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please reset the booktitle Kayra_Kansara 20231218092329 90 please reset the booktitle Kayra_Kansara 20231218092329 90 original

please reset the booktitle Kayra_Kansara 20231218092329 90

Author: Kayra_Kansara

© WebNovel


Seokjin pov

I was studying in my library about different forms of creatures when suddenly Tae came to the room screaming, excited, "Jin, Jin, Jin…." I shut his mouth with the new magic I learned and told him to calm down. Once done I reopened his mouth. "What do you want Tae?" He flashed a boxy smile, "Let's go to the human world please…." I frowned, "Taehyung, we have talked about this, we don't go there. We can't trust humans." Taehyung pouted, "But that's what our ancestors say. We haven't even been there. Maybe humans have changed. You said people can change." He had a point. Even I wanted to visit the human world. Maybe they have changed. Or what if we don't show our real form. We look exactly like humans. We can mix in them easily. "Call Jimin and Jungkook. We will go to the human world. But only for a day." Taehyung jumped out of excitement and ran to fetch the other two. I start reading a book about humans but close it immediately and put it back. I don't want to judge them on what the ancients said about them. I will find out myself.

Taehyung came to my office with Jimin and Jungkook following him. Taehyung came beside me and Jimin and Jungkook stood in front of me, saluting me. And standing in position. I smiled, "You guys don't have to do that. I have told you many times. We are friends." Jimin and Jungkook stood relaxed and smiled. "What is it hyung? Tae told us that there is something important you want to tell us." Jimin asked. I nodded, "We are going to the human world for a day." Jungkook looked as excited as Taehyung and started jumping and hugged Jin and then Taehyung. Jimin was confused. "Hyung, we haven't gone there ever. What if they capture us and throw us in the thing they call museum?" I smiled, "That's why I've called you guys here. Taehyung can control our objects by telekinesis, Jungkook can control human blood and you can make us look younger. Not that we are not young but you can make us look more human. We will hide our identity and live there for one day. That's it." Jimin looked convinced. He closed his eyes and raised his hands. There was a silver spark in his fingers. He swiped his hand around them and they looked exactly like humans in their 20s. He did it to himself too. I looked at myself. Hmm, I look amazing! "Okay, so keep your guards on and don't let anything affect you. Not a single thing. Keep your minds connected with me. Don't venture away without you have someone with you. Is it clear?" They all nodded. I closed my eyes and opened them with a pink glow in them, I raised my hand and opened a portal to the human world.

As soon as we jumped in the human world, I felt a familiar presence. No, they are many. There are many Wizards and witches from my kingdom here. Why are they here? I felt distressed. Have been a careless king to let them venture into the human world without any protection? Taehyung saw my eyes turn white as if there was no pupil. He put his hand on my shoulder, "Hyung, what happened?" I ignored him. I closed my eyes and raised from the earth, golden light flowing through me, I sent a message to all the wizards and witches, "Dear people of my land, I king Kim Seokjin, have come to the human world. I promise you to protect you even in the human world. Please come to the meeting immediately." The three boys looked at me, "Hyung, there are wizards here?" Jimin asked. I nodded and waited for all the wizards and witches to come and gather around me. I was still in the air. People started coming to me like flashes of light. There were very few of them. When I felt that everyone has arrived, I started my speech again, "Do not be afraid. I will change the laws of our world. The people here shall help me understand the human world and if I like the human world and feel like it is safe to be here, I will allow you to live here happily and I will protect you even in the human world." There was a murmur among the people. Then a man whom I perceive as their leader bent on one knee, lowered his head and put his left feast high in the air. This was a symbol of submission. The others quickly following him. I smiled softly at them. I spoke again, "I will give you three months to prove that the human world is reliable. And if you can not prove it in three months, you will come with me to our world. And if you choose to be here, you will not be my responsibility." They all nodded. I turned to Jimin, "We are going back to our world to take some important things we would need here." We all nodded and held Jungkook's hands and teleported to their world.

It's been 100 years since then, we have lived happily with humans, there are many wizards who come to the human world and experience things that are new to us. I have built a company that helps wizards to hide their try from in the human world and not get caught by any human. The company called, "The Rains" because when I saw rain for the first time, I was truly mesmerised. To cover our secret the company handles a huge business. We change our identity, city, country, continent every 30-35 years to be able to live peacefully. This all happens at the company that I own. Every wizard entering the human world is registered in our company and has a tattoo to identify them as one of us.

I have lived in the human world for over a century and have witnessed every change that happened throughout history. From the inventions of various things to both the world wars. I have seen every bit of it. I feel old sometimes when I see the current generation. They are so naive and innocent even if they are 60 years old.

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