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46.66% Pokémon world journey / Chapter 21: Ch 12: Wes VS Charmeleon

Chapter 21: Ch 12: Wes VS Charmeleon

In front of Wes, the attacker reaveled itself. 200 meters straight from the position Wes was standing , a wild Charmeleon with a look full of excitement for battle could be seen.

Wes immediately used his system to check the status of this wild Charmeleon.

Charmeleon: male LV 21 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face.

WES: !!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck?

Wes was immediately startled from this Charmeleon's summary.

"Hidden Ability check, Dragon Pulse already check, a special damaging Rock Type Move check. BELLY DRUM oh my GOD Arceus what's wrong with this Charmeleon???? It can be a very powerful Special attacker and if special attacks don't work i can simply use the Gen 2, Gen 3 BellyZard strategy. Ok you are definitely mine."

WES: Umbreon use Sand Attack.

Umbreon immediately threw a pile of sand on Charmeleon's face. Charmeleon used its Dragon Pulse. The blue sphere full of draconic energy hit Umbreon.

WES: Umbreon use Sand Attack again.

The same exchange took place again. Only this time the aim of the Dragon Pulse launched by Charmeleon was a bit wide.

WES: Umbreon use Quick Attack.

Umbreon dashed really fast towards Charmeleon and hit it, sending it 4 steps backwards. Charmeleon roared and used its Scratch Move to hit the Umbreon.

WES: Umbreon use Curse.

Then Umbreon used its Curse Move lowering by 1 stage its Speed stat but also rising at the same time by 1 stage its Attack and Def stat. Charmeleon hit Umbreon once more with its Dragon Pulse.

After that exchange Charmeleon lunched again its Dragon Pulse.

WES: Umbreon use Protect then Curse.

Umbreon was instantly enveloped by a green dome and Charmeleon's Dragon Pulse was diflected when it came into contact with it. Then Umbreon was enveloped by a mysterious aura.

WES: Great Umbreon use Curse again.

Umbreon again for the third time was enveloped by the mysterious aura from the Curse Move. Because of the wide angle of this Dragon Pulse Umbreon even though it was literally at -3 Speed was able to dodge it.


Charmeleon roared even more excited than before. then as it used the Move it had trained to defeat the wild Geodude leaving on this area. Metal Claw. It's claws shined in a grey metallic luster and then it moved fast towards Umbreon hiting it in the process. Umbreon for the forth time used its Curse Move.

WES: Umbreon use Wish.

Then a star seamed to fall from the heaven as Charmeleon used its Scarry Face Move to lower even more the Speed of Umbreon (-4-2=-6) so that it won't be able to dodge its attacks anymore.

WES: Umbreon Protect then Curse.

Charmeleon attacked with its Dragon Rage Move this time. But this always 40 damage Move was also deflected like the previous Dragon Pulse. Then a light coming down from the heavens fell on Umbreon and combined with the dark red aura of Curse for a combination that would for sure score high in a Pokemon Contest. From the light Umbreon recovered 50% HP while Curse rised its Attack and Def stat by 1 stage. This time Umbreon's Speed stat wasn't lowered because it was at the maximum -6.

WES: Umbreon one final Curse.

Umbreon used Curse for the sixth time maximising its Attack and Def stat. Charmeleon used its Ancient Power Move, lunching numerous big chunks of rock to Umbreon. Charmeleon was very lucky because the 10% chance to increase all of its stats was activated.

WES: Umbreon Wish then Quick Attack.

Then a star fell again from the heavens. Charmeleon Dragon Pulse hit Umbreon but it immediately started to run at blinding speed leaving numerous afterimages behind it.

Charmeleon's instincts immediately screamed at it that this was a really dangerous situation so Charmeleon jumped towards its Left side like a Goalkeeper tring to catch a ball, behind a big boulder. Umbreon immediately changed its direction and smashed right through the boulder. Charmeleon was able to avoid Umbreon's attack by a hair. The big boulder was completely destroyed. Charmeleon instantly counter attacked using its Dragon Rage Move.

