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84.78% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 78: 1-5

Chapter 78: 1-5

Prologue : Awakening

You know how most people have a fantasy where they enter their favorite stories and either become the hero to save the world or become it destroyer? Well honestly, this time I am one of those people who was given the chance to do so but it wasn't in one of those world where I become the hero or destroyer but simple a Pokemon trainer in the marvelous world of Pokemon. Here how it began the story of the Master of Steel.

As I was walking back to my apartment building close to dusk in a suburb of Orlando I was going through a list of thing to do 'Well first I need to restock tomorrow since I'm almost running out of food and I still need to pay this month rent. Next after that done I think I will challenge Hoeen Elite Four once again.' As I finished my thought I reach my apartment and entered.

As I did so I took a look around at my humble abode a small kitchen with the necessary utensil, a small living room with an old TV set and some DVD on top, as I passed by I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face since it was windy today.

As I looked up I took a peek at the mirror and saw myself obviously a Caucasian with brown hair so dark that it mistaken as black often, milk chocolate brown iris peeking out of some old aviator glasses, with some sharp feature that made me look like some of those old European nobles.

When I finished washing myself I went to my room and grab a change of clothe since it got dirt on it from playing baseball earlier today. I took out a clean Spain World Cup shirt and a black sport shorts that reached my knee and grab my old black and blue DS lite with Pokemon Emerald placed inside. As I grab that I went to the living room and try to turn it on only for it to turn off.

'Weird I know that I recharged it earlier guess I should just charge it as I play' and so I went to the cabinet that hold all my DS accessories and games and took out my charger, I connected it first to my DS and went to a power socket to start charging. But as I did I heard a loud *ZZZZZPPPPPPPTT* and a scream as I blacked out.

As I woke up I found myself floating in a bizarre place that glowed like a rainbow and felt and heard a voice "Ah and so another has come to my realm… Hmmm how interesting…"

I heard the voice say I tried to at least look for the source only to spin like a top and stop as I saw what look like a rather weird yet large white goat. It had a crest extending to the back with a golden ring around it flanks and several hexagonal plates floating around it in which I counted 18.

"Have you finished? Now let address your being here since I haven't had another dimension hopper since the Sir Aaron of Cameron."

I was gawking at the sight and when I heard it speak again I meekly ask "Ar-Arceus? How? But the last thing I remember…" As I slowly began to realize that I die due to electrocution I was about to freak out Arceus spoke once more.

"Please calm yourself young hopper you will have the time to process that information but for now let me tell you your options… First as you notice I am Arceus the Alpha Pokemon creator of the Pokemon world I can give you two option as of now… Either go on to the reincarnation cycle of your world or perhaps if you'd like an adventure in the World of Pokemon. I will leave for the moment so you can process the information you have been given"

As the Alpha Pokemon was leaving I was floundering with the stress of my death and the option it has given me. I of course had already decided but I was worried about my family I was leaving behind and I was thinking of my death while it was fast which I was thankful for since I heard that sometime death could be a long drawn-out painful thing… When I called for Arceus I asked "For how long was I dead for?"

"It has been a month since your unfortunate death and you family has already cremated and buried your ashes underneath that orange tree you used to play under." While I was surprised at the amount of time that passed with a heavy heart I then told it of my decision of starting in his world since I wanted another chance to build up my life.

"So that is your choice young hopper now all you need to know is that you will be starting in Hoeen and the many tools that you will need during your adventure will be provided. You will be starting near Petalburg Woods when you wake up."

I frown with confusion at what he called me 'Young Hopper and before that Dimension Hopper' and so I asked Arceus "Thank you for giving me a chance at another life but about what you called me can you clarify it and I also remember you saying something about Sir Aaron of Cameron" The alpha pokemon looked at me with mild curiosity and then spoke.

"As I have said Sir Aaron is another dimension hopper and he was the latest in the line for at least in my part verse… As for you being a dimension hopper it is nothing more than a being whose soul when their mortal body perish seeks a new adventure in a new world most don't get to meet the creator of the world they visits, but since you are the second to visit me I wanted to personally meet you and watch you trails to be."

"So it is nothing special" I said to which the being nodded. "Once again I am thankful for your kindness in explaining my situation I don't want to think how I would have reacted to finding myself in an unknown world with nothing but myself… So when do we start?"

"Now. And one last gift" As the being said that a small object made it to my hand and before I could inspect the object the world darkened and I heard Arceus one last time "Good luck young hopper, may you find everlasting fortune…" As he was saying those word I blacked out once again.

As the young hopper disappear to my world I felt three familiar being come close to me. "And so once again the world start to change." I turn toward my left and saw a blue quadruped with a crest extending backward with a chest with decorated with a single blue diamond showing many scene past, present and future.

"Yes even now I feel the effect he has on your world father perhaps he can help the Chosen One restore peace and prosperity to it again." The magenta dragon with two wing extended behind him and two lustrous pearls that seem small yet upon closer inspection it seem as large as the universe yet at the same time it not.

"Quite right brothers although I don't feel nothing new in my realm I can feel him changing the other divine realms at the same time just like Sir Aaron." Spoke the last of the trio a black serpentine like being with six black tendril with red points extending from it back and its face covered with a golden armor.

"Hello Dialga, Palkia and Giratina. Yes the world is changing once again perhaps it will prosper even more than with Sir Aaron but only time will tell since even I will not interfere unless thing are truly dire. But all the same I feel hope for the future now let us watch the young hopper adventure."

AN: Wow that was a bit harder than I thought to write down… I mean yeah it great that I finally manage too but really I respect all those other write who manage thousands of words. So kudos to those who became brave enough to write down their thoughts. Also I wanted to at least try to write down my own guilty SI while I will try not to make my character super competent to the point of precognition like the main games or extremely lucky like Ash was in the start of his journey. Also as the title say I will mostly be focusing mostly on Steel types pokemon with a few others type for plot convenience. I always thought them cool yet most fictions rarely put one or two in them as the protagonist pokemon. Three guess as to what my starter will be so a cookie for the first to get it right.

CH1: Welcome to Hoenn

After the blackout from leaving the rainbow realm that I meet Arceus at I found myself waking up to the sound of wave crashing upon the surface. And so I took a look around and found myself near a lake 'Well that was strange… Now what to do?' As I thought that I notice a backpack to my left and started to inspect it.

It look almost like the bag that the male protagonist from FireRed only instead of yellow it was a dark red color. Then I as I was about to open the backpack I found a note near the zipper and so I read it contents.

