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78.57% Philippines in Another World (Because Japan is too OP. Please Nerf) / Chapter 11: Chapter 9: Of Ships and Mosasaurs

Chapter 11: Chapter 9: Of Ships and Mosasaurs

"So, you are saying that your country also wanted more territory. You could just as well start invading neighboring countries and declare war to those who resist." Legatus Franx reacted in controlled anger as the Philippine envoy flatly stated the country's need for additional territory, sensing some possibility that the new country may invade and attempt to assimilate the Kingdom of Nada. To his confusion, Rafael Tesoro just calmly shook his head and replied in a low voice.

"No. In compliance with our Constitution, the Federal Republic of the Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy. In other words, we cannot engage in war unless the safety of our citizens or the sovereignty of our nation is at stake. We, as a country, will never start a war and will exhaust every means to avoid conflict with another country."

"If that is true, why does your nation need to have trade relationship with our Kingdom?"

"Simple. Having a neighboring country as an ally is politically and economically more advantageous to both countries rather than trying to destroy each other in an attempt to subjugate or annihilate the opposition. It's a win-win situation. What do you think?"

"Hmmm..." Legatus Franx stroked his beard as he thought about the Philippine representative's offer. Perhaps it is an opportunity to study the new country's culture and structure, learning the strengths and weaknesses of this strange nation.

"It sounds that you have an enticing offer. However, only His Majesty can decide regarding these matters. As for now, His Majesty and the House of Lords are discussing the matter. Until then, we can only wait for his final decision."

As soon as Legatus Franx finished talking, Optio Aera approached the two gentlemen in front of her.

"Forgive me for my insolence. Legatus Franx."

"What is it, Optio Aera?"

"His Majesty and the Royal Council have decided to allow trading relations between the Kingdom of Nada and the newfound country. The Federal Republic of the Philippines, isn't it?"

"Very well. I guess the gods have graced your country's presence, Representative Tesoro. We are looking forward trading with your country," Legatus Franx stood up and offered a handshake with the Philippine representative.

"Thank you, Legatus Franx. We are also looking forward for that. Please send our regards to His Majesty and tell him that our country is committed to have a peaceful and productive relationship with your kingdom," Rafael Tesoro took Legatus Franx's hand and shook it.

"I guarantee your regards will reach him. I believe everything is settled now. Perhaps, we should adjourn until the next meeting."

"I agree. Thank you for considering our offer. We assure that both countries will greatly benefit in this venture."

No sooner, the two fleets parted ways as the crews of both fleets waved their hands in a friendly exchange of farewells. Rafael stood on the deck of BRP Manuel Tinio and watched silently as the Royal Fleet of Nada sailed home. Then, an officer approached him from behind.

"You did well, Mr. Tesoro."

"Thanks, Admiral Santiago. I almost thought I have botched the first exchange. I'm glad it went well."

"Well, I never expected less from you."

"I just did my part. I hope the rest will do theirs as well."

"That is something I cannot guarantee. By the way, want some beer to celebrate your success?

"No, thanks. I'm a teetotaler. Besides, we're still on duty. The higher ups would not be happy if they'll find out."

"Aww... That's sad."

"That's life for you," Rafael then looked towards the horizon as he contemplated the current situation in the Philippines, "A lot of things have changed since Philippines got into this world. Will the country be able to adapt, or will it crumble into chaos and despair?"

"Only God knows, my friend. Only God knows."


"Mr. President, our envoy has succeeded in establishing primary contact with the neighboring country. It is named as the Kingdom of Nada."

With a sigh of relief, President Yap relaxed himself on his seat as he smiled at his secretary,

"That's good news. At least one of our problems is now considered solved. Now, I want the country to know about this new development. Have you contacted the press?"

"Consider it done, Mr. President."

"Great. The people must know that we are doing our best addressing the present crisis and that our party alone has the capability and resources to save this country."

"Yes, sir. Ummm..." there was a moment of silence between the president and his secretary.

"What is it, Mr. Hipolito?"