Umbreon use Protect.

Then the Dragon Rage Move of Charmeleon was yet again deflected by Umbreon's Protect Move. Then a light came straight down from the heavens at restored the HP of Umbreon.

WES: Umbreon use Confuse Ray.

Charmeleon instantly jumped behind a boulder avoiding the mysterious energy lunched from Umbreon's eyes.

Charmeleon POV:

Charmeleon couldn't have asked for anything better. This fight with this strange black Pokemon made it push itself to its limits and beyond. It felt that the bottleneck it was facing turn loose very fast. It was so excited because even with all its hard training to defeat those Rock Type Pokemon. Its attacks couldn't do anything to this strange black Pokemon.

It felt that if the current situation didn't change it would lose for sure. So with a huge roar it decided to stake it all. In its hart it already accepted this trainer as the one that will be responsible for it, reaching the top of the strongest Pokemon. But it didn't want to go out with out a fight. So it started to hit its belly multiple times using the Belly Drum Move.

Wes POV:

Umbreon use Qui.....

Wes was ready to give Umbreon its next order but his voice was overshadowed by a huge roar.



Then Wes saw Charmeleon hiting its belly multiple times.

" I see. so at this final stage of the battle, you risk everything to win. I like such determination. I will definitely make you one of the strongest Pokemon"

WES: Umbreon get ready. The final confrontation is beginning.

UMBREON: Umbreeeeeeon!!!

Umbreon roared in confirmation towards its trainer.

Charmeleon finished its Belly Drum Move increasing its Attack stat to the maximum +6. Then a huge silver luster enveloped its claws. It looked like someone put a clawed armguard in its arms. Then it rushed towards Umbreon.

WES: Umbreon stand your ground then Payback.

Umbreon stood in its place preparing to receive Charmeleon's Metal Claw Move. Then Charmeleon came close and slashed with both its claws its opponent. Umbreon took the hit and instantly a huge menacing and murderous smirk appeared on its face.

Charmeleon was shocked by that and it immediately tried to jump backwards to avoid being hit. But before it jumped it saw Umbreon's body enveloped by a dark spooky aura and its red eyes glowed in a bloody red colour. Someone could discern a bloody mist coming from those eyes combining with the dark sura of the Payback Move. Then as Charmeleon jumped backwards Umbreon smashed its body on Charmeleon. Charmeleon flew like an F1 car with enabled DRS and smashed through 4 boulders.

Through shear will Charmeleon didn't faint. it just stayed down totally flat on the ground. With its half open eyes it saw the weird black Pokemon and its trainer come close to it. Wes bent his knees and touched Charmeleon's forehead.

WES: Nice battle Charmeleon.

Charmeleon smirked in defeat. Then it saw this trainer pull a strange red and white ball.

WES: From now you are one of my Pokemon. Welcome to the team.

Then as Charmeleon smiled Wes touched it with the Pokeball and Charmeleon went inside. After 3 distinct sound effects Charmeleon was caught.

Wes immediately sprinted towards the entrance of Mt. Moon since next to it there was a Pokemon Center. Charmeleon needed a lot of care after it received a stab doubled powered +6 Payback. Wes finally reached the Pokemon center. After an hour he got his Pokemon back and he immediately entered Mt. Moon.


1: Eevee: female LV 19 Ability: Adaptability Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM).

2: Umbreon: male LV 21 Ability: Synchronize Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack.

3: Nidorino: male. LV 17 Ability: Poison Point

Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM).

4: Ivysaur: male LV 16 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM).

5: Butterfree: female LV 13 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore.

6: Charmeleon: male LV 22 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face.

next chapter

Chapter 22: Ch 13: Mt. Moon Part 1

Wes after healing his team, especially the new member of it, Charmeleon. Charmeleon's healing actually took 40 full minutes. Well after such an intense battle such an outcome was expected. After healing his team, Wes immediately entered Mt. Moon

As Wes entered he was immediately greeted by the wild Zubat screeching all over the cave. The atmosphere was even more annoying than the games. In the games you would simply get into a wild battle every few steps and the opponent would usually be a wild Zubat. But in the real world, Wes could she hundreds of Zubat's using their sonic wave to navigate the place. Wes immediately summoned all of his Pokemon out in order for them to get used to this environment. Also as a form of protection if he was attacked.