Hello young hopper inside this bag you will find the many tools that you need for your adventure. The main pocket of the bag contain several sets of clothes identical to the one you wore to our meeting, a tent, sleeping bag, several toiletries and food supplies. The front pocket contain a TM case if you ever buy or win some as well as your Pokemon Trainer ID you will notice that you have been regressed in age until you are 14…

At that part I was startled and ran to the water to get a reflection of my and found my face starting at younger than the 21 year old that I previously was with a bit of baby fat but still has it sharp feature that made me look like a nobleman. 'Wow instant youth but I seriously don't want to face puberty again it was a pain the first time and now I have to go through it once more'

At that thought I return to my back pack and lifted the note and began reading from where I left off.

Now you will notice that the ID is blank in the section for your name and you will have to choose your new name carefully. When you have decided you must say it loud and clear and it will change accordingly. Along with the case and ID is a Pokedex, a Pokenav it contains a map, radio and if need be a portable videophone. As well as a rulebook I suggest you read soon and my last gift to you before you left my realm, in the left pocket are 5 empty pokeball and your starter as well as a belt for them to hang onto I suggest placing them on your person for the sake of efficiency. Any additional pokeball can be placed in this pocket as well as any extra medicine for your pokemon and yourself. The right pocket hold a few potions and one of each status removers. Now as for the money of this world you will start off with 5000 pokes not much due to the expense of supplies for both you and your pokemons. Now once again I wish you luck and fortune in your journey.

As I finished reading the note I decided to take stock of my supplies before going any further and everything Arceus wrote about was there. As I reach toward my new ID I told it "My name from now on will be Solaire Eversteel." When I said that my name appeared on the ID and my Pokedex spoke "Welcome Solaire Eversteel and may luck be ever in your favor"

After that I placed on my belt with the pokeballs hanging from the slot on it. I pull out my Pokedex and ID and placed it in my pocket as well as the Pokenav in which I check to see my location since Arceus only mention I would be near Petalburg Wood. When it turned on I found my location to be on Route 102 just next to Petalburg City.

'Well at least I am close to a city but with my supplies I could cross Petalburg city and then head toward the wood cross it toward to Rustboro City and decide on my path from there. My only goal for now would be to become a Steel type Pokemon Master but first I need to check on what my starter is. I hope it an Aron they are decent fighter and can become a juggernaut later on.'

And so I to a look at the pokeballs on my belt and decided the ball that the size of a golf ball contains a pokemon and the marble size one must be empty. I press the center button and it became a baseball size ball and yell "Come on out Pokemon" with a small toss in front of me it split open and with a white light and when it appear a small pokemon appear with a grunt.

As it turn toward me I noticed it was an Aron and I knelt before it and held out my hand "Hello Aron, I am Solaire your new trainer would you like to come with me and fight to become stronger beyond your wildest dreams?"

It looked at me with it sapphire eyes for a while judging me on something only it knew about. Before long it chirped and one of the foreleg was in my hand and we shook our limbs.

"Now that introduction is finished. Let me check on you with my pokedex. You don't have to do anything it will tell me a bit about your species, your abilities, and your current moveset."

With that I took out my pokedex and point it to Aron.

Aron the Iron Armor Pokemon. This Pokemon has a body of steel. To make it body, Aron feeds on iron ores that it digs from mountains. Occasionally, it causes trouble by eating metal bridges and rails.

Warning this specimen weight double the average Aron please note this as it could cause structural damage to unfortified location.

This specimen is female. Its typing is Steel/Rock. Abilities Rock Head, Sturdy, Heavy Metal. Current moveset includes: Heavy Slam, Iron Head, Screech, Mud Slap and Protect.

I looked stunned at the Pokedex "Wow Aron, you got some decent move for yourself all you need now is some training and you probably can defeat most pokemons around here. Now would you like a nickname?"

Aron chirped in approval of my assessment of her abilities and then look at me in confusion.

"A nickname is another name to which I can call you in order to differentiate you from all the other Aron we might meet." At my explanation she nodded and chirped once more.

"Hmm how about Saphira? Because your eye reminds me so much of the gem call sapphire?" At my suggestion she took a while before finally nodding in agreement

"Great! Now Saphira…" Before I could say anything more a bush near us started to shake an a small child appear out of it confusing me before I took a closer look at it appearance it had a green bowl cut with a red horn poking out of it head and it body looks like it was covered in a white dress that look longer than it body.

Although I knew what it was I took out my pokedex and pointed it toward it.

Ralts the Feeling Pokemon. Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokemon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition.

As the pokedex finished it description of Ralts, Saphira starts growling at it before I calm her by rubbing her back causing her to purr.

While Saphira was calming down the Ralts came closer "Hello Ralts, what brought you to show yourself to me?"

The Ralts pointed one of its small arms toward me and came even closer I hesitated and extended my arm toward it head as it did nothing to stop me I reach toward it head patting it. It green hair was soft and silky like the silk from Earth. The Ralts was enjoying the attention as much as Saphira after a while we sat near the lake enjoying the view.

"So what do you wish to do now both Saphira and I will need to head toward Petalburg City? Do you wish to join us?"

Ralts nodded and waited I took one of the empty pokeball priming it for capture. I held it toward it and it poked the center button to which the ball open and in a beam of red light it raced toward the center before closing.

The ball barely shook once before it clicked confirming the capture of Ralts. I looked at Saphira "Look like we got a new traveling partner for our journey." Saphira chirped as I took out my Pokedex again to gain more information on Ralts.

Ralts the Feeling Pokemon. This specimen is female. Its typing is Psychic/Fairy. Holds the Abilities Trace, Synchronize. Current Moveset: Teleport, Confusion, Double Team, Growl.

As the Pokedex finishes it report I release Ralts once more asking it if it wanted a nickname. It nodded toward my suggestion.

"Well how about Hestia. She is the ancient goddess of hearth and home?" Ralts horns let out a feeling of acceptance at the nickname I gave her.

After that I gather both of my pokemon "Well now that we got all that out of the way now. Hestia do you know the way to Petalburg City? I would like to reach it before it gets dark so we can get so decent sleep before we head of toward Petalburg Wood."

Hestia pointed in a direction so I recalled Saphira and let Hestia sit on my shoulder as she wasn't heavy and so that she can steer me toward the city. As she settle down we started our trek onward to Petalburg City.

AN: Well that the first chapter folks. I at first wanted to start out at Route 104 and then head out to Petalburg Woods without visiting the city and as for the mystery device that Arceus gave Solaire it will come to play when he gets 7 pokemon which won't be anytime soon. Now I mention that I would primarly catch Steel pokemon with a few exception since with those exception it could make the story a bit easier on me in term of plot holes. Hestia wasn't really my first choice for the first capture but rather an Abra but then came those nasty plot holes that is how will Saphira fight it and then even find it before it teleport away… Anyway leave some comments or criticism so I can improve my storytelling.

