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67.32% Percy Jackson : Gods Annihilation / Chapter 68: DA : Chapter 68: King and Queens II

Chapter 68: DA : Chapter 68: King and Queens II

 Warning : LEMON


He claimed Rhea's lips quickly, her lips parting as her tongue darted out to meet his in their passionate embrace. She fought back long and hard, at times dominating the exchange as he pulled her body flushed against his, her arms securing his neck.

All the while he could feel feather light kisses on his own neck and collarbone coming from Hestia.

His hand around her lowered until it reached her plump rear, giving the tender flesh a squeeze of appreciation and was rewarded with the smallest moan to escape the lady of dragons.

After several minutes Percy ended his kiss with Rhea, leaving the goddess with a flushed face and slightly swollen lips, before he turned to Hestia and did the same.

As always she began far gentler, being one to enjoy the slower moments and light touch as opposed to Rhea's more hungry contact. Soon he started to get a little more aggressive as he took charge of the kiss, adding soft nibbles to Hestia's lips and receiving sweet whimpers in reply.

All the while he felt Rhea escape his arm only for her to shift to his back, teasingly kissing along his shoulder and neck while her arms went under his to caress his chest.

After he felt he'd effectively left Hestia without breathe, he backed up to look at her face. The slightly dazed expression, the silvery blush, the harder breathing; it all made her that much more beautiful in his eyes.

He would have just stayed there to admire her but Rhea broke him out of that reverie, her honeyed voice whispering in his ear, "My-my, are you just going to look? Or are you going to give her girls some attention?"

Let it be known that while proper and responsible, within her own room Rhea quickly became the embodiment of a naughty kitty. Playful, teasing, challenging, and just about shameless; not that he was any better.

"I really should, shouldn't I?" he replied while looking straight into Hestia's eyes, easily seeing her personality in regards to intimacy. Shier, submissive, at times hesitant with initiation, but also curious and willing.

What a coincidence that he was dominant but also tender and playful?

Raising his free hand he gently moved one of the straps to her gown as she watched it all, still giving him her shy smile. Percy also noted that Rhea reached across his shoulder to move the other strap with him. In all of three seconds both straps fell and with them, the gown itself to reveal suppled and full breasts.

Again Percy paused to admire his wife, the thought of which brought immense joy to him. His wives, after having taken their vows before Styx. His to love, to cherish, to support, to form a future with.

He noted that Hestia was trying to cover herself in embarrassment as he admired her but he quickly stopped that as he held her arms while looking into her eyes, his gaze firm and encouraging.

"Hestia," he said as he used one arm to pull her closer, her naked chest pressed against his. "You are beautiful, never forget that. You never need to feel embarrassed or hide from us, okay?"

All he got was a teary smile and nod but from her eyes he could tell his words had far more weight and helped calm any doubts in her mind. Without further ado he kissed her again, this time rougher and deeper as he sat back on his knees and bringing Hestia onto his lap.

Soon though he left her lips and started to trail down her neck as she softly mewled under his attention, her hands around his neck.

Then he leaned her back just enough for his head to comfortably dip and kiss her breasts. She gasped as her grip on him tightened. He smirked at her reaction and continued on with kisses and licks until he captured one nipple and sucked on it gleefully.

"P-Percy …" was Hestia's soft moan, her back arching as she slowly started to ground her hips on his boner, eliciting a groan from him.

He flicked and nibbled on her nipple, loving every little twitch she made but was surprised when she gave a harder gasp. He glanced to his side to see that Rhea had reached around him to fondle Hestia's left breast, squeezing and tweaking.

Naughty kitty indeed.

He could practically feel Rhea's smirk and could guess she was having a field day … he would get to her soon enough though.

Still, he refocused on Hestia as he felt Rhea shift from behind him, leaving him to switch targets and suck on her left breast, all to the music of her moans. He let go of his prisoners after bit to see that Rhea was behind Hestia now, an absolutely devious glint in her eyes as she looked at him.

Then, much to Hestia's shock and his guilty excitement, Rhea turned Hestia's head and kissed her, getting a surprised squeak from the younger goddess. More of Percy's blood rushed south as he watched as if in a trance as Hestia slowly melted into it and kissed back, even going as far as moaning softly while Rhea's hands returned to their fondling.

After a few minutes of the show they broke apart with a strand of saliva between them, before both looked at him. If he hadn't been hard before he was ready to punch through steel now, and judging by how both glanced down, they knew it.

"Hestia," Rhea whispered, her eyes suddenly very serious shocking Percy out of his slight daze. "… You can go first."

Hestia's mouth dropped open in shock as Rhea said that, the implications not being lost on them. It was their new home and the first full sex since becoming protogenoi, their first since their unorthodox marriage.

Rhea had already given him her reformed virginity and took his but now she willingly let Hestia consummate their union and proved to Hestia that she was equal. That got happy tears out of Hestia, to the point the goddess pulled Rhea in and gave her a thank you kiss much to Rhea's surprise.

