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98.19% Ordverse Ascension / Chapter 484: Volume 5 – Chapter 100(Give this defeated World a Hope)

Chapter 484: Volume 5 – Chapter 100(Give this defeated World a Hope)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.

「 」 = Thoughts being heard


There was a moment of silent by the time Primis was done speaking.

The Traveler widened her eyes trying to digest the information, she just received before lowering her head and looking at her hands.

Lumine: So…basically, now I have the strength of...…Shadow Dragon, Durin. The Dragon who can only be taken down when Anemo Archon, Barbatos and One of Four Winds, Dvalin joined forces.

Primis: Yes.

Lumine: W-Woah!

Seeing her excited expression, Primis decided to pour cold water on her enthusiasm.

Primis: Sorry, but you can't control and draw out such strength yet. So, in your Abyssal Princess State, you are just wasting your power as it kept on leaking out of you.

Pausing here, he gave some thoughts before continuing.

Primis: Means, you are the very example of someone who is given the Holy Sword but that person doesn't even know how to wield a sword in the first place.

'Ais: Oh. Now that burns.'

Just like the Sword Princess said, the moment Primis words fell, veins appeared on Lumine's forehead. As her eyelids started twitching.

She then pouted cutely and said.

Lumine: Hmph I hate you.

Saying she jumped down from his lap and started leaving.

Primis: Alright, where are you going now?

Lumine: To where Jean and others are. At least they won't bully me like you do. Hmph

'Primis: When does saying truth turned into bullying? ...Maybe from the start.'

Sighing he shook his head and started looking in front again.

Now, that the Traveler was gone, Ais took her seat beside him.

Ais: My Lord, I want to ask something?

Primis: Let me guess. You want to compare this world Powering System to "True Universal Levelling".

Ais: Um.

Primis: Go on.

Ais: "Max. True Level 1" is equal to how much level in this world?

Primis: Between Level 700 – 1000.

Ais: Hmm…. So, the power of those so-called Adeptus or Adepti don't even reach "True Level 2".

Primis: Yes.

Ais: So weak.

Primis: ...…

Ais: Then should I take it as the Gods of this world have the strength of "True Level 2".

Primis: Um.

Ais: Who give them the title of gods? If someone as feeble as them could be considered as Gods, then back in our world, many adventures should be regarded as one too.

Hearing this, Primis couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Primis: Ais, if we go by the number in their Levels then yes, it is too low. However, don't forget the "True Level 2" person can destroy an entire Island in one blow. In Mortals eyes, such power is indeed Godly.

Ais: Hmm…Now, that I think about it, it is indeed true.

Primis: You are 9th-Dimensional God now, Ais... A cosmic level being, in front of whom even 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Dimensional Gods are nothing but ants... Hence, it's not surprising that mortals are worth nothing in your eyes now. There is no comparison between you both in the first place.

Ais: You are right, My Lord. It's my mistake, I apologize.

Primis: Um.

Nodding he then glanced at her, and continued.

Primis: As a higher lifeform, its time for you to broaden your vision. If you let yourself bound with mortal's mindset, you wouldn't be able to attain higher heights.

'Primis: I won't be surprised if she failed the Abyss Trail either. While she now has strength, her mentality hasn't reached the same level yet.'

Ais: Yes, My Lord. I will keep it in mind.

Primis: Um. Anything else.

Ais: It's about "The Seven"… "The Seven" are called the strongest Gods that emerged victorious in Archon War. However, the Twin Raiden Shogun only have the strength of "True Level 2". Even if that woman, Ei, would have drawn that sword in her heart, it would have only increased her strength to "True Level 3".... Is the strength of "The Seven" only that much?

Primis: The strength of Archon depends on three things. First, through presiding over their respective region. Second, from their people's faith in them. Third, fragment of the Elemental Authority given by Celestial, means Gnosis.

'Ais: Faith. Huh. It's almost like how Dimensional-Gods gain their power.'

Primis: If they fulfil all three of the conditions correctly, their strength will increase drastically.

Ais: How much?

Primis: True Level 7.

Hearing this, the Sword Princess widened her eyes slightly.

Ais: A full increase in 5 True Levels. Huh... This means it can increase even further. Like If they got control over all other regions, gain the faith of every inhabitant, and even got their hands on all the gnosis.

