Finally after a cold night the sun rised up, blessing with warmth, the small town that a new beginning for 4 youths at the age 16, is about to be unfolded. At the second floor of a house at the left part of Pallet town a white haired youth wakes up at the screeching of a Dodrio that leaves at their neighbors house.
Wes: Why this Dodrio screeches so early in the morning.
That was the grumbling of Wes that woke up 1 hour faster than the alarm, he had set the previous night.
Reluctantly he moved from the bed and after washing his face a woman around 1.68 meters height with long brown hair greets him with all shorts of variety of dishes full of food for breakfast.
MOM: Good morning sweetie did you sleep well. You gonna need to be at top condition because the day to pick your first pokemon and begin your journey has finally come.
WES: Yes mom don't worry I'm fine. I only hope professor Oak got the Eevee with the Adaptability Ability i asked him for.
Wes said this, with a worried look on his face.
MOM: Don't worry i bet he will. After all there are only 3 starter Pokemon and four trainers. That's why he asked about your preference after you dicided with the others of your choice to not pick one of the 3 initial starter pokemon. Dad has already gone to help professor Oak at the lab for the preparation of the ceremony to receive your starter pokemon.
His mother said that with a caring look in her eyes
WES: Well I'll see if that's the case. Ok time to eat my breakfast i don't want to be late.
" Of course i don't want to be late like a certain trainer that overslept and got a Pikachu at the end".
After eating and going up his room to dress up and prepare all the essential stuff for the journey, he left for the lab of professor Oak.
WES: Oh mom i almost forgot.
MOM: What have you forgotten something.
Mom asked Wes with a look full of worry.
"Well i can understand why she is so nervous. The day for her only son to leave the house and become a trainer is here and she wants to make sure everything will be alright so that no accident may befall me."
WES: Calm down mom. Every thing will be alright. Also i have ordered something special and the Pidgeot express will bring it today. I already payed for it so if it comes while i am at the lab please receive it for me.
MOM: Okay don't worry i will receive it on your behalf. I will place your order on top of your desk. Be careful while you are going on the lab.
And with all that Wes left home to pick his first ever real Pokémon. After 10 minutes walking he met one of his childhood friends Leaf Augustine.
WES: Hey leaf so you left home early too. To worried to sleep?
LEAF: No Wes i was just to excited that today is the day i finally get to choose my first Pokemon that i couldn't sit at my house and wait for the time to pass.
That friend was Leaf Augustine. A not to tall or short girl with light brown long straight hair wearing a white hat, a blue blouse and a pink skirt said to Wes with a half awake half asleep look on her face.
Her father is a colleague of my father in professors Oak lab and her mother is teacher at the pokemon school at Viridian City.
We had known each other since we were baby's. She always had a preference for grass type pokemon and felt a certain attraction on a smirked faced annoying bastard i want to beat the crap out of.
So we walked the rest of the distance together. On the lab together with professor Oak. Garry and Daisy where already there.
GARY: You are late slowpokes i almost fell asleep waiting for you.
Of course the one with the sweet word's first thing in the morning is a cool looking dude with spiky brown to orange hair. His name was Gary Oak. We where always competitive with one another for everything you can imagine.
DAISY: Gary behave yourself. For the love of Arceus, can you not be a prick for once in your entire life? It's the time where we pick our Pokemon and travel the world, you will have all the time in the world to battle with Wes afterwards".
The one refuting Gary right now is Daisy Oak. Gary's twin sister. Daisy Oak is a tall youth close to 1.90 meters height with long orange hair. She dreams of traveling the world and wants to win the Kanto league like her grandfather did when he had began his own Pokemon journey.
Infront of us standing there with 3 Pokeballs on his left side professor Oak one of the most respected and famous Pokemon professors in the whole world.
OAK: Ok you four today marks the day that you will leave your nests and spread your wings and travel this world. Some of you might leave a new legend while the rest may struggle to achieve their goals but whatever happens i will be here to support you. Now enough with the boring stuff i already know your choices so Gary come and pick your Pokedex and Pokemon first.
