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Childhood beginnings 3.

The boy stared deeply at the Poké Ball in his grip. A multitude of thoughts rushed through his head by the second. This was it, the very thing he had been dying to get his hands on. Gary couldn't help but feel a sense of contempt wash over him. Why? He didn't know. The human heart was a mystery that could not be explained. What challenges would he face in the future?, How would his story play out?.

The timeline of this new world confused him due to the simple anomalies he had seen. What he needed now was to get as strong as possible. That was the only solution on his mind as a game competitor who roughly knew the Pokémon world. 

He felt a fire in his chest to survive, not only survive but be the very best. That was the path to being a Pokémon master. His old memories from the prior world wanted to scoff at such a stupid idea—the only goal was to survive—but the "him" right now wanted to live out the dream his canon self never got. To escape the shadow of a family he could never live up to.

Lost in thought, Gary didn't notice Blue's approach until he spoke, breaking the silence that enveloped them. "why don't you release your Pokémon to get a feel for it" Blue remarked, his tone a mix of curiosity and subtle seriousness.

Gary looked up, snapping out of his contemplation. "Oh," he murmured, caught off guard. He glanced down at the Poké Ball again, a mix of excitement and uncertainty swirling within him.

Blue leaned in slightly, his gaze fixed on the Poké Ball. "

You've got to treat that Pokémon right, you know. It's a very special Pokémon," he advised sternly." Gary this Pokémon is your friend, and not your toy, so don't mistreat it." Gary quickly nodded his head. he never wanted to question his father whenever he got like that.

"This Pokémon," Oak began, "it's believed that this subject was genetically manipulated. We don't fully understand the extent of the changes so it could also be unpredictable."

Blue's grip tightened on his own Poké Ball, ready to act if necessary. "I'll be watching closely, Gary. If anything goes wrong, I'm here." Gary nodded determination in his eyes.

he pressed the button on the Poké Ball, releasing contained Pokémon with a bright blue glow. As the light from the ball faded, a dark, shadowy Creature stood before them. Its fur was darker than normal, with faint, glowing lines running through it. The aura around it was both mesmerizing and unsettling.

The Pokémon yawned lightly with its maw, before looking around with curiosity, wondering if it should attack the prey or flee. its instinct of high alert.

" it looks like an Eevee" Professor said with interest as he pulled out the Pokedex. The Device is a high-tech encyclopedia designed to record and provide information on every Pokémon you encounter and capture. Currently, this was a Gen 3 model. The latest one he had developed yet.

Pokémon: Eevee

National Pokédex Number: 133

Nature: Brave/Cautious/???

Type: ???

Height: 2'00" (0.5m)

Weight: 17.3 lbs (5.5 kg)

Description: Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon. Its genetic code is irregular.[Error,the subject does not match any of the users data base]

Base Stats:

HP: 80

Attack: 60

Defense: 55

Special Attack: 50

Special Defense: 75

Speed: 60

Abilities:[Error subject in question does not match any known variables]





Adaptability: Powers up moves of the same type as Eevee.

Evolutions:[Error genetic material does not match any known samples found]

Vaporeon: Evolves from Eevee when exposed to a Water Stone.

Jolteon: Evolves from Eevee when exposed to a Thunder Stone.

Flareon: Evolves from Eevee when exposed to a Fire Stone.

Espeon: Evolves from Eevee when leveled up with high friendship during the daytime.

Umbreon: Evolves from Eevee when leveled up with high friendship during the nighttime.

Leafeon: Evolves from Eevee when leveled up near a Moss Rock.

Glaceon: Evolves from Eevee when leveled up near an Ice Rock.

Sylveon: Evolves from Eevee when leveled up with a Fairy-type move and high friendship.



Egg move: Curse



[DNA sequence analyses complete]

Professor was still trying to come to terms to what exactly he was watching. "fascinating " he muttered as he dialed the touch screen. Blue narrowed his eyes in deep thought.

This Pokémon despite coming from that lab, is not hostile, unlike the others he had faced. "Blue take a look at this" Professor Oak called for Blue to see, which prompted him over to the professor. "what is it?" he asked, never taking his eyes off his son.

The Professor muttered softly, not wanting his grandson to hear at all" Most of this Pokémon DNA is unknown, about 30 percent of it belongs to Eevee, However, new data lead me to believe that 10 percent of this Pokémon's data derive from Mew Two's Genetic material." blue's eyes widened in shock "Mew Two?" he said with a bead of sweat running down his forehead. Memories of that monster surfaced at the forefront of his mind.

Flashes of fire, blood, and rubble.

Flashes of red.