"Thank you," Hestia said happily once she broke the lip-lock, getting a smile back from Rhea.

"You're welcome and now …" she started as she returned her gaze to Percy. "I'll get Percy ready for you."

Percy got her meaning quick enough and smirked while wrapping his arms around Hestia before pulling her closer.

"Then I'll get Hestia ready," he said as he snapped his fingers making her booty shorts disappear while getting a squeak from her.

"Percy…?" Hestia asked hesitantly as Percy laid down while pulling Hestia up. "Wait, are you going to-awn!"

She cut of the moment he had her thighs around his head and he gave her quivering lower lips a strong kiss.

Her glistening sex with a thin strip of hair above it, her scent and the taste of her honey quickly took his focus. He quickly moved past kisses and started to lick her, drawing out long moans as her hands found his head, dragging her fingers through his hair.

All the while he felt his boxers disappear and a soft hand wrapped around his length with wet warmth surrounding the head. He groaned at the feeling but that only served to excite Hestia more as her honey increased.

He quickly used his tongue, abusing the fact that his control was above most thanks to wolf traits, and exposed her little pearl, flicking it repeatedly. Her every little hitch and whimper was a melody to him, exciting him to no ends as his skilled tongue explored every inch.

At times he would probe lower near her opening, just shy of actually entering her to tease her. After a few minutes he added a nibble to her clit and a strong suck, her reaction making it all the sweeter.

She gasped and rocked her hips on him, her thighs starting to squeeze but he slowed down much to her disappointed whine. He also felt Rhea leaving his member, thankfully not bringing him close since he wanted to enjoy his first time with Hestia.

Moving the panting goddess down until she was hovering over his crotch, like Rhea he took one of Hestia's hands and interlaced their fingers while locking eyes with her. The love was evident as she gave him a warm smile before surprising him and letting herself drop, completely sheathing herself in one go with a cry of pain.

Percy was overwhelmed from the near burning heat and tightness to react any more than groaning with his hands jumping to her hips but Rhea covered that. She gently hugged Hestia from the side while kissing away the tears. They stood still for several minutes until Hestia spoke, her voice sweet and gentle as she smiled down at him.

"Finally … I'm yours."

He gave her a smile in return and sat up, hugging her to him while whispering, "And I'm yours too."

"Don't forget about me now," Rhea playfully butted in, getting an eye roll from both even as they smiled.

Percy then returned his attention to Hestia, silently asking for permission to move. She gave him a nod and he used his arms to slowly move her up, moaning in tune with her, and then brought her down sharply. Hestia gasped but didn't protest as he repeated the action, adding hip thrusts for extra pressure as Hestia melted in his arms.

Soon Hestia started to bounce of her own accord, her arms like a vice around his neck. Rhea wasn't idle either as she was behind Hestia, fondling her again and making Hestia cry out even more.

Percy for his part was focusing on not coming too soon but Hestia's heat and tightness was making it a tough task, along with the sight before him, he was sure his defeat was imminent but Hestia looked like she might be resisting for a while.

Apparently Rhea thought that as well and considering that she was probably insanely horny at this point; what with her and Percy having been limited to only some play after decades of having been very active with each other, patience was not her strong suit tonight.

With a Cheshire grin Rhea reached around and started to rub Hestia's pearl, eliciting a shocked gasp from the goddess of fire.

"N-no … fa-ir …" Hestia managed even as her bouncing got desperate and Percy felt her walls starting to pulse around his length.

"Tough," Rhea chirped back before nibbling and sucking Hestia's neck.

The assault on multiple fronts was quickly becoming overwhelming on the goddess and it was only now that Percy realized there was literal steam coming of anywhere he and Hestia had skin contact, especially between their joining.

Percy added more strength to his thrusting, much to Hestia's delight, his own member pulsing with an approaching release but he tried to hold out for a little longer.

Deciding that fair play wasn't in the books tonight he latched his mouth around Hestia's free breast, sucking hard as he pounded into her. Hestia gave another shocked cry but she drowned that out when he felt her walls clamp down on him and she threw her head back.

"PERCY!" she screamed in orgasmic bliss as she came, her sex squeezing him into her awaiting hearth all the while Rhea was unceremoniously thrown back since Hestia's wings sprung out.

The pressure was too much and with a growl that sounded suspiciously like Hestia's name, he came within her as well, eliciting another longer and drawn out moan from her as his wings also came out.

Trapped within their throws of passion, Percy's wings enveloped the smaller goddess, covering her in a feathered blanket of cool darkness.

He held onto her, their foreheads joined together as they looked into each other's eyes. Once they got down from their high they gave each other goofy smiles before Percy whispered, "I love you."

"And I love you," she replied sweetly.

They panted together for a few minutes, simply relishing in the afterglow of their first time together. Percy simply loved the feeling of having her this close, in the embrace of his wings and warmth of her smile. It was after they recovered a little more that Hestia spoke.