GARY: Of Course gramps.
Gary after saying that picked his Pokedex and picked up a Pokeball with a water drop sticker on it and called the Pokemon inside it. Then a Squirtle appeared and Gary had an annoying smirk full of pride on his face.
"Ok system lets see what Gary's starter Pokemon is made off".
Then a row of data appeared in my eyes.
Squirtle: male LV 5. Ability: Torrent. Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Refresh (Baby), Water Spout (Baby).
What the heck!!!!! Water Spout? Professor Oak you have outdone you're self with this Squirtle. And it also knows the Refresh move that can heal all negative status effects. Gary you really lucked out with this Squirtle.
OAK: Ok Gary for now on this Squirtle will be your partner. Make me proud grandson.
GARY: You can put your faith in me gramps.
"Wow i have never seen Gary so excited before what a pity i will not be able to see his reaction when he finds out that his Pokemon knows one of the most powerful Water Type Moves in existence."
OAK: Ok next Leaf take your Pokedex and Pokemon of your choice.
LEAF: Yes professor Oak.
Leaf picked a Pokeball with a leaf sticker on it and with a little tremble from her hand realised her choice. Then a cute Bulbasaur appeared along with a row of data that showed me it's condition.
Bulbasaur: female LV 5 Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Bide (Baby), Reflect (Baby).
"Nice this Bulbasaur has it's Hidden Ability and the Reflect Move. If it Mega evolves it will really be a pain to defeat it".
LEAF: Professor i will take good care of it.
Leaf spoke to professor Oak while hugging her cute Bulbasaur with a radiant smile on her face
OAK: Of corce you will do just that. Now for the final of the trio, is Daisy's turn to pick her first Pokemon.
Then Daisy picked the Pokeball of Charmander and realised it from it's Pokeball.
Charmander: male LV5 Ability: Blaze Item: no
Moves: Scratch, Growl, Dragon Dance (Baby), Power-Up-Punch (Baby).
"First Water Spout Squirtle with Refresh as an added bonus, then a Hidden Ability Bulbasaur with Reflect and finally the Cherubi on top of it all is a freaking Charmander that can boost both it's speed and attack with Dragon Dance and to top all of that it also knows Power-Up-Punch to further increase it's Attack stat. My Arceus, professor don't you think you have gone a little over the top for the starting pokemon of a few novice trainers."
DAISY: With this Charmander i will make sure to follow your footsteps grampa.
OAK: I can't wait to witness that moment my cute granddaughter. Now for the last person left out of the trio I've managed to get the Eevee you wanted with an extra bonus, hope you will like her Wes.
WES: Thanks professor Oak for helping me get the Eevee with the Adaptability Ability.
Wes with a lot of gratitude thanked professor Oak.Then Wes received Eevee's Pokeball.
Then Wes summoned her to see the stats of his very first ever real pokemon, showing a shocked face at the information presented infront of his face.
Eevee: female LV5 Ability: Adaptability Item: no
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby).
"Wow Stored Power and Hidden-Power-Fire. Professor you just gave me the best possible Eevee for the future evolution i planed out for her."
After we finished calling our pokemon from they're Pokeball's, professor Oak was standing with a huge smile on his face, proud of the 4 new trainer's in his sight. But in his eyes you could see a bit of moisture and a look full of nostalgia.
OAK: Now all four of you from this day forth you are Pokemon trainer's as well as the new hope and pride of our Pallet Town. For now you should return home, get used to your Pokemon and prepare anything that's left before the start of your new adventure. Now take this 5 Pokeballs with you to start with and leave to follow your dreams. Although i hope you can call me at the lab from time to time, so i can learn about the progress of your journey.
Then all four of us called back our Pokemon into they're Pokeballs and left the lab. At first the four of as walked the path to our houses where silent. Contemplating what last preparations are left before we leave our nest's and spread our wings as professor Oak said. This silent atmosphere came to a sudden stop by Leaf.
LEAF: So what's the plan everyone for now ?