Flashes of That man

Blue shook his head in pain, gritting his teeth as he tried hard to suppress those memories. "That's impossible," he said with a low breath. "Team Rocket has been destroyed,only rouge fugitives exist. The research was destroyed, and those scientists were all killed." He knew it . Celadon City had been brought to complete ruin by that monster's rampage, they would have all been wiped out if not for that Pokémon.

"Mew two was destroyed," he said affirmed "I saw it with my own eyes." Professor Oak nodded, he too had seen the news displayed that day. he too had seen it, everyone saw it. the professor looked down at the Poke Dex. "it's strange, just what sort of technology do they have to play with genetics to this degree? he wondered to himself. the Professor continued to analyze the data on his Pokédex, his mind racing with possibilities and questions. "It's fascinating," Blue scowled and clenched his fist, darkness boiled in his heart. that was almost visible to Professor Oak. A voice crying out in the wilderness, a Grieved voice of Vengeance." doesn't matter they need to be stopped" "If Team Rocket or whoever is behind this can manipulate Pokémon genetics to this extent, we could be facing a new kind of threat."

Blue was silent, only a cold glint could be seen in the gaze of his eyes.

"Eevee," Gary said softly, kneeling to its level. "We're going to be great partners. I promise to take care of you and train hard."

Eevee looked up at Gary, its red eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and caution, it knew it could kill the target in an instant, it was an instinct that was driven into its nature but something about the boy made it pause. It approached him cautiously, and Gary gently petted its head.

Eevee didn't say anything it simply observed the human in silence. Not flinching in the slightest. Gary calmly observed the Pokémon with a small smile."

We'll get through this together, Eevee," Gary whispered, more to himself than to the Pokémon. "We'll be the best team there is. "We'll get through this together, Eevee," Gary whispered, more to himself than to the Pokémon. "We'll be the best team there is."

Eevee's eyes narrowed slightly, and it gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. It didn't trust the human's words at all, it merely observed the flow of energy coursing through the boy's body. it was pure, unlike anything it had ever seen, it memorized the Pokémon.

The sound of a self-phone ringing could be heard, Gary looked at the origin of the sound to which he sighed. Blue had picked up the phone to engage in business, he didn't know what he spoke about since the dude always spoke in coded sentences. but that didn't bother him much at all since he had Eevee.

"Grandpa, can I leave?" Gary asked with the sweetest of smiles, his eyes wide with innocence. The professor hesitated, looking down unsure of what to say.

"Gary, I would like you to leave the Pokémon here for today. There's much that needs to be discovered, and I'm not sure you can have it just yet. Maybe tomorrow," the professor said.

Gary's eyes narrowed, calculating the best way to move forward. He decided to use his ultimate trump card. "But Grandpa, I want to play with Eevee now. You promised." He said with a snuff. Eyes watering,he had sure to make his lip tremble..his grandfather had never seen him cry before.

The professor opened his mouth to respond, but Gary cut him off. "You always say that understanding a Pokémon's bond with its trainer is just as important as scientific study. How can I bond with Eevee if I'm not allowed to spend time with it?"

Professor Oak paused, caught off guard by Gary's logic. He had indeed always emphasized the importance of the bond between Pokémon and trainer. "Well, Gary, that's true, but this Eevee is different. We don't know how it might react."

Gary pressed on, sensing the professor's hesitation. "I promise I'll be careful. I won't go far, and I'll come back immediately if anything seems wrong. You always said I'm responsible enough to handle it."

Professor Oak sighed, torn between his concern for safety and his desire to see Gary happy. He knew Gary had a point, and he also knew how determined his grandson could be. "Alright, Gary. But promise me you'll come back if there's any trouble."

Gary's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "I promise, Grandpa. Thank you!"

He turned to Eevee, who had been watching the exchange silently. "Come on, Eevee. Let's go explore," Gary said, his excitement barely contained.

As they walked away, Blue watched them closely, his eyes never leaving his son and the mysterious Eevee. "Be careful, Gary," he murmured under his breath.

"There's more to that Pokémon than meets the eye."

Gary, felt a mix of excitement and determination. He was ready to begin this new chapter, no matter what challenges lay ahead. The adult in him laughed at how easily he got his way. Being a child had its own advantages. Gary motioned for the Pokémon to follow it but Eevee didn't move an inch.

Gary sighed and spoke with a soft tone " Please Eevee, I want to show the outside world, don't you want to see?," he asked as he started to leave which the Pokémon curiously followed. The boy smiled knowing that he was making better progress or so he thought.

Blue's footsteps echoed with purpose as he strode into the room, his phone clutched tightly in his hand. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes burned with a fierce determination as he glanced at Professor Oak. Without a word, he pocketed his phone and slid into his black denim jacket.

Professor Oak watched his son intently, noting the tightness in Blue's shoulders and the intensity of his gaze. Concern etched lines on Oak's forehead as he finally spoke up, his voice filled with worry. "Blue, what's wrong?"