Then after half an hour. Getting used to this environment Wes checked the system to she what Pokemon can be found inside this place.

Mt. Moon:

Zubat: Are You Blind? LV 1- 21

Geodude: Very Common LV 1-23

Paras: Common LV 1-23

Sandshrew: Common LV 1-21

Golbat: Common LV 22- 26

Parasect: Rare LV 24-26

Sandslash: Very Rare LV 22-26

Clefairy: Very Rare LV 8- 23

Cleffa: Ultra Rare LV 1- 14

Clefable: Ultra Rare LV 14-28

Happiny: ??? LV 1-15

Chansey: ??? LV 7-27

"???. What's that suppose to mean."

Wes immediately received his answer from a note in the system.

??? means that the Pokemon is almost impossible to be found. The Trainer has to go outside the main paths in the uncharted areas and be lucky enough to find one. Of course the trainer might be lucky enough to find one that left its habitat.

" I see. So to get a Chansey i need to wait until i reach Fuchsia City. Ok then Zubat is also an amazing pick and with so many i could get an amazing Pokemon. But with my plan for the Kanto league its already hard to train so many Pokemon let alone catch an additional one. 9-10, its a good number, better not overdo it. Well Zubat can also be found in many other regions. So i can catch one at that time. Ok time to train and travel "

After Wes finished his thoughts he immediately began training, by fighting some Geodude or Paras he found on his way. He didn't target any of the Zubat or Golbat for obvious reasons. As he reached a huge clearing Wes was suddenly stopped by a young lass

Lass: Hello. i see you are a trainer. How about a 2vs2 single battle?

WES: Sure why not?

Then the lass called out her Oddish. Wes had his Butterfree fight.

Lass: Oddish use Charm.

WES: Butterfree use String Shot.

After the orders were given Butterfree lunched a lot of silk on Oddish while Oddish started acting cute. Someone could see a faint illusion of harts floating around it. The String Shot connected and stuck on the body of Oddish lowering its speed by 2 stages while Oddish lowered the Atk stat of Butterfree by also 2 stages. (In Generations 1-5, String Shot lowers Speed by 1 stage. After Gen 6 it lowers the targets Pokemon Speed stat by 2 stages).

Lass: Oddish use Acid.

WES: Dodge to the left and use Gust.

Butterfree easily dodged the Acid Move of Oddish. Then it counter attacked by flapping its wings really fast creating a small tornado that hit the Oddish for Super effective damage.

WES: Butterfree Confusion.

Then from Butterfree' eyes a flash of azure light appeared and its Confusion Move connected with the opposing Oddish knocking it out.

Lass: Oddish. Noooo.

The Lass returned back her Oddish back to its Pokeball. Then she summoned her Bellsprout but the result was the same.

After the fight, Wes continued his journey. As he was moving he suddenly stopped because of a Pokemon cry.


Wes saw a weird guy in black clothing with a black hat and a huge red R printed on his upper outfit.

"That for sure is a Team Rocket Grunt."

The Rocket Grunt was using a Raticate to attack the young Cleffa and Clefairy.

"A team Rocket Grunt. his targeting this Clefairy and Cleffa. Cleffairy are known to be nice Pokemon that can give gifts to passing travelers. This guy instead of defeating them to catch them is actually scaring and torturing them. Ok then time to beat you a bit."

WES: Umbreon hit that guy with a Hyper Beam.

Wes whispered towards his Umbreon. then it started gathering energy at it launched after it gathered enough a huge dark purplish ray towards the unsuspecting Team Rocket Grunt.

This grunt was given the mission to find a cleffairy or one of its pre evolution, so he can be led towards their habitat were the locals said that a gigantic Moon Stone could be found in it. The poor grunt had actually spent 3 days searching for one but he had no luck.

