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43.33% Out of the Ashes by SABATHco / Chapter 13: 13

Chapter 13: 13

Chapter Thirteen: Hallowe'en.

Harry had ended up gathering himself in the boy's bathroom before heading back to the Gryffindor common room. He felt awful for having called Snape a Death Eater like that to his face, and he was more than thankful that the man didn't actually punish him—besides the ten points from Gryffindor.

Snape could have given him multiple detentions, but he hadn't. Instead, he'd actually comforted him, which had been wonderful even if it had been horribly humiliating.

But Snape felt amazing against him. He was soft, much softer than he would have thought him to be. And like he'd thought before, the man was actually incredibly warm. Maybe it was all the layers of clothing he wore, but even so… it had been nice. More than nice. He wished he was still there, pressed against him.

It was Hallowe'en Day at Hogwarts, and so school lessons weren't on today. He was thankful for that, because his head was still swimming with everything that had gone on the last few days.

The ghosts were flying around the castle as decorations filled the halls. Harry was used to Hallowe'en at Hogwarts by now, with all the decorations and pranks that people played on one another. It was nothing like being back at the Dursley's. His holiday was being locked in the cupboard all day. Some prank, right?

Hermione and Ron had asked how his chat with Dumbledore had been, but he didn't give too much away. Especially about Snape and how he'd snapped at him. It was rather embarrassing and childish of him. He made a note to actually properly apologise to the professor next time he saw him.

Sitting in the Great Hall, carved pumpkins were floating above them candles lit for the Hallowe'en feast. People were even dressed in Hallowe'en costumes, and Luna Lovegood was wearing her usual large glasses that spotted nargles.

"Hello, Harry," said the dusty blonde headed girl with a more than happy smile on her face.

"Hi, Luna," said Harry. Ron and Hermione weren't here yet, something about them actually getting dressed up this year. It wasn't exactly a Hogwarts tradition, but he figured now that Voldemort was gone, why not relax a little? And that's what most people were doing.

"Are you enjoying this Hallowe'en? It's a bit different from the previous ones, I must admit." Luna's voice was rather dreamy like always.

"Um… I suppose," Harry shrugged. Even with others getting dressed up, he wasn't participating. He didn't have a clue what would look good on him. Plus, seeing people dressed as creatures, especially werewolves, just made him remember Lupin. It was still a little too early for him to let go.

Luna took a seat at the Gryffindor table despite her being a Ravenclaw girl. She removed her glasses to show her silvery eyes, giving Harry as light smile. "If you're wanting to look at Professor Snape, go ahead, I won't mind."

Harry's eyes immediately went to the girl sitting beside him, stunned at why she'd even say that. He knew Luna was quite straight forward with how she spoke, but how on earth did she know he was thinking about Snape? They weren't even in the same House!

"W-what?" he asked, looking quite stunned as the girl just shrugged and smiled. "Why would you say that?"

"Well… because you like him, don't you? I thought that would have been obvious. Oh… unless I'm wrong," Luna said, giving the boy an apologetic look. "If that's the case, I'm very sorry."

Harry didn't know what to say to that. Was it actually obvious that he liked Snape? He hadn't even been looking at him, had he!? Or was he, he just didn't notice? He felt himself shrink into his shoulders.

Luna was very good at seeing what others couldn't, though. That's what Harry enjoyed about the girl. She was fascinating, strange, but… in a good way. In a way where they could both understand each other.

"Please don't tell anyone, Luna," he said, not wanting to lie to his friend. "Besides, it's not like it would ever happen. Snape's a professor and I'm a student. Plus… Snape's hardly the kind of guy to actually like someone back." He was fairly sure that Lily was the only one Snape would ever love.

"I would never tell anyone anything you don't want them to know, Harry," Luna smiled once more. "But I don't think that's true. Professor Snape's actually quite a lot like you, you know?"

Harry's brows arched a little. "How would you know anything about Professor Snape?"

