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55.55% Padfoot and his Godson / Chapter 3: A Discussion and A Horcrux

Chapter 3: A Discussion and A Horcrux

A well dressed thin wizard with black hair, onyx eyes, and an angular physique stares with a forced grin at his brother and mother. This man, Regulus Arcturus Black, a known death eater who has been deceased for two years is only 'alive' after having placed part of his soul into a traditional wizard portrait, now regretting his choice as he has to face the two people he never wished to have to confront.

"Hello mother.. brother.... to what do I owe the pleasure?" Regulus once again asks.

Walburga shocked at seeing her son's portrait that he had always insisted on not doing simply says nothing before walking to Regulus's desk chair and sitting quietly, looking at Sirius to do whatever it is he had planned.

"Well brother... first I would say that I never expected to see you again after your death and disappearance... so.. to that goal what happened? Why did you simply disappear and die?" Sirius looks at his brother with clear but trembling eyes, yet was trying his utmost not to collapse from his emotions.

Sighing, Regulus sticks his hands in his pocket before slouching into the throne that is in his portrait. "Well before starting the story of my apparent demise, lets start with a few facts of why I became a death eater under the dark lord MoldyC*nt, and why I 'betrayed' him after pledging my 'will'."

Sirius laughing hysterically, "MoldyC*nt? HA! Ahahaha!! That ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! BY MERLIN! I never knew you had it in you little brother!". Grinning like an absolute idiot Sirius summons a chair with his wand, knowing things are going to get interesting. "Ah! but first, KREACHER! Go do what I told you, I will be damned if you think you will get out of doing your duties!" Sirius shouts venomously at the elf. Kreacher looks to Regulus to see him nod in agreement. Apparating away, the room is only filled with Walburga, Regulus's portrait, and Sirius.

Regulus looks at his mother first, and starts to speak "Mother, I should make clear that I still hold true to our family beliefs of "Toujours Pur", It is also due to said belief which caused my 'betrayal' of that maniac."

Confused once more, Walburga asks her son, "What do you mean? The Dark Lord is of direct descent of Salazar Slytherin... why would you betray him?"

Laughing out loud, Regulus Looks at his brother before stating in a 'know-it-all' manner, "actually regardless of what that buffoon claims, It turns out that he is the son of a squib and Muggle. Admittedly His mother was of Direct descendance and was a 'pureblood' through the house of Gaunt, she was so weak that she never finished schooling and was known for having her wand confiscated after enslaving her husband, Tom Riddle Sr, through the means of a love potion as she was infatuated with him. The so called "heir of Slytherin" is at best a half-blood homicidal deviant who doesn't understand anything about being a Noble of the wizarding world." After saying his piece, Sirius grin gets wider before accio-ing a glass of brandy from the kitchen downstairs, crossing his legs. Meanwhile, Walburga's face almost turns purple from anger.

"Sixteen! Sixteen thousand galleons did we donate to that filthy scum! I swear never again shall-" as she starts screaming like a banshee, Sirius interrupts.

"Actually since we are on the topic blood lineages, My godson is a half-blood and the heir to the noble family of Potter, so I would appreciate in the coming years for you to remember such in order to not... rise my ire and wrath. Dearest mother." Sirius says with a tone not allowing any debate.

"Humph! Fine, but Only as he is heir apparent for a Noble Pureblood Family!" Walburga mutters.

"SO! back to the topic at hand?" Sirius diverts back to Regulus.

"Ah... to put it in simple terms I was under the Imperious Curse from my sixth year in Hogwarts till being saved by Severus Snape, who was apparently Working as a double agent for Dumbledore. Following which I found out that the dark lord had instructed me to have Kreacher drink a potion in an underground lake where he stored an highly dark artefact... It was only after seeing the effect of the Artefact in person Did I realize the true nature of its being.. The dark lord had made a Horcrux out of the Amulet of Salazar Slytherin. Oh! and its in the cupboard over in the corner. The reason for my death is that after arriving I found it impossible to apparate out after ingesting the potion... Something apparently that did not affect Kreacher... I forced him to never speak of said artefact, save those whom have the blood of the noble house of Black running through their veins. In Addition I made sure that my body was removed from this world in order to prevent any death eaters from retaliating at you Mother, or any of our family. I had instructed Kreacher to also try to destroy said item... But sadly Horcrux's are... a bit difficult for even the strongest of house-elf magic to affect. The only thing Kreacher could do is seal said object within that cupboard which has all of my warding skills and enchantments to restrain and contain its malicious influence." After finishing his story, both Walburga and Sirius were shocked to their core...

"Why... Why didn't you tell me brother?" Sirius asks with a pained expression.

