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100% Paragon: Infinite / Chapter 1: The Fallen
Paragon: Infinite Paragon: Infinite original

Paragon: Infinite

Author: GrimSky

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The Fallen

"After eons of training you to become the best, this is how you repay us!?"

A thundering voice echoed inside the labyrinth as a towering figure about seven foot tall smashed its way into the gigantic gate.

Wielding nothing but its fist, without any word the figure charge towards the great master and raising its fist, it charged it with a pulse of glowing matter until it is glowing brightly inside the labyrinth and proceeded to smash the master.

Accompanied by a large explosion, a huge shockwave rocked the entire place, collapsing the supporting foundations and also cracking the tough Ouramite wall.

Though it may look very very damaging, the great master blocked the attack although barely, he managed to counter the figure with several continuous short but powerful strikes to the body following a thunderous right head kick which caused a similar explosive reaction same with what the figure emitted earlier.

As the dust settled, the figure was just standing there and it was revealed that it just took the master's attack head on without flinching.

Surprised on what happened, the master rapidly continued a series of powerful explosive combos towards the figure which suddenly countered by grabbing the left hand of the master after catching him while striking.


A loud echo of cracking bones was heard inside the Labyrinth while being accompanied with a loud screaming.


The Master painfully shouted as his left hand was completely dismantled by the towering figure.

Without a second thought, the figure quickly took a shot in the master's abdomen with his charged fists. Surprisingly for the third time a charged attack was done, there was no explosion, but a waterfall of blood and guts spilled on the ground.

The Master, disemboweled by the powerful strike, vomited blood on the floor, while still having an energy to talk.

"Do you think you could get away with this?"

"Even with that tremendous power you've stolen, there will always be someone that is stronger than you to finish you for what you've done!"

"Your brother, he deserved that death for he defiled the cosmic purity with his------"

The master's speech has been cut after his body was vaporized by an axe kick to the body by the figure.

Soon there was silence inside the labyrinth, with the great power he got, he finally got his revenge at the person who decapitated his brother.

"Brother I have avenged you" He said

The silence was soon cut off by a series of alarms, and as he heard the alarms he quickly speed towards the Labyrinth exit. The exit he was running to was very very long, alone it measures thirty kilometers but with his great and mysterious power, he just ran it like a five hundred meter dash.

In his sights, the exit gate was near but as he was nearing the gate, two labyrinth wardens emerge instantly from nothing in front of him(Elite Warriors of the Master's Labyrinth who has the capability to teleport instantly from nothingness while wielding beam blades that can cut even the hardest Ouromite in half). Dodging the countless light- speed vorpal strikes of the two warden, he countered them by timing the attack of the first warden and then grappling it helplessly and used it as shield from the strikes from the second warden.

With the second warden slashing blindly at the figure, it accidentally slashed its colleague, instantly vaporizing him. Waiting for the vaporization to produce blinding steam, the figure lunges his body while positioning for a devastating drop kick.

As the steam has cleared, the second warden last moments was seen as being reduced to a bloody mess by the figure's powerful drop kick.

Getting up from the floor after performing the wild move, he continue to walk towards the gate. Seeing that the gigantic door of the labyrinth is operated by a complex mechanism only accessible outside the place and is also placed five kilometers away and up on the celestial keep, there is no way anyone could get out of the place.

But if beating the grand master and his elite guards was a piece of cake, then opening a bunch of big door is not a big deal for him as he just casually pushed the doors like opening the doors at home.

Outside was a bunch of figures waiting for him.

"So its the little brother, you grew a lot bigger I see" one of the figures said.

The towering figure then casually walks towards them without fretting at the sight of the six celestial wardens. It seems that the situation had reversed, the sole figure that is casually walking towards the six was not being bothered at the presence of overpowered beings while the six wardens became uneasy and took their stance the moment he walked.

"Surrender, or else you will feel the celestial wrath!" the lead figure said

Like words that entered from the left ear, exited from the right ear, he continued his advance towards them which leads to the six attacking him.

