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35.34% Pokemon: A life worth living / Chapter 37: C037 - Hatching a construction crew

Chapter 37: C037 - Hatching a construction crew

"So, what brings you here this... uh, early?" Pete stammered out as he prepared a fruit/berry salad as breakfast for him, the pokemon and all his guests.

Pete had the chance to greet Buddy once they cleared the misunderstanding of Pete and Jasmine sharing the tent for other more adult reasons. Buddy was a friendly guy who had come back last night from a business trip to Hoenn for the families company.

Buddy was also the trainer of another Exeggutor, the son of Herbert's pokemon, as well as a Blastoise he had raised from an egg as a young child.

"Well, obviously, we wanted to see the magical tree and combine it with your delivery!" Herbert shouted from his position near the tree in question. His eyes were shining at the prospect of having such trees in the catalogue. He wasn't this excited for business in a long time.

"Uh, you got another delivery left then? Because I think you brought a few too many bags," Pete asked with a raised eyebrow as he stopped preparing the ingredients and looked up.

"Don't be dense, Pete. Obviously we brought a little extra since your method was proven to be feasible," Isabelle spoke with a snort from the little circle she had created with her two young daughters as they whispered about what happened and didn't happen last night. Both girls were blushing like crazy.

"Well, all these berries aren't ripe and could still be less effective than the berries grown on their original trees," Pete suggested with a shrug.

"Do you hate free stuff, Pete?" Buddy asked with a warm smile. His parents had already filled him in on Pete's modest personality.

"Nope, I'll take it all. Just letting you know that I don't promise anything. Bringing that stuff was your choice," Pete eventually said and got back to making breakfast.

The family and Pete kept talking and teasing each other when Pete looked to the cave where his pokemon decided to sleep. Solosis was up and spamming Heal Pulse on everyone as a form of training while the rest lounged around away from the sun in the cool cave. The only one not relaxing was Girafarig, who looked determined to learn the move Heal Pulse, too.

After breakfast, or rather brunch for the Feelgoods, Pete showed them around his future farm. Three hours later, they circled back almost to his farm and stopped at the place that Pete had designated as his future Berry Orchard.

Herbert and Buddy began taking out sapling after sapling from all the bags and piled on an astonishing three-hundred saplings of various berries and height. They even brought saplings for Mago, Occa, and Rindo Berries that Herbert didn't have in stock when they had made their initial deal

Pete had already told them earlier that he would take it and only raised an eye-brow. This was clearly many times more money than his initial deal with the family.

"Hey Golurk, Nidoking! Bring Sunkern with you and come on over," Pete shouted in the direction of the camp.

The three pokemon quickly arrived with Sunkern happily sitting on Golurk's giant hand. The rest of his pokemon had also followed along to see what would happen.

"Okay, guys. Our farm is still a little in the future, but we'll have to start somewhere. If you all help out, we'll be done in no time and can get to lunch," Pete addressed his pokemon.

"Golurk and Nidoking, I want you to dig holes appropriate for the roots of these saplings with distances between each other that I will show you. Everyone else, grab a few saplings and place them in the holes with the right sizes," Pete instructed with a warm smile.

Over twenty pokemon got to work, and with Golett's and Nidoking's meticulous work in creating the holes and filling them back up, they were done planting these hundreds of saplings in under an hour.

Pete then asked the Marills to water the plants as much as they could without drowning them or exhausting themselves completely and promised them their favorite berries as lunch in return.

All this happened under the calm but watchful gazes of two dozen Bellossoms and almost fifty Vileplumes, who had scared the crap out of Isabelle, Herbert, and Buddy. Seeing all these powerful pokemon at once really does awe regular inhabitants of this world.

"That went much faster than I thought," Isabelle concluded with an appreciative nod.

"Yeah, perks of being the trainer of so many smart pokemon, eh?" Buddy added with a small laugh. Having the ability, time, and knowledge to care for so many pokemon at once was a rarity in this world after all, and Pete was an odd one out with over twenty pokemon.