Blue hesitated, his expression hardening briefly before he responded, "Take care of Gary, Dad. There are some things I need to handle."

Oak felt a surge of disappointment but maintained his composure. "Your not leaving are you?,Your son just received Eevee. He needs your guidance, your presence," he urged softly.

Blue met Oak's gaze briefly, his eyes reflecting a mix of resolve. "I'll be back," he said quietly before turning towards the door, his steps echoing. Professor Oak stared at the retreating back of his only son.

The professor's mind raced thoughts of Gary's future and Blue's absence intertwining. He sighed deeply, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. "What am I going to do with you both?" he whispered to himself.


The sun shone brightly on another quiet day as Delia hummed softly, her hands submerged in warm, soapy water. The notes of her song carried a trace of melancholy, a subtle undercurrent that betrayed her serene facade. She scrubbed each dish methodically, trying to keep her mind occupied.

She glanced at the empty house, feeling the weight of solitude. On days like this, when the house was silent and still, memories crept in—memories she'd rather keep locked away. She sighed, her humming faltering for a moment.

Ash's laughter usually filled these rooms, his boundless energy a welcome distraction. While other parents might scold their children for being too wild, Delia cherished every moment of Ash's spirited antics. He was her sunlight, her anchor to the present.

"There we go," she said to herself, placing the last dish on the drying rack. She wiped her hands on a towel, a fleeting smile crossing her lips. But as she reached to put the dishes away, her eyes caught the sight of burn scars marring her skin. Her smile faded, replaced by a distant look as old memories flickered in her mind.

She shook her head, as if to dispel the thoughts, and reached for the pair of white gloves resting on the oven stand. The gloves were soft and familiar, a barrier against the world and a reminder of the past. She slipped them on, hiding the scars from view, but not from memory.

With a deep breath, she returned to her chores, her mind already drifting to what she could do next to keep the memories at bay.

"Deep, deep, deep," the rhythmic sound of the washing machine caught Delia's attention, pulling her from her thoughts. She turned, her expression thoughtful. "That's right, the laundry is next," she said, her lips curling into the familiar smile she always wore, a mask she rarely took off.

She stepped into the hallway, the walls lined with photos that chronicled happier times. She deliberately avoided looking at them, but her eyes lingered briefly on one particular picture—a man in a red cap, standing beside her, holding their child. Her heart ached with a longing to return to those days.

They say when life throws you curveballs, play tennis, she mused, forcing herself to keep moving, her smile unwavering even as it betrayed the turmoil within. The bitterness was a constant companion, something she could ignore but never truly banish. what was supposed to make her smile tempted her to bite her lips and her gloved knuckles to clinch.

As she entered the laundry room, she was greeted by the cheerful sight of Mr. Mime busy with the clothes. "Mime!" he chirped, his face radiating joy as he meticulously folded each piece of laundry.

Delia's smile softened at the sight. "Thank you, Mr. Mime," she said, her voice warm yet tinged with an undercurrent of sadness. She watched him work for a moment, finding a brief respite in his cheerful efficiency.

She moved to help, her hands deftly sorting through the clothes. The routine brought a sense of normalcy, a momentary escape from the relentless tide of her memories.

As her hand reached for a shirt, she noticed Mr. Mime's hand moving toward the same item. Instinctual fear surged through her, and she quickly pulled back, her breath catching in her throat.

 "Mime?" she looked at Mr. Mime, his expression was a bright gentle glow. he queried softly, he did not mean to startle her. he knew her condition but he smiled all the happiness, trying to act cheerfully to distract her.

she forced a smile, her heart racing. "I'm sorry, Mr. Mime. Just a little jumpy today," she said, trying to steady her shaking hands as she continued with the laundry. T

She glanced at Mr. Mime, who had resumed his task with careful attention and took a deep breath, willing herself to focus. The fear receded, replaced by the familiar routine, but the encounter left a lingering unease in her chest.

She took several deep breaths, willing her hands to stop shaking. The familiar rhythm of the household chores was supposed to be comforting, but today it felt like a fragile facade.

"Just breathe," she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible over the sound of the washing machine. "You're fine. It's just Mr. Mime."

Steeling herself, she reached for the clothes again, her fingers brushing against the fabric tentatively. She avoided looking at her gloved hands, the stark reminder of past burns lurking just beneath the surface of her thoughts. she placed the clothes in her basket. Returning to the kitchen, Delia set the laundry basket on the kitchen table and began folding the clothes like a professional mother. Each movement was deliberate, a routine that brought her a sense of normalcy amid the turmoil of memories and emotions. her eyes glanced at her gloved hands a reminder of the hardships she had endured, but she pushed those thoughts aside.

