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Pokémon Odyssey: Echoed Reflections Pokémon Odyssey: Echoed Reflections original

Pokémon Odyssey: Echoed Reflections

Author: starkight

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Childhood Beginnings

As the boarding process unfolded, a young man, who seemed to be around 22 years of age, gracefully settled into his seat amidst a sea of fellow passengers doing the same. With an air of familiarity, he reached for his smartphone, a modern ritual before takeoff, and toggled it into airplane mode. This precautionary step, he knew, served to safeguard against any inadvertent disruptions by temporarily suspending the device's ability to send or receive calls and text messages while in-flight.

It was going to be a long flight to Japan, a destination he had long yearned to visit. "Let's see here," he muttered, his gaze fixed on the glowing screen of his smartphone, as he contemplated which games to load up in order to pass the time. He considered himself a bit of an old-school gamer, having grown disillusioned with the current generation of games. In his opinion, they were marred by profit-driven motives, delivering lackluster, half-finished products while pushing downloadable content (DLCs) and patches that should have been part of the base game.

Frustrated with this trend, he had decided to retreat to the classics, embracing vintage games. At least with these, he found solace in the knowledge that passionate communities were dedicated to remaking old titles into new, modded versions of the originals. It was a reassuring return to a time when gaming was about artistry, innovation, and the love for the craft."

A smile crossed his face as he tapped on his Game Boy emulator, a treasure trove of modded Pokémon games awaiting his attention. He had always been a fervent Pokémon enthusiast, though his passion had waned over time due to the series' repetitive nature.

Today, however, his excitement was rekindled as he embarked on a quest for a specific modded version of Fire Red known as "Pokémon Odyssey." This altered game, as the rumors went, encompassed every Pokémon, region, and gameplay mechanic from all the previous Pokémon titles. It was said to include filler games, surprises, and much more.

When his friend first mentioned this seemingly too-good-to-be-true game, he had brushed it off as hyperbole. But curiosity had finally won him over. This game, his friend insisted, would be unlike anything he had ever seen. On this long flight, he thought, why not become a beta tester for this Pokémon Odyssey adventure?

He let out a low whistle. "Man, he really outdid himself with this," he muttered while gazing at the GBA file, which clocked in at over 1GB. "Never thought I'd see the day where a GBA ROM is that big."

With a click, the game began, surprising him with an anime opening. "It even has an opening," he mused, captivated by the collage of all the Pokémon series openings. Among the flashes of beloved characters, he even caught a glimpse of Red.

Pressing "Start," the game loaded, presenting him with difficulty options:

[Select Difficulty]

[Normal Mode] A Pokémon game with reimagined stories and enhanced villains, featuring all Pokémon from Gen 1 to Gen 10. Experience a unique Pokémon journey with manageable battles, engaging challenges, and a focus on building bonds. Ideal for beginners.

[Hard Mode] Pokémon can faint, and players lose money upon defeat. Everything is 50% tougher. For expert players.

[Nuzlocke Mode] Immerses you in real-life settings, transforming the game into a challenging, realistic experience. Packed with intricate mechanics, this mode offers a breath of fresh air for experienced players and Nuzlocke enthusiasts.

He raised an eyebrow at the "Real-life" description. "What could 'real life' mean?" he muttered. "Sounds interesting." With a determined smile, he selected Nuzlocke mode, but his expression soured as he saw the installation screen.

[Please wait while the game unpacks the content]


("Attention passengers, please buckle your seatbelts as we are entering a thunderstorm.") He peered out the window, expecting to see the vast expanse of the ocean but was met with ominous black clouds crackling with lightning. "Weird," he muttered, as he could have sworn it was a sunny day just moments ago.


[Player tips: Be sure to take good care of your Pokémon in the new world.]

The screen transitioned from black to unveil a vibrant, bustling world of Pokémon. Lush forests, flowing rivers, and towering mountains stretched as far as the eye could see.

["Welcome to the world of Pokémon!"]