Pete got lucky, however, that most of his pokemon liked each other enough to care for one another, so he believed it wasn't his full credit. He gave most of the credit to Rapidash, who kept the 'family' happy, and it would be part of the truth.

"They'll grow up healthily, right? Are you gonna graft them to each other anyway?" Herbert asked casually, not really looking for even more free info.

"Hmm, yeah. Since there was no real rejection yet from the bud transplant, I was thinking of making a few trees that could hold berries from berry plants that have a shorter life like the small Rawst Berry bushes. It will all depend on whether the bud stays on the branch for a second berry to be honest, but I'll try out a whole bunch of combinations," Pete explained, fully in his element as the whole family looked at him with warm smiles.

As Pete stepped away from the last sapling he had placed in a hole himself, the Vileplume and Bellossom initiated their plan for sticking around for all of this.

With yet another combination 'attack', the grass pokemon once more blessed Pete's plants with the move Pete associated with 'Grassy Terrain'. The whole newly created orchard gained a green hue and though Pete couldn't see it, he knew that all his saplings took proper root in the new soil and most of them even gained a bit of height as they began growing ever so slowly.

Last time, the pokemon used their full focus on a single tree, so the changes were much more pronounced. But Pete wasn't discouraged. No, he felt all the more thankful toward the Vileplume tribe, who made the start of his farm so easy without prompt.

The Feelgoods didn't stay for lunch after this magical show that made Herbert almost plot to steal all these Vileplume or possibly at least move his company over in a softer approach. Maybe he would need to raise more grass pokemon? Herbert looked at his youngest daughter with narrowed eyes as he hatched yet another plan.

The family also took Jasmine with them because Buddy would go to Cianwood City with her to meet Numel. Betty Joy had come through for them and arranged for a meeting for the young gym-leader-to-be.

Herbert's Exeggutor, after dropping them back off at Violet City, would stay with Sophie, who had agreed to help Carl and Luna get to the construction site after eating lunch at home with her parents.

As Pete was making a gigantic pot of curry for lunch, every pokemon relaxing around him suddenly turned their heads towad the cave. Pete had heard it, too. The sound of an egg hatching. Finally, it was time once more for new pokemon.

As Pete got closer and set up the camera of the tablet to document this moment with a video call to Professor Elm, he noticed with delight that two eggs were once more hatching at the same time.

Surprisingly, however, the eggs that were hatching weren't the Snivy, Trapinch, or Klink eggs, which were kept in the snuggly warm incubators. No, both Timburr eggs were hatching at the same time, just like with the two Minccino.

Golurk brought over a basin filled with fresh water and placed it close without prompt, and Rapidash, too, silently warmed the water a little for the newborn to take a warm bath once they hatch.

Minutes later, Pete's first fighting type pokemon broke out their eggs with a fighting stance that oddly looked like the two did the same choreography.

Pete had read up about this pokemon, and like you would suspect, they did not hatch with a squared log in hand. Just like the Farfetch'd who were very possessive of leeks and spring onions, Pete would have to provide them these logs.

And, Pete came prepared with two of each log of differing sizes. He wasn't quite sure how strong they would be right from the start.

The two were quite curious as they looked around at all these different pokemon before their gazes zeroed in on Pete and the logs stacked up behind him. The two male Timburr looked to each other, then nodded.

""Timburr!"" Both pokemon walked over, still with completely wet, short fur, and greedily stretched out their hands towards the biggest log behind Pete.

"Hey, hey, buddies. These logs are for you. Nobody will take them. Hop into the basins first and freshen up a little. Then you can play around as much as you like," Pete explained with a warm smile before nodding to Solosis.

His first pokemon was uniquely qualified to sing his praise and tell his new pokemon what to expect, so Pete left the cave shortly after to finish making the food.

As they ate, Pete once more felt someone arriving with Teleport.

"Holy canoli macaroni! Do you smell the air, my little flower? We're in heaven!"

"Ugh, dad. Keep it up, and I'll only bring your pokemon the next time."

It sounded like Luna and Carl had arrived.

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