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Liar Liar.

"Nami…are close to an island?" Luffy asked bored.

"If we continue south, we'll find a small island. It would be nice if we found a ship there." Nami.

"A big ship, big enough for more than 10 people." Kaizo.

"In other words, it's time to eat meat!" Luffy.

"Don't forget the sake." Zoro.

"You guys!" Nami.

"Take it easy Nami otherwise your blood pressure will rise." Kaizo.

"Its not easy with three buffoons as my crewmates." Nami.

"At least these buffoons aren't as weak as you." Kaizo.

"What did you say?!" Nami.

"What you heard, orange!" Kaizo.

The two of them get into a little persecution of one trying to hit the other. Luffy and Zoro were so scared from interfering that Zoro decided to sleep and Luffy kept eating his apples.

(Syrup Village)

the group arrive at Syrup village and are quite happy about it. By the way, Nami got a few bruises from Kaizo and he is completely fine due to Haki.

"Ha…! What a good nap." Zoro.

"More than two hours can barely be considered a nap." Kaizo.

"Ah. so, the village is over there?" Luffy.

"Yes, but it's just a small village…" Nami.

"Oh, in that case…meat! Meat! Meat! Meat! There'll be food in that village, right?" Luffy.

"Can't you think in anything besides meat?" Nami.

"Of course, I think about pork, fish and chicken too." Luffy.

"Idiot." Nami.

"*YAWN* Eh? Careful, we have company." Zoro look at some bushes.

"Eh? Where? Where? Where? Where? Where?" Luffy.

"Watch out!" Zoro/Kaizo.

A barrage of pellets came out from the bushes and were aimed at Luffy's feet, he bas barely dodging the pellets but then he remembered that they wouldn't do anything to him so he stopped.

After a few seconds, the barrage ends and dozens of pirate flags are raised in front of the group.

"Amazing!" Luffy.

"This aint the time to get amazed!" Nami.

A long-nosed person arrives at the peak of the cliff and begins to boast his "greatness".

"HAHAHAHAHA! I'm the leader of the big crew that took this island, Usopp! Everyone praises me and refers to me as Captain Usopp!" Usopp.

Luffy's amazed smile suddenly drops after he realizes something.

"If you're planning to take over this village, I'll save you the trouble. Or else, my 80 million men will destroy you!" Usopp.

"AMAZING!!!!!!!!" Luffy.

'Since his smile dropped, I thought he knew that he is lying.' Kaizo.

The narrator is also confused but didn't paid attention to that detail.

"That's a lie, isn't it?" Nami.

"Crap! She found out!" Usopp.

'Oi, don't you know that the best technique to lie is to keep the composure and make a poker face?' Kaizo.

"She found out! This'll end badly!" Usopp.

"What?! He was lying!?" Luffy.

"Curse you! 80 million is an exaggeration but, I've got some strong and reliable Nakamas!" Usopp.

Usopp's "crewmembers" were moving the flags to pose as some powerful pirates but, Nami quickly found out about their scheme.

"They're just three?" Nami.

"AHHHH! SHE FOUND OUT! RUN!" Usopp's crewmates run away from the scene.

"Oi! You guys, don't escape without me!" Usopp.

'I wonder, was he always a coward or did he become a coward because he never got his ass beaten by the villagers?' Kaizo wondered.

"I've never seen a pirate use pachinko balls as projectiles before." Nami.

"HAHAHAHA! You are a very funny guy. HAHAHAHA!" Luffy.

"Hey you! Don't laugh at me! I'm a man of pride! Due to my big pride. People call me…Usopp the Prideful!" Usopp.

"Since you are pointing your weapon at me, a pirate, you are betting you life." Luffy intimidates Usopp with his serious face.

"This aint some kids game." Luffy.

Both Kaizo and Zoro smirk and slowly unsheathes their swords.

"The one in front of you, is a real pirate." Zoro.

"If you think that you can defeat him with that half-assed will then, prepare to die." Kaizo.

Usopp was trying his best to keep his façade up but in the end, he gave into his cowardness and dropped his slingshot.

"No doubt about it, a real pirate talks even more intensively than me. Incredible." Usopp spoke in a defeated tone.

Luffy, Zoro and Kaizo begin to laugh after Usopp's statement, much to his annoyance.