As the camera zoomed in on a quaint little town, a young Trainer began their journey, waving goodbye to their family.

"Cool," he exclaimed, genuinely impressed by the lifelike animations. Suddenly, the plane began to shake violently. He quickly glanced out the window, only to witness the plane's wing and engine being struck by a bolt of thunder. Fear gripped him, his widened eyes reflecting the abrupt pause of his racing heart.

[50% installation]

["In this land, Pokémon are waiting to be discovered, trained, and battled!"]

The scene transitioned to various Trainers battling in gyms, exploring caves, and crossing vast oceans. Legendary Pokémon soared through the skies.

["Face legendary challenges, forge new friendships, and become a Pokémon Master!"]

The camera panned to a grand stadium, where two Trainers were locked in an intense battle. The crowd cheered wildly.

Before he could react, the plane took a sudden nosedive into the ocean. Passengers screamed, frantically reaching for life-saving jackets and air masks. He struggled to unbuckle his seatbelt and grab a life-saving jacket.

[75% installation]

Finally, the camera zoomed in on the three iconic starter Pokémon: Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle.

"Choose your starting Pokémon and write your own legend!"

A montage of exciting battles, gym badges, and heartfelt moments unfolded, illustrating the journey's trials and triumphs.

"With dedication and strategy, you'll earn Gym Badges and make lifelong friends, even find love interests."

The screen shifted to a mysterious cave with glowing runes, hinting at the mysteries that awaited.

"Explore ancient ruins and uncover the secrets of the Pokémon world."

The camera panned to a peaceful town, where players could heal their Pokémon and connect with other Trainers.

"Every town holds new adventures and opportunities to connect with fellow Trainers."

[100% Complete]

the chaos from the plane still weighed heavily on his mind. However, his thoughts began to slow, and his eyes assumed a distant, trance-like gaze.

Eventually, the camera zoomed in on a boy wearing a purple long-sleeve shirt and black pants, confidently holding up a Pokémon ball. He found himself on the cusp of an extraordinary adventure. 'I will become the strongest ever,' he declared. Nearby, another boy of the same age, with black hair, blue jeans, a blue jacket, and a red cap bearing a green L symbol, turned to face him. 'Can you keep up, Ashy boy?' The boy with the cap grinned, and Ash responded with a smile, 'Shouldn't I be asking you that, Gary?' Gary in response simply glared at Ash before grinning before his eyes caught sight of their childhood friend and ran to catch up with them. she finally caught her breath and pulled out a map "you two forgot your maps" she said annoyed.

['Your journey is about to begin, and your destiny as a Pokémon Master awaits!']

With renewed enthusiasm, the screen transitioned back to the title screen, featuring the three trainers ready for their remarkable adventure in the Pokémon world. The 'Press Start' prompt blinked before transitioning to a new game. These were the last messages on his phone.

Everything abruptly turned dark as he plummeted into the cold waters, struggling for breath as water filled his lungs. His body grew cold, and his heart rate slowed as he froze to death in his seat, while everyone else managed to escape. Through his blurry vision, he barely discerned the glitching text on his phone's screen.

['Enjoy your New Life, Player']

The phone glitched one final time before shutting down, and darkness enveloped him."

"It's the same dream again," the boy muttered sleepily as he rubbed his eyes in his bed before fixing his gaze on the ceiling. He blinked a few times, taking in the room that was both familiar and strangely unfamiliar. With a sigh, he pushed his tiny body out of bed, stretching and yawning as he did. It had been six years since he had passed away and found himself in this world, reborn as a baby. Most people would be in a state of panic, but he had the entire infancy of his new life to figure things out and come to terms with his new identity. In this new life, he was known as Gary Oak.

He couldn't help but feel shocked when he first realized that this world was the Pokémon world. Overwhelmed by fear, he had initially set his eyes on his grandfather's Pokémon storage center. I mean, who wouldn't be frightened when faced with a towering, fire-breathing lizard known as Charizard?.

