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24.13% Overlord: The Fragment of Paradox / Chapter 7: "Yes… Your petting pleases me…"

Chapter 7: "Yes… Your petting pleases me…"

I sat on a small wagon with my party. The adventurer party that joined me in this mission is the Fellowship of the Void. The leader, Eliott, already rented a small wagon and horse for quick transportation.

Momon told everyone that he's going to mask his and the Wise King of the Forest's presence. That way, he didn't scare away all the nearby monsters and make this mission too easy.

"So this is your first mission huh Lily chan?" Eliya who sat beside me commented.

"Yeah, I've been training a lot with Momo nii and Nabe nee," I told her.

"Hee, so you're pretty powerful aren't you?" Eliott asked from the horseback.

"Yeah! Nabe taught me lots spells and Momo nii taught me lots of CQC," I explained.

"CQC?" Alan the spellcaster asked.

I made some quick jabs at the air in front of me. "Close Quarter Combat!"

"I see, so you can be a support and attacker too?" Eliott asked, impressed.

"Yeah," I grabbed the machete half my body size strapped behind my back and showed it to everyone. "Momo nii gave me this for my seventh birthday," I explained.

Alan took a closer look at the machete and I handed it to him. "What's this made of?"

"Mana Enchanted Mithril," I replied simply.

"A what?"

"Mana enchanted mithril, it's very, very magic resistant."

"Why would you need mana enchanted mithril?" Elma asked. "I mean, regular mithril is already pretty powerful," she added.

I smiled sweetly at the warrior. "It's for my super secret technique," I told her before seathing the blade once again. Then I took out my white staff. "But for this mission, Momo nii told me to stay back and be a good support."

"Well, I'll be in your care then, Lily," Elliot said from the front, almost automatically.

"Just you?" I asked him.

Eliya smirked and put her arms over Alan and Elma's shoulder. "So it's three against two huh?"

"Eeh, how is that fair?" I whined.

Alan rolled his eyes. "Can you stop bullying Lily? She's just a copper plate!"

Elma shrugged a little. "I dunno about that, Momon was a Copper plate when he killed two skeletal dragon."

"She's eleven for gods sake!" Alan exclaimed.

Elma and Eliya just laughed a little before the latter gently rubbed my head a little. "I'm just kidding Lily, you can stay back with Alan while we kick ass at the front."

I pouted a little and raised my staff. "No! I accept your challenge," then I pointed at Elliot. "Elliot, what is your sword made of?"

"It's platinum," he said.

I smirked a little. "Then we will win for sure!"

Eliya and Elma looked at each other for a moment. "Alright, we'll accept your challenge," they said. Their tone was not of arrogance but that of genuine curiosity. "So you have a plan then Lily?"

"Yeah! With my talent and Elliot's platinum blade, this will be a piece of cake!"

"Talent?" Alan asked. "You have a talent?"

"Hehe, you just have to wait and see…"

Loud rumbling sound suddenly came from the forest on our left. A pack of goblins appeared from the woods and came charging towards us. "Ah! There they are!" I exclaimed

"Showtime!" Eliya exclaimed while jumping out of the wagon and drawing her bow. She let go of an arrow and struck a goblin dead before her feet hits the ground. "You better hurry Lily! I'm not holding anything back!"

Elliot and I jumped out of the wagon at the same time. "Cover me Lily," Elliot exclaimed as we stood side by side in front of the masses.

"[Quick March] [Lesser Protection]," then I pointed my staff at Elliot's sword. "[Unbreaking] [Extend Magic - Spark]," lightning engulfed the sword, making it a few inches longer and much, much deadlier.

"Whoa! Alright, Lily!" he exclaimed before dashing towards the goblins. With every swing of his sword, a goblin was fried and killed in an instant. The [Quick March] spell made it easy for him to speed through the ranks and destroy half of the pack in the first three minutes.

Of course, I'm not just going to sit here and watch. "[Maximize Magic - Magic Arrow]!" I exclaimed before holding my staff like a sniper. Everytime I pour my magic into the staff, a pure white arrow shot out of the business end of my staff. I used it to snipe any stray goblins that managed to escape Elliot's lightning blade.

The rest of the party could only watch with wide eyes at what they were seeing. From a distance, it looked like a trail of light is speeding through the goblin's rank and destroyed everything. Flashes of light also killed any goblins that tried to escape.

Soon enough, it was all over. Elliot ran back towards us, his breathing is heavy, but his expression is like he just had the greatest day of his life. "That was," he took a deep breath and held up his hand. "That was awesome. I've never felt more like a badass in my whole life."