"I'm just wondering. Why did you choose Rafael Tesoro of all people to do the job? I mean, doesn't he have close relations with the candidates of the opposition?"

President Yap's countenance changed from jubilant to serious. He looked intently at his secretary as he asked one question.

"Mr. Hipolito. What do you think why I chose him to be our country's envoy to the Kingdom of Nada?"

"I honestly don't know, Mr. President."

"It's true that I underestimated Mr. Tesoro's diplomatic skill. However, I recognize that his talent in diplomacy is second to none. Think about this. Despite the fact that we have no data regarding the culture of this new world, Mr. Tesoro succeeded doing his job. Perhaps he's just lucky as well. That would mean the only chance for Mr. Tesoro to fail is if the other neighboring country is militaristic to the extreme or outrightly barbaric."

"But that would give the opposition some leverage if Mr. Tesoro runs for an elective position."

"True. However, Mr. Tesoro has no interest in politics. He rather work as a public administration professor than a politician. Besides, I also considered the possibility of failure. If he would have failed in his attempt to establish diplomacy with the Kingdom of Nada, we could have used his failure as propaganda against the opposition by emphasizing his connections and attributing his incompetence to them. If he would have gotten killed in a worst case scenario, at least we would have lost none of our think tanks while the opposition would have lost a potential political adviser. Of course if Mr. Tesoro changes his mind and decides to run for an elective position, I have several ways to deal with it."

Secretary Hipolito was dumbfounded. It seems President Yap has prepared for every scenario regarding Rafael Tesoro, increasing the admiration and respect for his leader.

"You're indeed a genius. I never regret supporting and serving you as my President."

"Thank you. However, keep everything at low key. Don't tell anyone what we've discussed. Understood?"

"Yes, Mr. President. You have my word."


Darryl Blanchett, Jr. hurriedly disembarked from his Ford Hunter as he grabbed his camera. He heard rumors that a strange, monstrous creature got stranded on the beach after a thunderstorm last night. Being a naturalist, Darryl responded as quickly as possible as he felt that it is his utmost duty to advocate environmentalism and educate the people how to save nature whether it be in the previous or in the new world where the Philippines now resides.

Darryl is a Filipino-American by consanguinity born of a Filipina mother and an American father. Like him, his father Darryl Blanchett, Sr. is also a naturalist who is well known for his contribution to the Philippine Natural History. Ironically, he and his father love the Philippine ecology and environment more than 90% of the pure-blooded natural-born Filipino resident citizens whose care for nature is low to nil.

Arriving at the scene, Darryl found out that the beach was already crowded by a mob of curious bystanders and inquiring media personalities who are taking videos at the remains of the strange animal. Younger generations did not fail to take selfies with the deceased monster while some of the bystanders were doing some annoying gestures in front of the TV cameras just to catch some nationwide attention in their fifteen seconds of fame.

"I'm glad you came, Mr. Blanchett," a middle-aged man greeted the naturalist as he extended his arm for a handshake.

"Atty. Zaide, I am pleasantly surprised that you came all the way here. I thought you were busy with legal paperwork back in Laguna."

"Finding a supposed to be prehistoric creature on a Philippine beach is not something you would hear in everyday news. Won't you agree, Mr. Blanchett?"

"I concur. This could not only be a gem to Philippine National History, but also a monument to its Natural History. I am excited to see what the creature looks like."

"Go ahead, be our guest."

Darryl squeezed himself into the crowd as Atty. Zaide led him to the corpse. He was instantly struck with amazement as he caught glimpse of the majestic creature.


"I expected that reaction, Mr. Blanchett. It seems that Philippines got teleported to a real Jurassic World."

Darryl quickly took pictures of the creature as the crowd peered closer to the corpse. Darryl called upon his attendant who gave him a measuring tape.

"This.. this is overwhelming! I never expected all my life to see a prehistoric animal like this! Considering its size, robust body structure, conical teeth and paddle-like limbs, I am almost certain that this creature is a Mosasaurus, specifically Mosasaurus Hoffmanni!"