Primis: True...Still, in the end, it's all---

Ais: External help.

Primis: Yes. That power can never truly be theirs.

Ais: It's a borrowed power.

Primis: Right.

'Primis: Something that I will always avoid at all cost and will make sure that my sub-ordinates will do the same.'

With this they turned silent and time went by.





A day later.

Still sitting on the same place as before, Primis opened his mouth.

Primis: So, have you decided?

He asked without looking back.

By now, the due time Primis gave to the Knights of Favonius had come to an end. They were currently standing behind him and were ready with their answer.

Jean: Actually, there is something we want to ask before coming to our decision.

Primis: Oh.

Not feeling surprised, he waited for their question.

Jean: Is there really no way we can meet them again after this?

Primis: No.

Kaeya: Not even a minor chance?

Primis: No.

Jean: Then I think, we won't be taking this offer. We have already disappointed them by failing to protect them.

Lisa: Yeah. If we see them again, it will make us regret even more for failing to live up to their expectations.

Eula: It's better to go like this.

Primis: I see. Then this is farewell.


Saying the man snapped his finger.

Once he did so, the power that was keeping their soul was disappearing vanished. As a result, they started breaking into particles of light slowly and slowly.

Lumine: You guys.

The Traveler at the side, couldn't help but show a sad expression. But she knew she didn't have the right to force them to stay.

Amber: Sorry, Lumine. But that's where we part. We will be watching you from the other side. Don't cry, ok. Otherwise, when we will see you there, I will definitely give you an earful.

Lumine: Um.

She nodded with her head lowered, trying to hide the tears that were gathering in her eyes.

???: Sister…

But then a voice interrupted them, drawing their attention to it.

The Acting Grandmaster widened her eyes seeing who it was.

Jean: Barbara! What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you leave with others?

Barbara: By the time, I woke up, I was about to. But then I noticed how silent the city was… Hence, I decided to wait. After a day when there was no chance, I decided to check, thinking you must have won.... By now, I see it.

Hearing this, Jean turned silent.

Barbara: S-Sister, why are you looking like a spirit that could d-disappear anytime… Don't tell me...

The Acting Grandmaster didn't reply.

The deaconess saw that other Knights of Favonius were also facing the same thing. None of them, dared to meet her eyes and looked away.

With her shivering body, she spoke.

Barbara: So…You all are also dead. This is just your souls which will also be gone soon.

Sighing, the Acting Grandmaster walked over and stood in front of her sister.

Jean: Barbara, I am sorry that I failed to fulfil my duty as your sister and put most of time in duties as the Knights of Favonius. I really regret how little time I spent with you...But now that I am gone, you must look after those people ...They are the only people left of Mondstadt. So, I hope you can guide them like you do to the people who come to Church of Favonius.

Barbara: …Um. I will sister, you can without any worry.

Astonished at how easily Barbara accepted and didn't argue, Jean started to wondering what happened to her. But then she remembered how much they all went through. So, it's not surprising that her sister matured so much in such short amount of time.

Smiling, she spoke.

Jean: Then I leave the rest to you.

Barbara: I sure we will meet again someday.

Jean: ...…...Yeah.

At this time, Primis interrupted.

Primis: Don't worry you both will definitely meet. To be more specific, too soon. The moment you will reach the other side Jean, your sister will be right behind you.

Hearing this, others were confused while Jean frowned. She suddenly had a bad premonition.

Jean: What do you mean by it, Mr. Herrscher?

Primis: I think you better ask this question from your sister.

At this, the Acting Grandmaster turned her attention back to deaconess.

Jean: Barbara, what does Mr. Herrscher mean by that?

Barbara: I-I don't k-know what he is t-talking about.

The girl answered. Though her stuttering voice and the way she was avoiding Jean eyes was enough for others to conclude that something was definitely wrong.

Jean: Barbara.

The Acting Grandmaster asked but deaconess remained stubborn, refused to open her mouth. This made it even more apparent that things were as simple as they appeared.

In the end, Jean could only turn to the person who seemed knew about it.

Jean: Mr. Herrscher, can you please tell me? I have a feeling that it is something I must know at all cost.

Primis: ....