He chuckled as he fondly remembered that day. Back then, he had clung to his leg like a baby, but he couldn't help it. After all, he was a grown man trapped in a three-year-old's body that had never seen a monster dinosaur creature before. But he reasoned, why not use his baby's body to his advantage if it helped him overcome his fear?.

He glanced at the large clock hanging on his wall, its hands pointing at 6:45. A smile spread across his face. "Just the way I like it," he said as he looked at the Poké Ball split in half, resting on his drawer with a blank expression before he smiled and moved to the bathroom.

He gazed at the sink, which was as tall as he was, and let out a sigh. He couldn't help but miss being tall. With a thoughtful expression, he pulled out a wooden stool and placed it by the sink, using it to stand on while he began to brush his teeth.

These six years had been peaceful and lonely, much like a typical Pokémon world. However, he vividly remembered the shock he felt when he first opened his eyes to his mother's breast. It had been a heart-stopping moment. He had squirmed and tried to move his body, but the mobility of a newborn baby was practically non-existent. All he could do was drink his mother's milk and after a while, he became a 3-year-old and he enjoyed spending time with his new family, seeing his father smile, and his mother's carefree expression. He frowned when recalling those times, Those were happy times indeed but everything changed when.....Gary clenched his fists and shook his head.

Eventually, he calmed down and accepted the fact that he was now a baby in the Pokémon world, evidenced by the presence of the nurse with pink hair. She was Nurse Joy, a figure any Pokémon fan would recognize, even if they had stopped watching or playing games for years, as he did. Her image was imprinted in the memories of countless fans.

However, that wasn't the only thing that had shocked him. What truly astounded him was seeing a man who looked identical to an adult Gary Oak. "Gary Oak, that's your name," the man stated, and in an instant, Gary knew that this wasn't the familiar anime world of Pokémon. After all, why else would Blue Oak be his father? If Blue was his father, then the chances were high that this was the manga version of the Pokémon universe or perhaps even.....

He shook his head, trying to make sense of the situation. "It can't be," he muttered to himself, then nodded slowly. "Ash and Gary's fathers were never mentioned in the anime, so who knows, maybe this is the anime after all." He hoped it was the anime version because, compared to the games and the manga, the anime was considered "easy mode." He readily admitted to knowing a little about the manga and had only played the games from Gen 1 to Gen 6. Beyond that, he was utterly clueless.

"Doesn't matter, I mean Pokémon is Pokémon," Gary muttered in deep thought. In his mind, there was no need for extensive planning. He would simply train his Pokémon to become incredibly strong to the point where no one could stand in his way. That was his ultimate goal: to become the strongest Trainer and, of course, to kick some cliché villain's butt.

With his morning ritual complete, Gary swiftly changed into his classic attire, consisting of a purple long-sleeve shirt and black shorts. He dashed down the staircase and into the kitchen, where he heard his mom singing. "Morning, Aunty Joy!" he greeted with a cheerful smile.

Aunty Joy smiled warmly as she turned to greet the great-grandson of Professor Oak. Her long pink hair flowed with grace and she wore simple clothes an ordinary mother would wear which was a white apron with a simple brown wife dress. "Good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?" Professor Oak could not take care of me as much as he wanted to because he was a busy man especially after...

Gary frowned his eyes narrowed. he could not really remember what had happened since his brain was still developing at the time, all he knows is that his family was never the same again. The last time he saw his father smile was when he was when he turned 3 and left him in this solitary mansion of a house.

The woman in front of him was Nurse Joy who was hired to be his step-in mom after my father had left.

Gary grinned, his excitement palpable. "My sleep was okay," he replied as he hurriedly sat down and eagerly awaited his breakfast. Grace busied herself preparing some scrambled eggs. "So, are you excited for your first Pokémon?" she asked, already knowing what his answer would be.

