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68.2% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 147: EPISODE 147: Beast of the Fiery Volcanoes!

Chapter 147: EPISODE 147: Beast of the Fiery Volcanoes!

The first flame has been lit, above the thunder shrine a flame glows brightly, a symbol of the strike, coming from Raikou, the thunder Pokemon. Today, another legendary shall appear, Entei, the volcano Pokemon.

[Entei! The volcano Pokemon, a fire type. ENTEI embodies the passion of magma. This POKéMON is thought to have been born in the eruption of a volcano. It sends up massive bursts of fire that utterly consume all that they touch.] Irys the Pokedex explained while showing a holographic model of the legendary Pokemon.

"My data and information about Raikou is complete. Now, it is time to know more about Entei." Camellia beamed with passion and determination.

"Sadly there will be no raid occurring today. I wanted to battle Entei." I uttered with disappointment while hugging Riolu. As usual, Riolu was playing with his Cyndaquil doll.

"Well, even if there was a raid, we would lose easily right? Raikou defeated us in one to two moves, even Camellia's newly evolved Pokemon was knocked out pretty quick." Zhery warned.

"Even if we lost, it is fun to gain some information through battling." Camellia beamed with passion and determination while fixing her bag.

"Huh... you're going to bring all those notebooks?" Glade questioned.

"Of course! When I grow up, I'll create a Pokedex with the Pokemons I've gathered information about. So far, I've got 104!" Camellia smiled and showed the pages of her notebook. It was filled with pictures of the Pokemons she saw, and some information about them.

<Bzzz...Bzz...Bz....B... ...>Zhery's rotom phone began to ring and vibrate in her bag. She excused herself and went to her bed to answer the call.

"Oh hi dear, you must be enjoying the festival right?" Ms.Beatrice questioned while talking to her daughter on her phone.

"Yes mother! It was great, we've seen and battled the thunder Pokemon Raikou, but we were unable to win against it." Zhery sadly uttered in disappointment.

"That's alright dear, you're still on the path on achieving your dream. By the way, the reason why I called you is to tell you that your cousin is in town."

"Sean!? Here! I don't even want to see that douche bag's face!" Zhery infuriated.

"Come on, maybe you'll win against him this time, he says he wants to battle you."

"Well I don't want to risk it! Sean is too arrogant. I can't bare he's annoyance!" Zhery infuriated.

"Zhery, he's your cousin... siblings aren't suppose to fight, remember!"

"He's the one who's starting the fight. His big mouth always pertains to his Pokemons! I can't withstand it anymore." Zhery infuriated.

"Hmm, that's a shame, it's either you meet him or he meets you."

"Fine! I'll see him later..." Zhery uttered with disappointment.

"Alright dear, don't forget to brush your teeth always, goodbye!"

"Bye mother!"

(Call ended)

"So Zhery, who's Sean?" The three of us questioned.

"What!? Were you guys eavesdropping?" Zhery uttered with frustration.

"It's not our fault, you're the one talking loudly." Glade smiled and giggled.

"Hmph! Sean is my only and most annoying cousin that ever existed!" Zhery exclaimed.

"Wait, you have a cousin?" Camellia questioned.

"Of course I have! Everybody has a cousin you know? Sean is a strong trainer who loves to boast his Pokemons." Zhery introduced with frustration.

Day three of the Pokemon Festival of the Beasts, more food stalls have arrived at the central plaza, more game booths, and more shopping stalls. As usual, the crowd was there again with their Pokemons. We decided to eat lunch on the sushi stall after the opening ceremonies which talked about Entei. Tonight, Entei will arrive on the second shrine, locals say that Entei will be there to play and hang out with the people for only a limited amount of time. Then, before Entei goes back to the Johto region, the volcano pokemon will light up the second flame... it will shine brightly across the night sky. Those who watch the flame burn is said to have happiness and joy.

"Um... Zhery, do you have to cover your face with the menu?" Camellia giggled and questioned.

"Of course! I don't want my cousin to see me!" Zhery infuriated.

"Hey there Zee-Zee!" A boy from behind pulled the menu from Zhery and teased with his British accent, the boy wore a pink shirt with pink pants, and his hair was color violet, and was arranged in a stylish array. Her head began to ignite with flames, as frustration filled her head.

"Will you stop calling me that Sean!?" Zhery infuriated.

"Wait... Zee-Zee?" Camellia started to giggle.

"Hmph! Stop calling me that too." Zhery infuriated.

"So you must be my cousin's friends? My name is Sean... a future model and dancer. Nice to meet all of you..." Sean charmed and introduced. Me and Glade were trying to hold our laugh, I never knew that a boy wanted to become a model and dancer.

