon, but Meowth threatens to blow the tower up. He sees that they, as sprouts, are not efficient, but Ash and Zackie know sprouts start and grow. Bellsprout uses Razor Leaf, disarming Meowth from his remote. Arbok goes to get it, though Kingler pushes it away via Water Gun.

Ash sends Gengar, who gets the remote. Bellsprout uses Razor Leaf to hit Weezing and Lickitung, who cut the log. Jessie and James call back their Pokémon and go with Meowth onto the rocket, who presses the button to start the launch. Gengar and Bellsprout use shadow ball and Razor Leaf to free Pikachu. The leaves cut the rope, causing the rocket to go away, causing it to go out of the building. The beam stabilizes and Ash thanks Zackie, who is proud of his Bellsprout. Team Rocket enjoys the rocket ride, but the rocket explodes, causing them to blast off. At the school, Ash wishes luck to the children, while Brock is saddened to go away from Priscilla. Priscilla says she can, so the principal offers him a contract that he can teach dancing, but Brock refuses. Zackie asks Ash if he can train Bellsprout to be Victreebel and Ash confirms, thinking they can battle someday. The heroes depart, waving goodbye to the children and the staff.

Fin, ally after a long time, we see the site of Ash's first Jhoto Badge Violet City.

Ash: so, we finally arrived at the place huh guys?

Misty: yeah, finally I can get some rest and a real bath.

Brock: yeah, and have to get some supplies as well guys don't forget we are running out soon.

Pikachu: pika Pikachu

Togepi: chu Chuki 

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

hey guys just finished my exams and now posting a new chapter and will try to have new updates soon. See you soon.

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