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77.27% Overlord: My Reign as Ainz / Chapter 16: The speech

Chapter 16: The speech

I was back at the orphanage, but luckily this time I didn't have to resurrect anyone, just visiting my kingdom.

"Your majesty, this is the boy, he is capable of using druid magic, I see talent in him," said Yuri, with a smile that could be translated to excitement.

A boy named Lu managed to grow a plant at only 12 years old.

In front of me were a group of children, most of whom I am directly responsible for being orphans.

"Impressive," I said.

But this is just a minor visit, although I take care of guiding the war orphans to become productive members of society, the truth is that it is a secondary goal.

Today is the day when adventurers come to my country, I already had the speech prepared.

Blue Rose, Four Armaments, and Silver Thread Bird would come to my country.

Red Drop refused.

Other well-known adventurers for this meeting were: Rainbow, Foresight, Swords of Darkness, and of course Momon and Nabe (Darkness).

And also other non-canonical characters who don't matter.

Although the truth is that even if they are not canonical, they are contributing benefits to the sorcerer kingdom: 3 groups ascended to gold, 2 to adamantite, and 1 to platinum.

A bit of nervousness passed through my now flesh body.

I just had to make a good impression on the humans, especially Blue Rose, and then Sword of Darkness and Foresight would speak well of me as I ordered them.


Lakyus POV

We had arrived in the new country after a week of travel.

"Welcome to E-Rantel, city of the Sorcerer Kingdom. Is this your first time here?" said a young boy, who stared at Gargaran for 10 seconds to her annoyance.

"What are you looking at?"

"I.. um"

"Ahh, yes, we are Blue Rose, we received an invitation from the king of this nation," I said representing my team.

"Oh, I see, then do you have His Majesty's invitation at hand?"

I quickly handed it to the guard.

The guard, stopping his ogling at Gargaran, examined the signature and guided us.

"Please enter here. This city is different from the cities of the Kingdom and the Empire as it has all kinds of locations within it, so visitors arriving for the first time will have to attend a course in the room ahead.

"A course?"

"Yes. This is to minimize unnecessary inconvenience. Only people who have attended this seminar can enter the city. Will you do it?"

"Then, I would ask you to hand over your weapons for safekeeping, but as you are guests, it won't be necessary.

Phew, thank goodness, I didn't want to hand over Kilineiram, it's not that I want to be possessed! I just want it for its power.

"... I see. Ah. Then, can we move on?"

"Please, follow me."

The guard's guide ended, and he sent us to a hall, then he left not without glancing at Gargaran, strange.

"It seems our muscle brain has a suitor," said Tia.

"Huh?" Gargaran was quite confused, and I laughed.

Were those looks of desire? Wow, I didn't expect that.

"He was looking at you with the lust of a wolf, didn't you notice?"

"That handsome guy noticed me? As if that would happen."

"Try talking to him next time, see what you think," I said.

"They didn't tell us where to sit. So it's free, then," Evileye said.

Just as we sat down, a non-human creature appeared.

It was a creature whose species had a human upper body and a snake lower body, a Naga.

Nagas were hostile to humanity. What was it doing here?

"Thank you for waiting, dear humans who wish to enter the city. This is one of the immigration officers of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Ryurarius Spenia Ai Indarun. Well, it's not a profession that brings me into contact with you, so forget it if you want. So, without further ado, let's begin. This will briefly explain the differences between living in this city and the surrounding cities, as well as things to be aware of... firstly, brandishing weapons within the city is strictly prohibited."

"Oh, understood, Naga-San," I responded cordially. We had saved demi-human tribes before, maybe this Naga was not evil.

"Many would consider it a mere reminder," said Ryurarius, pointing at their faces with a thin finger. "It's written on all your faces. However, I would like you to remember that many races walk the streets of the Sorcerer Kingdom. You have already seen the undead raising their heads and walking proudly. Even if they are considered dangerous beings, drawing your weapon on them without provocation would be a grave crime, wouldn't it?"

With that, we entered the city.

Ryurarius' words had given the impression that this nation was full of demi-humans and undead. However, the reality was different: most of the pedestrians were human.

Nonetheless, there were dwarves, frog men, giants, lizard men, and even trolls and goblins in the city.

I noticed three dwarves building something.

"Excuse me, Dwarf-san. May I ask you some questions?"

I addressed the three dwarves working by the roadside. There were also three skeletons moving earth under the dwarves' orders.

The cultural shock I'd received after entering the city had been so great that I now thought it was no big deal to see skeletons.

There was even a hint of relief in my mind from seeing an opponent against whom even I could win.