The crowd was awestruck. It seems Jurassic World did come to life as evidence of a "dinosaur" is found on a Philippine beach (well, not really. Mosasaurus are not Dinosaurs but are aquatic reptiles more related to modern day true lizards, unlike the latter which are more related to crocodiles and birds. Yeah, whatever).

"Sir," a curious journalist inquired, "You said that this animal is a Mosasaurus. Why is it not as large as it was shown in Jurassic World?"

"Good question.The answer, however, is simple. Movies tend to exaggerate measurements and ferocity of predatory animals in order to evoke shock and awe factor to viewers. In real life though, the largest fossil specimen of a Mosasaurus Hoffmanni is only about 17 meters long, which is roughly as long as a male adult sperm whale."

Further investigating the carcass, Darryl found no external injuries inflicted on the sea monster. So, he presumed that it was killed by something else. With the help of other experts, Darryl cut open the carcass and found the culprit of the Mosasaur's death.

"As expected, the Mosasaurus was killed by garbage. If we won't change our ways, we will not only endanger the species we brought along from the previous world, but also those who are native in this new world."

Some of the crowd felt guilty while listening to the naturalist's words. However, most simply did not care and remained affixed to the rarity that is the Mosasaurus.


2nd Lt. Brian de Leon, Jr. is frustrated. Due to the sudden escalation of war between U.S.A. and China, the 5th Philippine-Japan Anime and Manga Festival has been cancelled. Worse, the Philippines got isekai'ed into a different dimension. Now, it is almost guaranteed that Philippines will never EVER get any Japanese anime and manga again. He will also never be able to see his dad's masterpiece, Mobile Suit Gundam Arc Aile: Messiah Oratorio Movie being released in the Philippines. But one could argue: being transported to a fantasy world isn't that bad, right? Wrong, at least for Brian. Sure, there maybe elven girls and fantasy princesses in the other world. However, 3D girls can't simply compete with the high quality Japanese 2D waifus. For Brian, 2D girls are always better than real life 3D ones. 2D girls will never break his heart, unlike her ex-girlfriend who dumped him for a filthy rich Chinoy (Filipino-Chinese) Businessman who bought her a Louis Vuitton.

"Damn Chekwas (a slang, sometimes used as a derogatory term, for Chinese people)! First Scarborough. Next, my money-faced girlfriend. Now, animé and manga too? Damn it! Damn it all!" Brian lamented as he locked himself in his room. He took a vacation leave for the expo, but all things went into the drain when the war began. While he is thankful to God that Philippines got saved from a nuke war, his hatred for the People's Republic of China as well as his unwavering love for his country and Japan causes him to blame China for all his misfortunes despite some of them are perhaps unfounded. Nonetheless, Brian is one of the most outstanding pilots in Philippine history. During his service in the Philippine Air Force, Brian flew at least twenty combat missions. All of them were successful and, in every combat mission Brian participated against Philippine insurgency, he performed outstandingly. Because of this, he was supposed to be promoted to 1st Lieutenant. However, it was temporarily suspended for reasons unknown to him.

Terribly bored of his situation, Brian took the remote of his TV and turned the boob tube on. He scanned the channels, hoping a nice show to watch. However only analog local channels were available, airing boring talk shows tailor-made for housewife consumption.

"Damned local channels! Don't they know what is a quality show?" Brain exclaimed as he was about to turn off the TV. Suddenly, a news flash report appeared on the screen and caught the young man's attention.

"A strange creature was found dead on the beach of Manila Bay earlier this morning. Mr. Darryl Blanchett, a veteran naturalist, has confirmed that the creature is a Mosasaurus. According to the naturalist, the Mosasaurus died after ingesting plastic garbage around Manila Bay."

"Interesting..." Brian commented as he peered closer to the TV set. His mood lightened a bit as his inner otaku rejoiced with the new development. Being a fan of Dinosaur movies Jurassic Park and Jurassic World as well as the anime series Jura Tripper Re:evolution, Brian's interest peaked as he found something to do while on leave. He quickly dressed himself and came out of his room with his mom noticing his get up.