"I only…repeated what a pirate I know and respect, Shanks, said once." Luffy.

"Sh-Shanks?! The Red-Haired Pirates captain, Shanks!? You know such legendary pirate?!" Usopp.

"Yes. Yasopp, isn't it? He's your father." Luffy.

Out of excitement, Usopp fell and crashed into the sand but was fine.

"It's true that Yasopp is the name of my father but, how did you know that?" Usopp.

The group left the coast and went towards the nearest restaurant. Luffy was as usual hogging the meat and sometimes fighting over it against Kaizo and Zoro was more busy drinking his sake.

"I met your father when I was a kid." Luffy.

"So, my father ended in Shank's ship, huh?" Usopp.

"Yeah, you and him are very similar so, the moment I saw you I knew you were his son." Luffy.

"Really? I never expected my dad to be in such a ship." Usopp.

"I don't know where he is right now but, I'm pretty sure he's still in that ship. Your dad's marksmanship was amazing." Luffy.

Luffy remembers Yasopp.

"I've heard about you over and over again until I was tired of it." Luffy.

"Your father is known as one of the best sharpshooters in the whole world." Kaizo.

"He is?" Luffy.

"Yeah, I heard that he can accurately snipe someone from more than a thousand feet away." Kaizo.

"Amazing!" Luffy/Usopp.

"Your dad's achievements aside, is there any place in this island where we can get a boat?" Nami.

"Well, as you can see, this is a small village. I'm sorry but, there's no one that could help you with that." Usopp.

"Isn't there supposes to be a rich girl living in this village?" Kaizo.

"Rich girl?!" Nami had Berries in her eyes.

"Oi! Don't even think about extorting her!" Usopp confronted Kaizo defensively.

"We were not going to do that; I was thinking on something more… Sophisticated. Like telling her to give us a quest, we complete it and then we get the ship as a reward." Kaizo explained.

"Ah! I-I just remembered that I have some business to take care of, goodbye!" Usopp left the restaurant.

"What's with him having that much hurry?" Nami.

"Probably he's friends with that rich chick and wants to make sure we don't abuse of her kindness or whatever." Kaizo.

"Should we follow him?" Nami.

"Nah! Let's finish eating before deciding anything else." Kaizo.

Before Nami could respond, the three kids that are part of Usopp's "pirate crew" appeared in the restaurant.

"Who are they?" Nami.

"The three brats on the beach earlier." Kaizo didn't mind and kept eating.

"Hey, pirates! What did you do to our captain!?" Piiman asked. (The green-haired one)

"He left a while ago; said he had some important business." Kaizo.

"Oh, so that's what happened." Piiman.

After finishing their meals, the kids began to guide the Straw Hats around the village and arrive at the mansion where Kaya lives.

"If you can't find our captain then, he must be here." Tamanegi. (The one with glasses)

"Isn't this the house of the rich chick?" Kaizo.

"What would he do here?" Luffy.

"He comes here to lie." Ninjin. (The one with the orange hat)

"That's not something to be proud of." Nami scolded them.

'Said the thief.' Kaizo.

"Yes, but in this case it's different, right?" Piiman.

"Yeah!" Ninjin/Tamanegi.

"What do you mean by that?" Zoro.

"Miss Kaya lives here in the mansion and has a frail body. A year ago, her parents died from an illness and she got really depressed. No matter how much money she had, the pain wouldn't go away. And so, the captain makes her laugh with his lies." Tamanegi.

"Captain's ability to lie is second to none." Ninjin.

"What? He's a good guy." Luffy.

"Yes!" The three kids.

"Still, does the miss feels any better?" Nami.

"Yes, much better." Piiman.

"Yosh! Let's aske her for a boat." Luffy.

"I wouldn't recommend that." Kaizo.

"Huh? Why?" Luffy.

"If this chick-I mean Miss is as rich as she's presented, wouldn't be obvious that their bodyguards be worried of people taking advantages from her money?"

"Not to mention that Usopp's father is a pirate, that alone is a reputation that could end their friendship. Do you want to ruin their friendship?" Kaizo.

"Hm…I don't want to ruin his friendship." Luffy.

"Then, lets go with my plan, we'll ask for a task in exchange of the boat." Kaizo.

"Oh! Nice one Kaizo!" Luffy.