"H... Hi, I am Kalem... This is Riolu!" I uttered slowly while trying to stop my laughter from bursting out.

"I... I am, Glade by the way." Glade uttered as tiny chuckles came out of his mouth.

"My name is Camellia, so you're her cousin?" Camellia introduced and questioned.

"Yes! Zee-Zee is my cousin alright, sorry if she's a pain in the neck!" Sean laughed and teased.

"Zee-Zee!? I'm sorry, I can't handle my laughter." Camellia started to chuckle and laugh harder than before.

"I'll get you back soon Camellia!? That goes for the two of you. I know you're trying to hold your laughter." Zhery infuriated.

"Sorry... but, why is your nickname Zee-Zee!?" Glade questioned and laughed.

"It's a random nickname me and my friends made up. By the way, did you know when Zhery was in pre-school, she wore a Magikarp costume for a stage play and did nothing but splash around? She kept on tumbling and splashing around while the other actors were acting. The crowd laughed at the splashing Magikarp from the distance." Sean recalled and laughed.

"Why you!? Shouldn't you be in the dancing academy or whatever you want to call it!?" Zhery infuriated.

"I... I can't unsee that. I'm sorry Zhery, I can't stop laughing." Camellia apologized as she chuckled and giggled louder than before.

"Do you want to know more about Zhery's humiliating past?" Sean questioned sarcastically.

"Yes please!" I beamed with enthusiasm.

"Kalem!" Zhery beamed with frustration.

"Did you know that Zhery loves to sleepwalk, there was one time when she woke up beside the fridge."

"Hmph! That's it, stop teasing me, Sean and go back to your dance school or hip hop thingy!" Zhery beamed with frustration.

"Excuse me!? I am a special number for tonight's event, before Entei arrives you know? My back up Hip Hoppers are practicing with our coach." Sean charmed.

"Hey do you want to see a magic trick?" Sean questioned.

"Sure, when I'll close my eyes, and when I open it? You should be gone!" Zhery uttered sarcastically.

"Watch this!" Sean charmed and swiftly took Zhery's bag.

"Hey, that's my bag!" Zhery infuriated as she tries to reach for the bag.

"Here, I only need this stone anyways!" Sean charmed and gave back the bag. She, I mean he took Zhery's shiny stone.

"Oh Roselia! Come out, come out wherever you are!" Sean called dramatically. Roselia recognized her, I mean his voice and went outside her Pokeball quickly.

"What are you planning to do!?" Zhery infuriated while trying to grab the stone.

"Here Roselia, let us play a game of catch!" Sean teased and threw the stone to Roselia.

<Ro?>Roselia became curious about the stone and decided to open her mouth widely. Roselia ate the stone and started to evolve.

"In my head I saw that differently," Sean uttered with surprise.

"Where's the magic in that!?" Zhery infuriated.

"Aw... Don't worry about my magic fail, at least your little cutie is starting to evolve." Sean uttered with a girlish accent.

In the meantime, I, Camellia, and Glade were laughing while watching them fight.

<Ros! Ros! Roserade!> Roselia evolved into Roserade! Bundles of flowers can be seen on both hands, as a white hair, and green pigment in the skin, covered her.

"Look what you did to Roselia!? She's actually kinda adorable." Zhery's rage started to cool for a while as she stared at Roserade.

"See ya soon Zee-Zee, watch our dance spectacular later. I'll be going now, ta ta!" Sean charmed and uttered with her girlish accent.

"Hey Roserade, I'm sorry you evolved without telling me when you want, my cousin is just too annoying!" Zhery knelt and squashed Roserade's cheeks.

<Rose! Roserade!>The Pokemon twirled around.

"Really!? Do you love your new self? That's great Roserade. I thought you were going to scold or get mad at me." Zhery uttered with relief.

"Hey Zhery... is Sean mentally retarded?" I teased.

"For me, he is! That guy keeps on teasing me, and his girlish accent is so annoying, he's like a French fashion designer." Zhery infuriated.

"I don't think mentally retarded is the right term..." Camellia giggled.

"Right... right, now I can't unhear his accent anymore!" Glade laughed.

"You'll get used to it soon, but for now... all these frustrations are making me hungry." Zhery smiled as she craved for Sushi.

"Hey Riolu do you want some sushi?" I questioned.

"Yes Kalem! Give me one please." Riolu begged and took one piece from my plate.

"I didn't say yes..." I uttered with an expressionless face.

