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Author: DaoistIC7rFo

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

<p>         Chapter 1<br/><br/>Where It All Began<br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I really wish our escort hadn't left us in Viridian."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The second of the two walking men laughed. "Ah, calm down, Mike. The road is clear, even if we have to make a few small detours to keep from where the grass is taking it back. And besides, what's there to worry about? A pokegirl? We'd have to be pretty unlucky to run into one of the dangerous ones around here. I'm sure Oak keeps the land around his lab picked clean."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Even the weakest pokegirl is dangerous, Nick. You know that as well as I do." The first man retorted. "You've been a pokegirl researcher for years longer than I have."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "True." The second conceded. "But I still think we'll be fine around here. Even if we did run into a feral, an actual feral, we're two humans against her. I'm sure we'd get her tamed before any real harm was done."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael shook his head slightly. "And that's why you're not a tamer, Nicholas. That kind of attitude gets people killed."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Eh."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The two came to a halt when the path abruptly ended in a wide stretch of waist-high grass.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I thought the road was clear." Michael muttered.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "It was." Nicholas pointed at where a few trees had fallen. "That's where it used to be, see?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Think you can climb those trees?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas made a face. "I could, but I'd rather not get close to the thick woods over there. It'd be simple for something to be hiding just out of sight."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael gave him a sidelong glance. "I thought you weren't worried about a feral."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I'm not, but it's not stupidity that keeps me at ease. Testing fate there would be stupid."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael shrugged. "So you're just cocky. Got it." He glared at the gently waving grass. "I can see where it opens up on the other side. Want to run for it?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I don't think we have much of a choice."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael steeled himself. "Alright. On three, ready? One, two, th-"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "WAIT!" Both jumped at the scream, looking across the field to see an older man in a lab coat dashing in their direction. "WAIT! WAIT! DON'T GO IN THE GRASS!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas peered closer. "That's Oak."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "WAIT!" Oak skidded to a halt and leaned over, catching his breath. "Wait. Hoo. Hi."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Hey Oak, I thought you said the road was clear!" Nicholas yelled. "This is hardly safe!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I know! I'm very sorry, the trees fell yesterday and I haven't been able to convince any of my girls that it's important enough to clear." Oak staggered back upright. "Phew! It's alright, I've got one of them with me. She'll scare anything off."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The two watched when red light flashed, coalescing into a massive draconic woman who glanced at Oak for instruction.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Amanda, give anything hiding around here a good scare, would you?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The Charizard snorted, flames licking from her nostrils before she roared, her wings and tail flaring out to complete the display.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas jumped when the grass erupted with movement, at least three figures screaming and dashing into the trees. Amanda kept up the noise for a few moments before relaxing, folding her wings again and almost daintily clearing her throat.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak chuckled. "Attagirl." He looked over to see Nicholas and Michael watching in awe. "She's nice, isn't she? God I love her."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Amanda chuckled and bent down to kiss Oak's cheek. "Yes, Master."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Come on, then." Oak gestured, turning away with Amanda right beside him. "It's safe."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "She's massive, even for a Charizard." Nicholas whispered.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I knew Oak used to be a competitive tamer, but that's more than competitive." Michael whispered back. "That Charizard is regional champion level strong. Or better."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The two followed Oak into a large building, waving at the few researchers that were working busily inside.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "So! I called you two here because, ah…" Oak trailed off, his eyes drifting. "I'm sorry, who are you, again?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Amanda glanced down at her tamer. "Master Samuel?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak blinked. "Yes, Amanda?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Amanda glanced up at the two men and spoke, her voice barely a whisper. "Humor him until he remembers, please."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I'm Nicholas Topolski." Nicholas explained in confusion. "This is my friend, Michael Thieme. We're researchers who met you at last year's global conference? You asked us to visit your lab."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak's eyes snapped back to focus. "Of course! Nicholas, Michael, it's wonderful to see you made it safely." Amanda sighed in relief when he began bustling about the lab again. "Come, come, the reason I asked you here is this way."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas let Michael go first, stopping next to Amanda. The Charizard looked at him when he spoke. "What just happened?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Amanda looked back at Oak. "He's getting old. You humans call the disease dementia, but thankfully it's only minor, for now. He forgets things sometimes." She sighed. "But he doesn't forget me, or his harem, and for that I am very thankful. Don't worry about him. He's taking medication and it's helping a lot."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas nodded. "I hope he gets better."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Amanda smiled at him. "That's very kind of you." She nodded at the door. "Go on. He's waiting for you."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak clapped excitedly when Nicholas stepped in behind Michael. "Excellent, there you are. Now. Nicholas, Michael, neither of you have a pokegirl partner. Correct?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The two shared a look of confusion. "Well, no." Michael mused. "Never needed one. Our research has kept us busy, after all."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Please! You two are fine young men, barely in their twenties, correct? You shouldn't waste away your youth in a laboratory. That's what we old folk are for." Oak chuckled happily. "When I met you and saw how young and eager you were, I knew I needed to give you this opportunity."