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94.09% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 207: Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Chapter 207

"Ross, do you think it wise to put your trust in Vegapunk?" Dragon stepped up as we watched the World Government ship sail away into the horizon.

"Don't you trust him, Dragon-san?" I asked, keeping my eye on the tiny speck vanishing into the setting sun.

"It's complicated. I don't know where that man's true allegiance lies. I would suggest you stay away from him if possible," Dragon said cryptically.

"Dragon-san, you're good, but not good enough." I turned to him with a smirk. "If you didn't trust his character, you wouldn't have shown up to help him in the first place. And you're worried about how strong my family and I will become with Vegapunk's help, aren't you?" I asked, and Dragon's face remained neutral.

"Like it or not, our ideals clash. You like to deprive us of anything that might give us an advantage, isn't that right, Dragon-san?"

"Sigh! You are a dangerous one, Ross. My mind tells me I should get rid of you while I have the chance, while I am still strong enough to beat you. Who knows how strong you will grow in the future? But my gut tells me that it would be the worst decision I could make. You might not have realized it yet, but you are different. You are different from how you perceive yourself to be," Dragon added, looking at me complexly.

I was right. He wanted to deprive us of the chance to collaborate with Vegapunk because he had no idea what we had spoken about earlier. Any plan I came up with would have far-reaching consequences, and he didn't want to face such anomalies in the future. He felt like he was in the light, while my actions were shrouded in darkness.

"Thank you for being honest, Dragon-san. At least I can rest assured that I wouldn't be stabbed in the back while working with a man like you. And who knows who would end up as the victor in this great game we're all playing?" I chuckled.

"Ah yes, speaking of games, are you aware that the World Nobles are reinstating the Native Hunting Competition?" I asked with nonchalance, knowing full well how this information would unsettle him. Doffy had shared a lot of intel about the Native Hunting Competition, and it was going to be a big event, maybe even comparable to the Gods Valley incident.

The location picked for it was an interesting choice. From the spies in the Holy Land, I knew the entirety of the World Nobles were riled up for the event that had been suspended for close to two decades.

"What... What did you just say?" Dragon's emotionless face faltered as he lost composure for a second. "Is this intel reliable? Tell me, Ross, what else do you know about it?" he questioned in a hurry. If the Revolutionaries could disrupt something like this, it would be a perfect way to announce the birth of the Revolutionary Army to the world.

I paused for a moment, savoring the impact of my words, before continuing. "The intel is solid. According to my sources, the event is set to take place in a place you are very familiar with. They've already started making the preparations, setting up plans, and importing exotic creatures to make the hunt more 'entertaining' for the Celestial Dragons."

Dragon's expression darkened. "And on which island exactly are they planning to carry out this genocide? Who are they planning to hunt?"

"In addition to the inhabitants of the island, slaves, prisoners, and 'undesirables' from various walks of life, they're rounding them up as we speak. This isn't just a hunt; it's a spectacle for the Celestial Dragons to display their power and cruelty. From the scale on which they are planning things, it seems to be an event much bigger than the one in God's Valley."

Dragon eyes widened in shock and then clenched his fists, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "This could be the opportunity we've been waiting for. If we can expose this atrocity and disrupt the event, it would send a powerful message to the world."

"In that case, you might not have to exert much effort because the revolutionaries are already on the ground, giving you a head start," I said with a dark smile.

Dragon, who had been contemplating the ambition of disrupting the event, suddenly turned to me, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Ross, are you certain?" He roared, his haki lashing out as anger and frustration seeped from him.

"Yes, Dragon-san! The target for this year's Native Hunting Competition is the Sorbet Kingdom, where your revolutionaries are currently aiding the rebellion in overthrowing the current monarchy," I added. Dragon was still trying to process what I had said, but he knew I wouldn't lie about something so significant.

"But... but why? The Sorbet Kingdom is a country affiliated with the World Government. Why did they target the Sorbet Kingdom?" Dragon questioned, his mind racing to formulate countermeasures.

"Well, you can thank yourself and the revolutionaries for this. Maybe they realized Sorbet Kingdom was lost, and it seems they are trying to send a message to the world, just like you are trying to send one to them. Man! I can't wait; this is going to be fun," I chuckled, and Dragon's face soured.

