"It's a hint, Yuzuru..." Mizuto seemed to had lost all hopes for his gold-eyed sibling.
"Huh? What in Gaia's name do you mean? How is that lecture a hint?"
"Haa, Yuzuru..." Mizuto sighed heavily, too tired to say anything, "I'll let you figure that out on your own. Let's clean the upstairs. We need somewhere to sleep aside from this room."
"Aye aye, captain."
Shizuka stood her ground and stayed quiet. Though, her smile and narrowed eyes said otherwise. Liemros guessed that she must have some sort of plan for her to be that confident.
One knight charged at her with his spear but failed to harm her as she appeared behind him. All eyes went wide when they saw two Shizuka there. One in front of the knight and the other behind him.
Don't you just love when you got your revenge, o' sweet revenge--
[Last edited 26/12/2020]