Gary nodded enthusiastically. A month ago, he had made up his mind to venture into the woods to catch his first Pokémon. He wasn't willing to wait until he turned 10 to receive a starter Pokémon. His plan was to capture a Pokémon and train it so that by the time his official journey began, his starter would be strong enough to take on at least the first two Gyms. Unbeknownst to him, his grandfather had caught on to his plan and prevented him from moving too far from the neighborhood he found himself in. No matter how much he tried to be secretive or how much he tried to be sneaky, his grandfather would always catch him red-handed.

It was almost as if the old professor could see everything that happened in this little place called Pallet Town. Despite Professor Oak's attempts to dissuade him, Gary remained determined to leave town.

After numerous discussions and debates among family members, Professor Oak eventually decided to contact Gary's father.

(one month ago)

Smoke and fire shrouded the entire area, resembling an underground base. Countless lifeless bodies clad in black suits adorned with a big red letter "R" lay strewn about, and the ground was littered with destroyed Pokémon balls.

Amid the chaos, a Rocket grunt emerged from the burning building, trying desperately to flee the scene. But his escape was thwarted by a chilling voice that pierced through the inferno. "Arcanine, rip him to shreds!" the voice commanded, and a colossal four-legged creature, resembling a blend of a tiger and a lion, answered the call with a menacing presence.

Arcanine growled menacingly as it charged from the smoke, its claws ready to strike down the defenseless Rocket grunt. With a swift motion, the grunt was sent tumbling to the ground. Emerging from the smoky haze was a man with spikey brown hair, his eyes cold and piercing as they locked onto the trembling grunt.

"Please spare me," the grunt begged desperately.

"Fire Blast," came the chilling reply. Arcanine's mouth glowed a fiery red, and a torrent of flames erupted, engulfing the unfortunate Rocket member.

Blue watched the screams and the fire from a distance, his expression unreadable. He turned and exited the scorched building, his wristwatch ringing to alert him. He touched the screen, revealing Professor Oak's stern face. "Dad?" Blue muttered, concern in his voice. He wondered why his father was calling.

Professor Oak let out a sigh. "It's about your son," he began. For a moment, fear gripped Blue's heart. "What happened?" he demanded, his tone turning cold with a hint of anxiety. Samuel proceeded to explain what his son had been up to, and Blue's initial fear gave way to a sigh of relief, followed by another sigh of resignation.


Predictably, Gary's father agreed that when he turned 6 years old, he could have his first Pokémon as a house pet since it was illegal for anyone under 10 years to own a Pokémon. Gary readily accepted the offer, as he was eager to start his journey with any Pokémon by his side as soon as possible.

After finishing his breakfast and giving his stepmom a warm hug, Gary bid her farewell and left their home. The Oak family residence was a grand triple-story house with numerous rooms, serving as a home to not only his mother but also his grandfather and father. It had been the Oak family's home for generations but for 3 long years, it was only him in this empty space, him and joy. With enthusiasm, Gary walked in slow steps to the Pokémon research center. He sighed and looked into the sky."

Maybe this is why the original Gary was such a prick" Humans by nature are social creatures and they need connections and support from positive relationships to be mentally stable, leaving a child alone in a solitary house will do wonders in creating a bitter arrogant child that does whatever to seek Attention or in Gary's case love and recognition from a family that's was too busy to deal with him.

Growing up like Gary was hard, For Pete's sake, his 6 years old and already living in the shadow of his family and everyone had motives to get close to him to try and gain favour. Everyone had this fake personality when interacting with him, no matter what he did, they would simply smile and act like yes dolls even when he was in the wrong. Everyone had this expectation of him to succeed in his family. everyone was looking down on him as if he were their ticket to fame, Any small thing he would do would reflect on Blue and Samuel Oak.

Such a life would obviously create such unstable characters, but for the current him?.it was fine dealing with all this pressure Since he was a loner in his previous life. So his 22-year-old mentality could handle the loneliness, after all that had been his whole life.