CH2 Petalburg City

It wasn't until evening when I managed to get my first look at Petalburg City and I was shocked. The game made it seem smaller than it really was. But the anime had it almost right it was bigger in the sense that it was livelier I could see several Pokemon Center spread around the city with their iconic red roof with a pokeball sigil.

The gym I notice was close to the center of the city and it looked like one of those old Japanese mansion. Or perhaps more accurately in this world term Johto-ish if memory serve me right? The reason I could recognize it even when this was my first visit would be the Pokemon league symbol being proudly shown on the roof and it wall. Beyond that it look like a small town instead of a village.

Perhaps I should take a look at the library it wouldn't hurt to learn a bit more of the world around me.

I thanked Hestia for guiding me to the city as I recalled her since I don't know much about the rule of this world since I have yet to read the rulebook Arceus gave me during my trip here. Before long I found myself in front of a Pokemon Center and entered it.

The first thing to catch my eye was Nurse Joy working on something behind the counter. Next was the phone booth that we usually see Ash use to call his mother and Professor Oak. Other than that it didn't look much different from a hospital lobby.

I walk toward Nurse Joy "Hello Nurse Joy I am Solaire, I just started my journey here in Hoenn can you look over my pokemons to make sure there nothing wrong? Also is it possible to rent a room here?" to which she replied "Of course I will just place your pokemons on the tray to my left. And as for a room you are lucky we still have some open for tonight so here the key I will register it to your ID for until you decide to check out. A warning you will have to pay for any damages to the property in the room. Would you need anything else?"

Nodding in agreement I asked if the canteen was still open so I can eat dinner after she finished my pokemons checkup. She said it will close in a few hours and the checkup will be finished in half an hour.

During the wait I checked the rulebook I had and it confirmed many of my suspicion about what a trainer can and can't do during their journey. Which boils down to basically this.

Firstly no trainer can hold more than 6 pokemon at a time since any more on hand and it get less efficient. Next was the Center's service basic healing, checkup, and meals are free, but more advance service that requires more efforts you will have to pay this includes dismemberment, heavy poisoning, wounds that normally takes more than one weeks of healing falls into this category.

Pokemon are very resilient creature they can heal from broken bone, large laceration with a bit of care from their trainers in a matter of days. But it is recommended that they are taken to the Centers so they don't suffer complication.

Another rule was that any pokemon larger than a human and heavier than them is required to be inside their pokeballs while inside city limits except for certain zones approved by the league.

In the aspect of the Conferences and Contests they require you to register at the nearest center and you have a month into the season to register. While taking these challenge any trainer that challenge the other will have to pay 10% of their current pokes. This doesn't apply when below a certain point which is 1000 pokes. This is monitored automatically by the pokedexs in the trainer's possession.

Lastly if a trainer taking these challenges manage to get 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in their respective challenge they are given the choice of one of the regions starter, a permanent TM, and prize money if they get that far. Who gets what is decided by the league to prevent further conflict.

As I finish reading the rulebook the PA announced "Would Solaire please head toward the counter? I repeat. Would Solaire please head toward the counter?"

At that I head to Nurse Joy "Your pokemons are all healthy and ready to leave. Do you need anything else?" I then asked "Is it still possible to register to the Evergrande Conference at the moment? And can you tell me where the library is located?"

"Of course the registration ends in two weeks so I can register right now. As for the library here." She handed me a map of Petalburg City and pointed it out for me. It wasn't far from the center I was currently at and it opens around 8. Then she asked for my pokedex and ID for the registration process.

As she finished the process she handed me a small case for all the gym badges of Hoenn. I thanked her and went to the canteen so Saphira and Hestia can eat alongside me. I found out that Saphira prefers foods with high iron contents and Hestia prefers a diet of different berries during my trip to Petalburg City. So I probably have to get some scrap iron for Saphira before we leave.

As we chowed down our foods and reached our room I said to them "Tomorrow we will start training early in the morning before we head to the library for more information. So make sure you two get a good night rest because tomorrow will be tough."

Both Saphira and Hestia perked up at the thought of training and cheered at that. As we went to sleep Saphira curled up at the side of my bed since she was too heavy for it, and Hestia curled up beside me "Good night you two see you tomorrow"

The next morning we woke up with little fanfare and had a small breakfast before we head to a training zone with several large boulders.

"Alright you two today we are going to see how well you can use your currents move and see if you need to perfect it."

I had Saphira stand a small distance from a decent size boulder "Alright Saphira use Iron Head!" With a grunt she speed toward the boulder I notice she wasn't as slow as I expected for something that weigh as much as she did. 'Her muscle must be more developed to support her weight than I thought. Though I think I may need to give her a decent massage around her joints it must be the most stressed muscles on her body.'

With that thought finished she slammed into the bolder and manage to create many cracks on it. "Alright Saphira now use Heavy Slam then Mud Slap" She then made a small hop back before her body glow silver and slammed onto the boulder with even more force she manage to break of chunk from the main body of the boulder.

After that she reared up on her hind legs and slam the ground a small wave of mud hit the boulder. I managed a long but thin dent on the boulder. "Good job Saphira, get some distance from the boulder and prepare to us Protect. Hestia, you will use Confusion on the chunks that Saphira attacks created and launched them at her. Can you do that?"

Hestia acknowledge the order and Teleported to the side of the boulder and began. Her horns glow a pinkish-blue light and a moment later one of the smaller chunks was thrown at Saphira. Just before they hit a green bubble popped into existence.

The chunks bounced of the bubble like a rubber ball and fell to the ground. I noticed that Saphira was noticeably tire from the technique. I then checked the time and found it was too early to have Saphira use Screech perhaps when we are further from the city I will see what she can do with it.

"Saphira, good job. Though we will need to work on your ability to use Protect without tiring yourself out. Hestia thank you helping out. Now I want to see you use Double Team please."

Saphira chirped and walked toward me as Hestia glowed white before 4 copies of her appear scatter across the field. With that I called her back "Now that we have seen what both of you can do let get down to the details. Saphira, I notice that you were much faster than I thought you were so while you will never be the fastest I will work with you on that speed so that we can give opponents a shock of their life.

We also be working on the power of your attack as well as your stamina endurance and your steel hide will help with taking hit you can't avoid. Hestia we will work on your evasion tactic as well as the power behind your technique.

With your Confusion I want you to be able to condense it to give a psychic blow as well as the ability to grab hold of enemies or objects. It will be the precursor to you learning Psychic and other psychic move.

