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100% Outer World / Chapter 2: The warrior who came from the heavens

Chapter 2: The warrior who came from the heavens


The shock wave from the crash, rebounded throughout the entire emerald forest, uprooting several hundred trees and creating a massive crater.

Animal and Grimm alike, at the center of the crash, were instantly vaporized from the heat and power of the impact.

The ground rumbled ominously for a moment and a wave of heat swashed towards the students and faculty of beacon academy

The students around could only drop their jaws in astonishment.

Ozpin himself had no words to speak. He could only gulp in slight wonder, wondering if that truly was something he had only believed to be possible from comic books or the like.

The main reason for the disbelief was the technology of dust. For some reason, perhaps a remnant curse that the brother Gods placed on the planet, the dust did not work outside of the troposphere.

Despite the advances in recent technology, it just wasn't possible to send probes or even spaceships into outer space.

Thus seeing one right there was pretty much an advent.

It was daunting feeling and for a moment, Ozpin felt small. Very very small. The feeling was almost disgusting.

Ozpin felt a sense of foreboding as if the spaceship was going to be a call for a bigger threat out there.

Multiple thoughts flashed through his mind. An alien? Was it truly the case or was that a ship from Atlas? No. It wasn't.

Ozpin was sure of that at least. Atlas technology was odd in the sense that it was high tech but, Ozpin was used to seeing such technology due to James Ironwood being a part of his inner circle.

Thus, as a person who was used to seeing such marvels of technology, Ozpin was sure that this was nothing like what Atlas could produce.

"Glynda, cancel orientation. Call-in the military and some hunters. James too if you could. Investigating the ship is a priority.

The good witch who was in a previous state of shock snapped out of her state of worry and reverie.

"But... what about the students?" She asked, an expression of solemn intent daunting across her face.

Ozpin seemed to hesitate for a little while, glancing at the bunch of misfits standing at the position. He tapped his cane onto the ground then glanced back at Glynda.

The Goodwitch almost flinched at the intensity of his gaze. It seemed to bring with it an ancient pressure she was sure only a creature like Ozpin could.

His next words only proved her right.

"Bring them."

Ozpin jumped from the cliff and dashed towards the massive hull of the assumed to be spaceship, leaving the Goodwitch to handle the students.

She grumbled slightly under her breath.

Turning back towards the hopefuls, she gestured towards the plume of smoke and fire filling the once peaceful forest.

"You want to be hunters right? Consider this as extra credit for initiation. We are going to be exploring the... ship an/or its surroundings. This event is likely to draw Grimm across the board. Its your duty to keep them away from the area." Glynda spoke, her voice echoing across the excited and curious students. She almost wanted to roll her eyes at their mood. Couldn't they understand that such a situation was meant to be taken seriously?

Hopefully it wouldn't turn problematic. Dammit Ozpin!

Somehow, this is your fault.



Ozpin's pace appeared calm and collected, with speeds easily trumping even the fastest of hunters. However if one looked closely, it could almost be seen as erratic.

The truth of the matter laid in massive spaceship. Ozpin had no clue what to expect. This... was way beyond his field of expertise.

Ozpin could only hope that whoever.... WHATever it was, was friendly. Because he had a sinking suspicion that the situation wasn't as simple as a single engine failure or anything of the like.

Think of it this way, a spaceship designed to withstand the different environments of the outer world, space, should have had enough strength to enter onto a planet without the massive crash.

Which meant, something must have caused the crash.

Instantly, Ozpin's mind wandered to different solutions, possibilities or even the smallest details he had read about while learning about the space genre.

A battle in space?

Ozpin's thought processes grinded to a halt as he arrived before the burning, yet still somehow fully intact spaceship. Debris lay around the clearing, signifying that the crater was indeed a massive one caused by a powerful force.

He skirted around, scouting the area before proceeding slowly into the hot mess in front of him. His aura, refined from thousands of years of practice, protected him perfectly to the point where even the smoke was filtered from his lungs.

As he came to mere inches of the steel-like construct, he cautiously tapped his cane against it, almost as if expecting it to explode or something similar.

*Thunk, Thunk*

"What type of... metal is this. Is this even metal? Or perhaps some type of different substance created artificially?" Ozpin analyzed.

Deep in his thoughts though he was, Ozpin was still experienced enough to pay attention to his surroundings.

Lo and behold, it payed in dividends as the first few Grimm bounded towards the massive construct before him.

Beowolves, four of them to be precise.

Ozpin glanced at them from the corner of his eye and seemingly flicked his cane in their direction in an almost lazy manner.

The swing appeared slow to the naked eye, almost as if it was being done in slow motion. However that wasn't the case at all.

Before even realizing they had been hit, the Grimm exploded into plumes of smoke which flew towards the morning sky.

Before he could turn back towards the ship, more Grimm showed. Multiple Ursa and as well as a King Taijitu.

Just as Ozpin was about to kill them off however, the hull of the ship was torn apart from within.

*Bang, Bang*


A small section of the ship's hull flew through the air at a speed which Ozpin was sure a bullet could never travel.

It crashed through several trees and toppled them down.

For a moment, both the Grimm and Ozpin stood stock still, awaiting batedly for the soon to be presence that would grace them.

Smoke drifted out of the hull, shadowing the creature within, revealing only its silhouette.

The Grimm, it appeared, grew tired of waiting for the figure to reveal itself thus decided to attack the being on their own initiative.

As they lunged towards the opening of the ship, a blinding light flashed through existence. Ozpin couldn't even see where it came from, only that it hurt his eyes slightly as he looked at it.

Instantly, the Grimm which were in mid flight disintegrated.

Ozpin's eyes widened.

What had just happened?! Did the creature kill the Grimm?!! What weapon did it use?!!!

His head swiveled towards towards the direction of the broken hull of the ship in an attempt to glance at the alien being.

In the midst of doing so however, he froze. His pupil immediately dilated and he gulped in slight astonishment.

The alien was standing behind him.

Erinies Erinies

Teleports behind you.


Oh, should I post my Instagram so if you guys wanna follow me for zero reason you can?

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