He always thought the rich famous family-type characters had redundant personalities. Arrogant, rude, superior mentality, and cold. But Now he understood how hard it must have been for them. "Now I understand Gary's goal of becoming the strongest." Gary thought about the Original Gary in the anime, "If he's feeling like me right now then he really wanted to escape his family's shadow."

Gary ran with determination, each step taking him closer to the imposing white building that crowned the grassy hill. He couldn't wait to get out of this town and start his life as a trainer. As he approached, the building loomed smaller and smaller in his vision until it was right before him. He took a deep breath, his anticipation growing, and pushed through the door.

Inside, the Pokémon research center was a hive of activity. Countless scientists bustled about, some clutching clipboards, while others held stacks of papers. Gary hurriedly navigated through the crowd, his sole objective being to reach the backyard and collect his Pokémon.

Upon opening the door to the backyard, he was greeted by the sight of numerous Pokémon that his father and rival had captured. Gary recognized some of them from playing Gen 1 Pokémon games and the HeartGold remakes. Among them, one of his father's most powerful Pokémon, Arcanine, sprinted across the large field, using other Pokémon as obstacles to jump and avoid.

Further on, there was Machamp, a four-armed humanoid Pokémon with grey skin, performing Diamond push-ups and planks. Gary watched in awe as Alakazam floated in the air, using his mind powers to hold the massive 15-foot-tall blue serpent, Gyarados, high above the ground while it slept. Alakazam seemed to be using the tremendous weight of the serpent to hone his psychic skills.

In the midst of it all, shirtless and bathed in sunlight, was his father, performing heavy lifting exercises similar to his Machamp . His father's physique was nothing short of impressive, adorned with countless muscles and well-defined abs. Gary had once asked his father why he trained with his Pokémon, and his father had replied that trainers needed to be physically fit to defend themselves if the need ever arose.

"Dad," Gary exclaimed in awe. No matter how many times he had seen his father over the years, he couldn't help but be starstruck by one of the greatest Pokémon characters of all time. Blue stopped his intense workout, turning his attention to his son, who regarded him with admiration. Being looked up to by his son filled him with immense pride; what father wouldn't want their child to admire them?

"Gary, what are you doing here, and why are you up so early?" Blue inquired, puzzled. He was usually the one up at the crack of dawn, often leaving the house before he even woke up.

Gary chuckled. His father's dedication to his training was well-known. "Well, today's my birthday, and you said that when I turn six, I would get a Pokémon," Gary explained with a bright smile. Blue's eyes widened in realization. He remembered the promise he had made a month ago when he was traveling across the Kanto region. His own father had called him, explaining that Gary had been causing trouble and wanted to leave town. Blue had been concerned that his son might get caught up in his and Red's problems, and he had immediately made his way back home.

Blue knew he couldn't leave anything to chance, especially if his son possessed a similar determination to him. If Gary had his mind set on leaving town, then outsmarting him might be the only way to keep him safe.

"Right, I did say such a thing," Blue acknowledged as he stood up from doing push-ups and put on a white shirt. He addressed his Pokémon, "Alright, guys, take a quick break." His Pokémon groaned at this change in Blue's usual routine. He had always been the constant training type, cold and effective, but ever since his defeat by Red all those years ago, he had gradually softened. And when his own child was born, his cold persona had vanished entirely whenever he was around.

"Kiddo, do me a favor and go get Red's kid," Blue requested. Gary scowled immediately at the mention of Red's child. Blue raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in his eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" he inquired. Gary shook his head, dismissing the question. "It's nothing," he replied before turning to leave. Blue chuckled, understanding why his son reacted the way he did. After all, their history with Red's family was far from ordinary.

Gary let out a sigh as he made his way toward the Ketchum house. The boy who lived there, Ash Ketchum, was like a brother to him—an annoying but dearly loved younger brother who never seemed to stop ranting about something. Gary had met Ash on a playdate when they were merely 4 years old. For Gary, meeting one of his childhood heroes in person had been like a dream come true. He and Ash got along incredibly well as if they were..... Although Gary struggled to come up with the right phrase to describe their connection, the point was clear: they were inseparable. They both had a deep passion for Pokémon, and shared the dream of becoming Pokémon Trainers, and as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.