Now I want both of you to work your technique on the boulders again until it nothing but chunks. After that I want both of you to run from one end of the battlefield to another 10 times to work on your stamina. When that over I'll get both of you to Nurse Joy for a nice rest."

As they started training I began to notice other trainers starting to work on their pokemons. I noticed some had Poocheyna and Zigzagoon others had Taillows. It was fascinating but I focused on Saphira and Hestia training.

After nearly 3 hours both of them managed to break their boulder and run the relay. I recalled them and went to Nurse Joy to treat their bruises and sore muscles.

During the wait I checked my pokedex to see if it could show examples of others pokemon use their moves. To my delight I found that not only does it do so but it even shows what possible move the pokemon in question can learn.

With that discovery I heard Nurse Joy calling for me. As I picked up my companions I decided to head toward the library after I checked the market for the average price of the supplies needed. I found the marketplace with no problem and found that most item were fairly cheap rarely costing more than 10 pokes, which that said the pokemon food supplies usually ranged between 50-60 for a week of ration.

The pokeball and medicine however were much more expensive ranging 100-200 for the basic pokeball and potion. The greatball and ultraball as well as the more specialized ball were all much more expensive.

The clerk told me that if I had more badges they could provide more supplies at cheaper price. The price was expensive to prevent a waste of resource that could otherwise help more experienced trainers.

I nodded at that but ask for a super potions so that I could save it for emergencies.

With my purchase I noticed it was reaching noon and decided to head back to the Center for a short lunch break before heading to the library. After we ate our fill I went to the library that was near the Center.

When I arrive I found that they had a varieties of different category of books. I ask the librarian if they had a copy of the books that I could purchase. With a confirmation I then for the location of a pokemon food recipe, history of hoenn cities and it natural land sites and lastly a tour guide.

After a short while the librarian had a copy of the most recommended books and I bought them.

With my purchase I then decided to head toward the gym to ask if they had any requirement for challenging them.

'Hmm this day was much more fruitful than I thought at least I know now the average price range of the food supplies for me and my pokemons. I know I won't be a challenge for Norman if he the gym leader but it would be nice to know when I could come back for a decent chance'

Soon I arrive in front of the Gym I saw nobody outside so I enter "Hello anyone here?" Before long a woman with long blonde hair with amber eyes and wearing what look like a uniforme appeared in front of me

"Hello, I'm Charlotte a gym trainer for Petalburg Gym. Do you have 4 badge in order to challenge Norman?" I shook my head "No, I just recently started my journey but I was about to ask if you had any requirement for the challenger to fight the gym leader by the way my name is Solaire nice to meet you."

At that Charlotte gave a small grin "Well then I'm glad I manage an answer to your question Solaire. Is there anything else I can help you with?" As she said that I asked "Thanks and do you know if any of the other gym have a similar requirement to challenge them and why yours does?"

Charlotte answer "Yes there is one other gym with this requirement its Juan's from Sootopolis City he require you to fight all previous gym and earn their badge. Both his and our gym have this requirement because we are a milestone. When a challenger fight in our gym and wins it will mark him or her as an Advance Trainer then an Elite Trainer if they beat both our gym respectively."

'Wow that really show how well the League thought this out. Weed out the weaker one with the gym so when they reach Evergrande City only the best of the best will fight.'

With all my question answer I thanked Charlotte for her time and was about to walk out of the gym when the door open before I reached it and a stern man with the same uniform as Charlotte entered

'Huh so that Norman he look much stricter in life…'

Norman looks at me with mild confusion before he turned to Charlotte "Charlotte, is he a new challenger?" She shook her head and replied "No, Norman. Solaire is a new trainer who didn't know about the more recent change to your challenge requirements." At that he turn back to me "Well then, I hope when you gather the required badges so you can give me a decent challenge. Until then good luck on your journey."

Once again saying my thanks I turn back to the entrance and left the gym I checked the time and found that it was close to dusk and decided to end the day on a high note.

When I reache the Center I head to the canteen once again and released Saphira and Hestia "Hey you two time to eat dinner we got a long day ahead of us tomorrow because we are leaving and heading to Rustboro City." When we finished eating we went back to the room we rented before long Saphira and Hestia fell asleep.

'Today was very interesting so much the information I learn was helpful. Meeting Norman was nice for however brief our interaction was I doubt that he will remember me when I challenge him. On that note I wonder if he the father of May and Max or Brendan? Either way tomorrow going to be a long day I should go to sleep.'

It didn't take long for sleep to come to me my last conscious thought was hope and excitement for tomorrow.

AN: Now to clarify something I forgot to include on the previous chapter most of the pokemon will included all the special ability since I find it that those abilities are parts of their biology. The hidden ability is something different as with the game they rarely appear in the species and only the one with the gene can pass it on. Now the Fairy typing it always existed just that it was considered Normal until evidences proved contrary. I always found the 4 move limit a hassle so I decided to just have the pokemon learn all their move without forgetting it when with a trainer but otherwise the wild pokemon will have that limit enforced on them since they prioritize survival over battling ability.

CH3: Route 104 and Petalburg Wood

The next morning I woke my pokemons and started packing up and inventorying my supplies I found out that my back pack could hold more stuff inside it than I thought. Because when it started to bulk up I notice that the bigger item were being shrunken.

'Wow learn new thing every day… I guess that this is normal here because I've seen trainer pull stuff bigger than the bag itself. Now I know I can pack for more when we reach Rustboro.'

With everything ready I recalled Saphira and Hestia and went to Nurse Joy to check out.

Before long I was heading toward the entrance of Route 104 and as I reached it I began to feel excitement and determination to begin and excel in anything together with my pokemons.

As I was trekking through the route I found a small cliff that leads to a decent drop down toward the beach. I looked around a bit and couldn't see a way down so I followed the route a bit more.

It wasn't long before I noticed a young boy running toward my direction. At first I was content on just getting out of his way since I rather avoid unnecessary trouble if I can. He then stopped a short distance and pointed at me "HAH! Our eyes meets that mean we have to fight! Ready your pokemon but I will show you the meaning of true power!"

I was stupefied by this sudden and abrupt change of pace that it was quiet and all you could hear was the wind whooshing and the wave crashing.

"Err… Are you ok? Wait that right I forgot to introduce myself. I am Rickard and once again I challenge you to a battle"

Startled at his question "Sure I accept the challenge. The name Solaire by the way. This will be a one on one right? I rather not have to leave myself defenseless in the wild."

At my prompt he nodded and he then called out "Ziggy, show him your power"

He threw the pokeball and a small brown and white stripe raccoon appear and let out a challenging bark and drop to a ready stance. Before I could choose who I wanted to fight my Pokedex beeped and then said.