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas frowned in confusion. "What opportunity?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I'm sure you've already noticed the two sitting next to us." Nicholas glanced over and nodded at the two pokegirls nearby. "A few years ago, my grandson followed in my footsteps and took a Charmander as his starter. One of his old rivals defied tradition and instead took a Pikachu. They've each achieved great things, but that's not important to today." Oak pointed. "I was expecting another beginning tamer to start with them, but they dropped out and moved away to be with their family instead. So I was left with these two young women."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Realization dawned. "You want to give us a pokegirl?" Nicholas glanced at the watching faces. "No offense, girls, I know it's your choice too."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         One of the two grinned, the tough covering on her back identifying her as a Squirtle. "We wanted to travel and fight. That's why we joined the tamer program in the first place."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The other nodded in agreement and Nicholas turned back to Oak. "So, wait, I've heard about this. You run the pokegirl league program?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak chuckled. "Run it, not exactly. There's many of us who make the decisions, I'm just one of them for the Kanto region. Being a world famous professor and all, I've consulted for other regions, but I only really direct Kanto." He gestured at the two pokegirls again. "These two ladies were supposed to start years ago. They're rather keen to get out of this stuffy little town. Isn't that right, girls?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The Squirtle laughed. "That's right, sir."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I've been trying to figure out how to get them into the program, but without a Charmander to balance the traditional trio, they've been stuck here. Until I met you two." Oak smiled. "I think you'd enjoy the experience, boys. What do you say?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "What do we have to do in return?" Michael asked.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak barked a laugh. "Do? Nothing! It's an opportunity for all of us. I get to stop worrying about these two, you both get to experience the real life of a tamer, and they finally get their chance to compete." He smiled again. "So?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas stepped forwards first. "There's no strings?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Just that you try your best."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas grinned. "I've always wondered what it's like to be a league challenger. I don't have any projects lined up; Michael, how about you?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael shook his head. "Nothing. I just finished my treatise on regional evolutions and hadn't picked up anything new."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Then it's decided!" Oak cried excitedly. "Here, here, let me get your gear ready, each of you figure out who's going where."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas walked over and dropped down to the sitting pokegirls' level. "Alright, guess this is happening. Nice to meet you, I'm Nicholas."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Trying to get first pick, eh?" Nicholas laughed when Michael shoved him over and shot the two grinning girls a jaunty wave. "I'm Michael. Nice to meet you."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I like you." The Squirtle chuckled, getting up and stepping over Nicholas. "Michael, eh?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Ah, come on!" Nicholas spluttered, still trying to get his feet underneath him. "I love water types!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The Squirtle glanced back and shook her ass in his face. "Too slow, sir."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas was winding up to respond when something nudged his arm and he looked over to see the second pokegirl, a Bulbasaur, holding out a vine for him to hold.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         He carefully used it to get up, glancing over to make sure that the Squirtle was truly gone before falling into her recently vacated seat. "I hope you don't take that personally. I was just bantering."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The Bulbasaur gave him a gentle smile. "I know, sir. We all can have our favorites, but I hope you still find me acceptable."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas returned her smile with one of his own. "I find you more than acceptable, Miss. What's your name?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Ah, you won't rename me?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas blinked. "I'd heard some people do that, but it seems cruel to you. Unless you're unhappy with the name you have or something."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The Bulbasaur blushed. "I suppose… that tradition started as a way for a feral to regain her identity if she had forgotten it, and I do like my name." She nodded. "I am Dahlia."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Dahlia." Nicholas ran his eyes over her, taking in her teal hair and reddish pink eyes. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia's blush began to spread across her face as she fought to control her emotions. "Th-th-that's-" She squeaked.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "OI! Flirt later." Michael called, though his Squirtle was wearing a similar expression to Dahlia. "We can get to know each other when we're not in Oak's personal lab. Right, Vanessa?" He teased, tickling the Squirtle's ear.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I would very much appreciate that!" Oak cried, stepping back over with two bags in his hands. "Michael, Nicholas, here." He handed over the gear. "I've packed you with a beginning supply of potions, pokeballs, camping supplies, and of course, a brand new pokedex for each of you. Latest version. Updated with every single pokegirl known to science."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael's eyes widened and he unhooked the device. "EVERY pokegirl?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak smiled. "Looking for something specific?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael was scrolling through menus until he found what he was looking for. "Oak, this is… some of this is highly classified research. I'd only just started to learn about its existence, let alone what any of it is."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak nodded. "Well guess what? It's my research, and I get to choose what I do with it. I trust you both to keep what should be secret secret. Right?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "What are we talking about?" Nicholas asked.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Legendary and Mythical pokegirls." Michael replied. "You've heard about them, right?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Um, sure." Nicholas replied. "The most powerful pokegirls out there. Unique, some as old as time itself. But they're myths. Legends. It's in their name."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "They're real." Oak replied. "Your pokedexes have information on each of them. No, I don't know where they live, so don't ask. Just what has been gathered from sightings and old stories. If either of you were to discover one, please try to talk first. The information we could gain…"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "If we are unlucky enough to stumble across one, we'll try that first." Michael promised.