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one-shots of marvel and Harry Potter one-shots of marvel and Harry Potter original

one-shots of marvel and Harry Potter

Author: tony_stark_3000

© WebNovel

Ch 1 when we first met

A/N: this story is if pepper and Tony met, when they were children and tony never became Ironman and had Morgan.


"Dad, I hate meetings."

You mumbled to your father who was holding your tiny hand. He chuckled and kneeled beside you, looking right into your eyes.

"But you were the one who wanted to follow me here, remember?"

You pouted, and crossed your arms against your chest. As a five-year-old girl, you surely became so adorable when you did that.

Your father poked your nose, making you giggled. Then he stood up when a man approached him. A broad smile plastered his face as he shook his hand.

"Mr Stark, it's so nice to see you."

Your father started. You tilted your head and looked up at the man who you assumed was Mr Stark.

"It's been so long. And I guess, this is your little princess.. pepper?"

Mr Stark introduced you to the boy. He looked like he was older than you. Maybe three or four years older?

"pepper, want to introduce yourself?"asked Your father as he smiled at you. Anthony walked towards you and he gave you a warm smile.

"Hi, I'm Tony."

He was cute, you thought. You slowly walked closer to him and gave him a small smile.

"Hello, I'm pepper."

Anthony didn't know why but your voice made him so happy. Your voice was so beautiful and you were so adorable.

"Dad, can I take pepper to the lab?"

Anthony asked his father. Mr Stark nodded and your father gave you a smile. You both went to the lab where he introduced you to things that you have not learnt yet.

You were surprised that he knew so much about those science-y things. You didn't understand, but you still listened and nodded to what he said.

"pepper, you don't understand, don't you?"

He asked. You bit your lips and shook your head. He sighed.

"I'm sorry if I make you bored-"

"No, I'm not bored. I don't understand but they're interesting. Can you please tell me more?"

You were curious. Tony grinned at your curiosity and nodded. He brought you around the lab, exploring the stuff that you thought were boring but once you learnt them, they were so fun.

Tony showed her all his gadgets and told her that how he want's to become much bigger scientist than his father.when pepper asked him about his friends he didn't said anthing.

pepper thought 'he has no friends,but why he is so nice.dont worry Tony I will be your best friend' then she gained a determined look on her face which looks cute and Tony just stares at her.

they both came out of their thinking and blushed and Tony said "u...m... um sorry, I was- um, I was-" pepper laughed at that and all the awkwardness went away.

And when the time for you to come home, you were sad. You didn't want to leave your new friend, Anthony.

"pepper, say goodbye to your friend."

Your father said, making tears welled in your eyes. Mr Stark smiled when he saw that his son was sad that you were leaving.

"I like you, pepper. I hope I'll see you soon."

Tony said before pressing a kiss on your cheek. You were surprised and a rosy blush creeped out on your face.

"Promise me you'll see me again?"

He asked. You smiled shyly at him and nodded.

20 years later

"I promise, Tony."

You felt arms wrapped around your waist and a kiss was pressed on your head. You chuckled, knowing who it was.

"Promise what, pepper?"

You turned around and saw your husband was grinning at you. Of course, he had heard you just now.

"It's nothing, Tony."

You poked his nose and giggled. He raised his eyebrows and shook his head. He looked at you with a smirk on his lips.

"I heard my name. What were you doing, Mrs Stark?"

He knew how much you loved that name. You blushed and still shut your mouth. He kissed your jaw and went to your neck, making you giggled.

"Anthony, please stop."

"Not until you tell me what you were doing."

He threatened you with a grin. You surrendered and laughed along with him.

"I was remembering.. Those good times."

"Which one?"

Tony rested his forehead against yours while you snaked your arms around his neck.

"The one when you asked me to promise you

that I'll see you again."

You said, trying to hide your smile. Tony smirked and kissed the tip of your nose playfully.

"When we first met."

He breathed out, placing a kiss on your soft lips. You nodded and hummed against his lips.

"The first time I laid my eyes on you, I've fallen in love."

He said, earning a chuckle from you.

"Liar. We were kids back then. We didn't even know what love was."

You smirked. He shrugged and you shrieked when he suddenly carried you bridal style.

"I guess you were the one who taught me about love, pepper."

You grinned at his words and he was proud that he could make you happy everytime he was with you.

"You're too sweet, Tony."

"I know, I know."

then when they went to their brakefast,a little came girl with pepper's hair and Tony's curious eyes.

Tony pulled her into his lap and asked her "what does my princess want to do today"

Morgan rubbed her eyes and yawned cutely and said "I want to learn something new"

Tony smile with a glint in his eyes but pepper sighed and said "sweetie you are too young to learn"

Morgan just sighed and folded her arms and started pouring cutely becouse she knows her mum would not say no when she pout's

Tony smiled at her actions and said "Morgan today is Sunday why don't we visit the new zoo that has opened then we will have your favourite ice cream "

Morgan quickly forgets to pout and jumps out of times lap and runs to her room while shouting "yay! zoo! ice cream!" Tony smile at her joy and prepares for zoo, pepper smile and thinks ‛life did turned out pretty well'.


A/N so, what you guys think about it and forgive me for any spelling mistakes.

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