Eros the Warden Leader, Tuvan the Gigantic axe/mace hybrid wielder Brute Warden(Physically strongest of all the warden), Echina the cosmic manipulator, Rayos the vorpal warden (the leader of the previous elite guards) Sandro the immovable warden wielding his sword and large shield (Virtually Immune to physical attacks due to his affinity) and Cykos the Far sight warden which is the master of virtually every range weapons.

All of them have very prestigious names and even so it doesn't mean nothing to the towering figure.

"Advance!" Eros shouted

The six wardens advanced towards the advancing figure, Eros cast a morale booster on Tuvan before the big warden charged like a madman, While Echina manipulate the surroundings of the figure to disorient him, Sandro preparing for a counter offensive and Cykos taking his time aiming his beloved Floga, a celestial weapon especially made for him, while Rayos warp jump behind the figure, synchronizing an attack with the rest of the warden.


The first to attack was the charging Tuvan, boosted by the morale booster by Eros which is also following him to line up for an attack after him. Followed by the Cosmic disorientation of Echina on the figure, which disorients matter around the targeted area and controlling what the affected person sees, Cykos aiming down his sights from afar, targeting the head of the figure then fired while at the same moment Rayos performed an aerobatic movement to amplify his already powerful stab attack behind the figure, Sandro Just standing to intercept anything coming to Echina.

With all the attacks synchronized and hitting the figure at the same time. A very powerful energy surge on the ground, realizing this the six warden sees this attack as inescapable and is considered a one hit kill.

To Echina's surprise (She is situated behind the attackers) Tuvan's face is shattered bloodied, his weapon crushed and its scraps faceplanted to him, The sneaky Rayos got his chest blown to bits by the fist of the figure which is made from a very awkward angle.

The two wardens instantly fell to the ground dead, while Eros the leader of the wardens, shaking in what he saw, panic attacked the figure only for him to be intercepted by a grapple attack in which his hand was grab and bent by the figure and then smashed him so hard in the ground that his whole body at the front was smashed to pulp that only his back is remained recognizable.

Seeing this, Echina broke immediately like a person seeing a ghost for the first time, being a warden this is a virtually impossible occurrence to happen, but indeed it happened because of the presence of an overwhelming power, making her disorienting cosmic powers gone.

The figure then quickly approach the remaining warden. Sandro instantly lunge towards the figure and bash his shield towards him, trusting his affinity not to take any physical damage, but indeed again it failed like the others. The attack he made not only broke his face but also his "Invulnerable shield" in which he prized by being countered by a right straight from the figure.

Approaching the broken Echina, he prepares to finish the broken warden until he is distracted by a very strong light speed shot from Cykos that emitted a shockwave comparable to a meteor hitting the surface and creating a large dust storm. After that he immediately escaped with the broken warden, carrying her in the process.

With the threat gone, The figure proceeds toward the Celestial Citadel to confront the Celestial Emperor.

With nothing to stand at his way, he smoothly strides toward the main gate and blowing it in the process and entering the citadel where he meet the Emperor face to face.

The Celestial Emperor, the Eight Millionth Celestial emperor, The strongest of all the celestials. In front of him is the towering figure.

"Seuss, so you have now decided to fight us, we the Celestial people"

"I can sense you have already consumed the Cosmic Purity, the only way to take it back is to kill you"

The emperor stood up, being also a towering figure and bigger than Seuss, he revealed the glamorous celestial armor he wore, it is called the "Emperor's Bastion", a fully complex armor that is designed to amplify the wearer's physical and magical capabilities to extreme astronomical levels but also not forgetting the enormous defensive capabilites and life support system it have. This armor was given by the Nebulators (Mysterious god-like beings with tremendous power) to the celestial called the "Paragon" after meeting them, in which became the first Celestial Emperor, but due to unknown circumstance, the Paragon disappeared one day without a trace. Legend says that he ascended towards sublimed being after making the Celestial empire prosper after eons of expansion, making it a super highly technological race , confident that the empire will last long without him. The legend is still very skeptical as to why a very successful emperor left in the height of its empire's golden age, the truth is still unknown to everyone.