Even though conversing with a toddler like Ash was often exasperating, Gary put up with it since he, too, was expected to act like a baby in this world. Gary couldn't help but ponder the implications of his father and Uncle Red's presence in the Pokémon world. Memories of playing Pokémon Fire Red, what felt like a lifetime ago, flooded his mind. He had dismantled Team Rocket in that game, so did that mean the Rocket organization was no more in this world? They were adults now, so could it be that all the events from the Pokémon games and manga were taken care of by them?

He found himself hoping that this was the case, as it would mean he could embark on a simple adventure without the looming threat of world-ending events. Lost in thought, Gary stood in front of the Ketchum family's door, raising his hand to knock. He patiently waited for either Mr. Mime or Aunty Ketchum to answer the door.

The door swung open, revealing a young woman with long brown hair. She was dressed in a blouse with an apron, and her warm smile greeted Gary. "Good morning, dear," she said kindly. Gary offered a polite bow. "Good morning, Aunty Ketchum. I was wondering if I could play with Ash," he inquired with a friendly smile, straightening up.

Delia smiled lightly at the request. "Sure why don't you come in," she said as she stepped aside to let the child in. "Oh! My father said he wanted me to bring Ash to the research center," Gary added. Delia's expression shifted to one of astonishment. "Blue is back?" she exclaimed. It had been nearly three years since her husband and Blue had left to deal with some loose ends.

"Is Red there too?" she asked hopefully, her voice tinged with longing. She had missed Red deeply, and she knew that both Blue and Red couldn't stay in one place for long, given their history. The years of silence had left her constantly worried.

Delia's hopeful question hung in the air, but Gary's response was a shake of his head. "No, I don't know if he's there. I only saw my dad," he admitted. Delia sighed, a mixture of relief and frustration evident in her expression. "Of course," she said, her voice tinged with disappointment. The uncertainty and silence that had marked the years without Red and Blue had left her with a constant sense of worry and longing.

Ever since they were 10 years old, Red and Blue had a bad habit of leaving without a word, causing endless concern for their loved ones. Delia couldn't help but express her frustration further. "When I see him again, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind," she declared with determination. Gary smiled helplessly at his aunt's resolve, understanding the frustration that had built up over the years due to the two adventurers' lack of communication.

Delia smiled warmly as she offered Gary directions. "Ash should be in his room, so you can go upstairs," she said. Gary's face lit up with excitement as he quickly ran up the stairs. Ash was Gary's closest friend; in fact, he was the only friend Gary had in the town. Delia felt a sense of relief knowing that her beloved nephew had at least one friend to keep him company. Both Professor Oak and her had encouraged the two boys to grow up together, fostering their friendship from a young age.

Gary opened the door to his friend's room, stepping into a Pokemon-themed wonderland. Stuffed toys, curtains adorned with Pokeballs, and posters of various champions and their Pokemon covered the walls. Gary couldn't help but chuckle; Ash was more of a fan than he was, whereas Gary's room was relatively more organized with only a few posters.

Approaching the double bunk bed that they often shared during sleepovers, Gary climbed the ladder to find a boy around 6 years old sprawled out on the top bunk. This boy had black hair reminiscent of Red from the manga and two birthmarks resembling thunderbolts on his cheeks. The sleeping boy muttered something incomprehensible, his limbs stretched out as if creating a snow angel on his bed.

Seeing an opportunity for mischief, Gary smirked and left to grab a cup from the bathroom, filling it with water. Returning to the bunk bed, he listened as Ash continued to mumble, "I... I... choose you." Seizing the moment, Gary poured the cup of water into Ash's mouth, causing him to jolt awake and scramble out of bed, eventually taking a nosedive to the floor in surprise.

