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8.1% pokemon fanfiction / Chapter 3: ash and lillie chapters 8-11

Chapter 3: ash and lillie chapters 8-11

Chapter 8

 Walking towards the store, Lillie was already beginning to regret this. This wasn't even her idea, nor was it something that came naturally. She cursed Mallow for putting her here, even though all it was, was just a couple of friends going out to shop. She'd done it with Ash before, with the other two girls of course. But this time felt different.

"So Ash, what do you think of Alola?" She asked him, trying to not make their trip an awkward silent one.

"Awesome!" He answered excitedly. "There's so much Pokemon that I've never seen before." That was the usual thing about him, he always was talking about Pokemon. She figured that made enough sense, he did say that being a Pokemon master was his dream.

"That's nice Ash. I'm glad that we can provide." Admittedly, she hoped he had something else to say, even though she loved talking about Pokemon with him. It certainly was her favorite topic.

"Oh and you guys of course!" He added.

"What?" She was confused, he never talked about that before.

"You know what I'm talking about. I mean Kiawe, Sophocles, Mallow, Lana, Professor Kukui, and you of course."

"Oh, well of course, but that's because we're friends." She replied.

"It's more than that." He stopped them, a fair distance from their destination. Surrounding them, were the many residents of the island. Each going about their day with the friends, family, and Pokemon. He directed her vision to a couple of trainers, standing together discussing something unknown to them. They each had z-rings, a clear sign of them going for island trials.

"I don't understand." She asked, "Looks like some trainers are going on a journey. We've gotten plenty of them lately."

"Exactly, just like I've done though countless regions by now." He responded, as Pikachu jumped up onto his shoulder. "I'm certainly glad for the people, and Pokemon, that I've met along the way. There's so many I can call friends now."

"Oh, like us." She thought she understood what he meant. That they're friends, just like the many others that he's met and journeyed with.

"But it's different now." He continued. "Before, I planned on going out into the world alone." Alone? She wondered. That didn't sound like something he would do. "Because when I first set foot there, I was usually on my own. I didn't know anyone there, and things went differently. It could've stayed that way. This was different for her, why was he telling her this now of all times?

"So that's what makes us different, because you knew us before you enrolled at the school?"

"Yep! You guys are part of the reason I'm going to the school in the first place."

"If you didn't meet us, would you just go home after your vacation?"

"No. I'd probably be like one of those trainers you see there. I might even be friends with someone completely different."

"Then why stay here then. If you could've easily just gone on another journey?"

"For you." His answer stopped time for her, what did he mean by that?

"Me!" She screamed suddenly, scaring him and knocking him backwards.

"And the others." He finished his sentence. Laughing a little at her overreaction. She looked away from him in embarrassment.

"I-I knew that!" She countered in a desperate attempt to deflect. "You really think we're that special?"

"Yeah." He answered, standing back up and dusting himself. "I'm glad we got a chance to meet." They continued their short walk to enter the store. As with the rest of the mall, the store was filled with plenty of girls searching for new outfits. Ash stood out among the crowd, being the only boy there. Of course, he wasn't there to shop for himself.

"Wow, it's really packed today." She told him as they tried to worm their way through the sea of people.

"You're telling me, I don't think I've ever seen this many people in one room before." He replied. They worked their way in, being polite and patient. After some time, they were able to claim a small corner in the store, by a rack of skirts and a few blouses on the shelves.

"Finally." She sighed in relief. But before she could relax, Ash asked her a question she didn't have an answer to.

"So why are you looking for some new clothes?" He said, wondering why she would need anything new, especially since they had already gone shopping with the other girls.

"Oh, um, I." She struggled to find the words. Because she didn't have a reason to look for clothes. In fact, from the moment she stepped in the mall. There wasn't an inkling of an idea of what was going to happen in her mind. "I have an event coming up!" She answered in the best way she could.

"Really?! Wow, am I invited?" He had a look of joy on his face at the prospect of being at what he thought would be a fun party.

"Oh no, it's uh. It's just a boring meeting type deal. Y-you know, at the mansion." Trying to come up with an excuse to keep him from asking more questions.

"Aww. That's too bad." Which seemed to work. "You gotta tell me about this stuff sooner though. I'd love to help you out."

"Help me? Oh you've already done so much." She turned away to pretend to look for clothes for the so-called 'event'.

"Well I don't mind it, even if it's just for shopping."

"I thought you didn't like shopping?" She asked, confused at his response.

"You noticed huh?" He replied wryly. "It's not really my thing."

"I guess we did have to drag you into that." She picked up a dress that looked like it'd fit for a formal event. She showed it off to him, where he gave his approval.