"You don't have to be friends with someone to know what they're like, Harry." Luna's facials didn't change once; she was still looking as dreamily as ever. "You should ask him out for a drink after tonight."

"What!?" Was she completely mental!? "Luna, no offence, but… no."

"None taken, Harry, but… I don't understand why you'd say no. He likes you back. He's been watching you ever since you came into the hall. As much as he doesn't know how to communicate nicely, he's rather protective of you."

Harry felt himself blush heavily. "Where are you getting your information from?" he asked, though Luna just shrugging.

"I should get back to my table. Tell me how tonight goes, I'd like to hear it," said the girl, putting her glasses back on and skipping over to the Ravenclaw table.

Harry just stared at his empty plate in front of him. Could Luna be right? No, it wasn't possible. Snape was always angry with him! Always! Even when it was something small it was like a massive disappointment to him. He knew why. Because Snape expected him to be like Lily and he wasn't. He wasn't that great at learning. He was good at following his heart and making brave decisions, but when it came to his book smarts, he was very much like his father. He'd wing it.

But asking Snape about it? He knew it wouldn't work. Then again, maybe he should follow his heart on this as well. Maybe he should just go ahead and ask. Maybe not ask if Snape liked him romantically, but he could at least clear the air with the man. Plus, he really should apologise for last night's outburst.

It wasn't long before Ron and Hermione arrived, and they'd dressed themselves up in hideous pumpkin outfits. Harry had a good laugh, and the Gryffindor table had a blast picking on them. It was all in good nature, though.

Soon enough, the food was spread across the tables, and Harry filled himself with Hallowe'en treats. He made sure not to eat too much just in case Snape would take him up on the offer. Wait, so he was going to ask him out? Well, surely not as a date—that would just be embarrassing to ask. No, he'd make sure it was something tricky. Maybe there was a little Slytherin in him after all.

He did decide that it was time to tell his best friend about his feelings. He would tell him tonight, though, when they were alone. He didn't want the whole table to find out, and he definitely didn't want the whole hall finding out. That would be even more embarrassing.

After they'd finished eating, Harry was able to slip through the crowd and head down to the dungeons. Not knowing the new password, he stared at the portrait for a moment before lifting a hand about to knock.

"What are you doing here, Potter? Someone slip something into your pumpkin juice?"

Harry turned around at the sight of Draco Malfoy. They hadn't had many run ins since the school year started, which he was happy with, but Malfoy had become a lot nicer now since Voldemort was defeated. Well… nice for a Malfoy anyway.

"Draco," he said softly, "I was looking for Professor Snape."

Malfoy just looked at Harry, quirking a brow. "Why would you be looking for Professor Snape?" he asked rather accusingly.

"Because I have Potions with him," said Harry as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Look, Malfoy, I'm not here to start anything. Actually, I'm quite over fighting. If Snape's not here, then I'll just go." He didn't have a problem with not talking to Snape. He was beginning to think it was actually quite a bad idea. Damn Luna for talking him into this!

"Don't think I haven't seen you two going off into classrooms by yourselves, Potter," said the Slytherin. "I get what he did for you, Potter, but don't think anything of it."

"Like I said, I have Potion lessons with him. It's not a big deal. Don't worry, I'm not going to steal your Head of House from you. I assume your father will be hearing about this?" he asked rather sternly.

Malfoy just narrowed his eyes. No, he wouldn't be telling his father about anything. Ever since the defeat of Voldemort, the Malfoy family hadn't exactly been in its finest hours. His mother was very angry with his father for allowing such things to go on. And Draco himself? He was more than pleased that it was all over. He didn't particularly wish to get into any more trouble.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "As much as I hate to admit a Gryffindor saving my life, I am still grateful for what you did that day, Potter. But I can't give you the password. It's against school rules."

Like Malfoy ever followed school rules. Harry just nodded, though. "Okay, fine. I'll see you in class then."