Ash coughed violently, trying to regain his composure, while Gary couldn't contain his laughter, clutching his stomach as he chuckled. Between coughs, Ash managed to look around and call out, "Huh?" He spotted Gary laughing and questioned, "Gary?"

With a smirk, Gary replied, "Good morning, sleepyhead," before jumping off the ladder and landing on his feet. Ash slowly began to piece together how he ended up on the floor, realizing that Gary had played this prank on him yet again. "Gary, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" he protested, flailing his arms in frustration.

Gary shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure, just tell me how to wake you up, and I'll stop," he said with a sigh. "Honestly, you sleep like a rock," he added, recalling the numerous times he'd attempted to rouse Ash from his slumber. Now, he understood why Pikachu resorted to electrocution as a wake-up call – it was probably the only thing that worked.


Professor Oak continued to work diligently at his computer, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he operated the machine containing numerous Poké Balls. He was conducting an in-depth scan of two Poké Balls that his son had brought home. As the machine processed the data, the professor's expression grew increasingly troubled, his brow furrowing with concern.

Blue entered the heart of the research center, the laboratory, and noticed the professor's unease. He inquired, "Any luck?" But instead of answering directly, Professor Oak posed another question, his voice filled with apprehension, "Blue, where did you get these Pokémon?"

Blue settled into one of the work chairs and retrieved his Pokédex, which had begun beeping with an error message: [Error - Unidentified breed]. [Breed does not match current information of species]. "I obtained one from the last smuggling storehouse," Blue explained, "It hatched from its egg while I was on my way here. The other one came from Red."

Professor Oak's gaze shifted upward as he absorbed this information. "Red?" Blue nodded. "Yes, he found one of their bases in Johto when Professor Elm called for help."

Blue began to recount the harrowing events that had transpired. "His research center was attacked, and the culprits attempted to capture the entire populations of Pokémon held there," Blue explained with a heavy sigh, his gaze icy as he continued, "Red said it's them again."

Professor Oak furrowed his brow, recognizing the implications of his son's words. "I see," he replied thoughtfully. After a moment, he shifted the conversation to a more personal note. "And how are you feeling, Blue? It's been three long years since I last saw you."

Blue met his father's gaze, his expression revealing a complex mix of emotions. "I'm good," he replied, his voice tinged with both resignation and determination.

Professor Oak locked eyes with his son, his tone earnest. "Son, you know I don't blame you, right?" Blue looked down, his guilt still evident. "I know," he muttered. After a moment of silence, he added, "I'm managing it but... even now I-."

Blue then looked away, his thoughts weighed down by the past. "None of it would have happened if..." He clenched his fists in anger, biting his lip before he continued, "If I had been more vigilant."

His father's expression turned sorrowful. "Son, we couldn't have known something like that would happen," Professor Oak reassured him, his words gentle and comforting.

Blue shook his head and redirected his gaze toward the ceiling. His words carried an acceptance of the harsh realities they faced. "It's not that I blame Red or myself, given that we were just 10 years old back then, but rather, I hold the darkness in this world responsible..." He took a deep breath before revealing a deeper motivation for their actions. "That's one of the reasons Red and I embarked on this journey – to finish what we started all those years ago."

Professor Oak maintained eye contact with his son, his gaze conveying paternal concern and understanding. He sighed deeply, fully comprehending the depth of Blue's convictions. "You have a son who relies on you, Blue," he reminded him, emphasizing the importance of family. "Red has a son who depends on him." Blue's eyes drifted toward the ground, a furrowed brow betraying his inner turmoil. "You know precisely why we can't stay."

("Author note: hmmm so This idea came to my head and I was like why don't I write it down. When I started to write it down, my idea evolved and I spiraled down into a story now I am going to share my story with you all .stick around because what I am writing here is quite ambitus.")

Ps: honestly speaking... this is a story I'm quite exited about so tell me what you thought about chapter 1.. the unknown for I'm busy with other matters but if it gets likes I'll consider updating faster..

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