"They'll love it." He complimented. "You know, I think if I had to pick one person I'd have to go shopping with. It'd be you." She paused for a moment, waiting for him to finish his comment. But his continued silence proved that was all he had to say.

"Me?" She asked, slightly flustered, though keeping her composure. "What's wrong with everyone else?" Hoping that there wasn't any negativity he had to say about anyone else.

"Nothing. It's just that I think you're special." She blushed at the compliment, using the dress she was holding to subtly hide it from him. "I mean, with Kiawe it's always about getting stronger. Or with Mallow it's about new recipes." He started. "I guess it does sound like I'm ranting about the others, but it's not like I dislike any of that stuff. It's that when I'm with you, there's just so much we can talk about."

"You really think that?" She was flattered, she didn't realize how close the two had become. Maybe that's why she felt this way about him, but did he feel the same? "Like what?"

"Well you're the only one that's ever heard about my past journeys and I love hearing what you know about taking care of Pokemon." He started, but she was able to continue. Walking towards him, she said.

"Of course, I love hearing about the crazy ways you won battles, and I'm grateful for all the help you've done for me about my problem." They listed more and more things that they loved discussing with each other. Before they knew it, they were inches away from the other's face. Snapping back to reality. She suddenly stepped back, trying to regain her composure, but heart beating fast. He also seemed a bit flustered, but she was unsure if that was just her eyes playing tricks on her. "I should try this on." Trying to get back on track. Their Pokemon looked up at them in confusion.

"Right, go ahead." She sneaked her way through the crowd to, luckily, find an empty stall. Once inside, she stopped to calm herself down. Taking a deep breath, she knew that she couldn't take it from him much longer. "I need to tell him, but how?" She looked at the dress she held, it was rather beautiful. No wonder he liked it. That's when she came up with an idea. If she could 'wow' him, maybe that might be enough to convince him. From the sounds of it, he already enjoyed his company. At least, from her point of view.

Getting into the dress, she looked at herself in the mirror. A bit on the simple side, but it did speak to her style. Thinking carefully, she undid her hair. Letting it fall down her shoulders. Hoping that he might prefer it that way. Grabbing the handle, her heart skipped a beat. Knowing that she only had one shot at this. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped out...

Chapter 9

Her eyes closed, heart beating hard. Lillie stepped out from the changing room. In her mind, time slowed. Silence around here, even with the bustling crowd. Though many were going about their business, quite a few took notice of her stunning appearance. Wearing a red evening dress, fitting snug onto her body. A few boys certainly enjoyed it, but there was only one that she wanted to impress the most.

"Wow..." She heard a voice say, knowing who it was, she slowly opened one eye. There she saw Ash staring at her, with clear glowing approval from his eyes. Gaining a little confidence, she opened both her eyes.

"So I take it that you like it?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Like it? I love it!" He replied with great enthusiasm. "I'm sure everyone else will love it too." She blushed from the praise. She knew that he was talking about her dress. But it filled her with warmth to hear her crush compliment her appearance.

"You really think so?" She asked, forgetting that her hold formal event was a lie.

"Of course!" He responded. Then he came up with an idea. "Wait a second, let me try something." He walked up to her and grabbed her hair.

"W-what are you doing, Ash?!" She was in shock at how close he was. Adjusting her hair, touching her. She felt her body heat up instantly and her fair pale skin clearly reddened. She hoped that he wouldn't notice, but she couldn't control herself.

"Don't worry." He assured her she was in good hands. "I'm not an expert, but you learn a few things when you travel with coordinators and performers." She calmed down, only just a little, and let him do his work. She didn't look, partially because she wanted to be surprised at what he was going to do. It also was because she didn't want to think of him touching her like this. "And... done!" He finished, pulling her to a nearby mirror. "What do you think?"

"Wow..." She was impressed. He did up her hair, making her seem much more mature. Like she was really about to go to a ball. "I love it!" Smiling at him, she realized that maybe she should tell him soon.

"Thanks, it's nothing really." He replied modestly. "I think you'd look wonderful if you went either way, to be honest." She blushed, did he think that she was... cute?

"Oh, um." She struggled to gather the words from being caught off guard. She looked away from him to hide her newfound shade of red. "T-thanks."

"No problem." He said, completely unaware of her strange behavior. "With this, I'm sure you'll do great! Right Pikachu?"

"Pika-pika!" His Pokemon responded affirmatively. Lillie's Vulpix nodded along in agreement. Even though it wasn't aware of any formal event being planned by her household.

"R-right!" She answered in confidence, despite knowing that nothing of the sort was even happening.

"Awesome! Then I guess we're picking this one then?" He asked, partially wanting to leave the crowded store. "If we got some extra time maybe we can grab some of the ice cream they got here." He offered, remembering when he had gone with Sophocles some time ago.

