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93.18% Path to Strength / Chapter 203: Chapter 195

Chapter 203: Chapter 195

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Strength, speed, endurance, durability!

Gun could feel in his flesh and bones that he was outclassed in all these areas.

While he could be considered a monster, the man in front of him must have been a real demon.

Compared to Yuji Shinakawa, who had impeccable skill and powerful techniques, his current opponent was simply powerful. His punches hurt, and made Gun feel like he was being hit by cannonballs.

His kicks flew like blades, threatening to cut him each time they came close to hitting him.

And their grips were deadly, Gun could tell that if he was caught by any of them, his bones would bend as if they were made of aluminum.

He was definitely the worst opponent Gun could face.


Gun, staggering backwards when a punch landed in his defense, immediately tried to kick, but Raian just shrugged as he grabbed his foot and threw him away.

Landing firmly on the ground, Gun raised his defense in time to block another punch, his brow furrowing as he felt the bones in his forearm crack at the monstrous strength of his opponent.

"Idiot!" Raian roared, and breaking through Gun's defense, he grabbed him by the throat, smashing him to the ground. "Did you really think that shit release of yours would make a difference? You assho-"

But being interrupted by a sharp knee to the jaw, Raian fell to the side, Gun quickly getting up and kicking him in the ribs, sending him sprawling.

Raian, stabbing his fingers into the ground, stopped his momentum and stood up, spitting a little blood before smiling.

"You talk too much." Gun wiped the blood from his lips, and snapping his fingers, he got into position again. "Let's keep going."

"Tsk." Clucking his tongue, Raian let his smile widen even more. "That's what I like to see, after all, there's no fun in hunting when the prey doesn't even try to fight!"


Advancing, Raian raised his fist, but was surprised when a punch landed on his chest before he could act, his eyes going wide as the air was expelled from his lungs.

'He read my move, huh?!' Raian smiled, but just as he was about to continue his attack, a powerful kick hit his testicles, his teeth clenching as he struggled to resist the pain. 'Piece of shit!'

Gun, seeing Raian squint his eyes in pain, immediately lunged forward, his attacks hitting him consecutively while knocking him back.

Aiming for his vital points, Gun hoped to take Raian down after this sequence, after all, no fighter, no matter how powerful, could withstand a barrage of attacks completely focused on his vital points.

But while Gun believed this, he had completely forgotten a crucial point in his plan.

His opponent was far from a normal fighter.

About to hit Raian's solar plexus, Gun was surprised when Kure's fist appeared in front of his eyes, his face being deformed as he was hit, before he flew away like a shot.


Hitting a clump of trees, Gun's body completely destroyed them, before his unconscious body landed firmly on several pieces of debris in what was once a clearing.

Raian, walking over to him with calm steps, stopped in front of his body, watching him with a disdainful smile.

"I'm not lying, you idiot. You were quite interesting." Rubbing his chin with a little disinterest, Raian shrugged as he began to walk away. "Your clearance should be at 80%. Not bad for a half-breed, I'll give you that point."

"But his techniques are shit, they're even worse than that idiot before he recovered his memories."

Taking one last look at Gun, Raian gave a frightening smile, his expression turning demonic for a moment.

"I'll be back in a few years! Until then, I want you to get stronger so I can have some fun before I kill you!"



While Yuji believed his punch had been accurate, he blinked a few times when he couldn't find James Lee in front of him, his eyes narrowing for a moment before he turned to see the man jumping a few meters away.

'Did he move even faster?' Yuji scratched his chin curiously, his gaze never straying from James. 'Is it...'


Yuji, taken by surprise when James flashed in his direction, was suddenly hit by a sharp kick to the face, his body being thrown backwards as blood gushed from his nose.


Landing on the ground, he quickly raised his defense to block another kick, but as the attack reached his defense, its trajectory was deflected at the last second, hitting him squarely in the liver.


Yuji, clenching his teeth in pain, tried to push James away with a kick, but a hit to his chin pushed his head up, causing him to stagger once again.

'It's certainly an evolution!' Pulling himself together, Yuji wiped the blood from his lips as he turned to James, seeing the man still bouncing in front of him, this time with a proud smile.

"Thanks a lot, kid. You've helped me overcome yet another limit." James declared, his smile never fading. "I thought it would be impossible with this body, but it seems that a life and death situation has changed that."

"I only have you to thank, and in the end, I won't need you anymore."

Yuji, seeing his opponent's foot appear in front of his eyes, was hit once again, his head flying backwards, James quickly complementing the attack with a punch that pushed his body to the ground.


Crushing the ground beneath his feet, Yuji lay on the ground as he stared up at the sky with half-closed eyes, his face clearly angry.

"Hey, kid." But while he was waiting to enjoy the view, James appeared in front of his field of vision, his body towering over him. "If you don't use that technique you used in the tournament, you're going to die. You know that, don't you?"

Yuji blinked a few times as he listened to him, and spitting out some of the blood collecting in his mouth, he sat down, making James give him enough room to do so.

"Do you really think so?" Standing up, the younger man wiped the dirt off his clothes with a few pats.

"Don't you see? I'm beating you now, if you want a chance, you'll have to give it your all." James had a disdainful smile, the kind of shit-eating grin that Yuji hated to see on his opponents.


Shifting his shoulders, Yuji took a deep breath, the anger in his gaze disappearing as he turned to James with disinterest.

"No, I don't think that's necessary."

James frowned, irritation taking over his gaze as he positioned himself to attack.

"You're just not worth all that effort."


Sending a supersonic kick towards Yuji's face, James Lee smiled when he felt his attack hit him.


"Let me explain to you how my eyes work, Charles Choi." But causing shock to run across the man's face, Yuji's voice sounded in front of him, the dust disappearing to reveal his palm in front of his face emanating what looked like steam. "Often, my body is able to move faster than my eyes can keep up with."

"You should understand that, after all, even you can't keep up with your own speed."

Waving his hand, Yuji pointed at his own eyes.

"But that's not really a problem for me. When I cross a threshold, it may take a while, but my eyes eventually get used to it...

Anyone who can only hit what they see is a second-rate martial artist. That's a phrase I heard from a true master."

"Of course, I agree with the phrase. But it's advice that only works for me for a while.

Because even if it's lightning, or an extremely fast idiot, I'll eventually be able to see him."


James, attacking once more, only had his attack blocked again, Yuji staring at him with little interest while his eyes flashed for a single moment.

"Don't you understand, idiot? I can see everything now.

That fight ended the moment it began."

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