"Jun-jun, you seem well- groomed today. Where are you going?"

"Ma, I'm going to Manila Bay."

"You want to see the Mosasaurus too?" Brian's mother has also heard about the news from the TV downstairs

"Yup. I'll be back soon after some picture taking."

"Okay. Take care, my son."

"Sure. You too."

"Of course."

"Bye, mom." Brian bid farewell to his mother as he kissed his mother's right hand. He then paced speedily towards Manila Bay in hopes of having an opportunity to take pictures of the prehistoric animal. Perhaps, this day isn't as bad as he expected.


"Hey, look who's here. It's the granddaughter of the mad ex-pwesident!"

A young woman sneered at a fellow fashion model who was walking past her. The latter glanced without any facial expression towards the former who was smiling rather maliciously at her.

Not getting the reaction she wanted, the young woman exclaimed in a loud voice, "Who on earth allowed an ugly low-life scum to join a prestigious fashion show like this? She's even the granddaughter of a mass-murderer!"

The last words were too much. Mako Carreon wanted to punch the hell out of Socorro Ramirez but she kept her cool. She never believed that her grandfather, Ex-President Reynaldo Domingo, did the things accused of him, nor any of her kinsmen committing any crime attributed to them by their political enemies. However, those words were pushing her berserk buttons. She turned around and confronted the accuser.

"Interesting. Is it just me, or am I really hearing things from a wrinkly, talking bitter gourd? I wonder how much would it sell in the market?" Mako quipped as she flipped her hair before turning her back against Socorro, incensing the latter who has a deep grudge against the former whom she also accused of stealing her unfaithful boyfriend. Socorro grabbed Mako's hair and began a commotion with the two girls brawling as the crowd gathered and attempted to pacify them. Suddenly, Socorro managed to take hold of a pen from a man who was trying to separate her from Mako and stabbed her in her left eye...

"Aaaaahhh!" Mako woke up in the middle of a stormy night. The tragedy that lost her an eye and ended her career as a model has been revisiting her these past few nights. While Mako managed to overcome her depression, the scar of her past changed her. No longer a sophisticated and saucy young woman, Mako became slightly bitter after everyone she considered friends turned their backs on her. However, it made her into a strong and independent woman. Fashion industry wasn't the only world Mako can live in, unlike Socorro who went insane after being convicted of the crime while her career is forever ruined by her own actions.

Leaving her bed, Mako stood up and headed to the kitchen. She took a bottle of fresh mik and drank ardently from it. Suddenly, her phone vibrated. Mako picked up the gadget and checked on it. It was a message from Ricardo.

"Good P.M. Are you still awake, Mako-chan?"

"Idiot," Mako muttered as she texted back, "An nyeong ha seyo. Just woke up after experiencing a nightmare. Also, stop pretending to be Japanese. You are not one. LOL."

"And you are not Korean too. Stop greeting An nyeong hase yo. LMAO. BTW, Is it still about what happened years ago?" Ricardo texted back.

"Yeah. I don't know why it's bugging me lately," Mako answered as she returned the milk bottle in the refrigerator and went back to her bed.

"I see. Perhaps you're just stressed lately after too much practicing for the shooting competition."

"Perhaps you're right. Got to sleep now. Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day for me. Good night."

"Good night, Mako-chan. I hope you'll answer* me already."

"Not in a hundred years. LOL," Mako put her phone away and lay on her bed as she raised her arms as if she's holding a rifle. She pretended to shoot as a soft "bang" went forth from her lips. She then closed her eye and fell into Somnus' embrace...

HiyoriTokisada HiyoriTokisada

*Along with General Gregorio del Pilar, General Manuel Tinio is one of the youngest generals in the Philippines. Unlike del Pilar, he survived the war and was elected as Governor of Nueva Ecija.

* Darryl Blanchett, Sr. (as well as Jr.) is inspired from a real world naturalist named Darrell Blatchley who owns a Natural History museum in Davao City.

*The word "answer*" here is used as "accepting one's courtship and become someone's girlfriend."

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