"Alright, good job everyone," I said the moment Cocytus left the area. Everyone else stiffened a little around me, especially Aura and Shalltear. "We got Brain Unglaus, that wasn't so hard. What do you think? Momon sama?"
Momon nodded a little. "Humu, as expected of the guardian," he turned to Aura and Shalltear who looked just a little bit out of breath. "You did well, Shalltear, Aura, Mare. Especially you, Shalltear, you've shown me that you are capable of growing beyond what you were created for. And for that, I am proud of you,"
Shalltear bowed deeply with a prideful smile on her face. "Words cannot express how grateful I am to your praise, Ainz sama…"
Ainz nodded and turned towards both Aura and Mare. "The same goes for you both. I am glad to see that you've grown out of your childish squabble. This whole… Godkin Alliance might be a farce, but I really mean it when I say that we are family."
"Yes, Ainz sama," Aura and Mare said.
Finally Ainz stood up and cleared his throat. "Now, can you guess what comes after great job?"
"Another job?" Shalltear asked.
"Precisely," Ainz paused for a moment.
"Well? What now?" Ainz asked telepathically
"You're asking me?"
"Should we interfere with Cocytus's test?"
"No, we shouldn't… Hmm… how about an annual meeting?"
"A meeting?"
"You know? Annual meeting to determine the company direction and things like that?"
Momon's eyes widened after hearing that. "Humu," he looked at eveyone else. "Shalltear, notify all the Floor Guardians except for Cocytus to meet in the Ninth Floor. I want to have a meeting… To attend,"
"At once, my lord,"
Shalltear teleported away, leaving me with Momon, Mare, and Aura.
"Should we go now? Ainz sama?" Aura asked.
"Humu," Momon stood up and at the moment, he turned back into his glorious skeletal figure. "Let us depart at once," he raised his bony hands and magic began to build up. "[Gate]"
A black swirling portal appeared in front of us and we followed him into the portal. It is a large meeting room located inside the Ninth Floor. Usually this meeting room is always empty, but now many maids attend to this meeting room and they always have something prepared each time Ainz stepped into it.
Ainz sat down on the largest chair at the opposite side of the room. Aura was about to pick a seat nearest to him when Albedo suddenly appeared out of thin air. The elf was a bit spooked at her sudden appearance before she relented and sat down next to me.
Soon, Demiurge followed suit, followed by Sebas, and finally Shalltear.
Once everyone is here, Ainz began the meeting.
"Welcome, Guardians forgive me for calling you on such short notice, but I have some matters I wish to discuss with you,"
"All your wish is of our greatest concern, my lord," Albedo spoke. "Please do not waste your apology on such trivial thing,"
Ainz nodded a little. "There has been something that's troubling me lately…"
Usually, the word 'troubling' wouldn't warrant a meeting concerning the most powerful beings to ever walk on this world. However, when something out there managed to trouble something like the Supreme One, it's a matter of life and death.
Scratch that, it's worse than the matter of life and death.
I looked at each of the Guardians. Albedo still has that smile on her face, but there's murder hidden in her eyes. Shalltear wasn't as subtle, she looks like she's ready to wipe whatever it was that's troubling her lord and master down to the ground. The same could be said about the Elven twins, although calmer, they do share deep hatred for whatever it is.
Demiurge however, didn't share the same expression. His smile never left his face, but there's a hint of regret in there. A solemn look that spoke of great disappointment and even pity. It appears that he knew exactly what's troubling the Supreme Ones.
As for me? Well I'm the staff he's holding right now so… Yeah. I blinked a little if that means anything.
"Demiurge, you've scurried the land and you've written all your reports on all your findings," Ainz said.
Demiurge bowed deeply in affirmation. "That is true my lord," he spoke.
"I have read your report," no, I did, "and I cannot seem to find you mention anything more than 'great potential', in your findings. Nothing more remarkable than anything in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick however small it is. Is this true, or have I missed something?"
The demon shook his head. "I'm afraid you have not missed anything, my lord," he frowned a little. "As far as I know, this world offers nothing in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. No kingdom, no artifact, no civilization is worth more than a speck of land within the Ninth Floor of the Tomb."
Ainz nodded a little. "Humu, it is as I feared," he looked at everone else. "Shalltear, you've been outside have you not? Do you have anything remarkable out there?"
Shalltear stood up and bowed a little. "I'm afraid there is nothing remarkable out there my lord," then she narrowed her eyes. "I suppose other than the World Item that… they used on me. There's nothing else out there,"
"Humu, thank you," Ainz turned towards Aura and Mare. "Aura, Mare, have you find any creature you would consider powerful? Or perhaps precious?"
Aura and Mare stood up. The latter bowed a little. "I'm sorry my lord, although I have scurried most part of the Forest of Tob, I have failed to find anything more powerful than a Dragonewt or the Wise King of the Forest," she explained.
"Ah, yes, my hamster, how is it? I did ask you to take care of it," Ainz asked.
Aura smiled. "We are taking great care of it in the Fifth Floor, the other day, Mare built a large hollow windmill for it to play around in,"
"I'm glad you are taking a good care of it," Ainz gestured at everyone to sit down. "As you can see, this is what's been troubling me lately. In the world in which we came from, there are many treasures, powerful beasts, and even kingdoms that are equal in power with Nazarick,"
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"However, here in this world… If I were to make an analogy, we came from level 99 world into a level 10 world," Ainz explained. "Hence why I will put my plan to take over the world on hold for now," he shook his head. "It's simply not worth the trouble,"
Everyone looked down solemnly after hearing that. Especially Demiurge who has been working hard looking for something to give his master. The scroll farm and even the Lizardmen…
"If I may humbly suggest my lord," I spoke.