Moving past Malfoy, Harry headed back up the stairs to his own common room. He was on the stairwell when he saw McGonagall and Snape walking towards him in head of the opposite direction.

"Potter, what are you doing here by yourself?" said McGonagall, giving the boy a worried look. "You should be in your dormitory."

"Sorry, Professor, I was just…" Looking for Snape? Somehow with the man there it didn't sound very good anymore. Why was it that he wanted to actually talk to Snape, but when he was face to face with him, it just seemed horrible? He was just thinking the worst now, but the reality of the situation was… this was Snape!

He had a full blown crush on the man, but approaching him just seemed wrong in a way. He didn't know. Argh, things were so confusing! He was afraid of rejection, he knew that, and he always thought the worst when it came to Snape. Why did he have to like him so much? It was a nightmare sometimes!

"Yes?" came the deeper voice of the Potions master.

Harry looked at Snape for a millisecond before averting his eyes. "Nothing, sir. It doesn't matter."

"Well, if you're doing nothing, Professor Snape and I were just discussing who could assist in collecting some potion ingredients. If you're free, Mister Potter, and no one else is here, why don't you two get down to the Forbidden Forrest. Hagrid will be assisting you as well."

Both Harry and Snape looked to the Headmistress in surprise. It was Harry who spoke first, though. "But, Professor… it's Hallowe'en night…" As if things were different in the Forbidden Forest any other night, but still!

Snape smirked. "Scared, Potter?"

"Don't worry about that, Potter, Professor Snape and Hagrid will be by your side. But an extra pair of hands would be very helpful."

Seeing as Harry didn't protest anymore, Minerva nodded, patting the boy on the shoulder. "I expect you all back in one piece. No fighting, and be very careful." Her voice held a deep concern before she turned and headed to go to her own quarters for the night.

Severus looked down to the boy. This had been the first time they'd spoken since Harry had broken down. He figured the boy was probably embarrassed by the whole episode, so he didn't mention it. Instead, he just motioned his hand for Potter to start moving, and he did so.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, Professor, what are you searching for?"

With his robes following him, Snape took out a pouch from his coat pocket. "We will be collecting venom from the Vipera Berus, or as you might understand better, the adder."

"Like… the snake?" Harry asked. "I didn't realise there were normal things in the Forbidden Forrest." You'd think following spiders meant regular spiders, not giant ones!

"They are almost seven metres long, Potter, I would not call them Muggle creatures," Snape stated rather flatly.

Harry swallowed at the thought of another giant snake. Well, it wasn't a Basilisk, but even so… He was pretty over the whole giant snake thing by now. At least Hagrid would be there, and Snape. And so far, Snape hadn't exactly done a bad job at keeping him protected.

"Of course…" he muttered, following the professor as they headed down to Hagrid's new cabin. Snape put up a Lumos spell at the end of his wand so they could see where they were going, but he didn't speak to the boy.

Making their way down the stone steps, Harry remembered when the cabin had been blown up. But that wasn't what he remembered about the scene. He remembered when he had tried to attack Snape with his own spell. He now understood why Snape hadn't attacked back and simply walked away. Well… then there was also Buckbeak who had chased him off.

"Professor…" he said, Snape staying silent as ever as they walked. He almost had to jog to keep up to the man. "I'm sorry about what I said yesterday."

Snape still didn't say anything, he just continued walking until he felt something tug him back, forcing him to stop. Harry's grip wasn't forceful, but it was asking him to stop, so he did.


"No, please listen to me," Harry urged, "I called you a horrible thing… I should have never said that to you. Not after all you've done for me… That's like saying Hermione is a…"

"Don't say it," Snape snapped. He detested the word 'Mudblood' ever since he'd called Lily one. He hated having to sit by and not do anything when Draco tossed around the word so bloody freely. But if he said anything about it, it would have been clear he didn't agree with the Dark Lord's views.

"You really loved her, didn't you?"

