Following a 'mysterious' turn of events, MC finds himself being dunked in the world of 'One Piece'. With a equally mysterious past and the search for his lost father the story unfolds with a subtle twist and a chance meeting with the Hero...sorry...The Pirate Luffy takes the MC on an adventure of a lifetime...
As they goes nothing or perhaps everything..
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Write a reviewOne of the best fan-fic I've seen for one piece and other fan-fic novels, so far so good soo keep up the good work! Well there are other good ones too but those are already been trashed because they stop working on it, saying things like 'I'm going on a vacation' or 'this is just a test novel or something' etc. So right now really looking forward to yours, heheh...pls "don't drop it".
Author Dastaan
Writing had some mistakes, world background perfect, story had a little bit of plot hole, and mc fruit way 2 op but luckily author nerfed and stufd so book didnt becme trash. LASTLY WAY TOO MUCH WORDS IN A CHAPTER, its only 4 but in normal novels itd be 12-16. Also book is dropped. I liked the book though, if u start it again reply so I can read and update review.