Alan took a closer look at Elliot's lightning sword. It's not as bright as before, only slightly dimmer. "What is this spell? How come I never heard of it?"

I made a V sign with my hand. "It's just [Spark], I used extend magic to extend the duration," I explained.

"But, [Spark] is just a weak short-ranged first tier spell," Alan said in confusion. "How did you turn it into… this?"

"Nabe nee taught me that there are no such thing as weak spell," I held out my staff in front of Elliot's sword. "For example, [Change Temperature] spell, what do you think about it?"

"Oh, I know," Elma said suddenly. "The nobles use it to change the room temperature and make it more comfortable," she explained.

I nodded a little. "Yeah, I also use it to change my room temperature, but watch when I… [Boost Magic - Change Temperature]," the electricity died and for a moment, nothing seems to happen. But then, the sword glows a little and slowly turning from dark red into crimson. "After I focused all the spell into a small space and put in a LOT of mana, I can make a heated blade!"

A loud roar appeared from the forest. The ground begun to shake and everyone quickly took out their perspective weapon. Then, dozen gigantic figure holding a giant club walks out of the forest, an army of goblins followed them closely.

"Well that escalated quickly," a powerful hand grabbed my waist and start carrying me back to the wagon. I tilted my head and saw the familiar red hair. "Wait, Elma! I wanna fight too!" I exclaimed.

"This is too dangerous, we're bailing out of here," Elma said.

I looked at the rest of the party and saw them also escaping back to the wagon. "Aww, come on guys, it's just orcs!" I squirmed out of Elma's grip and run along with everyone else.

"Just orcs!? What do you mean by that?" Elliot asked. "Even if you enchant all of our weapons, a dozen orc is still too much!"

Soon enough, we made it back to the wagon. It's not empty however, a certain Adamantite Ranked Adventurer is lying down inside it with a smirk on his face. "Running on your first mission, wait until Nabe hear about this…" Momon commented.

"N-no! I'm not running, they are! I'm just…" I jumped into the wagon and started pounding at his chestplate. "Stop teasing me Momo nii!"

The rest of the adventurer however felt nothing but relief. They looked back at the army of Orcs and couldn't help but feel sorry for them. "Momon sama, it's good to see you," Elliot said. "Can you help us…"

"Nope," Momon said. "This is your mission," he pointed at me. "She's more than enough, so why don't you sit back and…" he stretched his muscles a little. "Enjoy the show."

I grinned after hearing that. "Can I use Jeffrey?" I asked him.

"Go nuts," he replied.

I tossed my staff and brandished my machete. The rest of the party just stood there with wide eyes as I, a little girl no older than twelve, stood in front of the army of man eating monsters.

"[Boost Extend Magic - Spark] [Boost Extend Magic-Temperature Change] [Maximize Magic - Magic Weapon] [Delay Maximize Magic - Magic Arrow]," I said as the machete in my right hand turned bright purple with flashing blue lightning. "[Boost Magic-Floating Board]" an invisible platform appeared in front of me and I jumped on to it. I winked at my party before speeding towards the nearest beast.

The orc tried to smash me with its club, but I just twirled a little a few feet off the ground and dodged the strike with ease. Then I ducked under its giant arm and struck its leg with my 9000 degrees lightning blade. It sliced through the orc's leg and its flesh was boiled and charred in an instant. The result was an explosion resembling a thunder strike.

With its leg exploded into bits, I tilted my floating board and made a wide arc back towards the orc. I stabbed it right on top its ugly head, exploding it. Blood and gore shot out of whats left of its body, spraying my upper body but not my head.

Then I continued my massacre. Speeding through the plains using the floating board, exploding orcs left and right. In almost five minutes, there are no orcs left standing, only an army of confused goblins and a bunch flabberghasted adventurer.

I jumped out of my floating board and landed in front of an army of wild goblins. "[Widen Magic - Release]!" I held my machete with both hands and made a powerful horizontal swipe. All the spells inside my machete was released all at once.

A huge wave of heat and electricity shot out of my machete. It swept through the plains, frying and destroying any monsters in its path. I shouldered my blade and turned around towards the Fellowship of the Void. "Hehehe, I told you they're just a piece of cake!"

"Did… Did that just happen?" Elma said in disbelief.

"Oi, Alan, what tier spell did she use?" Eliya asked.

"First and second," Alan whispered.


"It was freaking first tier spell!" Alan exclaimed. "Yes, she destroyed an army of Orcs with first and second tier spells!"

A jovial laugh appeared behind them. They all turned around and saw Momon walking towards them. "I told you she's tougher than she looks," he said with pride. "Lily has a powerful talent for metamagic," he explained.

"Metamagic?" Elma asked.