This was not a conversation Severus wished to have with Harry at all. As awkward as it was, considering he had feelings for the boy (even though he was attempting to close them off), it was the boy's mother! for Merlin's sake.

"I have no desire to discuss such things with you, Potter. Come along before I leave you behind. Your hands would be quite useful tonight." He stiffened as he realised how horrid that could have sounded if taken the wrong way, and he saw Harry look at him oddly. He just quickly turned and continued down to Hagrid's.

Following Snape, Harry didn't continue talking, but he did smile at the awkward tension that went between them. As awkward as it was, it was a simple pleasure in Harry's mind to what Snape could have meant by the use of his hands.

When they reached Hagrid's cabin, Severus knocked and the half-giant opened the door happily.

"Hullo Harry, Professor." Hagrid had a lantern with him, and Fang greeted Harry happily. "Come in, come in. Professor McGonagall tol' me yeh were comin' this evenin'. Though I gotta admit, I wasn' 'spectin' Harry. How 'bout a cuppa tea then, ey?"

"Apologies, Hagrid, but we don't have time for drinks," Severus muttered, looking up to the bushy face of Rubeus Hagrid. "I assume the Headmistress has informed why we are here."

"'O'course. Right, let me get Fang ready." The big black boarhound settled down after sniffing and licking Harry's hand, Harry trying to wipe it clean. Hagrid grabbed his crossbow and gave Harry the lamp while Snape had his wand firm in his hand.

The three of them set into the Forest (and Fang). Hagrid was very talkative most of the way, and Harry was more than pleased to have a chat to his friend. They hadn't had much time this year considering Hagrid was teaching and Harry's classes were keeping him. Plus, with tutoring, he didn't have much time between the end of class and dinner. He hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to Hagrid besides on weekends. And most of the time Hermione kept him inside, doing his homework.

Snape was completely silent unless Hagrid asked him something, and Harry couldn't help but smile. The man seemed utterly annoyed at their chitchatting, and both Hagrid and Harry decided to start doing it on purpose, just to annoy him. Snape eventually caught on, though.

"If you two don't shut your mouths, you're going to have more than snakes attacking you," hissed the Slytherin.

Hagrid made a face and Harry silently laughed to himself. "How 'ave lessons been goin' fer yer anyway, Harry? Professor McGonagall's bin fillin' me in."

Harry shrugged. "They've been better than I thought actually. Not bad at all." He smiled at the thought of having private lessons with Snape. He'd actually come to enjoy them much more than he probably should. But getting to see Snape in his element by himself was something he really liked.

Behind the bushy beard, Hagrid was grinning. "She uh… also tol' me summat else." When Harry looked at him surprisingly, Hagrid just patted Harry rather roughly on the shoulder with his enormous hand. "So it is true, ey? Have a thing fer broody ol' Professor Snape. Knew it was gunna happen sometime."

"What!?" Harry asked. And how the hell did Professor McGonagall know!? Who else knew!? And why weren't they coming to him and asking before just thinking it was true!? Was he seriously that obvious? Clearly not considering Snape was still acting like a dick to him.

"Well, I mean… yer both matches in magic. Not ter mention yer both bin savin' each other's lives."

Harry rolled his eyes, giving a sigh. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier," he said, but Hagrid waved a massive hand, hitting him on the shoulder again and almost knocking him to his feet.

"Don't get your hopes up, Hagrid, it's not like anything's going to come from it. Professor Snape is insanely hard to read."

Hagrid laughed, his eyes following the Slytherin as he walked with Fang by his side. "He's a good professor, I'm sure he's jus bein' professional. Plus, Slytherin's don' like admittin' ter feelin's. Yer though' bou' askin' 'im directly?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Harry mumbled. "Can you honestly imagine that ever happening?" he asked, eyes up at Hagrid as he seemed to think it over and come up with a bad conclusion. "That's what I thought."