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak snorted. "Unlucky enough. That's probably the right way to look at it." He looked between the two. "Alright, boys. Your pokedexes have all the latest functions, including a phone, so please keep in touch every once in a while. Tell me about your day. The latest battle. What shenanigans you've gotten into." He gestured at the two pokegirls beside them. "Those two are pretty rare pokegirls, so I'd appreciate if you didn't go off and lose either of them."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas chuckled. "Professor, I'm sure that in a few hours we'll be very keen on keeping them around."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak laughed. "Spoken like a true tamer! Alright, you two. Off you go."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas stood and started for the door, Dahlia just behind, when Michael spoke. "Nick, wait." He grinned when Nicholas turned back. "Vanessa is itching to get a fight started, and I'd bet your girl is the same. What do you say? Our first battle as real tamers can be against each other. Heck, we won't even bet anything on the outcome. Just a nice, fun match."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas glanced at Dahlia. "What do you think?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia nodded resolutely. "Yes, si- Master. I think this is a wonderful idea."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Let's do it then!" Michael hooted.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "There's a battle arena just outside." Oak offered helpfully.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         The four streamed out of the lab and into the arena, Nicholas taking his position across from Michael and the two pokgirls squaring off in the ring.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I'll even officiate!" Oak cried, hustling out after them. "Dahlia, Vanessa, you two know what to do."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia turned to Nicholas. "Do you have any battle experience, Master?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas shrugged apologetically. "Theoretical experience. I love running simulations, but nothing for real."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia nodded. "I'll do what I can, then, and please give me an order if you see something I don't." Nicholas shot her a thumbs up and Dahlia turned back to face Vanessa.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "This is a knockout battle between tamer Nicholas and tamer Michael." Oak called. "This battle will consist of one pokegirl each, no substitutions. Contestants ready? Begin!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia dropped back, her vines unfolding from the bulb on her back and snaking towards Vanessa. The Squirtle quickly got out of the way, working her jaw before beginning to spit bursts of water at the Bulbasaur.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Bulbasaur is a grass-type. Squirtle is a water-type. We have the advantage, as long as we don't get greedy. Nicholas thought to himself. "Dahlia, focus on landing hits with your vines! If you have to take a hit, make sure you give one in return!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia nodded, drawing her probing attack back and running closer to her opponent. Vanessa squawked, scrambling away while Michael shouted his own commands.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "She's dodging right!" Nicholas yelled, hollering when Dahlia spun with Vanessa and the vine that would have missed came whipping back around to score a solid hit on the Squirtle. "NICE!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Vanessa whimpered in pain, dropping back before winding up and shooting a powerful jet of water into Dahlia's chest. The Bulbasaur barely flinched, dropping her head down to allow the vines sprouting from her back a free path. The attack slammed into Vanessa and the Squirtle screamed this time, bloody gashes opening where the serrated vines slid across her skin.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Ah, fuck!" Nicholas could hear Michael scream and before either pokegirl could attack again the red recall beam had sucked Vanessa back into her pokeball. "Fuck that, dude! I can't win!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Oak raised an arm. "Tamer Michael forfeits! Tamer Nicholas is the winner!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I was not expecting elemental advantages to be that strong!" Michael cried, jogging over to Nicholas. "Vanessa got a solid hit in and it barely fazed your- what's her name?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Dahlia."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "It barely fazed Dahlia." Michael scrutinized the Bulbasaur. "I wonder. Is the correct strategy to build a diverse team, or is it to train the team you have to cover their weaknesses?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas shrugged. "Depends on the battle style. If you're in a free substitution battle, a diverse team would work…" He trailed off. "No, even then, you'd want your girls to be able to cover their weaknesses. Otherwise that kind of battle just becomes a bunch of substitutions, and no fighting."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Michael nodded and stuck out his hand. "Let's see what we can each do, then."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas shook. "Yea."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Oak, you got a healing machine?" Michael yelled, walking back towards the lab.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia was rubbing at her chest when Nicholas walked up and suddenly hugged the Bulbasaur. "Well done!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia jumped. "Wah! M-Master! You think so?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "I didn't even have to say anything, you could have gotten that on your own!"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia shook her head. "N-no, I would have fought too passively. You were right, I needed to hit her, even if I got hit too." She made a face. "Ow. I think I'm bruising."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas turned her to face him. "Where'd she get you?" Dahlia's breath caught when he leaned in and began gently running his hand over her chest. "Here?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia swallowed. "It was right in the center of my ch-chest, Master."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Do you need a healing?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "N-n-no." Dahlia whimpered when Nicholas continued across the bruise. "It was… It was there…"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "Here?" Dahlia moaned when his hand pressed into the side of her breast. "Was that where it was?"<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Oak smiling at him. "Let me get you two a room."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia barely felt Nicholas guiding her back into the lab, or when he lifted her onto the bed, but she definitely knew when his hands slid under her loose brown top and slid the fabric over her head.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         "You alright?" He asked quietly.<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Dahlia blinked, bringing her eyes to his. "I've waited so long for someone." She whispered breathily. "Please, Master. Please."<br/><br/> <br/><br/>         Nicholas smiled and kissed her lips, breaking free after a few moments. "So have I."<br/><br/> </p>

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