"Extend Magic, Delay Magic, Boost Magic, and more," Momon explained. "Using those spells, Lily can bring forth the full potential of even the weakest spell out there," he then looked at me walking towards him. "Clean yourself up."

I rolled my eyes. "[Clean]," I muttered and the blood and gore over my body vanished in an instant. Leaving me squeaky clean. "So, what do you think for the World's Greatest Adventurer Ever?" I said with a grin.

This time, there is no trace of doubt in their eyes. The leader of the party just nodded a little mutely.

Momon patted Elliot's shoulder a little. "Well, take care of her Elliot, I'll be around," he said before walking away from the wagon. When almost out of sight, the Wise King of the Forest appeared out of nowhere and he jumped on to it.

It's a very, very bizzare sight, seeing a living legend jumping on a giant hamster. But since hamster doesn't exist in this world, it just made this scene even more legendary.

"Yosh! Let's continue our great journey to the Re-Estize Kingdom!!!" I exclaimed in excitement.

That snapped everyone out of their stupor. "Y-yeah, let's go Lily," Elliot said before he and everyone else jumped on to the wagon.

I also jumped on the wagon and sat down beside Alan. Both Eliya and Elma seemed to be shying as far away from me as possible. It's pretty obvious that they're scared of me. Especially since they teased me a lot for being weak earlier.

"Eliya nee, Elma nee," I said and they both looked at me nervously. "I won the bet didn't I?" they narrowed their eyes. "Two on three, Elliot and I won the bet, so now you guys have to pay the price!"

The girls gulped a little after hearing that. "What do you want, Lily san?" they asked nervously.

"Well… the winner gets to sit on the loser's lap!" I exclaimed before pouncing towards Eliya. I sit down on her lap and leaned my head on her body. I deliberately picked her because she didn't use any chestplate. "Now pet my head!"

There was a moment of hesitation before Eliya put a hand over my head. I rubbed my head against her hand and soon enough, her hand started to move on its own. "Yes… Your petting pleases me…" I muttered before leaning my head on her nice and soft breast.

"From a dragon into a kitten…" Elma muttered but I didn't comment on it.

"I think she's adorable…" Eliya said while playing around with my hair. "Scary, but adorable."

Then, I remembered something crucial. "Wait, wait," I looked at Elliot who's currently riding the horse. "Elliot! You gotta sit on Elma's lap!"

Elma coughed a little after hearing that. "Wh-what!?"

"Elliot is also a winner!" I exclaimed while Eliya just laughed at the thought.

"I'm riding the horse Lily," Elliot said.

"I can!" Alan exclaimed with a mischievious smile.

"Alan, don't you…"

"Then it's settled! Alan, you ride!" the magic caster nodded and jumped down from the wagon.

"Elliot, you sit on Elma's lap!" I exclaimed.

Alan forced Elliot off the horse and the warrior walked back towards the wagon. He jumped on to the wagon and sat down where Alan was, in front of Elma. "Well, claim your price," Eliya said in amusement.

"Yeah! I mean, there's nothing wrong with this right?" I asked him. "Nabe nee and I do this all the time," I said, playing my innocent little girl card.

"That's because…" Elma tried to say, her face beet red at the thought. "That's because you're supposed to only do this to someone related to you," she said finally.

"I'm not related to Momo nii but I do this all the time," I told them.

This time, even Alan couldn't hold his laughter. He started laughing on the horseback after hearing everything. "Just do it Elliot," he said. "Lest you be the one who give the 'talk' to the Legendary Dark Hero's little sister."

Elliot sighed a little and walked towards Elma. Both blushes furiously and couldn't meet each other's gaze. "Why are they so hesitant, Eliya nee?"

Eliya giggled a little. "I think they're just shy," she said.

After what felt like hours, Elliot finally relented. He closed his eyes and slowly sat down on Elma's lap. "Don't say a word," the latter said towards Eliya.

Unlike Eliya and I who just enjoyed each other's presence, both Elliot and Elma were very tense. It's obvious that they're trying to make as little contact with each other as possible.

After a moment, I started to pity them. "Elliot, I realized that Elma's chestplate can be uncomfortable, is that why you're so hesitant?"

"YES!" both Elliot and Elma exclaimed for all the different reason.

"Very well, I give you permission to name your own price," I told him.

The leader of the party stood up and sighed in relief. "No, that was punishment enough for her," he said.

Eliya suddenly wrapped her arm around my body and hugged me tightly. "Waa… You're so clever you know that?" she asked before giggling some more.

"Of course I am! I am the great and powerful Lily!"

"Yes, yes you are," Eliya said before petting my head even more.

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