"Maybe yer both jus need a little shovin'," Hagrid said, lifting his bushy brows. "Professor, I think I saw mo'ement over there," he said, catching Snape's attention and pointing his lantern to the left as he'd taken it from Harry a while back.

Snape, who had his wand lit still, moved over to where Hagrid was pointing. He hushed them as there was indeed a rustle in the bushes nearby. It was a nest. A baby one wouldn't do, though, he needed pure and strong venom. He'd have to find the mother.

"Wa are yer needin' this for-,"

"Hagrid," warned Severus, the half-giant shutting up immediately. Unfortunately, his voice had gained the attention of a fully grown seven metre long adder. Severus stepped back immediately, pushing Harry away as he's come rather close.

"Don' kill it! It's jus protectin' its babies," Hagrid called out, though his crossbow aimed at the giant snake. In preparing his crossbow, he'd managed to drop the lantern, it smashing into the hard surface of the Forest and flickering out.

Snape rolled his eyes at the compassion Hagrid held for every dangerous creature, even if they were mere inches from death, but he made sure he wouldn't 'harm' the snake. He lifted his wand, but a thick tale came swooshing his way, knocking him back and causing him to hit the ground rather hard with a thud.

"Professor!" Harry gasped, running to grab Snape's wand that had fallen. He ducked the hissing snake that was coming for him, but tripped over on one of the large roots that came out of the ground (and was hard to see because Hagrid had dropped the lantern and mashed it).

There was a hiss of pain and Harry covered the back of his head with his hands, as if preparing to die from when the Basilisk was attacking him in the Chamber of Secrets. Fear struck him hard and he froze, unable to move.

Soon enough, he realised that the movement was gone and a heavy thump hit the ground. Shakily, he lifted his hands and turned to the side to see Hagrid had aimed his crossbow at the snake and struck it right in the neck. It wasn't dead, though, it was asleep—breathing heavily. Hagrid must have dosed it with a strong tranquilizer.

"Tha' should keep 'er still fer a while," Hagrid said with a proud look on his face before turning to see Harry on top of Professor Snape. "Ahem…"

Severus growled as Harry looked at him with an apologetic look. Immediately, he threw the boy from him and pushed himself up, ignoring the pleasurable sensation of the boy atop him. He brushed himself down, gathering himself.

"Sorry, Professor… I tripped," said Harry, also pushing himself up. He couldn't help but enjoy the feel of Snape up against him, though. This time, he'd landed quite hard onto the man, and it had given him quite a nice feel of the man's body beneath him. Snape may have worn layers on his upper half, but it was all but two when it came to his lower portion.

Leaning down, he picked up both his and Snape's wand, Snape snatching it from his hand. He tucked his back into his pocket, rubbing his arm that he'd fallen on. At least Snape broke the fall.

"Yer al'ight, Professor?" asked Hagrid, moving over to the fallen snake.

"Fine," muttered Snape. He moved quickly over to the sleeping snake, making sure it was sound asleep before opening his pocket and grabbing out a few phials. "Potter, come here."

Harry was almost immediately by his side, and Snape handed him the phials. Hagrid's hands were much too large for this, which was why he needed the extra hands of a student (or a teacher, but Minerva has insisted Harry be the one when running into him).

He opened the snake's mouth, and Hagrid kept it open with his larger hands. Already, the fangs were oozing with venom, and Snape didn't waste a drop, squeezing them while Harry held the phials until they were full. The fangs were quite large, which meant he had to use both hands.

When Severus had enough to his liking, he let Harry move away as he withdrew his hands, Hagrid letting the jaw go and stepping away. "That should be enough."

Harry handed over the now full phials with stoppers in their tops and Snape put them into the small pouch and back into his pocket.

"So, what exactly is this for?" he asked, Hagrid collecting the broken lantern.

"That's none of your concern, Potter," Snape said. "Now, before we get attacked by something far worse, Hagrid, give me that lantern and I will fix it." With a quick repairing spell, the lantern was in one piece again and he lit it with a small Incendio spell.

