The group of people stayed in the living room for a long time, thought after a while, Kang Jun recommended to take Xu Shen on a tour of the house. He had invited Lu Duyi along, at first, but the boy had wanted to stay stuck to his eldest sister, which Kang Jun didn't mind at all.
The two were close, and yet, Lu AnLing had put distance between them since she had gotten pregnant and yet the boy still loved her as much as he always had. Kang Jun found this relationship beautiful, and he was glad that Lu Duyi could be there, not only for his wife but also to mend the relationships between Lu AnLing, Lu Xiaoling and Lu Shuya.
As they walked Xu Shen asked Kang Jun many random questions about his day to day like with Lu AnLing, Kang Mei Xue and Kang Mingyu, and then, after a while, Xu Shen said,
"Are you even human? The only fault I can find in you is your coldness, but even that is barely a fault."
Hearing this, Kang Jun couldn't help but laugh lowly. "I have many flaws. The only difference between me and everyone else is that I don't try to hide them. If I'm angry, I'll show anger, if I dislike someone, they'll know, and if I love someone they'll feel it with their mind, body and soul."
The last part of his sentence was a bit embarrassing to hear, but Kang Jun showed no embarrassment whatsoever. Looking at him Xu Shen nodded. This did prove Kang Jun's point to Xu Shen, so the man suddenly laughed.
"AnLing sure is lucky to have you. And you're lucky to have her. I think you two suit each other very well." Xu Shen said truthfully. "Frankly, I've never seen such a perfect pair. Xiaoling and I are very good as a team... and by that I mean our differences compliment each other, but all that's missing is that passion; that love."
There was something strange in Xu Shen's voice and Kang Jun easily picked up on it.
"Do you not love your wife?" Kang Jun asked simply.
Hearing this, Xu Shen smiled. "I love her in the way you love a childhood friend whom you've been with all your life."
Kang Jun cocked his head, "But you don't love her in a romantic way."
Xu Shen took a moment and he thought about it. Did he love Xiaoling romantically? He didn't need to think about it much. He knew the answer.
"Maybe once, but not anymore. In my opinion, It would be a shame if I still loved her romantically since she's always loved someone else." Xu Shen said as he slightly reminisced of the past.
He remembered the day he was first introduced to Lu Xiaoling. He thought she was a beautiful woman but he could easily tell that her whole heart was elsewhere.
He didn't know what had happened in her past or what she had done but he had married her despite all that was unknown.
Xu Shen: "Xiaoling isn't a bad person. She's just a bit quick to act. I don't really know what happened with her first husband but he did something to her which closed her whole heart up. And I'm sure that he's the only one who could open it back up again... but sadly, the man's already dead."
Kang Jun didn't care about Lu Xiaoling past, her feelings or her problems, but with the mention of Lu AnLing's father, Kang Jun jumped onto the subject head first.
"What do you know about AnLing's birth father?" Kang Jun asked with slight curiosity.
Hearing this question, Xu Shen shrugged.
"Frankly, not much." Xu Shen said as they continued to walk down the halls. "All I knew about Xiaoling's previous marriage was that the man was from a very influential family and the two had fallen in love. If I remember correctly, the man had had a big falling out with his parents and was disowned in the process but Xiaoling wanted to marry him anyway. I'm not sure what happened after that but less than a year or two later, she was back home, and then our marriage was arranged. Obviously, in that short span of time, she had given birth, but other than that, I know nothing."
Kang Jun nodded at every word, Xu Shen uttered. He wanted to know more about Lu AnLing's family situation so that he could see if he could help her in any way.
Xu Shen: "From what I know, the man died in a car accident. And it was sad because the man had nothing to give to AnLing. He had a small bit of money, but that was used to sustain his like for the small time he was in a coma. By the time AnLing had woken up, the man was dead..."
Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned. "How do you know all of this?"
Looking Kang Jun straight in the eyes, Xu Shen sighed. "This was all Xiaoling was willing to tell me. I bet that if I asked she would tell me, but I'd rather not ask."
Kang Jun didn't know what to say about this but when he finally decided what was appropriate to say, he said, "What do you think would happen if your wife was able to see AnLing's father again?"
Kang Jun wasn't sure if this was the right way to word it, but it was what he wanted to say.
Xu Shen was a kind man and Kang Jun didn't wish for the man to be hurt by what would probably ensue in the near future, so in his own way, Kang Jun tried to make the man, at least, think about it.
Hearing this, Xu Shen bit his lip, "Well... I'm sure that Xiaoling would be glad but other than that, I'm not sure what she would do."
After saying this, he saw Kang Jun's expression which told Xu Shen that he didn't believe the man.
Seeing this, Xu Shen laughed.
"I know you think I'm lying, but it's true..." Xu Shen said. After that, his expression turned a bit sad. "Xiaoling is a proud woman. She hates accepting help or pity from anyone but I've spent the last 25 years of my life helping her and being there for her. I bet that a part of her feels indebted to me. Not only because of what I did for her but what for what I did for AnLing."
Xu Shen paused and then he sighed as his eyes swept across the hall in front of him and then, he said, "As you obviously know, AnLing is not my daughter but when she came to the Lu family I treated her as such. This was not for Xiaoling's sake, but for AnLing's. It's hard to come into such a new, strange environment, which, more times rather than not, living there is hostile... Not to mention the fact that it was decided not to reveal that AnLing was biologically Xiaoling's daughter. I knew it would be hard for her, so I was there for AnLing... but to Xiaoling, this act is what keeps her indebted to me."
As long as I have school stuff to do, I'll be posting the chapters around this time (unless I accidentally oversleep, but let's hope that doesn't happen since I have sooooo much to do!)