I sighed as I stared at my empire from high up in space. Hundreds of planets arranged in what might call a target. Revolving and rotating in perfect harmony. It was truly a stunning sight the first time I had looked at it. To think, I, someone that was once called untalented, now ruled over those people. If I showed myself to them now, the would all slaughter each other just for the chance to have me notice them.
I had lived a long and incredibly fulfilling life. Conquering worlds, having people rever me like a god, it is truly a feeling that excites one, a memory that will lead to great dreams. I've hooked up with every single kind of beauty, both imaginable and unimaginable. However, now all of these things, just like the revolving and rotating planets, have become monotone and dull.
'How did things end up like this?' I thought. I slammed my fist into what would have been a wall if I was in a room, staring out through my window while sitting as far away from them as possible, but was just empty space. When I was 14 it was something I had liked to do when I was really wrapped up in my thoughts. As for why I sat as far away as possible, it was due to my phobia of heights. But to be fair to myself, we did live on the 20th floor, with a pair of train tracks below us. Now I wonder if it was the thought of falling out the window to my death that scared me or being ran over by a train.
The space violently shattered, roaring and sucking everything around in. I pulled a bottle of wine out and forcefully aged it millions of years. I lifted it to my lips and sniffed it. It was a overpowering smell, but it wasn't necessarily a bad smell. I lifted it to my lips and chugged. Of course I didn't feel anything from drinking it, nor could I damage my realm 900 spiritual body. Or was it realm 1,000? I had long since stopped caring. It was like the difference between a truck and a elephant. If you were rammed by either on, a ordinary person would still die.
All the wine could offer me was a small but comforting since of satisfaction. With nothing better to do, I'll recount my life story. Maybe I can spark something in me?
Let's go back 5,943,824,832,091,148 years.