Harry didn't ask again what the venom was for; he supposed it was for a potion or maybe anti-venom for bites. He couldn't remember anyone at Hogwarts being bitten by a seven metre snake before, though. He was just glad it was over.

Once more, Snape lead them back, and Harry and Hagrid slowed down a little so they could talk. "I told you," he said, Hagrid just giving a sorry look to him.

"Snape's jus playin' hard ter get," suggested the half-giant. "Besides, he coulda done far worse when yer fell on 'im." Hagrid couldn't help but give a chortle at the image.

"Hagrid, it's not funny!" Harry hissed.

"It is a little bit, yer gotta admit," Hagrid chuckled. "Look at it this way, Harry. Snape's the las' person yer gunna hear admittin' he has feelin's. Yer gotta work on it. Trus' me, Harry… from wha I've been hearin' from Professor McGonagall… yer got a good chance."

Looking up, Harry felt somewhat hopeful. He couldn't see Snape ever admitting anything, but maybe McGonagall knew something he didn't?

"Has she told you something?" he asked, but their conversation was stopped short when Fang gave a sharp bark, making them look up. They'd reached the edge of the Forest, Hagrid's hut in view.

"Jus know that with a little more effort, Snape'll warm up ter yer," Hagrid quickly whispered before the two of them reached Snape and Fang.

"Hagrid," Snape nodded in thanks. Hagrid nodded back.

"Yer sure you can' come in fer a cuppa?"

"It's late Hagrid, and Mister Potter should be returning to his dormitory."

"O'course. I'll see yer later, Harry. Professor."

Snape turned to Harry and ushered him away from the cabin, Harry saying a goodnight to Hagrid before they set off back to the castle.

Harry fell rather quiet as they walked back up the stone steps. He wanted to take this as an opportunity to talk to Snape, but he had a feeling no matter how hard he tried, Snape would just try and brush him off.

He also realised he could have actually hurt Snape when he'd fallen on him. He didn't really check if the man had been alright. His knee had come awfully close to the man's crotch. And as far as he knew, wizards still hurled over in pain if they got kicked where it hurt.

Had Professor Snape realised he'd froze? He could have made a horrible mistake and caused them their lives if Hagrid hadn't have been there. He could have died! He could have put them in a lot of danger.

"I'm sorry I fell on you," he eventually said, Snape still watching where he was walking in the darkness. "You didn't get hurt or anything, did you?"

"Nothing I can't handle, Potter," replied the Slytherin, keeping his eyes up front. He did enjoy the fact that Potter was at least asking, though. It had to show for something, right?

"I froze."

This time, Severus stopped, stopping Harry by putting a hand onto his shoulder. "Potter, you've gone through many things for your age, I would have been surprised if you weren't affected by a giant snake after taking on a Basilisk by yourself." His voice held a certain detest for the fact that Potter had gone running into the Chamber of Secrets all by himself (even if he were with Weasley and that idiot Lockhart).

Harry's green eyes looked to the dark ones, and for a moment, he could have sworn he saw concern glisten in them. "I could have spoken to it… I could have just asked for the venom," he objected.

Snape raised a brow. "I assumed with the connection no longer present between you and the Dark Lord that you would no longer possess the ability to speak Parseltongue." If he knew Harry could still talk to snakes, then that would have made things easier. Although he doubted the snake would have been willing anyway. Just because Potter could talk to snakes didn't mean they would listen and obey him. That was just idiotic to believe.

"The language can still be learnt. I remembered as much as I could while I had the chance. I don't know if it's gone because of Voldemort, but I know I can still speak to snakes. Maybe I never lost it in the first place… I don't really know, to be honest." All he knew was that he could still talk to snakes.

"Even if you possess the unique gift of being able to speak Parseltongue, there is no guarantee that every snake will listen to you, Potter," said the professor, continuing to walk. "The fact is you are out, alive and safe, and we have collected what we went in there for. There is no need to ponder on past faults."