Mr. Mime hummed softly nearby, occasionally glancing at Delia with concern in his eyes. He understood more then most that her smiles often masked deeper struggles. He wanted to help, but he knew his place was to support her quietly, to ease her daily chores so she could find moments of peace.

Delia finished folding the last piece of clothing and placed it neatly in the basket. She glanced out the window, where the sunlight streamed in warmly. Taking a deep breath, "I can do this," she whispered softly to herself. she would face this day just like she faced the others these last years.

Suddenly, the door slammed open with a force that made Delia's heart leap into her throat. Startled, she spun around, her hands gripping the edge of the sink for support. Her heart raced, each beat echoing loudly in her ears as her mind raced through scenarios of what could have caused the disturbance.

"Mom!!" A blur of black rushed into the room, collapsing to his knees with deep breaths. The sight instantly calmed Delia's racing pulse. Relief flooded through her, washing away the tension that had gripped her moments before.

"Hello, dear," she said softly, stepping closer to the boy who had just burst in. "How was your day? Did you have fun with Gary?"

Ash looked up, his dark eyes bright with excitement and a hint of mischief. "Mom, you won't believe what happened today!" he exclaimed, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Gary got his first Pokémon today!!" he said with eagerness "It was amazing" he said as Delia's smile widened at her son's enthusiasm. She crouched down beside him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "That sounds nice."

Delia's heart raced as Ash's words hit her like a thunderclap. "Ash," she stammered, her voice trembling with a mix of concern and uncertainty. "What did you say?"

"Mom!! Can I please have a Pokémon?!" Ash's voice rang out, brimming with excitement. "Oh please, please, please, Mom!!"

Delia's mind raced,and her breath nearly stopped. She wasn't prepared for this conversation, not at all. "I don't think..." she began, trying to find the right words, but Ash cut her off, his urgency mounting.

"Please, Mom, so I can be a Pokémon Master!!" Ash's plea echoed in her ears, triggering a flood of memories she had fought hard to bury. The acrid scent of smoke filled her nostrils, the haunting roar of a monstrous black dragon reverberated in her mind, the screams of panic and destruction echoed around her.

"No," Delia said sharply, her tone cold and final, startling Ash with its intensity. She fixed him with a stern glare. "You're never going to be a trainer, ever."

Ash's face fell, disbelief and hurt flashing across his features. "But..." he started to protest, his voice wavering.

Delia shook her head, her expression unwavering. "No 'buts', Ash," she interjected firmly. "I can't allow it. It's too dangerous."

Ash looked down, hair covering his eyes his shoulders slumping with disappointment. He had expected resistance, but Delia's outright refusal stung more deeply than he had anticipated. He had dreamed of following in his father's footsteps, of embarking on his own Pokémon journey, and now those dreams seemed dashed.

Delia softened slightly, seeing the hurt in Ash's eyes. She knelt down beside him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Ash," she said softly, her voice tinged with regret. "I know how much this means to you, but I can't allow it."

Delia's heart shattered as Ash looked up at her, tears brimming in his eyes. "Mom..." he whispered softly, his voice barely audible. Her heart sank further when suddenly, without warning, Ash shrugged off her comforting embrace.

"I hate you!!" Ash's voice pierced the air, filled with anguish and frustration, before he turned and ran off. Delia stood frozen in shock, her hand outstretched towards him, pleading silently for him to come back.

"Ash!!" Delia's cry echoed in the empty room, filled with desperation and sorrow. Tears streamed down her cheeks, a mix of pain from his hurtful words and the deeper ache of knowing she had hurt him.

She sank to her knees, overcome with grief, clutching at her heart as if trying to hold together the pieces of their fractured bond. The weight of her decision bore down on her, the magnitude of her fear for Ash's safety now mingling with the raw sting of his rejection.

Through her tears, Delia whispered into the silence, "I.." , her voice trembled with anguish as her hands shook. "I can't do this... Where are you?" she whispered, her words a plea directed to the man who had wed her, the weight of loneliness and uncertainty pressing down on her shoulders.

She closed her eyes briefly, trying to steady her breathing amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling inside her. Memories of happier times flickered in her mind – moments when they faced life's challenges together, moments now distant and elusive.

"You were supposed to be here," Delia murmured to herself, raw bitterness crept into her voice, one filled with malice. She reached for a nearby chair, gripping it tightly as if seeking support from its sturdy frame. The absence of his presence, both physically and emotionally, left a void she couldn't fill alone.

(Author's Note: So tell me what you guys think? I'm really interested in your feedback. I can't tell you how much I struggled to make this chapter... I will be honest .it was challenging to execute some of this the way I envisioned. Sigh, Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!)

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