In the Year XXX7, humanity reached its peak technological stage, since then everything has been declining. Humanity's population now only just exceeds 5 billion(1). Although global warming has stagnated and the forests have stopped being cut down, viruses and bacteria are becoming immune to most medicines. People has reverted back to herbal remedies and psychic practises. This is because of humanity's lack of exercise and mental strain. Thanks to technology, the human body has lead to a genetic deterioration, although this seems horrible it can easily be reverted by doing these activities, here we meet a young master, too smart for his age:
"Sebastian!, how are the final touches to my game?" said the young master from his computer, "ah, yes master we should be able to sustain 2 billion people at a time, about all of the worlds youth. Also the Dream Tech is coming along finely, we can now simulate the muscles and create the same affects as exercising. But i think we should just check over every thing first-" the wise old man was cut off. "Nah just do it now and send the software to their phones and stuff"
"...Yes young master" the wise old man left the room to continue his work.
The young master turned back to the computer to continue typing.
"Dream technology is just fab is it not, Helen"
*ding* "yes young master!, do you want to activate you character now?" a sweet lady's voice came from the computer. "..HAHA yes, let us create a new age!"
(1): World Population
-currently (2018) earth has about 7 billion people
"SEBASTIAN!..." yes i know, but... *CRIES HAPPY TEARS" i-i just cant think of anything else