Three men sat together, and another man stood silently behind them. Yet, he continued to listen to their conversation seriously.
"Since when did Yang Lang disappear? Have you checked his house?" Long Jiuxiao asked with a frown.
Yu Lei sighed softly. "We don't know exactly when he disappeared, but we haven't been able to contact him since yesterday. Our sons have checked into the Yang house but only found his smartphone."
"Anyway, there was a strange incident that happened yesterday." Long Jiuxiao turned to Bei Xiang with a raised eyebrow, and he directly told him. "We all know that our son's relationship has always been good, and they always spend time together. However, Yang Chen suddenly behaved strangely and attacked our sons."
"Oh?" Long Jiuxiao was surprised to hear that. "Where is Yang Chen now? Have you interrogated him?
The Yin-Yang doll is indeed overpowered, but it can be use to stimulate someone and not more.