Zigzagoon the Tiny Raccoon Pokemon. Zigzagoon restlessly wanders everywhere at all times. This Pokemon does so because it is very curious. It becomes interested in anything it happens to see.

'Was that really necessary? I didn't know it does that automatically. So a Zigzagoon then guess it time to see how Saphira fare against an agile pokemon like this' I then grab Saphira pokeball and let her out "Saphira, battletime."

She appear in a battle stance with a metallic hum "This is our first battle together Saphira let show him what we are made off! For now just let him get close."

"Ziggy use Tackle!" At that it launched itself quickly toward Saphira as fast as it could. As it was getting closer I order "Use Screech then Heavy Slam!"

"What no! Get away from it!"Rickard yelled but before it could do anything Saphira let out one of the harshest sound I ever heard point blank at her opponent. The Zigzagoon let out a yelp of pain and tried to unsuccessfully cover it ear. While it was distracted Saphira body glowed silver then she leapt in the air and fell right on top of the disabled pokemon with a vengeance.

After hitting the raccoon Saphira lept away from it waiting for it to get up. Only to see that the Zigzagoon fainted.

'That was anticlimactic I expected it to last a little longer guess Saphira weight was too much for it.'

Rickard recalled his Zigzagoon "You did good buddy. I guess we got unlucky this time." He said to it before he turned and walked toward me "Well a win a win the prize money should be transferred over soon. I really didn't expect you to end the battle so quickly since it was your first time battling."

"I was expecting a longer fight I guess Screech was more effective than I thought." We shook hands before he left. "Good job Saphira. We won our first battle together quickly and efficiently but now it time for you to take a break" She let out a pleased chirp before I recalled her and went on my way.

It was a few hours later on the road when I spotted a Cabin with a small but empty port next to it. I went toward it to see what it was and when I reach it a sign was hanging from the roof "Briney's and Peeko's Cabin… Huh, guess this is where you can get the Sailor Briney from the game to lend you a ride to Dewford since his boat not here he must be out. I wonder if he has a schedule?"

I took a small look around and found a board that said he departed from his cabin 3 days ago and is not expected to return for another 11 days.

'Guess that means it a 7 day trip to and from Dewford and the price isn't very expensive and guess I should ask for more details when he gets here. At least it gives me plenty of time to get back here after challenging Roxanne.'

I released my companion and got started on making lunch near the cabin.

With lunch finished I resume my trek to the woods before long I was bored again and decided to check up on possible moves both Saphira and Hestia could learn. I decided to see if I could teach Saphira Metal Claw and Rock Tomb since both are useful at the moment as well as perfecting her moveset. When I read about Magnet Rise I had so many idea about the move that it wasn't funny.

If done correctly it create a magnetic field around the user to levitate and become immune to most ground type moves. But I wondered if it was strong enough it could possibly nullify most electric attack and prevent other steel type from hitting the user by repelling them or ensuring the user attack hit by not letting them move.

But the only way to know if it was possible is if I could ask Watson or Roxanne since perhaps they already thought about this.

With Hestia I was hoping to work on perfecting her moveset and work on learning Disarming Voice and Magical Leaf to help with the gym battle.

It wasn't until I was about to enter the wood near noon that I heard someone call out to me. I looked around and found that a blonde haired lady in a fancy green dress with a similar hat was calling out to me.

"Hello young man I am Mica. Are you perhaps about to enter the woods? If so I must caution you since there are many poison type pokemons in there and you will need plenty of antidote just in case."

I nodded "Yes, I am. My name's Solaire. Don't worry I prepare plenty but I doubt that they will be able to poison my pokemons easily since one is a steel type and the other a psychic type. By the way would it be possible to have a battle? I've been wanting to have a battle with Hestia my Ralts but I haven't seen another person until you."

She agreed to fight a single battle and then called out "Taillow let's fly high today" A tiny navel bird with a short beak appears in the air with a battlecry.

Taillow the Tiny Swallow Pokemon. Taillow courageously stands its ground against foes, however strong they may be. This gutsy Pokemon will remain defiant even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it becomes hungry.

'I knew I forgot to check something guess I will do so after this battle.' I called out "Hestia, battletime." I threw her ball and she appear horns glow emitting the feeling of determination.

"Now Hestia let start out with a Growl then a blast of Confusion" At my order she let out a small growl and I notice that Taillow had a red glow that pulsed downward. Then her horns glows a pinkish blue color before she fired a blast of Confusion.

With a dainty expression she called out "Taillow dodge that and use Quick Attack follow by Pecks" it dodged the Confusion with a barrel roll and it charged at Hestia with its beak glowing and a white glow trailing it.

"Hestia use Teleport then Double Team to confuse it, follow up with Confusion" At my prompt she manage to avoid the attack with a bright flash as she reappeared in multiples place before she manage to grab Taillow with Confusion and slammed it on the ground multiple time.

"Taillow break out of it and use Gust to blow it away" It manage to break free making Hestia recoil from the loss of concentration before sending a gale of wind at her. Which sent her flying due to her low weight to a tree. "Now use Quick Attack before it gets up." It charged at Hestia once again but missed as Hestia teleported near me once again.

"Hestia are you alright?" She manage to send a wave of determination once more. "Alright then use Double Team and follow it up with several blast of Confusion."

She glowed white as several copies of her appear covering the field before the copies manage to send blast to the Taillow.

Mica frantically called "Taillow dodge!" But it was too late as it was hit by a blast from behind only to fall out of the air and be hit multiple time as it fell. When it reached the ground the Taillow couldn't keep fighting.

"Great work Hestia we won!" She teleported in front of me emitting wave of happiness over her victory.

With a sigh Mica recalled her pokemon "Thank you for your hard work. That was a trilling battle Solaire are you hoping to challenge the gym circuit?"

"Yup, also the battle was great you manage to get Hestia to work for her victory. By the way do you know if Briney ferries passenger from Dewford to Slateport?"

She shook her head "No I'm sorry I don't really know I usually only travel between Rustboro and Petalburg every few month."

My shoulder slumped but then I perked up "Thanks anyway now I think it about time I get on the road I want to at least make a headway into the forest. Good luck and safe travels Mica."

"Good luck with the circuit and safe travels Solaire." With that we parted way.

When I entered that forest I notice a clear trail forward and went along it. It was nearing dusk when I managed to find a clearing and I went and set camp up.

I released both Saphira and Hestia so they can get familiar with the surrounding as I began to prepare our dinner. "So how do you two feel about today battles? Was it what you two expected?"

When both of them gave an affirmative I gave them a small smile and set their bowls in front of them. "Now why don't eat and tell me how it taste." When they both try their food they began hesitantly before eating with gusto.