"What? Who are you? Where are you from?"

"We are from Re:Estize, and we are looking for the 'Golden Pavilion' hotel. Could we ask how to get there?"

"The Golden Pavilion? Ahhh, that's a classy place."

The Dwarves gave a rough explanation.

"what are you doing here?"

"Hm? Don't you know? We're building roads. His Majesty himself requested it. Although it's mainly the residents doing the work, we are here to serve as technical advisors."

Gahahahahaha, the Dwarves laughed heartily.

"I see. And the undead over there are...?"

"They are skeletons lent to us by His Majesty, aren't they? Ahhhh, honestly, you can't beat the undead when it comes to sheer manual labor. It certainly has changed my view of them."

"Controlling the undead, huh..."

Well, Rigrit, my former companion, was a necromancer, so I don't have to have a bad impression of them even though I am a priestess of the water god.

"It's not that there's nothing strange... Well, I guess it can't be helped because they are travelers. Still, it's to be expected in the Sorcerer Kingdom, isn't it? I've heard the undead are working in nearby villages. After all, they can complete tedious tasks like planting with just one order. Look, the undead don't tire, don't sleep, and don't eat. Also, they understand what we mean, so they do it fantastically when assigned a task within their capabilities. Given the circumstances, you don't even need to work like a dog anymore. Even our country is starting to make use of them."

"By your country, do you mean a nation of Dwarves separate from the Sorcerer Kingdom?"

"Oh yes. That's where we come from, but now we stay in the demi-human district of the Sorcerer Kingdom."

"Demi-human district?"

"Yes. It's where all non-human races live. They say it used to be the poor district of this city, but it was demolished. Then, it was rebuilt to allow races of all kinds to live comfortably. Well, it might take a while before it's complete, but the work on housing for races smaller than you humans - like us Dwarves, for example - has already begun."

"We are here to take care of the construction!"

The Dwarf's colleague joined the conversation.

"I see. But if they demolished the poor district, where did the original residents go?"

My eyes unconsciously stopped on the undead.

"We're not very sure, but I think they sent them to the villages or something like that. There are many abandoned and ruined villages around here, and I heard they sent them there to rebuild and work in the fields. That's where being able to control the undead is useful. If I'm not mistaken, they have started large-scale farming with the undead, or something like that. That's why food prices in this country are quite cheap."

"It's not that it's cheap! The important thing is that it's good! And the wine! Ohhhh, I got fat right after moving to this city!"

"If I go back this fat, my wife will yell at me, 'Where's my share?' I'd better slim down before returning home!"

"Ahhhhh, we were so lucky when we decided randomly."

Guhahahahaha, the Dwarves laughed again.

"I see, thank you for the information, we hope to see you again."

"Likewise," the Dwarves said goodbye.

"They are quite friendly," indicated Gargaran.

"They also speak well of the undead," I said, somewhat disturbed.

"Gargaran, do you think you could defeat a death knight?"

"Absolutely," said the group's tank.

"I'm not so sure," said Evileye.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, shorty."

"They are legendary creatures that appear once every 200 years."

200 years, how did Evileye know? And how

 does he have them as mere guards?

How powerful is the sorcerer king? I thought while unconsciously grabbing Kilineiram.

I released my anxious thoughts, I am the leader of the group! I must act like it!

"Alright, we will find out once we get to the adventurers' guild."

Suddenly, a scream came from our shorty.



And then I saw it.

Right in front of us was a black-armored man along with a black-haired beauty.

The Darkness team.

"Oh, hello, you are Blue Rose, long time no see."

"Momon, are you alright? I heard you stayed in this city defending the innocent."

Momon put a hand on his nape, "That's right, but things are changing around here, still, I'm on alert."

"The sorcerer king is going to give a speech, I think it would be appropriate to see it to understand his vision of adventurers."

"It is also convenient that we meet, has the sorcerer king sent you?"

Nabe was going to say something with a displeased face, but Momon stopped her.

"Yes, he sent me to receive each group of adventurers who accepted the invitation."

"Oh, is that so? Who else accepted the invitation? Could you accompany us to the guild? We have much to discuss," I said.

We kept chatting idly until I saw a crowd, they were adventurers, there I recognized Four Armaments and Silver Thread Bird.

We approached behind Momon, whose mere presence was enough to make room for us in the front row.

And there, I saw the demon I was supposed to watch.


Act natural.

I did my best not to show how stiff and uncomfortable I felt. I moved in the elegant manner I had perfected during hours of practice in my room's mirror.

According to Albedo, Blue Rose was already in my city, they were the last to arrive. I sent Momon to receive them and informed all the adventurers in my city.