WES: I plan to go home to communicate with Eevee and train her for a bit to check her fighting ability. Tomorrow i will live Pallet Town to travel. As for my goals. I plan to challenge all the Gym's of the Kanto region and win the Kanto league at September. What about the rest of you ?
GARY: The same as you Wes, but i will be a lot faster than you. Squirtle will destroy the Pewter City gym leader while your Eevee will need to pray for a miracle to Arceus in order to pass the Rock Type Gym of Pewter City.
DAISY: For me, i plan to follow grampa's footsteps. I also have to be careful as well at the Pewter City gym because Charmander will have a hard time as well since he is a Fire Type Pokemon.
"Careful? just use Dragon Dance and Power -Up- Punch and you gonna destroy Brock."
LEAF: Then I'm in luck with Bulbasaur this challenge will be a cakewalk. As for my goal i want to become one of the best Grass Type trainer's in the region and become the first ever Grass Type Elite for member. Hey by the way Gary want to travel together?
"Really now??? We are about to start our adventure and as we reveal our goals and dreams to eachother, you have to ask while looking all red and embarrassed, Gary for a date? Whatever i should go and return home to get my second pokemon and the everstone delivered by the breeding center at Vermilion City. Also i have to get used to both of them. The Kanto league starts at 10 months from now on. So there's a lot of time for preparation."
Now all of you might be wandering where the heck that second Pokemon came from. Well the answer is more simple than it seams at first, because being an intern at a Pokemon lab has one extra bonus. And that bonus is the salary of the internship. Yes being an intern in a Pokemon lab can be considered to be a part time job. So with the money i got from 6 years of hard work i bought my second Pokemon and an Everstone to be completely sure at what pokemon, my Eevee and that Pokemon will evolve in the future.
GARY: No way, i have my own plans and no time to fool around. Wes get ready to be destroyed this time will see who is better.
DAISY: Brother how about cooling down for a bit?
Ok everyone we should go home fast to get used to our Pokemon and start our journey. I hope to see you on the way.
Before i even responded to Gary's remark Daisy put him in his place. Well, after all this years being together, she's used to it.
GARY: Ok everyone smell ya later.
LEAF: Let's meet again at the league.
WES: Or sooner everyone. See you again.
Then all four youths said they're good byes and left for they're home's.
MOM: Come come come show me your first ever Pokemon.
Before i even entered my house my mom came faster than a +6 speed Ninjask with a radiant expression on her face. She almost made me piss myself by her to sudden appearance.
WES: Calm down mom. Here let me call Eevee for you to see.
Then i took Eevee's Pokeball and as i was about to press the button to summon Eevee the telephone started ringing. Then Mom responded to the call and her expression after the phone call turned into pity.
MOM: Bad luck. Your father just called, because of the hatching of 6 Pokémon Eggs, he will have to work overtime.
WES: Well it can't be helped. Ok Eevee come on out.
As i said that i pressed the button of the pokeball and a brown very cute Eevee appeared in the view of my mothers eyes. The next moment my mother grabbed Eevee in a hug full of affection faster than a Regieleki at +6 speed with Tailwind on the field.
MOM: Impossible!!!!!!! How cute are you???? Yes here let me prepare some treats for you. Oh i almost forgot. Your order came in 1 hour after you had left.
WES: Thanks mom.
So with that, mom gone to the kitchen to cook some food for us and some treats for Eevee. Of course i asked to make double the amount of treats since i have a second Pokemon now. As for me? I went straight upstairs to open my parcel.
On top of my desk was a small box. After i opened it, a grey stone and a Luxury Ball was inside. The grey stone is an Everstone that stops a Pokemon from evolving, while the Luxury Ball is the home of my second Pokemon. Luxury Balls have the effect to increase the friendship a Pokemon has for its trainer faster than normal.
So i took both items and run back down to the kitchen. There my Eevee was sitting on the table watching with eyes more sparkling than diamonds as my mother prepared food for us. So i took the luxury Ball and pressed the button on it to realise the Pokemon inside it infront of my Eevee.
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