Harry felt himself smile lightly. "So you're still not going to tell me what it's for?"

"Your persistence is getting on my nerves, Potter," said the Potions master, giving a glare to the boy as he walked beside him now instead of behind. It could have been as deadly as the basilisk's. "But so you'll quit asking me. As you know, the symbol for Slytherin is a snake, as well as the Dark Mark. It's safe to say that any Death Eater out there would use a symbol like a snake to kill me. I've been collecting anti-venom so that won't happen. After what happened with Nagini, I will not be risking that again."

Harry stopped, feeling his chest sink to his bowels. Although most of the Death Eaters had been captured, there was no telling where the few remaining ones were hiding.

"That's horrible…" he said, Snape turning around. "But as long as you're at Hogwarts, surely you should be safe."

"I have protection here, Potter, but as soon as I step back into the Muggle world, that is a different story. I have made numerous amounts of enemies by my details being released, no thanks to you, Potter."

"You deserved to be a free man," said Harry in surprise that Snape would blame him for his freedom. "You'd rather be locked up in Azkaban for a crime you didn't commit!?"

"I'm sorry, Potter, but since when did you care about the man who murdered Albus Dumbledore?" Snape drawled rather sarcastically.

"I do care about you actually, as much as you're an ungrateful git!" Harry felt his face heat up in the darkness as he let that slip.

"Touching…" murmured the Slytherin, turning back around and heading back to the castle.

Harry's eyes narrowed darkly. "Why do you make it so impossible to like you!? What are you so afraid of!? I know there's someone good in you. The Severus Snape I saw in those memories was a good man! A man who fought for what was right! Voldemort is gone now, you don't have to pretend!"

Snape stopped once more, frost huffing from his mouth as he glowered. "Potter, get inside before I leave you out here to get eaten by werewolves," he snapped. He turned over his shoulder to look at the boy, and he realised what he'd said as Harry went pale and rigid. He was well aware Remus was a werewolf, but he wasn't the only bloody one out there! But he knew he'd said the wrong thing as Harry's eyes went dark in hurt, glistening.

"Potter!" As Harry moved into the darkness in the opposite direction, Snape went after him, grabbing his shoulder as the boy tried to run away.

"Leave me alone! I hate you!" Harry yelled, his voice echoing over the grounds and sounding very teenage-like.

"That's all fine and well, Potter, but you're a student and you're under my supervision. Now get back inside before I drag you there by your collar," Snape ordered.

Harry struggled to get away from the man's grip and ended up falling into the grass with a thud, Professor Snape standing over him with a less than amused facial, his arms folded.

"Are you going to stop acting like a child now?"

Harry frowned, looking up at the man dressed in black. The only reason he could see him was because of his pale skin, his wand still in his hand.

"I'm not a child," he jaded, pushing himself up. He brushed himself down of the grass that stuck to him from the cold evening dew.

Snape smirked and Harry just glared at him. The anger in the boy's eyes was almost intoxicating, and he enjoyed every part of it. Of course, hearing that the boy 'hated' him wasn't exactly appealing, but he did enjoy the sight of Potter getting flustered and angry, though he wasn't exactly pleased he's upset him. He didn't like the thought of him actually being hurt, but it was still amusing the way the boy acted.

"If you wish to look presentable, you might want to brush your hair down, and remove the grass from your face before your friends ask what exactly you were doing romping around in the grass at night."

Harry only grew angrier, and he wished he could have pushed Snape. He would have if he weren't a professor and wouldn't get into trouble over it. Instead, he just brushed his hair down and wiped his face.

He had no idea why he liked this man. But then again, something in him enjoyed when they bantered like this. It felt like Snape really enjoyed pissing him off and belittling him, but how would he enjoy it if it were turned around on him? That probably wasn't a good idea. Snape seemed the type to enjoy being in control or at least getting a negative reaction from his actions.

The rest of the trip was silent.

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