"Ross..." Dragon started, but I interrupted him. "I know what you want to ask, Dragon-san, but sorry, I am not going to throw my family into this mess to save the necks of your comrades. As much as I respect what you are trying to achieve, I am afraid I can't be of any help." I wanted to make it clear: if there was a gain in helping the Revolutionaries, I would, but if not, I was content with seeing the World Government and the Revolutionaries at each other's throats.

"Like I said earlier, you are a cruel one. It seems you have already forgotten that I helped your brother earlier in Germa Kingdom," Dragon added, trying to force my hand into helping him. If what I said was true, the World Government was planning to wipe out the revolutionaries in Sorbet Kingdom, and they were the elites of his budding group; his force couldn't afford such a loss.

"Dragon-san, I repaid you much more than you asked for your help, and I didn't even bring up the 25 billion that your Revolutionaries took in addition to what was promised. Look, me sharing this news in advance is already doing you a favor," I said, my eyes narrowing sharply.

"Have you considered what would have happened to your group if you learned about this too late? From what I know, they are planning a massive blockade, and the Marines are also involved this time around. So you better find a solution to the situation in Sorbet Kingdom," I said while tossing him a document containing some information I deemed fit to share.

Dragon is someone I wanted to keep a neutral relationship with because he is one of the best distractions I currently have. With him being active, the World Government cannot lay down their cards openly, giving us the time we need to grow.

"What about my old man? Did he not do anything against this?" Dragon sighed, looking into the folder.

"Oh, he does what he does best. I heard he ignored the Fleet Admiral's order and returned to East Blue. I suppose he will stay out of this, like a bystander as he always is," I chuckled, further souring Dragon's mood. This was a mess—a complete mess.

"How much time do I have?" he asked hurriedly.

I quickly thought back. "Three, maybe four weeks tops. They haven't mobilized in force yet because they don't want to startle their prey," I smiled.

Dragon's eyes blazed with determination as he processed the information. "Thank you for this, Ross. Whether you intended it or not, you've given us a chance. We will not let this opportunity slip."

"Good luck, Dragon-san. You're going to need it," I said, watching as he turned away, already formulating plans and strategies in his mind. The game was set, and the pieces were in motion. Only time would tell who would emerge victorious.


Shimotsuki village, East Blue

"Beat him... Beat him... Beat him to a pulp! Yeah!!!" Mansherry cheered from the sidelines as the entire dojo of Isshin students attempted to subdue Lucci. More than a hundred students swung their practice swords, trying to land at least a single hit on the blindfolded Lucci. Mansherry, Leo, and Robin were fervently cheering for Lucci, who effortlessly countered every attack, making a mockery of the Isshin Dojo students.

Koushirou stood outside the training area, shaking his head in exasperation. He couldn't blame anyone but his own students, who had foolishly asked for this painful lesson. Lucci had been commanding the other kids, and they challenged him, eager to take his position. Lucci had offered them a chance: anyone who could beat him would take his place.

Mihawk had settled down on Shimotsuki Island for the time being. Despite Kozaburo losing his sword arm, he had much to share about swordsmanship, and like Ross, Mihawk had made significant progress.

"Koushirou-dono, I think it's better we put a stop to this. Lucci-kun has a tendency to go overboard, even in training," Miyamoto advised, noting how Lucci's hits were becoming increasingly heavy-handed. If they allowed this to continue, they might end up with seriously injured kids.

Lucci ducked under another kick from behind. Although he was blindfolded, his observation Haki was at a decent level, allowing him to dodge the attacks from these children. With the training regimen Ross had introduced, two kids in the Isshin Dojo were showing signs of awakening Haki.

Even Koushirou was surprised that the crude training method of blindfolded beating could help them awaken Haki. Although Koushirou made this type of training voluntary, nearly two dozen children initially joined. However, after two days, more than half had quit, leaving only seven dedicated participants, two of whom were on the threshold of awakening Haki.

Originally, Koushirou had no intention of teaching the children about Haki, deeming it unnecessary in the East Blue Sea. However, Ross had convinced him otherwise, arguing that if Koushirou wanted to teach, he should do so wholeheartedly. Half-baked knowledge would only endanger the children who might venture into the world in the future.