There they were, alongside Momon (Pandora's Actor) and Nabe.

I used eye contact and hand movements to draw the audience and keep them engaged.


I tried to focus my gaze on one of the audience members. My eyes rested on a small blonde adventurer near the front of the crowd who was watching me intently.

The moment my eye sockets glowed red and met hers, the girl screamed and stumbled back as if hit. She lowered her head, unwilling to meet my eyes again, and seemed to start trembling. The boy next to her tried to stabilize her, clearly worried.

Okay, that didn't work so well...

Damn it, I've wasted too much time. Whatever, I'll just start.

"Nations are fragile. They erode over time or are swept away by the fires of conflict. Their rulers are often small and vulnerable individuals, clinging to the reins of power, oblivious to everything around them. That's because they are fragile, full of flaws, they say people get the rulers they deserve.

I paused for dramatic effect, remembering from a book that it was important to give the audience a little time to take in each statement before moving on.

"It seems that in this world, even the gods are destined to fall. Heroes are destined to be forgotten along with the evil that draws them. However, despite everything, there is one thing that is immortal."

"It's not the gods, nor the thirteen heroes, nor even the undead, only memories are immortal."

"We are all doomed to fall, but memories are eternal."

This caught everyone's attention, good.

"Fame, glory, riches, that's the goal of being adventurers, right? To go down in history as someone who achieved an impossible feat."

"I am already achieving it, under my rule, my citizens do not go hungry, nor fall ill, I will be remembered as a good leader for millennia to come, but what about you?"

"You have come here, the home of a demon or an undead, which means you are brave enough, that should be the main thing to be an adventurer."

"I will give you the rest, do you lack strength to defeat enemies? I will give unimaginable power, do you lack creativity? I will give you a vision."

"I will make your dream come true on a large scale. I believe the first key to unlocking my aspirations lies within the realm of adventurers. Lend me your strength, and I will ensure your abilities go beyond anything you've dreamed of. Adventurers are more than mercenaries who hunt monsters for a living. They are the vanguard of civilization, the explorers of darkness. Together we can find new species, resources, and even lands across the sea, all of you will have the ability to become immortal."

A wave of applause erupted, leaving Lakyus and many others bewildered.


"Are there any questions?"

"What will our role be in your plans, where do you intend to take us?" asked an adventurer.

Where do I intend to take them? Well, the truth is I had thought of them discovering the equivalent of America.

"Mmm, wherever new islands or even continents can be discovered, where herbs, for example, can be discovered to help people survive diseases. But if what you're asking is where specifically I will take you, the answer is that you will have to choose that yourselves."

"Although the truth is I have a well-paid first mission, one that would help humanity."

"And what would that be?"

"Humanitarian aid to an allied country in the draconic kingdom."

Another adventurer raised her voice, losing her fear.

"Aren't adventurers supposed not to participate in wars?"

"As you can see, I don't need military potential. I will take you to heal the wounded and search for survivors in the human farms made by beastmen."

I continued.

"Of course, it is just an optional mission, but I would like you to firsthand see the cruelty of the world before exploring it. Let's say it will be your introduction to the trade, you won't fight, nor will you be on the front line, but you will experience how cruel other species can be that are not under the borders of my banner."

"So what do you say, will you join to save a kingdom? I will pay 20 gold individually."

That seemed to encourage some.

"If you want to save the human nation of the draconic kingdom, say 'yes'."

There was a silence of doubt among the adventurers.

Wow, if no one responds it would be humiliating, I imagine Pandora's Actor would save my skin with his influence, but still.

The silence broke, the adventurer who almost fell from fear before now said yes.





A bunch of yeses flooded the guild square.

Among them was Blue Rose.

I smiled, time for the surprise then.


"Aura, deploy the dragons."

"Understood, Ainz-Sama."

From the sky appeared 4 frost dragons, with seats on their backs.

The seats are my idea, I asked Demiurge to make a design plan and then gave that plan to the dwarves.

The result was that the dragons could be used as a safe means of transport.

These dragons landed next to me to everyone's surprise.

"Your majesty."

"Your majesty."

"Your majesty."

"Your majesty."

The dragons crouched before me, and I made a gesture.

It was my turn, "These will be your companions on the journey to the draconic kingdom, you will be the first adventurers to ride them, consider it a gift."

I looked at Ninya, who was smiling excitedly at the dragons like a child in a candy store.

I also saw Four Armaments, Foresight, and Silver Thread Bird looking at me with respect and fear.

Finally, Blue Rose could only look at me dumbfounded, with such a display of power.

The speech was a success.


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