"Why did you ask then?" Riolu queried as he took another piece.

"Hey that was your second one Riolu!" I uttered with frustration.

"Now it's my third!" Riolu giggled as he took another piece from my plate.


Hours of excitement on the plaza, games, food, and a whole lot more! A perfect opportunity to defeat boredom while waiting for the clock to turn five.

At around five in the evening, we were asked to gather in the center of the plaza. Both people and Pokemon joyfully walked towards the plaza. A special performance was conducted by Sean and his other men. Zo said that they hired them to defeat boredom until six pm.

Sean and his men started to dance and entertain the crowd. Everybody was amused except for Zhery and Camellia of course. She couldn't bear to watch his cousin dancing with his other friends. The coach also joined in some time later.

"We would like to thank Sean and his team for that amazing per-" Zo's words were interrupted by a sudden flare from the sky.

"Performance..." Zo finished slowly as everybody turned their heads up.

<En!>The Pokemon uttered as it swiftly entered the shrine.

The citizens and my friends became extremely excited. All of us rushed towards the second shrine. On the center of the shrine, we saw Entei staring at us as the wild Pokemons hopped and played around his fur. Entei looked majestic, Entei has wide glaring eyes, a long furry mustache, and a star on its forehead. His fur was like those of a Mamoswine and Swinub.

"Aha! It's Entei." Camellia beamed with determination as she took out her notebook and pencil. The people were excited to meet Entei, they rushed towards the volcano Pokemon and greeted him. The children rode and slid down Entei's fur, while the adults touched his fur. Legends say, that if you touch Entei's fur... you'll be granted with happiness and joy for the whole year, but that's just a legend.

Camellia sat at a corner and leaned her head across the wall. She began to observe and examine Entei. She also started to draw Entei's embodiment with the children riding his back.

"Entei... loves to play with little children," Camellia uttered as she wrote down some of her observations. Entei licked the children's face and smiled at them. Me, Glade, and Zhery were too old to play like children, even if we wanted to. We took pictures of the volcano Pokemon as it played with the children. Entei looked at his surroundings and saw Camellia looking and trying to draw him. Entei was curious about the girl, and hence came forth to her swiftly.

"Ah!?" Camellia uttered with shock as her body began to shiver with fear. She dropped her notebook and pencil as Entei stared unto her soul.

<En! Entei!>The Pokemon shook his body. A small pearl dropped out of Entei's thick fur. Camellia was frozen in fear but Entei laid beside her and licked her face as he rolled the pearl to Camellia.

"I... Is this for me?" Camellia questioned.

<En! Entei!>Entei smiled and nodded his head.

"No way! That's the pearl of fire, according to legends, the pearl of fire is the most rarest gem ever seen to mankind. It has the power to boost fire type attacks by about 79%" Zo uttered with shock.

"P... Pearl of fire, th..thank you Entei." Camellia smiled and placed the pearl in her pocket.

<En!>The Pokemon leaned forwards and smiled at Camellia.

"Hey Camellia, I think Entei wants you to touch his fur." I hunched.

"I... Is that true Entei?"

<Entei!>Entei nodded his head. Camellia's hand began to shiver as she slowly placed her hand on Entei. Entei moved his head forwards until it could meet with Camellia's hand.

"Entei's fur... it's fluffy." Camellia smiled as her worries and fear disappeared.

<Entei! En!>Entei began to rush outside the shrine. He enlightened the torch above the shrine, and flew went back to his region, the Johto region. Everybody rushed outside to see Entei's flame glow brightly across the night sky.

Camellia was shocked, she opened her hand and saw tidbits of Entei's fur. She grabbed her bag quickly and placed the fur on a small capsule.

"I guess Entei and you have a strong bond already." Zhery smiled and lifted Camellia up from the floor she was sitting on.

"I wonder why it gave me the pearl of fire, now I am eager to research more about this pearl," Camellia uttered softly while looking at the pearl. Her reflection can be seen on the lustrous pearl, it was shiny indeed, and bears the power of the volcanoes.

"Hey, why don't we go out and take a look at Entei's flame?" I questioned and suggested.

We helped Camellia fix her things, her notebook, and her pencil. We went out of the shrine and saw the flame burning across the night sky. It gave vibrance and elegance to the twilight darkness. I felt a sudden joy in my heart, something I have never felt before. I can't explain it, but it felt tingly and exciting. The flame ignited our hearts within.

Entei reminds us, the importance of igniting the happiness within, a happiness found only deep in our hearts, a happiness filled with passion, love, and enthusiasm. That is what I felt while watching the flames burn. True happiness...

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