[Gomu-Gomu No: Oyamashimasu/Excuse me!]

Luffy stretched his arms and flew over the fence, everyone else besides Kaizo grabbed his body.

'I could've told them about Usopp's secret entrance.' Kaizo thought while walking towards the secret entrance.

'Yeah, I could have.' Kaizo entered the mansion and decided to wait.

"And then, I shot a giant pachinko and scared them away!" Usopp told Kaya while her attention was shifted towards the 6 persons that were falling from the sky.

"What's that…?" Kaya.

"Huh?" Usopp looks upwards and sees the group falling from the skies.


"Perfect entry!" Luffy.

"NO IT WASN'T!" Nami.

"Are you guys ok?" Kaya.

"They're fine, they're fine, they are part of my pirate crew, the Usopp's Pirates." Usopp.

"Huh? Where's Kaizo? Did he get lost?" Zoro.

"You are the last person I wanna hear that from, ever!" Kaizo spoke as he casually walked towards the group.

"How are you not bruised?" Nami.

"I simply used Usopp's secret passage, it was a few steps away from where you guys lifted off." Kaizo.


"Didn't felt like it." Kaizo started to pick his nose and stick his tongue out to Nami.

Nami once again tried to smack Kaizo but, the blue-haired teen was too fast for her.

"You, over there! What are you doing here?" Kurahadol.

Kurahadol, a butler of Kaya's mansion.

"We came here for a quest." Kaizo.

"A quest?" Kurahadol.

"A quest for a big ship." Kaizo.

"I don't care about your necessities, all that matters is Miss Kaya's health. Now then, Usopp-kun!" Kurahadol.

Usopp flinches behind the tree he was hiding.

(I see fit to say that I will be using scenarios from the anime to make the story feel more alive, that includes the filler arcs and some movies.)

"I hear rumors about you all the time. You are quite famous you know." Kurahadol.

"I-is that so?" Usopp.

"Yes, you're quite the troublemaker. Not bad for someone this young." Kurahadol.

"Then, I'll allow you the permission to call me Captain Usopp. That way my name may spread all over." Usopp.

"Captain, eh? I've heard stories about your father." Kurahadol.

"What?" Usopp.

"Kurahadol, stop it!" Kaya.

"You're just the son of some low-class pirate!" Kurahadol.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaizo began to laugh.

No one could understand why he began to laugh but Usopp began to see him with hatred.

"Sorry, sorry, I wasn't lying at your father Usopp. I was laughing at his idiotic statement." Kaizo was explaining while holding his laughter.

"My statement was idiotic? Do tell what's wrong with my statement." Kurahadol felt insulted by Kaizo's words.

"Ok, listen well. In the second part of the grand line, New World, are three major powers; The Marines, who carry justice against evil and fight pirates, The Seven Warlords of the Sea, they are pirates that are under the protection of the World Government and are free to do their piracy legally, and finally The Four Emperors, they are the four strongest pirate crews in the whole ocean. The Emperors are: 'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate, 'Big Mom' Charlotte Linlin, "Strongest Creature" Kaido and finally, the youngest of them, 'Akagami/Red-Haired' Shanks!" Kaizo.

Luffy, Zoro, Nami and Usopp were surprised by the amount of information Kaizo has but they were more impressed by the statement he was about to make.

"What does that have to do with this?!" Kurahadol was getting tired of Kaizo's rambling.

"What did you call Usopp's father again? A 'Low-class pirate?' well, Usopp's father so happens to be one of the top members of the Red-Haired Pirates." Kaizo grins evilly.

Kurahadol, along with the rest, are surprised about Usopp's background due to his father's reputation.

"Proof! Do you have any proof about what you just said?" Kurahadol.

'Getting flustered, are we?'

"Just look for his wanted poster, his name is Yasopp. I'm sure a person like Miss Kaya can find the poster thanks to all the money she has, not that it would be a problem anyway." Kaizo.

Kurahadol's plan failed, he wanted to taunt Usopp so that he would get hit and convince Kaya that Usopp is a bad influence. After imprisoning her inside the mansion, Jango was supposed to hypnotize Kaya into making Kuro the heir to her fortunes and then kill her.

'I wonder how things will develop.' Kaizo.

ZackDKaizo ZackDKaizo

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