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Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod original

Percy Jackson The Wrathful Demigod

Author: Juipt

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1I head butted my History teacher.

Now most people would say that I am not very normal. It may be the fact that I threw a chair at a girl or when I body slammed the quarter back, who knows. But I can confirm that I am simply built different.

I am Atem, no last name. I don't really have parents so to speak. Ok I don't have parents. No clue who they are, what they are, or what their last names are. So I just go by Atem.

Most of the time I am wearing jeans with a gray or black T-shirt with a camo hat with brown hair. I go to school at Olive garden. No joke that is the name. Unlike the restaurant this place teaches kids ranging from 10-17. Can't quite say I face bullies since I usually beat them to a pulp. But I can't say the same for my friend in crutches Bill Overwood. 

You see he has a diea- "Oh also Hades has 5000 attack power but only if your opponent attacks first. That's why I go second with Hades full underworld. Atem you on earth?" That is Bill my dear mental issues. We're currently eating our food at the cafeteria. 

"Uh yeah my bad bill but I don't see the point in playing competitive Mythomagic when no one else but you plays the game here." 

"There is always a point my dear apprentice. Like there is a point to guard your cake before I steal it."

I look down at my plate to see indeed he stole my chocolate cake." You son of a hippo. I'll steal your cake for the next 3 weeks now."

"Sure~ I totally can see you paying enough attention to steal something. (mutters under breath) 100% not Hermes." 

"Hm what was that ?"

"Noting, just thinking how much trouble you'll get in."

"Ay you bastard, I'm turning over a new leaf." 

"Only when pigs fly."

"Oh shut up." This is normal to us despite some of it coming out as being mean to each other. But no matter how close we get I will never understand his obsessive nature on teaching me "The ways of competitive Mythomagic". Or his obsessiveness over apples. But besides that he pretty chill.

In Olive Garden we have 8 classes. P.E, math, History, English, science, art, effects around the world, and finally lunch. This is not in order just letting you know. Me personally have history last. Which is by far the worse class. The teacher Mrs. Darci. She is one mean teacher. 

She had sharp cut green hair that reaches her neck. She usually wears a brown T shirt with a scaly dress that reaches her shoes. I also highly doubt that she actually knows any part of history that doesn't highlight prisons or camps. She also disliked most of the major Greek gods. Like Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. Which was weird because who dislikes those 3. Well if you don't deep dived into what they've done.... Which Mrs. Darci did a lot of. Heck we even had 3 tests over the negative things Zeus have done. 

It also isn't only me who dislikes her. Bill skips her class like 90% of the time. When I ask him about it he just says, "Man she gives me the creeps." Which I can understand first hand since she treats me like a prisoner. I do believe that she have given me about 10 dentation. She is more like a jailor than a teacher. Well if there's a difference. 

Now since I have given you some background information that I was a completely normal kid who went to school at olive garden. It is now time to tell you where it all went down hill.

"Man Mrs. Darci's class gonna suck I swear bro." I complain to Bill while we walk down the hall towards last period, Mrs. Darci.

"I know but I can't skip this one." Bill had a sad face but his eyes showed he was nervous.

"You good? Mrs. Darci won't bite you. Hopefully." I was trying to cheer him up but instead he gave me a piece of paper. It was a small rectangle wrapped. "Open this if we survive Mrs. Darci k?"

"Bill why you talking like she's a monster. Well she is but not one that hides in closets and grabs kids."

Bill let out a small chuckle. "Yo I'll catch up with you. I need to call my grandpa real quick."

"Why?" Why would Bill need to call his grandpa? "Let me guess he forgot to clear his schedule to pick you up again?" Bill's grandpa was forgetful sometimes. Scratch that, most of the time. But today was a Tuesday. We stay here for another week and a half. So why is Bill calling his grandpa? 'Ahh shoot 2 minutes before the bell' I began to sprint towards class.


Me and Bill make it. Bill had a face, he looked like he just take something spicy Infront of his crush and he can't scream or make a face in order to look tough. Which he has done before. 

"Good~s you all are here. Today lesson will be on Demigods. The spawn of the gods." Mrs. Darci looked around before pointing her oddly sharp finger at a girl who flinched. "You. Tell me what are demigods."

'Ummmm demigods are half human half god." The girl sheepishly said. "Yesss demigods are usually heroes in Greek mythology. Now can someone tell me, do they get a happy ending?" She said while looking stright at me. "Atem, answer the question." The way she said it sounded like being scolded. 

"Greek heroes most of the time don't get a happy ending?" I said after remembering what she had said yesterday. "Greek heroes don't get a happy ending. The Greeks invented tragedy and the heroes tested them." 

"Correct. Now we will watch a movie about one of the worse Greek heroes, Orpheus."