When he finally found that Cleffa and Clefairy he wanted to blow out some steam to calm from the past frustration. While he was enjoying himself he felt something fast approaching behind him. He immediately turned back to look but before he could react the Hyper Beam slammed on him and knocked him back in a cave wall. The Rocket Grunt fainted from the sneak attack. Raticate on the other had was totally confused as to what happened. But before it could react a Nidorino, Ivysaur, Charmeleon and an Eevee immediately surrounded it, and started to gunk on it.

With both the grunt and the Raticate knocked out, Wes immediately called the police to inform them of his capture. After all, if a Team Rocket member was captured, the catcher would receive the grunts bounty. As he was waiting he took a potion and he immediately treated the hurt Cleffa. Then the duo of Pokemon left leaving Wes with the Rocket Grunt. The police finally arrived and they immediately secured the grunt and his Pokemon. Wes gave his info to the policeman so that after the interrogation he would be able to receive the bounty.

Team Rocket was such a big problem in the Kanto and Johto regions that the police actually realised bounties for trainers that captured members of this criminal group.

After the Policeman left Wes continued traveling. During the night he found a good spot to set camp to rest and sleep. He had his Pokemon take turns, looking out for any danger. After a good sleep he woke up early in the morning and immediately continued traveling through Mt. Moon. Suddenly his Eevee and Umbreon took fighting stances as something was coming fast towards Wes.

" Wait a minute is this a Cleffa? Why is it running towards me?"

Umbreon and Eevee communicated with the Cleffa. Then the Cleffa moved next to Wes and with some cute cry's Wes looked at it. This Cleffa was holding a strange dark gray transparent rock that could easily pass as a crystal.

WES: Is this for me?

Cleffa: Cleffa clef clef cleffa.

Wes asked in bewilderment. He had heard off Cleffa or Clefairy gifting other trainers different stuff, but by looking at that stone he felt shocked. Thanks to this gift he found something that he needed. If he were to buy this item it would have cost him a small fortune. And if he was to search around Mt. Moon it would take a lot of time to find one.

The Cleffa gave this stone to Wes and after it thanked Umbreon, for rescuing it from that scarry man, it left.

Wes continued his journey and tried to reach the exit as fast as possible after he found the Moon stone he wanted for Nidorino. He would use it in it, after it reached the appropriate Level ( Nidoking learns this moves at LV 21 Chip Away, Level 35 Thrash, Level 43 Earth Power and Level 58 Megahorn. In previous generations like gen 3 Nidoking actually learned only Megahorn. So many players would wait before evolving their Nidorino).


1: Eevee: female LV 20 Ability: Adaptability Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Crowl, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Detect (Baby), Stored Power (Baby), Hidden-Power-Fire (Baby), Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Bite, Swift, Protect (TM), Refresh.

2: Umbreon: male LV 22 Ability: Synchronize Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Crowl, Helping Hand, Curse (Baby), Wish (Baby), Sand Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack, Double Kick (Tutor), Hyper Beam (Tutor), Confuse Ray, Protect (TM), Payback (Tutor), Feint Attack.

3: Nidorino: male. LV 18 Ability: Poison Point Item: no

Moves: Lear, Peck, Sucker Punch (Baby), Head Smash (Baby), Focus Energy, Double Kick, Protect (TM).

4: Ivysaur: male LV 17 Ability: Chlorophyll Item: no

Moves: Tackle, Growl, Swords Dance (Baby), Seed Bomb (Baby), Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Protect (TM).

5: Butterfree: female LV 15 Ability: Compound Eyes Item: no

Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Harden, Electroweb, Gust, Protect (TM), Confusion, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore.

6: Charmeleon: male LV 22 Ability: Solar Power Item: no

Moves: Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power (Baby), Dragon Pulse (Baby), Belly Drum (Baby), Ember, Smokescreen, Metal Claw (Tutor), Dragon Rage, Scary Face.

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