When dinner was over I set my sleeping bag out and began to prepare to go to sleep. "Tomorrow we will train a bit in the morning before we resume heading to Rustboro to sleep well." They curl up near me and we went to sleep under the night stars.

The next day we woke up I had both of them work on their moveset. Saphira Iron Head and Heavy slam was enough to bring down a tree after a short while and I notice that Protect doesn't tires her as much as when we first tried to use the move. Hestia Double Team and Teleport became even more efficient to the point she doesn't tire herself as much.

Her Confusion however still needed work but I read in the pokedex that she probably won't be able to lift large boulder until she evolve into a Kirlia with that I had her work on the power of her blasts.

After an hour I called them to me. "Now I am about to show you two a video of the move that I want you two to learn. Saphira I want you to learn Metal Claw and Rock Tomb. While Metal Claw will be easy for you to figure out here how Rock Tomb is done."

I showed her a video where a Geodude was using Rock Tomb and a step by step process. Although I don't know if she understood what needs to be done she went to a corner of the clearing and started working.

"Now Hestia I want you to learn both Disarming Voice and Magical Leaf. Disarming Voice is simple in concept but difficult in execution. You have to channel the fairy type energy into a cry and it will always hit it target. Now Magical Leaf is similar to your Confusion blasts it where you condense grass type energy into a form of a Razor Leaves and you can set it to chase your target unlike a normal Razor Leaves. Her a video."

I showed her a video of a Clefairy using Disarming Voice and a Roserade using Magical Leaf. With an example of how to do the moves I had both practice one then the other after a set amount of time. As I watch them train I began to prepare breakfast for the champions.

After they finished training they both manage to learn their respective move but they were weak and needed more training to be useful in battle. I had them eat breakfast and I began to pack up when they finished I recalled both of them and began our trek once more.

It took the rest of the day and the most of the next to finally exit Petalburg Woods to which we manage to fight off many bug pokemon and a few bug trainer. Saphira and Hestia manage to perfect as much as they could their current moveset and with Saphira providing more durable target they began to improve much faster than using the tree in the wood.

Near the exit of the forest we found a berry shop to which I found that both Saphira and Hestia like Oran Berries and Pecha Berry respectively. So I bought enough to last a few week of both plus a few other status curing berries to compliment the medicine I have at the moment.

The berries were relative inexpensive for their usefulness so it didn't leave much a dent on my finance. Plus anything for my pokemon they deserve the best.

When we left the shop I went to the brigde that connect the woods to Rustboro it was wide as it as thick you could probably have 5 people walking side by side and still have room. I ask if the guard near the beginning of the bridge if it could support the weight of some of the heavier pokemons. They said yes but nothing more specific since they didn't know exactly themselves.

It took the better part of an hour before I finally managed to reach the gates of Rustboro City.

CH4: Rustboro City, Devon Corps, Gym Battle

Rustboro City, now there a city with many building towering over each other almost like it was New York City. I notice it was very organized in it speard with newer building near the center of the city with older near the edge. I have no doubt some of those building will be replaced with newer one with few exceptions.

It was the evening sun as well as the buildings burnt orange color that made it look like a painting. I check my pokenav map data to see that there was a Pokemon Center closer to the older building so I went to it.

As I was walking I notice that most of the pokemon that are out of their pokeball were mostly a variety of the smaller rock, ground types. While in Petalburg it was mostly normal type. 'I guess the cities of Hoenn have a typing theme similar to their Gym Leader'

When I reached the Center I managed to book a room and while my companion healed up. I asked around if there was anything worthwhile to visit as a Trainer beside the Gym. Most of the answer I received was the Trainer School at the newer district, Devon Corps who CEO is Joseph Stone father of Steven Stone Hoenn previous Champion before Wallace, Route 115 and 116 which has many trainer walking through them.

After retrieving my companion from the nurse I went to the room I booked and let them out. "Tomorrow is going to be a rest day since I need to restock on supplies as well as check out anything of interest. The day after tomorrow we will challenge the Gym whatever the outcome of the battle is we will get some more training at both Route 115 and 116."

Both of them tiredly agreed before they set themselves up to sleep. I grinned at them before a thought hit me like a truck 'Now that I think about it I aside from a few thing I really don't know much about my Pokemon personality I should take some time and spend it playing with them since both are still young. Although I know they both like battles I think I should let them follow me around tomorrow as well so they can see more than the routes and gyms…'

With that last thought I went to sleep determined to be better than the last few days for my pokemons because this journey isn't just about me it include them and any future teammate that joins us.

The next day I went to Nurse Joy "Excuse me Nurse Joy do you know anywhere where they can give pokemon massage. Lately I thought that it would be nice if after a tough day I can show my appreciation to my pokemon since they are the one working hard."

She looked at me with a small smile "Why yes there are plenty of places like that. Most of them are located near a Pokemon Center or close to a gym in most city. You can leave them there for an hour and they return happier as well, you can ask them to show you how to take better care of your pokemon and any future pokemon you capture but if you are a specialist they can give you a general overview on what to look out for. You can also visit the Trainer School to learn there as well."

I was surprised that the trainer school offers lesson over that but in hindsight they probably are there for those who wish to help care for pokemon aside from the nursing profession. With a thanks I began searching for a salon with Saphira walking at my side looking from one side to the other and Hestia on my shoulder taking in the sight of the city.

The search was enlightening to say the least Saphira was very docile with other people she let smaller children pet her without complain humming and chirping when they managed to get her sweet spot on her neck. Hestia on the other hand was timid she never let other pet her when walking and hid between my legs as they got near. Though that shyness disappear when she fights quite the flip of personality. I hope when she evolves into Kirlia she can get over her shyness and gain confidences.

When found the salon not long after we left the Center I hired their service and ask if I could watch as well. They agreed and began with Hestia her substance that looks like hair needed to be brushed every few day to prevent tangles and matted hair most Ralts usually do this by flowing their psychic power down their hair that or a member of their family does this. They used a long toothed brush to take care of this after it was done I noticed that Hestia was a bit happier than before.

Saphira was next and most Steel type suffer the same thing that most common metal do rust, overheating to the point their armor become brittle. The first can be avoided with a brush with steel bristle it's best done every few days the temperature most likely can be dangerous to those not in their final evolution or even older member of the species since their armor are thicker and can replenish it much more easily than their earlier evolution.

When I asked about muscle stress I mention that Saphira had the ability Heavy Metal. They lectured me on the important of providing a head rest so that when she sleep she can lean on it without hurting herself. Otherwise an Aron with Heavy Metal don't usually suffer from neck muscle stress since they have stronger muscle than an ordinary one.

