Staggering onto my feet, I raised pacifying hands—which were caked in blood and grime—as the soldier approached me.
"Please," I rasped. "I don't wish to hurt you."
"Hurt me? With those magic tricks you pull?" The soldier exhaled a hideous and mocking laugh. And behind him grew the height of flames, as if he'd just emerged from them. I didn't miss how much taller than me he appeared, his bulky technological armor seemingly adding advantageous inches to his height. "Do you wanna see some real magic, kid?"
The machines around his arms clicked as he raised them, something transforming on the ends where his hands should have been, allowing barrels to poke out. Fear jerked my body to the side as the soldier fired an explosive round of bullets at me.
"Ha! What are you running for? Didn't you say you'd hurt me?!"
Ruith pushed himself in front of children to protect them, and he was successful with the evacuation of many burning homes, yet he claims he hasn't saved anyone :(. Also, this is one of my favorite chapters so far! I loved the action!