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Chapter 2: System Shenanigans, Christmas Cake, and Goth Girls? Oh My! (Rewritten)


I opened my eyes, my eyelids(?) still heavy with tiredness.

Though, that tiredness was short-lived, as when I finally let my eyes drift through my surroundings, a familiar sound rang through my ears.


[Please Create Your Appearance]

There was a Bright Orange and white box, flashing across my vision, eerily similar to the Bag UI from Pokemon Sword & Shield.

Not wanting to wait, I did exactly what it wanted me to do.




After what felt like hours, I was done.

I kept my brown hair and black eyes, but made my chin a smidge smaller, and made my eyes a tick wider.

I definitely edited my nose, making it sharper. I broke it twice when I was a kid, so I was essentially fixing the damage.

I had essentially created my own face, but because of how clanky the screen was, it took way longer than normal.

After I hit [Confirm], another screen appeared. It was a simple flat pink with a fancy outline decorated with… hearts?

"I thought this was for a System Intelligence… not a dating sim…" I muttered awkwardly.

After tapping the [Continue] button, a panel opened in front of me.

"Hmm… for a System Intelligence, they would be essentially joined at the hip, so I would rather hear a girl speak than some random dude…" I muttered out loud.

I typed those into the open tab.

There were several options and traits, some that I would use, others I didn't even know about, and some… dangerous ones.

I specifically chose Compassionate, but there were two empty spaces, and I wasn't sure what to pick.

"Hmm… Huh? What's this?" I spotted a small button that wasn't there before. It read [Roll RANDOM Traits?]

Do I click it?


I smashed the button, or, well… imagined myself pressing the button because I was still a speck of light at this point. It worked!







2 Traits gained!:


Inserting Traits…





Creating Personality…

"Host… User… Alex… Buddy… Love… Honey… Darling~"

Personality Creation Finished!


[Hello, Darling~] A suave and feminine voice spoke from the back of my mind. "Uh… Hi?" I greeted back rather awkwardly, the fusion of a system to my brain being somewhat Jarring, leaving me a little shaken.

"Sooooo… what now?" I asked the disembodied voice. She chuckled, [Well Darling, now you wake up! This'll be a bit disorienting, but I know you can do it, Darling!]

"Wha-" I twitched in pain, my sense of self slowly slipping from my grasp. My undefended mind could only watch as I was engulfed by a brightness that pierced even the sight of my soul.

I felt myself drift into nothingness.

Slow, yet Fast.


Blinding White.

Blinding Light.

Time and Space Bending at impossible angles.

The Souls of Many The Souls Of One.



Awaken, Young one.


I groaned, sitting up from the comfy bed, wiping the crust from my eyes. I scanned the room nonchalantly before my Brain finally decided to catch up.

'Well damn, that really happened?' I thought to myself, the hope of it all being a dream falling through my grasp like grains of sand. I couldn't help but feel like I forgot something… important.

But what was it?

I was sitting in a bed. A bunk bed to be precise. It was spacious for a bedroom until I spotted the other Bunk beds pushed up against the walls. The room was empty, save for the currently still-asleep Ralts.

'But… who am I-... Alex. Yeah, that's my name…' The new memories helpfully provided my name, and what I've been up to before I was woken up from my… what would I even call it?

…Meh, It's not that important.

I hopped off the bed, the fact that I was now five years old becoming very apparent if my short arms and small hands have anything to say about it. Turning to my companion, I began to shake her awake.

"Hey, Rem. Rem! Wake up!" I spoke, rapidly shaking her. This was Rem, a Ralts that hatched only a few days ago. Even before I 'woke up' Old-Alex liked to always have the Egg near him, so that's probably why ever since she hatched, she's been glued to my hip.

It's actually incredibly adorable. If you can get over the stalker-like habits that is.

"Ralts…" She complained tiredly. I sighed, before grabbing her under the arms and propping her up in my grasp. She straightened up like an iron rod, "R-Ralts!" she exclaimed in surprise.

"What?" I asked. She looked at me, her face beet red in embarrassment. "Oh, don't look at me like that Rem. You won't wake up if I don't do this!"

She stiffened for a small moment, but it was prominent enough for my slow lizard brain to notice. She glared in the direction of the door.

It opened with a click, and standing there in short stature was a Girl that often followed me around. She was, for a lack of a better word, my only friend that I could consider a friend by [REDACTED]'s standards, or Past-Life-Me.