"Ice cream?" She wondered, was he asking her on a date. No that's just silly she thought. It was just her imagination just playing tricks on her. Right?

"Yeah, I don't know if you've had it, but it's great!" He answered her question, unaware of what was really on her mind. Pikachu danced excitedly at the thought of enjoying some of that ice cream. But to her, this might've been the time to act.

"Say Ash..." She got his attention. He looked at her, confused. Even one as ignorant as him, could see that there was something different about the way she was acting in this very moment. "What do you think of spending time with me?" She asked, her heart beating heavily. She wanted to straight out ask him what he felt. But those words wouldn't come out. Instead, maybe an indirect approach might work. Then again, it is Ash she's talking about.

"Lillie what's gotten into you?" He asked.

"A-answer the question please." Being more assertive, but her confidence, or lack thereof, betrayed her.

"Of course I enjoy spending time with you. I hope that you didn't think otherwise." He replied truthfully.

"Did you ever think that time was a little special?"

"Special? I guess I never really gave it that much thought." Hand under chin, he thought about it. Trying to decipher what she was meaning.

"I-I see." She replied in defeat. A single tear rolling down her cheek. He may not have outright said it, but to her. His answer was clear. Without thinking, she ran back into her changing room.

"Lillie! What's wrong..." He tried to stop her, but she got in before he could say anything else. It's not as though he could follow her. So he had no choice but to wait. Inside, she sat there. Unable to contain the tears.

Chapter 10

She sat there, quietly sobbing to herself. Sure it might've seemed like a bit much to some. Of course, he didn't outright reject her. But he might as well have to her, seeing as she's just a "friend" to her. While sitting there, her Alolan Vulpix walked under the door to her, checking to see what was wrong.

"Oh Snowy..." She wiped her tears. It made her feel a little better having her Pokemon comforting her. Picking it up she snuggled their cheeks together. "Oh, thanks for being here." She was grateful to be able to call it her Pokemon partner. Remembering the time she spent caring for it as an egg and getting over her fear of touching Pokemon, even if it was only the one she raised.

Looking at her Pokemon, lillie  came to a realization. That even though it was hard, she was able to break through her fears to protect the ones she loved. That included Ash, and all her friends. He'd never given up on her, and she shouldn't give up on him. Not until she's been honest about her feelings for him.

"It's settled then, I'm going to tell him right..." But just then, she was interrupted by yelling coming from outside the dressing room. She rushed out, to see what the commotion was. There was a familiar sight.

"Team rocket!" Ash yelled as he chased after them. With the Rockets having Piakchu in tow.

"Oh no. Snowy let's go." She commanded as they ran after them. Catching up to Ash, he explained that while waiting, two strangers asked him if he wanted to let Pikachu try on some clothes. He never imagined them to be Team Rocket.

"I don't know how they do that."

"Yeah I know." Unfortunately for her, she didn't get the chance to change out of her red dress, so it was a little hard to keep up with them.

"Ah it seems our twerp is joined with one of those twerpettes." James told the other two.

"Well, what's another. We've already got the Pikachu in the bag. Now it's time to make our escape." Meowth gave his unconcerned opinion.

"But what's with that dress she's wearing?" Jesse noticed her outfit. "I bet I could pull that ten times better than her." 1

"Now's not the time to be getting into a fashion contest."

"Ash, was Pikachu the only Pokemon they nabbed?" lillie  asked as they tried their best to keep up.

"Wait, no they didn't." He grabbed his backpack to reveal his sleeping Rowlet. "Come on Rowlet I need you." But he failed to awake his Pokemon.

"I don't think we can rely on it right now." She gave a nervous reply. While they were trying to come up with a plan. Team Rocket reached their escape plan. Jumping into their famous air balloon, they quickly took off to the sky.

"Oh no, they're getting away." The Rockets taunted the two, believing themselves to have won. But their battle wasn't over yet.

"Steenee, use razor leaf." The attack came seemingly from nowhere. Connecting with their balloon and causing damage.

"Oh please, not another one." Jesse yelled out in frustration.

"Mallow." lillie  was happy to see her friend, along with the professor.

"Are you guys okay?" Kukui asked, to ensure the safety of his student.

"We're okay, but they got Pikachu." Ash told them.

"Well we can on that one. But uh, lillie , why are you wearing that?" The other two stared at her in her unusual outfit. She blushed from the unwanted attention.

"It's not important right now. Let's just get Pikachu back." Wanting to get out of this awkward position.

"Actually, speaking of, how did it go with Ash and the whole..." She was stopped as lillie  pounced, covering her mouth.

"I said let's focus on Pikachu!"