After being silent for a second, he spoke.

Primis: Once your soul fully dissipates, your sister plans to commit suicide on the spot and follow after you.

Hearing this, everyone widened their eyes in shock, as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Then they looked intently at Barbara who didn't dare to meet their eyes.

Jean: Barbara! Is what Mr. Herrscher said just now truth!? You are really going to kill yourself!

Realizing that there was no point in hiding it anymore, the girl raised her head and looked directly into her sister eyes, full of determination.

Barbara: Now, that that the truth is revealed, let me add a something else… I am not the only one. All the remaining survivors planned to do the same.

Jean: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ember: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eula: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kaeya: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diluc: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lumine: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barbara: We have long decided that if none of you will return, we will also follow.

Jean: Barbara, don't be stupid!

Barbara: I am sorry, Sister. But I won't listen to you this time...…I also want to be selfish for once.

Jean: It's not selfishness but foolishness!!!

Barbara: No matter what you say, you can't stop me, Sister.

Jean: You!

As the Acting Grandmaster was trying to persuade her sister, other Knights also joined.

The Traveler didn't do so while Primis didn't seem surprised as he had expected this outcome.

'Primis: For the remaining survivors, everything is lost. Their friends, families, relatives, all are gone…. When they left the Mondstadt, they didn't even know where to go and were thinking of killing themselves as that time to them it was salvation...But they then again reunited with Knights of Favonius and a flicker of living rekindle in their heart ...…And, now with the death of Knights of Favonius, they will lose their will of living again.'

Sighing, he just shook his head inwardly.

Eula: Mr. Herrscher. Honourable Knight. Please say something and prevent Barbara from giving up on her life.

Primis: it's pointless, Eula.

Eula: Why?

Primis: Only you Knights of Favonius knows the truth between me and Yuuya. Hence, because of Yuuya's influence, in the eyes of people of Mondstadt, I am still not only a stranger but also its enemy...Do you think they will listen to the words of someone like me.

Eula: That's…

Glancing at the direction of Lumine who was also staying quiet, he continued.

Primis: As for Lumine, in the last encounter, she wanted to kill everyone in Mondstadt. Thus, she is also considered as enemy in those people eyes.

Eula: ...

Primis: And finally…

Here, he looked at the Barbara who was gazing intently at her sister.

Primis: Even if I use force to stop her now, in future, when I am not looking or away, she will do the same...…So, it useless.

Hearing this Jean became even more desperate and try to plea with Barbara to let go of such thought. Unfortunately, the girl remained stubborn.

By now Jean and others also noticed that they had become even more transparent and can disappear any second now.

Gritting her teeth, the Acting Grandmaster decided to let go of her pride. Turning towards the direction of Primis, she went down on her knees and touch her head on the ground.


Jean: Mr. Herrscher, I beg you. Please help us. I am willing to pay any price.

She didn't know why but she had a feeling that Primis can resolve it somehow. Think of it as her intuition.

Others Knights gasped at this as they never expected Jean to lower herself this much. They then exchanged glances and nodded as if coming to a decision.


Knights of Favonius: Please Mr. Herrscher.

Jean, Barbara, and Lumine were astonished seeing how the others also followed the example of Acting Grandmaster.

Primis: ....

But the man didn't turn and kept on looking in front.

Lumine: Mr. Erste…

The Traveler muttered while looking at Primis back from the side. Even Ais was doing the same.


Suddenly, there was a groan but no one heard it except Primis who raised his head and looked at the sky.

He can tell that it was the Will of the World again, crying and begging for his aid.

However, compared to last time, Primis didn't refuse outright and went into his thoughts.

A second passed but it felt like an eternity.

Sighing, he spoke.

Primis: Every different decision led to a different outcome, hence gave birth to infinite possibilities, infinite timelines...Yet, they all meet the same end.

Saying, he raised himself and stood on the wall.

Primis: Then I guess, it's fine if out of those Infinite Timelines, there is at least one of them which is different… In which outcome won't change but the fate of people will.... Instead of living in constant fear, misery, pain, and despair, they live their life full of happiness, joy and peace...…Let's give this world...a hope.

Finally, Primis decided to move. And what he was about to do was something that will shock the entire world and will affect the whole "Planar War".



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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