Before I became Alex, I wasn't the most… Trusting of people. The only people I would spill any secret to would be my brother and our mutual best-friend Jenny Walemoor. She was on the taller side, toeing the line at 6'5, and wore her bright blue-dyed hair in two ponytails.

Hex was her name. She had long black hair that reached to her back, ending just above her but, with ominous lavender eyes that could stare into your soul and steal every secret for the world to see.

She wasn't an Orphan Like I was, often visiting here with her mother who would help out every other day.

Her full name was Hex Annesley.

And she was my Stalker. At least, not that Past-Alex knew. I do know now, however, as my memory was already incredibly good, but with the merger, it could now be considered Eidetic Memory.

Given the fact those memories could be considered fresh because of when I acquired them, I could consistently spot Hex in the background watching, waiting for a good time to join in on the fun.

…God that sounded weird.

"Hey Alex!" Hex greeted me with an abundance of energy. I flinched from her voice, my ears still sensitive from the merger. As if she could sense my distress, she tilted her head in confusion. "What's wrong Alex?" She asked.

Rem was looking as concerned, if not more than Alex, sensing my jumbled emotions. I gave them a smile, a fake one that I often used when dealing with the general, "I'm fine girls… Just-... It was just a bad dream." I let out a small chuckle.

While Hex took that at face value, Rem was obviously quite aware of my lie. I gave her a look, 'I'll tell you later'. She nodded, going back to glaring at Hex.

"So, what is it Hex?" I asked her. She looked like she was about to say something, but was interrupted when her mother walked into the room. "She came here to remind you that breakfast was ready. And to see if you were fine. Heard you had a pretty nasty fall yesterday kid. Are you sure you're alright?"

I nodded, giving her my best smile. The heat emanating from Hex's and Rem's faces could rival Groudon itself!

The older woman snorted in amusement. "Well then, hop on down to the cafeteria, breakfast is done. I whipped up some of your favorites!" She added, a Cheshire smile on her motherly face.

If I was still twenty, I would've blushed, and probably popped a tent from her over-familiarity, but because I'm still overwhelmed, and the fact I'm fucking five, I didn't react.

That, and she's married. She may be a hot piece of Christmas Cake, but the worst type of fetish is Netori and NTR. I spot anyone pulling that shit, they get the beatdown of a lifetime!

I chucked, "Yeah I'll be down in a second Ms.Anne!"

She sighed, "How many times do I have to tell you, call me Aunt Anne! Just be down before my little girl eats all the eggs, alright?" The 'Little Girl' in question blushed in embarrassment. "Hey!"

She picked her up in her arms, before walking away. Hex let out a small "bye!" before they vanished from view.

I placed Rem back onto the bed, looking her in the eyes. "Rem?" She stared back attentively. "I think I'm a Psychic." Her eyes widened in surprise.

I knew I couldn't outright lie to her, as she would know, but what the Gardevoir evolution tree can't detect are half-truths. I'm going to use that to my advantage!

"I think I got it when I hit my head after I tripped down the stairs… but it's… Weird? It's a lot like that purple thing that surrounds you when you get angry, I think…" I said with uncertainty. I was trying my best to act as a child would, but…

It scared me that it was coming out so naturally. I could feel my mental age slowly becoming younger, as I had a harder time keeping myself from constantly shifting my attention to different parts of the room, interest oozing from small parts of my mind.

It seemed that my ADD followed me across reality too. Drats.

Rem lifted one of her short arms, an Aura of blue and purple, constantly shifting, enveloping the appendage.

I did the same, surrounding my hand in a kaleidoscope of Blue and Purple energy.

I didn't notice at the time as my brain was enamored by something I used to consider supernatural, but Rem's eyes glinted with a dangerous light, a sickeningly sweet smile etching itself onto her face.




It was now 10:32 at night, and I was sitting in the bathroom for privacy. I slipped out of the covers, Rem frowning at the lack of warmth. She cracked an eye open, full of annoyance. I gave her the bathroom excuse, and she grunted, turning back to sleep.

I sat on a closed toilet, clearing my mind. It was something I learned in college. It helped during exams…

[Hmph! Took you long enough Darling!] She grouched. I rolled my eyes, "Well, sorry about that. I was too overwhelmed from that you know." I said, slightly annoyed.

[Don't be like that Darling! I-]

"Miia." I interrupted.


"That'll be your name from now on. I decided on it after Lunch earlier today."

