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Chapter 51: Answers

"Ready!" I shouted through gritted teeth, not seeing any point in delaying the inevitable.

A huge force threw me off the mountain, the hang glider flew smoothly riding the wind.

I familiarized myself with basic manoeuvres, as the Xatu said, it was indeed like riding a bicycle but with the handle rotating up and down for vertical movement.

"Awesome!" I roared along with the wind, the feeling of being in control and free doing wonders for my mood.

As I was cruising in the sky keeping an eye out for the objects I had to collect, I felt a stream of wind above me.

'Is it what they call Jet streams? Or did an elite create that? ' I wondered, before deciding to fly into one to increase my speed.

I flew up ignoring the wind around me, which was picking up in speed, just when I touched the border of the jet stream, my speed multiplied exponentially.

The speed was great but so was the turbulence. As I was fighting the currents of the stream to keep the glider stable, I sped past a red floating object making me curse.

I ignored the stability of the glider and fully concentrated on keeping an eye out for the objects, not caring as the wind played with me, making the glider follow an erratic path.

As long as the direction didn't get reversed, I will reach the destination.

I finally spotted another red object in the distance, prompting me to angle the glider downward at a 30-degree angle, causing me to be forcefully ejected from the stream. 

'Hmm! I thought the wind would fight me more and I think it was supposed to.' I was surprised as I thought the erratic wind wouldn't let me leave or even angle the hang glider for that matter.

As I came near the object it floated towards me and attached itself to the back of the hang glider.

'Here I thought I would have to waste some time in trying to catch it.' 

I was happy with the convenient auto-collection feature of the glider.

5 stars, will try again.*cough*

I re-entered the jet stream, using it to cover the distance between the floating objects faster.

Something was wiggling at the back of my mind regarding the ease I was darting in and out of the jet stream.

But I attributed it to the elite shenanigans as the act of flying for the first time occupied my mind.

A still figure of Fearow entered my mind as the jet stream grew slow, the Pokemon was clutching a board that said, "round transition".

'Already, I think I only collected half a dozen objects.'

Before I could over my surprise, my hang glider got thrown towards a region with clustered hills as the jet stream picked up speed.

I tried veering the hang glider away from the downward path, but it felt like the wind clamped me tight steering the glider towards the set destination.

'I may not be far off the mark about wind clamping me, as an elite Fearow can do it after all.'

As I neared the clustered hills the jet stream sputtered out, abandoning me.

I manoeuvred around the cliff and protruding trees with ease, even surprising myself.

Just when I was thinking that I could get used to this, screeching sounds from behind made me crane my neck to find the source.

"You got to be kidding me!' I murmured and looked ahead.

A swarm of Spearows were following me, looking like they wanted to peck me to death.

I suddenly knew my destination as some psychic Pokemon 'kindly' transmitted its images and the way to it.

"Spea." The sound came from behind me, making me surprised at its proximity.

I craned my neck to see a Spearow pecking at the objects I collected.

I dived, increasing my speed, making the Spearow let out a surprised squawk.

"No cutsies go back to the line," I yelled at the agile Spearow, trying my best to not let the flying menaces surround me.

But they slowly gained on me and started pecking the objects and some even tried to peck the glider.

Noticing a gap between two large stones on a cliff that effectively formed a stone arch, I dived into it hoping it would act as a buffer.

The arc slowed most of the Spearows but some closed the distance between us using moves like Aerial Ace.

I searched around for something that could solve my predicament, weathering the attacks of the Spearows, thankfully they were only concentrating on the red objects behind the hang glider.

'There is my chance,' I cheered, looking at the water rushing down from a narrow cliff.

I took a final dive to gain speed and dashed into the waterfall.

As the waterfall obscured me, I took the chance and flew around the hill, using it as cover.

After flying under the cover of more hills, I finally lost the Spearows.

My destination finally came into my view- a meadow with a red circle showing my landing spot.

I levelled my altitude, panicking at the thought of landing the hang glider, but a far more important problem reared its head as I flew down to the level just above trees.

Green bullets flew at me making me perform the first barrel roll of my life.

A group of Gloom were aiming at me, prompting me to gain altitude.

I circled my landing spot, glaring at the group of Grass Pokemon.

They started firing whenever I dropped my altitude, making me curse.

"Fine" I muttered and flew away from the Meadow before doubling back.

But now I flew below the tree level entering the glade beside the meadow, away from the group of Gloom.

Thanking Celebi for the spacious glade, I broke into the meadow, flying 2 feet away from the ground.

I was closing into the landing area at an angle that made my glider act as a shield. As my glider weathered their attacks, I crashed into the landing area.

The glider grew more wheels from somewhere, so my landing was not bad, as I was anchored to the glider's roof I didn't get thrown off.

I was happy my plan worked, as I liked my body as it was. I didn't need new holes to shake things up.

The Xatu appeared before me in a mood mirroring mine.

"You exceeded my expectations, Leo. My fellow Skyfarers were skeptical about your chances of success. Most even bet that you won't escape the jet stream once you enter it. But you proved them wrong," she said giggling, covering her mouth with her wings as if her giggles were coming out of her mouth.

"Yeah! What was up with that? I thought it would be more difficult?" I questioned, checking my surroundings for the group of Gloom, straining against the harness of the hang glider.

The Xatu giggled once more before teleporting us.

We materialized atop a grassy plateau, overlooking a serene valley below.

"Now! Listen to me and ask your questions at the end, all your questions will be answered."

Xatu swished her wing and spoke in a serious tone.

"There were always humans who mimicked the abilities of beings such as me."

"Aura users, resonants, channels, mediums, shamans there are many names which they call themselves with. Some were born with them, and some earned them fighting alongside their companions such as myself."

"Some could burn anything, some had prodigious strength that bellied their size."

"Generally, Humans tend to have an affinity to Psychic energy. As evidenced by their innate ability to become sapient and some with exceptional affinity among your kind tend to awaken their abilities early. Like your friend, Celia. They call themselves Psychics and they are the most common among humans. It is easier to identify them because of their multitude of abilities."

"Now, your friends Amanda and Madlyn are called elementals. They have a prodigious affinity to fire and water respectively. Their abilities are straightforward as their affinity suggests."

"Elementals are the second most common among your kind. But don't mistake that for them being a common occurrence; born elementals, like your friends, are a hundred times rarer than born Psychics."

"As when you see the elements of nature, humans are the last thing they resemble after all."

"Yes, I am coming to you," Xatu smiled at me amusingly, interpreting my intense stare.

"You are much rarer than them. When I first met you, I thought you were an Anarch. But you are not any common anarch. But an…."

"Elemental Anarch." The Xatu spread its wings giving rise to a wave of air that ruffled the grass, Like I was supposed to know what that meant.

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