Sighing once again, "Sirius, do you 'seriously' believe I had the chance?" Laughing at his pun, "I had two days at most to either get my revenge or simply be killed off accomplishing nothing... When you become a death eater, they place the Dark Mark upon you... what you may not realize is that it is both a boon for loyal followers as well as a curse. A boon as it shows the Dark lord our location when he calls for us.... a curse as it makes it easier for him to break into our minds through Legilimency save for the most astute masters such as Dumbledore, Narcissa our cousin, and Severus Snape. Speaking of Narcissa," turning to his mother, " apparently Lucius Malfoy and Rodolphus Lestrange played with your memories, forcing you to force Bella and Cissy to marry them, I had wanted to get my revenge, and while I would ask of either of you to save them... I believe only Narcissa to be savable.. the Dark lord and the Lestrange broke Bellatrix and her mind through many rituals, tortures, and soul enslavement magics."

Horror on Walburga's face, "I... I understand. I-... I have no right or reason to continue being the lady of the House of Black..." Turning to Sirius, "We need to go to Gringotts and resolve several matters: including the reinstatement of you as heir apparent, the transfer of rights to you to become Lord of House Black, as well as figuring a way to get Narcissa away from that bastard."

Grinning with a devilish sneer, Sirius replies, "Finally something we agree upon Mother. The Malfoys and Lestranges will pay... But as you had condemned both, I believe we should also bring Andromeda back... She, while being with a muggle-born, is still family, and should not have been abandoned for the petty reason of marrying an astute and intelligent wizard regardless of his background, as seeing he has always treated her exceptionally well."

Nodding her head in acceptance, she looks at both her sons and declares," after we see to these matters, I will do my duty in recompensation and cast Fiendfyre upon the Horcrux. It is one of the few magics which can destroy it."

Her words shocking both brothers makes Regulus say with a solemn tone, "If that is the wishes of the Matron of House Black, then so be it... KREACHER!" yelling for the house elf which pops back into the room while feeding young Harry with a bottle of Unicorn Milk, "I will task you with moving my portrait next to my mothers will be; instead of destroying my portrait like we had originally planned... I would like to stay around and see what my Brother will do with House Black. On another note, It seems my mother has decided her day of departure and I wish to be there to welcome her on her arrival." His words shocking the house elf, almost causes him to drop Harry.

"My Mistress, why-" Kreacher starts before being interrupted by Walburga.

"Kreacher, you have served House Black loyally and devoutly for many years, Regulus will explain. If you would allow it, I would ask you to join said painting with me." said Walburga.

Tears fill Kreacher's eyes, pulling his back straight and nodding with love and respect, "It would be my honor Lady Black to accompany you till eternity, and the greatest reward to be able to continue with both you and Master Regulus in the afterlife."

"Good, yet before that matter comes to close, I would appreciate it if you continue taking care of Harry Till I get us your replacement. As after all you are my brothers and my mother's elf, therefore while I will soon be the Lord of House Black, I believe you should continue your service therein." Turning to his brother and mother, Sirius states, "oh and before I forget, tonight the Dark Lord died after killing Lilian Potter nee Evans, as well as my best friend James Potter. It seems Lily performed a blood sacrifice ritual where she gave her life in exchange for protecting Harry from You-know-who. As such Harry is now under my protection as well as my ward, and in the future I will have him adopted into the family as an official member through the blood magic embrace ritual in Gringotts before he turns eleven, thereby he will be of House Black, and in accordance I expect all of you to treat him as such. A I clear?" Everyone nods in agreement. "Good, Kreacher and mother, should Dumbledore arrive, let me know, I will not allow him to take my godson to Lilian's demented family, nor will I allow that bastard to continue stealing Harry's family's fortune nor let him seal their will as I suspect he might. He obviously knows who the secret keeper is, and should he betray my you should all know it is Peter Pettigrew." Raising his right arm with his wand, says solemnly "I Sirius Black the third, of the Noble House Black solemnly swear in good mind unaffected by any magic or potion swear all that I have said tonight to be of truth and sound mind. So mote it be. Lumos." As the light on his wand flashes, Walburga is surprised with the severity of her son's will to prove his innocence. "Mother, I would appreciate you making copies of your memory of my previous statements, and sending it to the Ministry to make sure it is not just me who knows the truth. I have a suspicion Dumbledore might manipulate the situation to have me sent to Azkaban in order to keep Harry to himself, especially if he know the Dark lord has horcrux's, as Harry would be a tool in his mind should you-know-who ever returns." Walburga nodding her head walks out of the room towards the houses pensieve to do so.

Sirius mutters quietly before nodding his head to the others, leaving towards his old bedroom. "I shall see you all later, It has been a long night... I will speak to you all in the morning."

Zarosian Zarosian

My longest chapter yet, hopefully this gives a clear view of where I am taking the story. With Sirius thinking clearly due to the burden of being a godfather, no being magical or not will prevent him from raising his godson Harry.

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