She let out a series of noises that I couldn't only describe as a cross between a contented sigh and a muted and throaty moan. If she had a face, I think it would be completely red all the way down to the neck.

[Ahn~ Darling named me~!] She giggled pervertedly.

…Oh good lord. "A-ahahaha…" I laughed awkwardly. Her giggles sent a chill down my spine, and it wasn't the good kind. It was the 'Make sure to never tell her your address' kind of chill.

"Well, I just wanted to say nice to meet you Miia, I'm Alex." Not like I could give her my old name. I can't remember it for some reason. Probably taken as compensation by that Paul guy.

[Nice to meet you too Darling~ I hope we'll be happy together, fufufu~]

…I don't like that giggle one damn bit. It intimidates me.

"...Moving on. What does the System have, Miia?" I queried.

She didn't respond for a second until a semi-Transparent Screen filled my vision.

It was… oddly reminiscent of the UI from the Sword & Shield games.

…Odd. Why do I feel like I've said that before?

[Darling! I'm here to give you a rundown of everything your lovely Miia has to offer!]

"Wait, before you start, can you take commands through thoughts as well Miia?"

She gave me something I could only interpret as the mental equivalent of a nod.

[Yes, I can. Anyways, Onto your Systems Features!

First, we have the Wiki Tab. It's chock-full of information about every discovered and undiscovered Pokemon in existence! It has every typing and its disadvantages, every Known and Unknown branch of evolutions, their habitats, and even their Favorite Foods!

Next is the Internet Tab. I think it speaks for itself. Just a reminder, you cannot interact with anyone on a personal level. Subscriptions for services are fine, however.

And finally, the Gacha tab.]

I felt a shiver go down my spine, the trauma of endless deserts filled with salt plaguing my mind.

[The Gacha is one of the more… interesting functions of your system. The Agent didn't just hook you up to the omniverse, but with enough luck, you could get your hands on something like the WORM CYOA or Jumpchain.]

My mind screeched to a halt. "W-...What?" I'm sorry, I can what?! That's bullshit legendary tier stuff!

[Darling, you're being a little loud…]

"Ah, sorry about that…" I apologized, scratching my cheek awkwardly.

[It's fineee] she waved it off, [I like it when you ramble, you know?]

…I want to crawl in a hole and die.

[Ah! One last thing. There is a Sub-Tab in the Wiki section labeled 'Party'. It's where the Leveling function of your system comes into place, along with an Inventory. You can also connect it to a bag, when we get around to that, that is.]


"Hey Miia? Do you know how Rem unlocked Psyra*?" I asked, because I'm pretty sure I haven't received a pill yet.

[Hmm… give me a second Darling.]




[Ano- Darling?]

'Hm?' I acknowledged her mentally.

[I looked through your memories, and it seems that Paul decided it would be a good idea to directly add the pill into her food, a day after she hatched. It popped into existence some feet above her food before she began to eat.]

I was extremely confused. Why didn't she avoid it?

'Why didn't she avoid it Miia?'

[Apparently, the pill was created to be irresistible to psychic pokemon. As the only psychic pokemon in the entire orphanage, she chomped it down without hesitation.]


[So as far as Rem knows, it was something she's had since birth.]

'Oh…' I turned to face Rem, who was softly snoring and… drooling on my arm, holding onto it like a Komala.

I sighed.

'Good night, Miia.'

She chuckled, [Good night Darling. I hope you dream of me~]

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance before the weight of my eyelids grew heavier by the second before I ultimately landed in the grasp of sleep.


"The boy has arrived safely, my Lord." Palkia grunted, staring at his creator.

"Good." He responded with authority. "As far as we know, his involvement will be instrumental in the coming calamity."

"But My Lord!"

"No, Palkia. We both know I can no longer interfere with the world below. It is up to him to prevent our mistakes of old from becoming any more of a problem. Your brother is doing his best to keep them at bay. Are we clear?"

Palkia sighed, "Yes, milord."

Arceus directed him to go back to his post, the only thing on his mind being a question.

'Who is this Alex boy? And why is Milord so adamant on him staying?'



Hey, Dumby here!

It took a while, but I'm back in action!

I spent most of my time working on new chapters for my book 'Gears N' Grinding', but as I've reached a reasonable 15k words on that one, I'm now focusing on Revamping this one.

I've got a story in mind. Which may or may not include world-traveling shenanigans.


*: Thank you for the name recommendation ElpatzoLoco!

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