The movie was pretty horrible. Plot was great though. I can't help but think how being a child of a god feels like. I mean you get sick powers but you rarely get a happy ending. Most don't "succeed" in life. If I was a demigod I would succeed in life. "I know that look and you probably would die to a lion ant." Bill leaned over and whispered pure falseness. "You know I would you just lying to yourself." I whispered a quick comeback but Bill had other ideas. "Oh really? What would you succeed in? I know damn sure it would not be sitting still." 

Damn that was a low blow. Bill knows I got ADHD but he just being an ass. "Hmph I would get a beautiful girlfriend, become a leader, and beaten a god." I whispered to Bill.

"You can't even make a sun flower look at you, so good luck finding any girl."

Suddenly the movie paused as Mrs. Darci looked towards me. "Mr. Atem this is the last straw. Follow me." Reluctantly I stood up and followed Mrs. Darci. Just before I passed through the door I saw a panicked and pale faced Bill.

I turned back to see Mrs. Darci at the next corner of the hallway 'Weird I guess my ADHD acting up.' Once I passed that corner I saw her at the door of the auditorium. 

Just when I was halfway across the hallway I was grabbed and pulled. "SHHHHH!" Bill shushed me when I was going to say something. In a whisper I say "What are we doing?" 

"We need to go NOW." Bill dragged me before i started keeping up with him. "How are you running with out your crutches ?" I asked once I realized he was running hella fast. "Not the main issue." Bill turned to look at me before-


I felt my blood run cold as a shiver ran through my body. I turned to look at.....

"FUCKING RUN!!" Bill screamed so loud it snapped me out of my trance. 

What was now chasing me and bill was Mrs. Darci, but her green hair are now vipers and she had green scales. Below to her waist was 3 heads. A lion, bear and something else. But the terrifying thing was the bottom half. Where her legs were supposed to be, was a dragon's body. 

We took a sharp right then left up the stairs. "ATEM LISTEN TO ME. IF WE GET SEPRATED GO TO LONG ISLAND OK?" Bill instructed me as we made it to the second floor. "WHAT IS THAT THING" 


Something we can agree on.

*CRASH* behind us Mrs. Darci broke through the stair entrance and began to once again chase us. "COME HERE DEMIGOD" She snarled towards us. "BILL SHE'S GAINING" I yelled towards Bill as we take some turns to try to lose her in the building. "SHIT FUCK. ALRIGHT ATEM GREEK MYTHOLOGY IS REAL AND YOU ARE A DEMIGOD." 

"NO SHIT ITS REAL AND-I'm a demigod?" 


I'm a demigod? I'll make sure ill succeed and win the bet. But who's child am I? And why did both of my parents abandoned me? Confusion ran ramped through my mind but my body continued to push it self. We kept running as my body pushed and my mind tried to catch up. We were about to get to the fire exit but before us was a water fountain. I kept running with Bill before

"AGH" I slipped on the water which was usually water that people spilled while drinking from the fountain. But sadly this is where my adventure ends. Bill turned around but he was already ahead of me before I slipped. "ATEM! "He yelled. 

i turned over to see Mrs. Darci ugly face hovering over mine.

"This is where your story ends demi-" She seemed to pause like when you realize something. And I was not going to let it slip away like how I slipped. 

I pulled my head back and with force I did not know I had slammed my head into hers.

*BANG* Blood-Golden blood spewed from her nose which I caved in from my headbutt. "AUGHHH" She screamed while taking steps back. I quickly got up and ran where Bill and I promptly got the hell out of there.

"WHAT IN THE ABSOULTE FUCK IS THIS." I screamed at Bill. Because I in fact was about to have a full blown panic attack.

"Welcome to the life of a demigod Atem. Now you not sounding so tough after this one? I guess you got "No maidens?" Bill says in a joking manner as we run across the city with sweat dripping off us like rain.

"SHUT UP YOU... YOU GOT HOOVES !???" I looked down to see that Bill did not have pants on. Oh and he did not have human legs nor feet. They were hairy and have hooves.

"I'm a satyr. Half man Half goat" 

"Your defiantly a Billy goat then" 


Whats good guys. Like the first chapter of my book? The other book is not dropped but I was losing motivation and was tried of learning ancient greek stuff. I did not need to know that Poseidon did the dirty as a horse. I will upload some chapters in a week so maybe 3-4 a week? or maybe daily.

But I truly wish to finish both books. Which I will. Also I've seen people do "post a review + extra chapter, or 100 powerstones for extra chapter." So I have decided I will post a extra chapter if i get a review.

Any ways hope you guys are doing ok and having a good Friday (or day if you're not reading this on Friday.)


Juipt Juipt

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