After that small but important detour my companion enjoyed the attention and I knew it was the right thing. 'I knew that most pokemons needed special attention in order to be at their best and that being a master of a type usually means that you need to know how to care for them better than a generalist. At least I am taking some small step in that direction.'

I decided to head to the newer district since it contained both the school and Devons. When I reached the school it was a large building a few squares wide and nearly 8 stories high. I recalled my companion before went inside to see what it was about and as I did I spotted a reception counter.

"Hello I am Solaire Eversteel is it possible to watch one of the classes in session?" I asked the man behind the counter.

He looked up from some paperwork "Yes you can but please don't disturb the class already in session. On the second floor in classroom 3. Roxanne, Rustboro Gym Leader is holding a lesson on type advantage and it importance."

I thanked the receptionist before heading up to the classroom it was a short while before I was in front of the classroom he mentioned. Steeling myself I enter the classroom I noticed that the classroom was set up like a college classroom.

I went to the nearest seat and sat down and looked at Roxanne she looked to be around 23-25 year old and look very much like both her game and anime counterpart. She did noticed that I entered by continue on with her lecture.

"Types are properties for Pokémon and their moves. As of now, there are 18 types with Fairy type being discovered recently when it was noticed that Dragon type did not do as much damage to certain Normal type and a few of other typing. A Pokémon may have either one or two types: For instance, Blaziken is a Fire and Fighting type, while Sceptile is a Grass type.

Now most people think that with the correct typing you can win any battle you face ahead of you. This thinking is wrong a weaker pokemon even with type advantage cannot defeat a stronger and better trained pokemon. Unless a miracle happens training and experience can and will surpass the typing of the pokemon in battle…"

As the lecture went on to noon I learn quite a few thing but otherwise it was mostly the same as the game. For one the only pokemon type with true immunity to another would be Ghost and Normal type fighting each other with said move, as well as Steel complete immunity to Poison. Otherwise weakness can be overcome just as resistance can be overwhelmed.

Item that boost the power of certain type of move are usually ban in tournament but can be used outside it, but the item can only resist so much damage until it break that it not used outside as often.

When the lecture ended I stayed behind to reserve my place for the challenge for tomorrow. As the room emptied I walk to Roxanne "That was a very informative class do you do lectures very often? And before I forget my name is Solaire Eversteel."

Roxanne turned away from the chalkboard and gave me a quick inspection "Ah you were the one who arrive after the lecture started. As you may already know I am Roxanne the Gym Leader of Rustboro. To answer your question not as often as I liked to I help at the school every so often but my duty is to the gym. Thank you for waiting until class ended most are impatient to get it over with. You are asking for a challenge right? Do you have any of the other Hoenn League badges?"

I nodded "Yes I am but not today since I want my pokemon to enjoy a day of before the real challenge begins. As for the badge if I beat you tomorrow your will be my first."

At this she was even more surprised but otherwise accepted that tomorrow morning will be when I can start challenging her gym.

Thanking her before leaving I decided that it time to check Devon Corps. It took a short while and I knew that it's a corporate it had a small store next to it. I found inside that it sold many kind of tech from camera to Pokenav, and it sold evolutionary stones and item like Electerizer and Magmarizer.

While both item are prohibitively expensive it is affordable for trainer with all badges. 'Probably to prevent weaker trainer from getting killed by their pokemon. Not that it will stop the people with no badge and more money to spend.'

I left the Devon Corps store and went to the main building. As I entered the reception area I ask if there was any project the corps was working on that a Trainer can know about. The receptionist told me that there are two at the moment the fossil reviver and the dream machine.

The fossil reviver is self-explanatory it a machine that revives a fossil in a week time but not many trainers find a fossil with sufficient DNA. Even then they can't take care of the revived pokemon unless they prove that they have all 8 badge or 5 ribbons and participated in a conference and placed high enough. They could also have or had the position of the Gym Leader, Elite Four or Champion

The requirement didn't shocked me as much since such pokemons need even more attention than a modern one I thanked the receptionist for his time and left.

It was during the night that I managed to return to the Center since after visiting the corp I decided to resupply now to save time tomorrow for the Gym and then the nearby Route.

Roxanne POV's

It was the day after Solaire issue his challenge to my Gym it not often I meet trainer especially novice trainers with much patience since they are always in a hurry. I was waiting in the security room watching my gym's trainer wait for it current challenger. Just as I was wondering what kind of pokemon he has, he entered with confidence.

It didn't take long before he found the entrance of the maze he had two paths in front of him if he get the question right he moves on without fighting them. He stood there for a short while before he on purposely got it wrong. 'Now why did he do that? Was he not confident in his answer or does he want to actually fight my gym trainers?' I watched as he sent out an Aron called Saphira to fight his opponent Geodude.

This fight revealed much about him, he is the kind that likes to think ahead but can actually trust his pokemon to move as he want so he can maximize the effects of the attacks. Even though his pokemon wasn't hurt much he was still worried about it though he didn't use a potion but an Oran berry to heal its wounds.

The next two fight was with a Ralts named Hestia with it he took a vastly different fighting style which surprised me. Most novice trainer tend to train in one sole aspect to the best of their pokemon abilities before working on the next. With the Ralts he took control of the fight from beginning right up to the very end.

The last fight there wasn't much else to take note of but it gave me a sense of anticipation since I haven't face a trainer with such a varied style of fighting near the start of their journey. With the Aron he focus on maximizing the strength and defense a slow but steady style and with the Ralts a control freak not normally seen on his trainer level. I just can't wait…

Solaire POV's

To whoever say that a gym is easy is dead wrong. Those gym trainers were experience and it made me wonder how strong the gym leaders were exactly. The second gym trainer took longer than I would like to defeat him it was a mercy that Hestia manage to avoid being hit that Nosepass was extremely nasty.

But then I began to wonder do the gym leaders really limits themselves to their region native pokemon or do they look at the others as well? If so my fight got a lot harder there are rock type that can make my pokemon look like shrimps in comparison. But if Roxanne does have a Nosepass I think I can beat it with much less efforts since the pokemon tend to point it nose north when inexperienced with controlling it magnetic field.

The third trainer was much easier but confirmed my fear. Her first pokemon was Bonsly and while weaker than her second an Alolan Geodude. I was confuse I knew about the Bonsly but the Geodude gave me a nasty shock literally it could use electric type move while not as effective on Saphira was still unexpected. It wasn't until after the battle that I asked her about it.

She told me that Alola was a region the west of Kanto that is an archipelago much like the Orange Islands south of Kanto in the anime. The location of the region and it environment sometime changes the typing of a pokemon. What could be normal type on most continent could be a dark type over there.

