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Author: lazy_door

© WebNovel


Chapter-0: Prologue.

Hello everybody!

How should I say this... I died and was reborn into a children's cartoon…

How it all started, and where I got to.

It all started from the moment when I just woke up in the void... yes, yes, it sounds like a cliched cliche, but…

Okay, that's the way it is, so that's what I'm talking about.

Oh, yes, I woke up, and it turned out that I don't remember who I am and how I got here.…

Place -???

- Hello, young man! - said, a giant, glowing, ball.

- W-who are you? Where am I? Am I dead? - I said.

- My name is too complicated to understand, but you can call me god. At the moment, you and I are in my domain-the Void. Regarding your last question, you really died.

- Then God, what will happen to me now, will I move, as in those fanfics, or will I go to heaven or hell? - I asked, the most important question for myself.

- Yes, I will reincarnate you and even fulfill five of your wishes. - God said.

- GOD, why would such an attitude towards me, as they say, there is no free "food"? - I asked, because you can't be too trusting.

- Yes, I agree with you, but still you were wrong about one thing. I am God and it was I who created this "food", and paying for it is a whim of humanity. But your words also have some truth, so you can consider it as a payment. All this is for my entertainment, because the last individual died a few years ago. Do you agree to this? - God said, in a bored tone.

- Yes! I agree, but where will I be reborn, and what kind of wishes can I wish for? - I said, thinking about the limits of these desires.

- All this will be solved with the help of the wheel of rebirth! Everything depends on your luck here! As for the desires, they are boundless, but choose wisely, because in those worlds in which you will be reborn, you will quickly become bored, and I will have to put the world under destruction so that you can save it, so I would advise not to choose too strong, and so everything is at your discretion. - God said, without changing his tone.

- Well, I agree to be reborn, but can I find out from the beginning which world I will get into? - I asked, in order to prevent confusion.

- Yes, no problem, but you have a lot to lose. - God said, even more bored.

A moment later, a wheel appears in front of us, the height of a nine-story house and millions of worlds on it.

- Okay, now come and click on the button to start.

When I heard him, I went to the button and pressed it. And the wheel began to rotate, gradually gaining speed.

After a while, it began to pause. Looking closely at where the arrow is going to stop, I saw that there were many worlds, but my attention was attracted only by a few of them that were familiar to me: "FT", "OP", "AOT", "WC".

And finally the wheel stopped…

And the words appeared in front of me:

/ Congratulations, you will be relocated to the world of "Winx Club"/

Having learned the place of my rebirth, there was some contradiction of this moment inside me, on the one hand, I was glad that I was not going to be reborn in the unknown, on the other hand, I was close to the anime worlds in which all fans would like to live, but..

- Is there an opportunity to travel through the worlds? - I asked.

- Of course, because there is nowhere without it! I had one such individual, he was not at all interesting, so it is possible. - God said, without going into details.

- Can you explain this to me more specifically? - I asked politely, afraid of infuriating God.

- No problem! There are two ways to achieve this. The first is the simplest-to wish for this ability. To perform the second method, you will need much more time, for this you need to become the strongest, and you will be able to travel through worlds within worlds. So everything is in your hands, but I still tend to choose the second one! - God replied, but at the end he laughed a little.

- Why?

- Because it's more interesting to watch it! - God replied.

- And at what time will I be reborn?

- It will be a secret, but I will only say that it will be before the canon.

- Good! Thank you for answering my questions!

- Well, since we've sorted everything out, I suggest we move on to wishes.

- Hmm... first, I want a quest system, the rewards of which can come from different worlds.

- Done, next!

- For the second wish, I would like world adaptability, that is, I can develop 1000 times faster than an ordinary person.

- Third, I want an improved version of the Marvel symbiote!

- And why do you need it? - God, who had been silent until then, asked.

- Symbiote… It can copy any abilities and bloodline of a living being, as well as give them to other people! If I have such a symbiote, without aggression, obeying only me, I will be able to change the appearance, age and abilities of both myself and other people!

- Well done, you even thought it through! I feel that it will be very interesting to watch you! I agree! - God said.

- The fourth is its own space with potential growth. For the last wish, I want to leave my memories in perfection. Is it possible?

- Of course, I hope that you will not get bored as quickly as I do, but as always there is one "but", well, so you will have 1, 2 and 5 wishes from birth, and 3, 4 only from the age of 10, and you will have the opportunity to pump and get stronger by this time .

- Thank God for your kindness.

- Okay, we're done with you, so let's go ahead.

After his words, my consciousness began to slowly fade.

lazy_door lazy_door

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


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