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Author: flowing_lightning

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: NEW GENESIS

"get back here brat!" a booming voice resounded scaring of the birds "Thank you Uncle Joe!" a young boy responded with a turkey leg at hand as he ran through the alleyways.

Eventually the boy managed to loose the man. This young lad was Jack.

The judgement happened during the year 2040 wiping out most of humanity but being humanity they managed to survive by producing floating islands of steel. This islands became the new home of mankind and for a while people thought this would always be the truth but in the year 2100 a brilliant scientist by the name Nick Banner.

Nick by some sort of way managed to prove that not all lands were lost and that there was one more, he claimed it was a land with green stretching for miles, with thousands of trees and so many wildlife like the ones in books. to all of humanity this and was paradise and befitting of this Nick named the land the New Dawn.

Needless to say the discovery drove everyone mad in the pursuit of the New Dawn, it was a new age... the age of Adventurers. Thousands of adventures from all over got on their ships in search of the New Dawn.

Of course Nick himself set out for the New Dawn as although he knew the land existed he was yet to obtain the exact co-ordinates. After he set of no one had ever heard from him again, time passed and soon The New Dawn faded to nothing more than myth with but a few still believing in its existence.

The era of adventurers on the other hand was still going strong. The world had changed in so many ways but it seemed mankind was still clueless as to how much the earth had changed.

A new type of energy was discovered and by harnessing this energy one could become what was formally thought to be impossible Through valuable research systems were formed to train the energies; the psychics, who trained in their mental powers, the mechanics, who relied on their technology, the martial artists who relied on themselves and the hosts who sealed certain things that could only be classified as mythical and used their powers in combat.


Jack was an orphan who was one day dropped here on the Jubbelery hub in front of the orphanage with no note whatsoever. The only thing that stood out was the tattoo that was on his chest.

Jack from a young age had always had dreams of exploring the vast seas, he wanted to become a brave adventurer he wanted to sail the uncharted seas he wanted to do what no other had done before he wanted to find The New Dawn.

As expected the first time he spoke his dreams out loud all he gained was the mockery of everyone no one thought he could do it but he never gave up and today... today was the day he finally set out to sea.

Jack was 19 this year and had finally decided to begin his journey.

Jack had been eyeing a ship that belonged to a group of adventures. The ship was a common model made with cheap steel it had a two thrusters behind hit with a few canons by the side.

Ships had changed so much compared to the period before judgement. the no longer were simple but transformed so much, built for more speed and strength.

Jack watched the ship carefully, he knew vey well that very soon the adventurers would arrive and set of into the seas and this was his last chance to stow away on the ship. Jack turned to the Jubbelery hub one last time, taking in the sight of the place that used to be his home knowing very well that this might be the last time he saw his home.

Jack steeled his heart and climbed onto some cargo and began to travel atop the cargo getting closer to the ship. He got to the edge of the cargo taking in deep breaths he moved back and started with a running start before jumping and rolling on the deck.

As he made it on to the ship he held his breath remaining silent but after a few seconds with nothing happening Jack let out a sigh of relief, most ships came with their personal A.Is and he had thought this ship had one as well but luckily it seemed that the adventurers who owned this ship were of the bottom ranks and could not afford them.

At this moment, Jack heard words and laughter alongside some footsteps he knew the adventurers were returning and he had to hide quickly. He searched the ship quickly but most of the doors were locked finally he managed to open a door which led down to a place with had some thermostat that allowed the entire room to maintain a constant cool temperature allowing him to see his breath he quickly fond an empty barrel and closed himself in.

The barrel had a hole in its side looking through the hole he saw through a window and saw the docks, the cargo at the side was slowly getting father away and soon he could see a bright light and after he actually saw the Jubbelery hub the place he spent 19 years of his life was now behind him.

soon he could hear a low rumble and the ship began to speed away, at this point Jack knew his journey had just began.

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