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Our Love is Two Worlds Apart Our Love is Two Worlds Apart original

Our Love is Two Worlds Apart

Author: erianis

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ordinary Girl with Extraordinary Secret

An ordinary girl with an ordinary life. That is what she thought of herself. No extraordinary things should or could be happening to her at this teen age. Things such as magic and time travel only exist in books or novels. Not in real life, supposed.

"Well, this would certainly be the end of my school life! "She said to herself.

The school years has come to an end. And last thing to do was to go to the school prom. Evelyn has been staring in the mirror for an hour already. Her dress had been perfect and her make up was also beautifully done. But she's just couldnt let go of gazing in the mirror for more. On and on she's been thinking about her dimly high school life. Not a single boyfriend throughout the three years. And, what's more? She couldnt even take the initiative to invite her one and only crush to the prom – although, guys actually took the initiative to invite a girl to this kind of events. At that time, her phones rings.

"Evey, where are you? We're going to be late!" Lyla, her one and only best friend is asking for her. The one who is always besides her, taking care of her needs and whatnot, Lyla is the best person she could rely on. Realizing that she was eagerly waiting for her although she had a date for tonight really makes her heart flutters. And she quickly answered to her.

"Coming!" and she grabbed her purse and rushed to the main door. She stopped for a while to look back as she realized that mom and dad are nowhere to be seen. But then, she decided not to bother them as they too might have gone to dinner. To her relief, mom and dad had been a lovey dovey couple ever since and that's the only thing that makes her life feels great! Having a lovable parents is such a bonus to her.

There, Lyla had been waiting for her besides her date's car with a wide sincere smile. So fortunate of you Lyla for having a date to the prom. Evelyn couldnt resist but feeling a little but jealous for her. But her jealousy was a kind of good one. Just happily jealous for her best friend. And together with her, the car sped to the last prom.


In a glamourous decorated ballroom, a lot of students have gathered. As the theme for the prom is Tux & Lux, everybody dressed up in formal and elegance wear. Girls with beautiful and flawless dresses and boys look nice in suits and tuxedos. As they reached the entrance, Evelyn lets go of her best friend hand to her date, Isaac. She watched half heartedly as Lyla and Isaac stroll together into the ballroom. Its nice to be like her, she thought. And she have made herself clear that tonight she would let Lyla enjoy her night with Isaac. There's no room for her to bother.

She too started to enter into the glamorous night prom while her eyes were searching everywhere for her one and only lifetime crush, Frederick. To her belief, he was already being wooed by a group of girls who wanted to be his date. Well, no wonder, because he is the apple of an eye of the whole school. Evelyn sighed. There's no way I can be near him with this. She took a second look on her pink dress. Even though the dress is still beautiful and elegance but it doesn't come from a very expensive brand. It was sewn by her own mother. Here and there, they were talking about each other suits and dresses.

"Do they even need to do that?", she wondered.

Not to bother the rest, Evelyn headed straight to the buffet table. She wanted to have some drink as she doesn't know what more to do. She felt alone in this very huge ballroom.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come!" she told herself.

"Alone, princess?" a voice behind her back suddenly makes her turned white. As if the voice means harm to her. And what more? The voice has been calling her princess! She remembered of her parents advice on that princess topic.

"Whoever calls you princess definitely means harm!" Means harm? This guy! I must stay away from him! I need to find excuses!

"No, I'm with my friends. Now, if you'll excuse me!" As much as she could, she wanted to stay away from the guys voice. But, as she stepped out her foot to run, a hand already took her waist and stopped her.

"Princess, you are coming with us! Be good!" said the bad guy. From side view, she could tell that the bad guy was not from this school. He's got a big broad chest with a nice built arms. And he's also wearing a weird kind of clothes. Its like a cosplay! Is this some kind of setup?!

"No! You got the wrong person!" she pulled the arm as she could, but still, she cant barely escape the grip. What am I going to do? Somebody help me!

"Hold on right there! Release the princess!" Frederick? Its Frederick! No! Don't come here! Its dangerous! She really wanted to shout those words to him but she couldnt as her mouth was already shut by the bad guy!

"Oh? And who are you to begin with?"

"Do you even need to ask that?" With a single flick of his hand, he turned the whole ballroom into a stop motion. All the people in the ballroom freeze from what they are doing. Laughing, eating, drinking and talking, it would be amusing for Evelyn if she didn't put her situation at the first priority.

And he changed his appearance. The handsome guy with short blond hair turned out to be a charming knight with a long silver hair, wearing the same types of clothes like the bad guy next to her. Who is this person? Where's my Frederick?

"Frayle! Its you!" shouted the bad guy. He looks afraid as he knew his true identity.

Frayle? Who? Evelyn still couldnt process what is going on at that time. The bad guy take out his hand and summon his weapon. So did the Frayle guy. And in a blink of an eye, both weapon appeared in their hands. The bad guy's weapon looks like a big green flame slicer. Frayle's a sword. A big and handsome sword engulfed in blue flame.

"Wow!" Evelyn knew that this is not the time to be stunned by those weapons but she just couldnt help herself. This is to amazing! For once, she 'd forgotten that she was still in the bad guys arm.

Without any warning, those two started to move towards each other and clashes their weapon. Its fearless and dangerous. But all Evelyn could see was a nice sword dancing with her crush as the main actor. So beautiful!

The fight last for about half an hour and she almost couldnt tell when she was changed from the arm of a bad guy into the arm of Frayle, the beautiful knight. The look of admiration can clearly be seen through her sparkle eyes. So enchanting!

With a last swish, Frayle managed to wound the bad guy. Knowing he couldnt face Frayle, the bad guy turns and, swoosh! Gone with the wind!

"Are you okay, milady?" Frayle asked her. He was shocked to see the dreamy eyes were looking with full of astonishment towards him. Then, he noticed Evelyn's slender waist was still wrapped in his arms.

"I'm. Fine." The answer still came out in awe voice. Frayle let go of her waist. But instead, he grabbed her hand and started to run.

"We can no longer stay here!"

"But, but, the people are still in stop motion!" Exclaim Evelyn. Frayle flick his hand once more and the crowds are back to normal, not knowing what had happened earlier. And Frayle has come back to being Frederick in black tuxedo.


"Wait! Would you tell me what happened earlier?" Evelyn stopped Frederick halfway to the car. But she just got ignored. He stepped in the car followed by her. And before she can ask anymore question, the car skidding through the road.

"Your traces became stronger as you have come of an age. So, all the tyrant can smell and trace your place. Its getting harder for you from now on. Milady." There it goes! He answered the question in one breath. Evelyn still couldn't believe what she heard. What is going on with tonight?

"What traces, what tyrant? And why are you calling me milady? We don't even say hi to each other during our school years. How do you know me? What the hell is going on? I don't understand." As she kept going on and on with her ranting, Frederick grabbed her waist once more and kiss her.

Evelyn's eyes opened as wide as never before as both their lips engaged with each other. Deep down in her body, she could feel some alienated feeling that are chilling and tingling and fluttering around. The kiss was very passionate that she couldn't help to bear with it any longer. She pushed Frederick away.

"What are you doing out of sudden?!" She's asking while touching her lips. Its a relief that the driver couldn't see them at the back. But, still! That was her first kiss!

"You'll understand sooner. First of all, we need to get you back home. Follow me." As the car reached the front gate of her house, Frederick took her hand and got out of it.

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