"I'm guessing that you haven't told him yet." Kukui laughed.

"Told me what, I feel like you guys know something I don't." Ash looked at them confused. Turning their attention back to the problem at hand. Mallow brought back the offensive, having Steenee hit them with another razor leaf. This time, the attack cut off one of the strings holding their basket.

"Hey watch it twerps." Jessed yelled at them. "Wobbuffet use counter." Using the counter, it repealed the rest of the attack straight back at them.

"Ash watch out." lillie  instinctively tackled him out of the way from the blast. Lying on top of him, she took another look at him. Remembering what she resolved to do in the dressing room. Right now, she needs to do what it takes to protect the ones she loves. She stood up, standing tall against the Rockets.

Look there, one of the twerkettes is standing up." Meowth commented.

"You there, what's with that fancy getup?" Jesse was still muffed looking at her with that on.

"I wore this because I thought this might help me be more confident. But I realize now that the only confidence I need is from the people I care about. And more importantly, to protect them. I need to be honest about my feelings."

"We've got no time for some monologue." Meowth cut in. "Keep it to 20 words or less here."

"I need to save Pikachu because Ash loves it. And because... because, I love Ash!

Chapter 11

"Ah, well I really wasn't expecting that to come out now." Kukui, along with Mallow, stood in shock at her confession.

"What did she just say!" Jesse was taken aback.

"I think she just announced her undying love for that twerp over there." Meowth answered.

"Oh to be young and in love." James was in tears over her confession. 1

"Oi, now's not the time to be going all lovey dovey over there."

"Now, Snowy, use powder snow. and aim right over there heads." Her Pokemon followed her command, sending out a flurry of snow. The Rockets ducked down for cover.

"Ha, looks like you've missed." They sneered, but their celebration was premature as they noticed their balloon was losing altitude.

"All right, she froze their engine, now there's no hot air in that balloon." Mallow praised the plan. As they declined, the kids and Kukui ran towards their landing point. They found themselves near the shopping entrance, right as Team Rocket touched ground.

"Okay, now it's time you give Pikachu back." Ash yelled at them, ready for a battle.

"Ha, if you want it back, then you're gonna have to fight for it." Jesse taunted them. However, before any fighting could commence, they were interrupted by a slam sound behind them. Fearful of what they were expecting, the trio slowly turned around.

As what had become standard practice at this point, there stood Bewear. The Pokemon that had taken in the Rockets for some reason. As usual, it grabbed them up in its arms, leaving behind Pikachu, still trapped in the net.

"Why are you always coming at the worst times." Jesse complained at it in a futile effort of getting out.

"Well I guess it's time for it again."James replied, resigned to their fate.

"The Rockets are off with a new blast!" They said in unison as Bewear jumped off, out of sight for everyone else. Standing there for a moment, dumbstruck at the events that had just unfolded. Getting their focus back, Ash ran up to get his Pikachu out of its prison.

"Pikachu!" He hugged his Pokemon excitedly after what had become rather usual on his journey. The rest looked on, happy for the reunion. Mallow, however, also didn't forget what lillie  said, pushing her friend forward to talk to Ash. Lillie wanted to protest, but Mallow wasn't allowing her the chance.

"A-ash..." She meekly said, a far cry from her forceful nature just moments ago.

"Oh thanks Lillie, what you did back there was awesome." He cut her off, clearly too happy to worry about what had been said earlier.

"Ash I really like you!" she said, bursting with embarrassment over her words immediately. He stood still, Pikachu in his arms, not saying anything. "I've liked you for a while now because you've always been there for me, and always kept me up from I felt down..." She probably stood there for a few minutes listing out why.

When she was finished, she stood there before him. Trembling from her emotional outburst, her short breaths giving away her nervousness. The moments with Ash not saying a word felt like an eternity. Then, he moved, the others looking on, wondering what was about to happen.

He held up Pikachu to her. Lillie didn't understand what was going on. In a flash, his Pokemon leap from his hands towards her. Instinctively, lillie  caught it. Holding Pikachu close to her body.

"I can't believe it. Lillie you're touching a Pokemon." Mallow expressed surprise at what was going on. She looked at Pikachu, holding it tightly now.

"I-I am. I really am." She was filled with joy from this moment.

"Yeah it looks like you really did it Lillie." Ash's talking got her attention back to him. "And it looks like Pikachu really really likes you." He smiled at her. ""Because I really like you too."

"Huh?" She had no time to process that statement before Ash followed his Pokemon's lead, giving her a tight embrace.

"I'll always be there when you get down, or when you need help." He told her. "No matter what." She smiled.

"Ash, I'll always be there for the people I love and care about. Especially you." She returned his embrace, with a warm feeling

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