"Power Disengage" Seuss said

the moment he said this, surge of bright matter emitted from his body, his entire body lined up with flowing energy, like a glowing tatoo of lines. His power level increases as he sensed that the emperor is no easy threat like the fodders before.

"Power Gauge"

"Power Gauge activated, scanning the target"

An interface suddenly pops up in front of Seuss in which he can only see, it scans the emperor to gauge its power level based on numbers.

"Gauging mode error, power level unknown"

Seeing that the power gauging system he had with him that is normally capable of measuring the power level of almost anything doesn't appear to be able to measure the Emperor's power level. It means that the Emperor has an astronomical power level to which it cannot be place in the power level index as it is overflowing with power. Seuss then proceeds to his combat stance, power overflowing towards him, he charged his fist with considerable amount of bright matter and then lunges towards the emperor.

Lunging towards the Emperor, Seuss struck his head with a powerful charged right hand blow followed by a body blow to the side of the ruler. After then the Emperor remain unfazed by the lethal flow that has been unleashed upon him, smirking at Seuss after being hit by two lethal blows.

Looking that his attacks never damaged the ruler, he silently murmured something to himself. Seconds later a Great Sword suddenly appeared out of thin air, spawning these weapons means that the difficulty of the heated battle is greater than he anticipated.

"You seem to underestimate me by fighting me unarmed and now you are alarmed by the sheer force you face" The emperor said

"Very well, I think I will get serious for a bit too"

The Emperor then suddenly appeared at Seuss's side, surprised by the move the emperor made, the man did not have enough time to dodge the strike and took the full force of the strike head on. Propelled by the great force that has struck him, Seuss hit the beautifully decorated but tough Ouramite made walls, cracking it in the process.

The Emperor then casually approached the stunned Celestial.

"It seems the Cosmic Purity hasn't evolved yet in you, yet its infant power is so strong that even rivals the entire Celestial Pantheon"

"While it is short, it is still fun playing with you" preparing to end Seuss with a killing blow, the spawned Great sword earlier now levitating struck the back of the Emperor with tremendous force but the emperor managed to catch the giant sword in the process.

With a surprised look in his face, Seuss being mortally wounded cannot do anything but see that his trump card did not even affect the Emperor at all.

"Time to end the little tricks"

The emperor then pierced Seuss's Abdomen with his bare fist, creating a hole and a waterfall of blood that soon came gushing out of the wounded Celestial.

"Do you think the six wardens I sent earlier was the strongest the Celestial Empire offered?"

The Emperor laughingly said.

"Those six are just a bunch of fodder to test your power that has been amplified by the Cosmic Purity!"

"A real Celestial soldier power is not even comparable to those six, its like comparing an atom to an entire galaxy"

"Now you will join those four that you have slaughtered"

Nearly blacked out by the loss of blood, Seuss managed to harness what cosmic energy he had left to create a White hole to teleport himself and obliterate the whole Celestial citadel.

In a split nanosecond, time stopped and everything turned white, everything reversed in time and a huge explosion emerged, destroying the citadel and the surrounding area beside it.

Teleported in an unknown space Centillion light years away from the Citadel, Seuss floats aimlessly in the wide blackness of space, blacking out after a few moments. In his mind his revenge was finished and beyond that he had no energy left to think what to do anymore.

Eight Hundred Trillion eons later at the great planet of Pantoria, a comet was sighted falling near the plains of Ungoria, striking a forest and setting it on fire. Later on a big band of bandits was travelling inside the burnt forest and later stumbled on a big crater, in the middle was a figure of a man lying unconscious.

GrimSky GrimSky

Hello and Good day to everyone who are done reading the very first chapter of my novel. So basically i've written countless of fantasy stories before but none of them has made past chapter 6 and most of the time I dropped them. What I mean is this story is going to be truly the work that I will now consistently work from now on. So thats it, thank you everyone for reading, I hope you have a nice day! :)

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