Since then, Isshin Dojo has been imparting the basic principles of observation and armament Haki. The children, who had always wondered how Lucci could dodge their attacks as if he had eyes all over his body, now understood and strove to catch up. However, they had picked the wrong target in Lucci, aiming too high from the start.

"Shit! Just one hit, just one hit! I don't believe we can't even manage to land a single hit," a boy roared as he launched himself forward. But Lucci's fist was faster, crashing into his jaw and sending him flying. Lucci danced through the training field like a storm, knocking out one child after another.

Suddenly, a boy picked up a fistful of sand and hurled it at Lucci's eyes. Only then did he realize how stupid his action was, as Lucci was already blindfolded. Before he could surrender, Lucci was upon him, sending him crashing with a punch to the gut. Lucci was struggling to hold back his strength, having been pummeling sea kings with his bare hands. If he unleashed his full power, he might end up killing these kids.

"Enough!" Koushirou finally called out, stepping forward. "Lucci, that's enough for today."

Lucci stopped immediately, removing his blindfold and looking at the scattered, groaning children around him. "Understood, Koushirou-sensei," he said, bowing slightly.

The children, though battered and bruised, had a newfound respect for Haki and the strength it required. They had a long way to go, but today's lesson was a step in the right direction.

Koushirou turned to Miyamoto, who nodded in agreement. "We'll need to adjust the training regimen. This was... enlightening, but we need to ensure the children's safety as well, Koushirou san."

"Agreed," Koushirou replied, looking at the determined faces of his students. "We'll find a balance. For now, let's get them treated."

As the students were taken to be treated, Lucci walked over to Mansherry, Leo, and Robin. "Did you enjoy the show?" he asked with a cold smirk.

Little Robin pouted. "You didn't have to be so rough, Lucci."

Mansherry laughed with delight. If she had been allowed, she would have liked to beat up some kids too. "Yeah, but it was impressive. They'll think twice before challenging you again."

Leo nodded thoughtfully. "It's a harsh lesson, but sometimes those are the most effective."

Lucci's cold smirk widened. "Let's see if they can rise to the challenge. If they can't, they have no place in the world beyond this island."

Koushirou overheard and smiled. Despite Lucci's harsh methods, he knew the boy was right. The world was a harsh place, and his students needed to be prepared. And it was better to shed blood here rather than risk their lives elsewhere.

As the kids were discussing, Mihawk returned to the dojo, having spent the morning training in the mountains. He carried something unusual in his hands.

"What's that?" Mansherry asked curiously as she pounced onto Mihawk's shoulder. Leo, who wanted to follow suit, was flicked away by Mihawk with a casual swipe.

"Why does only the princess get the special treatment?" Leo roared, rubbing his head. But Mansherry's glare made him cover his mouth with his hands. Robin chuckled at Leo's antics, feeling a bit sorry for him. Even Ross only allowed Mansherry to sit on his shoulders, and whenever Leo tried sneakily, he was taught a painful lesson.

Everyone's attention turned back to Mihawk, ignoring Leo's complaints. Mihawk carefully placed down what seemed like a small nest. Even Koushirou and Miyamoto approached, intrigued by the lively atmosphere. Despite Mihawk's distant demeanor, he was warm with the children, especially Ross's group.

"Is that what I think it is?" Koushirou said in surprise, recognizing the small fledglings within the nest. "I thought these birds had gone extinct. I never would have thought I'd see a Stormwing Hawk."

The children gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder. The nest contained three tiny, fierce-looking fledglings, their downy feathers already showing hints of the majestic snow white plumage they would one day have. The Stormwing Hawk was a legendary bird of prey, known for its unparalleled speed and razor-sharp talons. In addition, there were quite a few other rumors surrounding these birds.

"Where did you find them, Mihawk-san?" Robin asked, her voice filled with awe.

"In the mountains," Mihawk replied, his usually stern expression softening slightly. "Their nest had fallen from a cliff. I thought it best to bring them here."

Mansherry leaned in closer to the nest, her eyes sparkling. "They're so cute! Can we keep them?"


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