I was shocked I only knew about the game right up to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Now there could be nearly 100 different pokemons, new mechanic and quite possibly new Mega Evolutions that I don't know about after the fight with Roxanne I need to check this out before I head to the nearby routes.

With that unexpected and worrisome surprise I healed my companions then I went to the room ahead to the arena where Roxanne should be waiting.

"Welcome Solaire, to my Gym. I became a Gym Leader so that I may apply in battle all that I've learned at the Pokemon Trainers' School and during my journey. If you impress me during our pokemon battle, I'll present you with a Gym Badge as proof of your strength as a Trainer."

During her speech I felt something from her like a form of power behind her words and at that moment I knew that no matter what the only way get pass this battle was to give it my all with no hold bars. Because the moment I hesitate I will lose.

The referee walked to us and had me had over my pokedex so he can place it on a machine that will record our battle and it result. Then we walk to our corners.

"This will be a two on two pokemon battle against Roxanne the Rustboro Gym Leader and Solaire Eversteel. Now release your pokemon." The referee shouted and before long we call our pokemon to battle.

"Hestia, there no room for hesitation. Battletime!"

"Rockruff, time for a battle."

What appear on Roxanne corner was a small canine reminding me of both Houndour and Growlithe but since this is a Rock type Gym it must be one.

"Rockruff use Rock Polish and charge in for a Bite" It collar began to glow white and looked shinier but I knew it would increase it speed as it charged in fast.

"Hestia use Double Team and spread out your Magical Leaf so that both your copies and the leafs surround Rockruff."

Hestia and her copies began to surround Rockruff while releasing what look like enough Magical Leaf to obscure both her and where the attack came from. Then she launched them at it.

"Rockruff use Odor Sleuth to find the real one before it hit you." The dog was fast enough to avoid it the first time but since Magical Leaf never missed it began an impressive display of acrobatic but before it could locate Hestia it was hit by a few.

Once the illusion of a leaf tornado Rockruff was standing strong not looking very hurt.

"Impressive but you need to do more before you can knock Rockruff out. "Now use Bite while keeping up the Odor Sleuth."

I knew that Double Team was now useless "Use Confusion blast to keep it away if it get near use Teleport." With a glow she began launching psychic projectile at Rockruff.

The Rockruff manage to get close while avoiding the attack and before Hestia could Teleport managed to get a bite on Hestia arm. With a cry of pain she blast the Rockruff of her with Confusion before getting some distance with Teleport.

Both pokemon were beginning to tire out and I needed to end it fast before it got worse "Hestia use Disarming Voice then Magical Leaf."

Roxanne knew that she need to strike now or lose her first pokemon "Rockruff dodge!" Before it could the Disarming Voice hit then soon after the Magical Leaf" and explosion of smoke appeared with Rockruff in the epicenter. As the smoke cleared "Rockruff is unable to battle the challenger win the battle Roxanne choose your next pokemon."

She recalled Rockruff and sent out her final pokemon "Nosepass, be a dear and end the battle quickly."

With a cry it stood ready "Nosepass use Thunder Wave then Rock Throw" it release a wave of electricity to it front and after the wave it created a large rock then launched at Hestia.

"Hestia let the Thunder Wave hit use then use Confusion to send back it attack" She looked back at me for a moment in confusion before a wave of understanding and glee reach me.

Roxanne was confused as well before it hit her as well "No! Nosepass start moving" But before it could move the Thunderwave hit Hestia and she sent back the Rock Throw at Nosepass. It let out a cry when sparks appears on it body and was hit by its own attack.

"Clever, very clever use of Synchronize. But the fight isn't over yet."

I recalled Hestia "For Hestia it is." 'I was hoping to damage Nosepass more but I doubt she can last longer with the Paralisis. Better to be on the safe side'

"Saphira, Battletime!" Saphira let out a metallic hum. "The Nosepass is paralyzed now use Rock Tomb and follow up with an Iron Head!"

Saphira sent out multiple rock to trap the Nosepass even further before she launch to a surprisingly fast sprint.

"Nosepass dodge and use Rock Tomb to stop that Aron before it reaches you" It manage to avoid Saphira Rock Tomb before sending its own.

Saphira while not nimble and fast is quite hard to stop when charging broke through its Rock Tomb with Iron Head and continue on to Nosepass hitting it hard. "Great hit now don't let it get up with Metal Claws"

Roxanne was surprised by Saphira strength but before she could do anything her Nosepass was hit by a few Metal Claws and one of them managed to buff Saphira attacks.

"Nosepass use Thunder Wave then Spark!" It send another wave trying to paralyze Saphira and then electricity surrounds its body before it charged at her.

"Saphira use Rock Tomb to defend against the Thunder Wave and once it get closer use First Victory followed by Metal Claws." Saphira manage to produce a Rock Tomb before the Thunder Wave hits her and when Nosepass got closer she used Screech to distract it. Then proceed to use Heavy Slam.

Nosepass received a point blank Screech which was more harmful to it body at such close range. Before it could recover receive a heavy blow due to Saphira's Heavy Slam, and before it could get her off sparks of paralysis appeared preventing it from escaping her furious Metal Claws.

It wasn't long before it was clear it couldn't fight anymore. "Nosepass is unable to battle. Victory goes to the challenger Solaire Eversteel."

Roxanne recalled Nosepass with a sigh "Congratulation on your victory Solaire. Here is the Stone Badge and the reusable TM Rock Tomb. It was an exciting match I hope we can battle again one day perhaps with my true team when you get all eight badge."

I was elated to beat Roxanne after such an exciting battle and grab my rewards from my victory. Now to ask Roxanne about Magnet Rise "Roxanne if it isn't a bother can I ask a favor?"

Roxanne gave me a confused look before nodding "Thanks, now is it possible that one of you pokemon to tutor Saphira on the move Magnet Rise?"

She was surprised at the request and asked why "Well you see I had some ideas about the move and wanted to use it aside from its normal use. But also as a mean of mobility and defense against electric and possible fire type for Saphira using her control over the magnetic field she could control."

At this the Gym Leader eye began glinting at the possible use of the move and agree to teach Saphira after our pokemons where healed. It was still morning when we reached the Center and waited for our pokemon to recover. We spoke over the topic of using Magnet Rise as a mean of mobility and defense. Roxanne told we that while possible Saphira wouldn't be to use to defend against powerful electric and fire type move like I imagine until she fully evolves.

So when our pokemon was returned to us we head back toward the gym to begin the tutoring. While I don't expect Saphira to master it in one day we have enough time for my idea to reach fruition.

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