Ainz let go of me and I returned back to my humanoid form. I looked at Demiurge and he nodded back at me. Then I looked at the rest of the guardians before looking back at the Supreme One.
"This world is… a disappointment, it's not worth conquering, it's not worth destroying," I looked at him in the eyes. "So, how about we… as your loyal vassals, your servants, present this world in a way that is acceptable for you my lord?"
The red flames deep within his eye sockets light up. "Ho? Tell me more, Fragment of Paradox,"
"It is simply what you've already planned, my lord… For example, Nfirea and the Carne Village. It was once a worthless little village, but with your help, a human is slowly capable of feats unlike anything this world has to offer, that is creating an Yggdrassil Potion,"
Ainz nodded. "I am glad you have caught out on that, Fragment of Paradox,"
"My lord, you have made it terribly obvious what your plan is, it is due to our feeble mind that we think of something as childish as World Domination," I turned to the rest of the Guardians. Namely Shalltear and the twins who looked like they want to ask a lot of question. "Demiurge has also helped me, figure this out, my lord. In fact he's already putting this plan in motion long before I realized it."
Ainz looked at Demiurge who quickly bowed in his presence. "You have done an exceptional work, Demiurge, you've realized my true intention with this world,"
"My lord, please save your praises once this lowly one actually succeeded into someone worthy of your consideration…" Demiurge stood up. "Compared to the genius behind Momon, Lily, and Sally… I can never hope to hold a candle to your genius for creating them,"
"Humu," Ainz then gestured at the rest of the Guardians. "Well then Demiurge, why don't you explain to everyone else my true intention for this world?"
Demiurge turned towards everyone else. "Guardians, it is my deep regret that I have failed once at realizing what the Supreme One truly desire. However, I believe that I have realized the true intention, the one thing this world truly has to offer…"
Everyone was at the edge of their seat, except for Albedo who simply smiled at them all.
"The title king of the world, I realize now that it's not enough…" Demiurge straightened his tie. "Even the title god wouldn't suffice to describe his greatness," he looked at each and every single one of the guardians. "Ainz sama is the God of Kings, the ruler of gods, one above all… Those are the only title that came close to describe him."
"No, no, this is getting interesting,"
"Me? God?"
"You're one already, don't be so surprised,"
Demiurge slowly looked down with a frown visible in his face. "I'm afraid that it is because of us, he hasn't gotten that title yet," silence swept across the table. "Think about it, for one to be called God of Kings, they need to have gods as their underling, do they not?"
One by one, the Guardians looked down. They realized what Demiurge meant by that. They realized now what is troubling their lord and master. It's not only the disappointment of this world, but also at them. It's only by their infinite grace and mercy that he decided not to abandon them.
"My lord," Shalltear said suddenly. "Is that why your created the Godkin Alliance? You wish to establish us as gods? Is that it?"
Ainz nodded. "Yes, I expect nothing less but a gods and rulers as my direct underling," he looked at each one of the guardians. "This is your chance at proving that you are worthy of the title 'Guardians'," he raised his skeletal hand. "Now go, become someone I can be proud of, a powerful ruler, a feared calamity, a true savior, one that can nurture and turn this world into Yggdrassil…"
All at once, the Guardians bowed deeply at him. "Your wish is our command, my lord," we spoke as one.
Finally, Ainz turned towards Albedo. "Albedo, organize a report on each Guardian's plan for the next five years. Give them to Paradox once you're done for crosschecking. I expect to know each Guardians plan for this world by next month,"
"At once, my lord," Albedo bowed. "What about Cocytus? I assume you've already prepared the Lizardmen tribe for him? Should he write the report too?"
"Of course, I wish to hear what are his plans for the Lizardmen and his progress with the Martial Arts master," Ainz looked away. "If he succeed, there will be great reward for him. If he fails, then I'm afraid that I will have to open a new position for the title Guardian."
Albedo simply nodded after hearing that. "I understand my lord," she looked at him again. "What about Sebas my lord? True he isn't part of the guardian,"
"I already have plans for Sebas, hence why I did not invite him to this meeting,"
With that, Ainz stood up with a flare. "I shall take my leave, if you have any questions you can ask the Fragment of Paradox. I expect you to work together to appease me, not compete against each other. Nothing displeases me more than seeing my own subordinates fighting each other,"
Ainz vanished, leaving behind a bunch of bewildered guardians.
"Well…" I exhaled a deep breath. "That's his plan," I looked at everyone else. "Demiurge and I already have a plan, anyone of you need help feel free to ask me,"
"Hai, I need help!" Shalltear exclaimed suddenly. "How do you be a goddess? Or a queen?"
"You need to find followers of course," I folded my arms. "Ainz sama did not expect any of you to become a god in one year, he wishes to see your effort more than anything," I turned to Aura and Mare who's fidgeting nervously. "I suppose it's going to be hard for someone who doesn't have management skill,"
I turned towards Albedo and Demiurge. "You two, will it be possible if you were to help them with some management skills? Such as ruling people, social structure, and things like that…"
Albedo nodded. "Shalltear, I will give you some guidance," she smiled a little. "Ainz sama has already given you a leverage with your character as Sally. You are already established as a powerful figure, now you simply need to gain followers or a kingdom to rule,"
"Thank you, Albedo…" Shalltear said in slight relief. "I have failed way too many times… I can't afford to fail again,"
"Aura, Mare," Demiurge said. "How about I take you on a trip around my farm? I can teach you a thing or two there," he said.
Aura and Mare smiled and nodded. "Yes please!" "Th-thank you Demiurge san!"
With that, everyone left on their way. Leaving me alone in the ninth floor. I stretched my arms a little, job well done if I say so myself.
Now, where to go? Cocytus or Sebas? I suppose I should give Brain a visit.