"Umm … I think I might be too tired to go more than one round tonight," she said with obvious disappointment but Percy fixed that quickly with his own words.

"That doesn't matter," he said softly before giving her a peck on the nose. "You're new to this so give yourself some time. You were amazing regardless."

That got a brighter smile out of her before she grinned with a glint of mischief in her eyes and leaned into his ear. "… And now let's show Rhea why it isn't nice to cheat."

"It's your lead, my queen," he growled back making her shiver while still sheathed on him, her warmth not having lessened in the slightest.

He then allowed his wings to unwrap from around her but left them out as she gingerly got off his lap and letting his member spring free. Once that was done both turned to see Rhea huffing at them, not having appreciated falling off the bed thanks to their wings.

"What were you two whispering about?" she asked with narrowed eyes. Hestia and Percy shared a glance and equal grins. "What are you-Hestia!"

Hestia surprised Rhea by pouncing on the older goddess, one free hand tugging down the corset and releasing Rhea's prisoners. Rhea couldn't react in time as Hestia latched her mouth to Rhea's sensitive neck, making Rhea moan and squeak at the same time thanks to some rough fondling.

Before Rhea could get to a counter-attack Percy made his move, pinning both of Rhea's hands above her head and claiming her lips. As he dominated the kiss he moved until he was between her legs and Rhea started grinding onto him, moaning all the while.

After Percy released her mouth he looked into her eyes with a smirk, loving the dazed look on her face from the surprise. He then got an idea and brought her hands together before touching them to the headboard a little ways behind her. He focused on his powers and formed Voidcrystal cuffs being connected to the headboard, leaving her trapped and at their mercy.

"Payback time," Hestia said with glee as she let go of Rhea's breast … wait, since when was her little angel halo on fire. Thoughts for another time.

Rhea could only whimper in reply even as Percy caught the scent of her arousal increasing making him smirk.

"It's wasn't nice to cut Hestia's fuse like that," he said teasingly as he pulled the ties keeping Rhea's thong on. He casually tossed them aside and aligned himself, knowing she was more than wet enough. "So no oral beforehand," he added, knowing how much she loved getting oral from him.


Whatever protest she had was quickly cut off as Hestia initiated another kiss, this time being the aggressor as Rhea was left at her mercy.

Percy mentality noted 'Hestia; submissive and shy only to him apparently' with a grin before he thrust forward, piercing her in one motion. Rhea gave a sharp gasp turned into a loud moan even while kissing Hestia, her hips bucking into Percy's for more.

Percy was all too happy to oblige, starting off with a fast rhythm as he picked up Rhea's knees to get a better angle. Rhea's familiar warmth and tightness quickly brought him closer even as he thrust away with enough force to knock the breath out of her.

Hestia doubled the assault, using her hands to squeeze Rhea's breasts and tweak her nipples while continuing to control the heated lip-lock. Rhea was at their mercies, being attacked on every front and barely getting any air thanks to Hestia.

Percy even went as far as to channel some of his power to his member, making it marginally colder.

The reaction was instant as Rhea gasped while her walls started to pulse and constrict, the contrast between her heat and his chill stimulating her that much more. Percy grinned as he leaned forward while Hestia made room, having let go of Rhea's lips during the change.

Percy made use of the room to get to Rhea's neck, playfully nibbling along the succulent flesh as Rhea mewled and whimpered even more, her legs wrapping around his waist. He felt her tightening even further and knew it was only a matter of time before he blew so with a last effort, he moved his mouth to Rhea's ears and growled, "Come for me kitten."

That did it, the use of her pet name he only ever used when they were alone, sent her off the deep end. She screamed his name to the high heavens as she clamped down on him and milked him, making him come in response.

She moaned at the feeling as she looked at him with love cutting through her orgasmic daze, a warm smile on her face which he matched.

He then gave her a soft and tender kiss, relishing in her taste as her wings came out and like before, he used his to wrap her up. The lip-lock remained for a few minutes as both came down from their highs and Percy could feel Hestia adding her own to his shoulder and neck.

He grinned as he stopped the kiss with Rhea only to give Hestia another smooch while Rhea nuzzled against his neck. She purred contently as he chuckled before letting the Voidcrystal cuffs break, Rhea using the new freedom to secure her arms around him quickly. He then started to move around with Hestia looking at them happily herself.

He smiled at her before snapping his fingers, all articles of clothing disappearing as well as the little halo and horns Hestia and Rhea respectively had formed for their first night here, mentally noting to make use of those little 'props' again some time.

He then laid down and moved Rhea to his left side while Hestia snuggled up to his right. He quickly brought the sheets up to cover them and willed the room to darken, both goddess sleepily mumbling 'I love you' to him.

He smiled as he hugged both closer, returning the love as he let himself drift off as well, the smile never leaving his face…


Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.


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