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87.27% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 192: Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Chapter 192

Whole Cake Island, New World

"Mamamama!!!!" Big Mom's laugh reverberated throughout the throne room, but the atmosphere was anything but jovial. Everyone in the room knew how angry Big Mom was right now. As seconds passed, the laughter only picked up pace, and the pressure emitted by Big Mom increased dramatically. The homies in the surrounding area all fled, sensing the imminent threat emanating from her.

After a few minutes of mad laughter, it abruptly ceased. With eyes filled with wrath, Big Mom looked straight at Smoothie and the rest of the siblings who had gone to recover the mythical Zoan fruit. She scanned everyone, and then her eyes settled on Vinsmoke Judge, who was bound and restrained.

"Mamamama, so not once, not twice, but now it has been three times that those little Donquixote brats have challenged me. Do they think the name Charlotte Linlin holds no more meaning on the seas?" She bellowed, her question echoing through the room. The only reason she had yet to punish Smoothie and the gang was because her fury was now completely directed at the two Donquixote brothers.

Big Mom turned to Perospero. "So tell me, where are those brats now?"

Perospero couldn't help but sweat as he spoke. "Our latest intel states that Doflamingo is still in North Blue, moving around as if looking for something or someone. As for the little one, he seems to have vanished. The last time he was spotted was in South Blue," he said, his voice trembling.

"So what you mean to say is that you don't know?" Her massive form leaned forward, her face growling menacingly as she came face-to-face with Perospero.

"No, Mama, it's just..." But before he could finish, Big Mom extended her hand and grabbed another crew member responsible for intelligence. To the shock of all the siblings, she sucked out the very soul of the person, leaving behind only a husk. Katakuri, who had been prepared to intervene, calmed down after foreseeing the outcome with his observatio haki.

"Prepare the ships. I will personally make a trip to Dressrosa and raze it to the ground. I will make those brats come to me. Do they think they can challenge me and survive on these seas?" she ordered. A few subordinates, as if given freedom, ran to relay their captain's command.

Perospero, however, picked up the courage to speak. He had been humiliated most by the Donquixote brothers, having been captured by them. "Mama, are we going to kill the Donquixote brothers?" he asked curiously.

Big Mom's glare sent a shiver down his spine. "Kill them? Mamamama! Why would I kill such powerful underlings? I will have them join the Big Mom Pirates. I still have quite a few daughters unwed. I will have those brothers toil for me until their deaths," she said with a grin. Perospero also cackled at the prospect, knowing how powerful the two brothers were. Even Katakuri had been bested by the younger brother.

Katakuri, however, soured. He keenly understood what kind of people the Donquixotes were in the short time he had spent with them. "Mama, what if they refuse to join our cause?" he questioned, causing Big Mom to rage again.

"Do they dare? Well, there's no need for people who cannot serve me, so we will just have to kill them. And Dressrosa seems to be garnering quite a bit of fame since the brothers took over the kingdom, so it would be a decent addition to our territory," she laughed.

The room buzzed with activity as preparations began for the assault on Dressrosa. Big Mom's immense figure towered over everyone, her presence a looming storm. Her children, loyal and fearful, moved quickly to carry out her commands. Ships were readied, and the word spread through Totto Land that their formidable captain was preparing to set sail.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the throne room, Vinsmoke Judge looked on with a mix of fear and curiosity. His defeat had been swift and humiliating, but he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer power and ferocity of Charlotte Linlin. Doflamingo had humiliated him and brought ruin to his whole kingdom, destroying everything that he had built, and now it seemed like he had drawn the ire of one of the most powerful pirates in the world.

As the preparations continued, Perospero approached Katakuri. "Brother, do you really think the Donquixote brothers will bend to Mama's will?" He asked quietly.

Katakuri's eyes narrowed as he gazed out at the bustling activity. "The Donquixotes are not like others we've faced. They are cunning and strong. If they see no benefit in joining us, they will resist with everything they have. We must be prepared for a difficult battle."

Perospero nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The Donquixote brothers were formidable, and their ambition rivaled even that of the Big Mom Pirates. The upcoming confrontation would be a test of strength and strategy, and the outcome was far from certain.

As the sun set over Totto Land, the ships were ready to set sail. Big Mom stood at the forefront, her imposing figure casting a long shadow. Her eyes burned with determination and wrath. She would show the world that Charlotte Linlin was not to be trifled with. And as for the Donquixote brothers, they would either join her cause or be obliterated from the face of the world.


Kuen Village, North Blue

A massive galleon flying the colors of the Donquixote Pirates docked next to the shallow shore of the island. Doflamingo, followed by Senor and little Reiju, stepped onto the shore. Senor and Diamante had already woken up and healed enough to move around. But what really surprised Doflamingo was how fast the little girl had recovered from such a fatal wound.

Then he remembered what his brother had said about Vinsmoke's daughter: She had been modified through countless experiments and could no longer be called a regular human. At just three years old, she was far stronger and more mature than her age suggested.

Even before Doflamingo had offered to have her join, the little girl had requested to serve amongst the crew doing menial jobs. It seemed she understood that in this cruel world, if she was of no use, she would be discarded without a second thought.

The way Reiju controlled her emotions gave even Doflamingo goosebumps. He was tempted to take Reiju as his disciple, like how his brother had taken a disciple. As the elder brother, he should have a disciple too, right?

Once again, his brother was right: if Reiju was groomed and her loyalty was earned, she would become a pillar of the family. By now, Doflamingo was proficient in gaining the trust of little children after being around so many.

"This is simply a wasteland," Senor commented, holding what seemed like a wooden crate filled with fruits, whose purpose was unknown but were Master Doffy's orders. Even little Reiju looked around the island curiously. Even from the edge of the island, it was evident that this was a harsh place.

"Captain! Why are we in this barren land? I don't think we can restock supplies on this island. I'm afraid we can't even find a fresh water source here," Reiju commented. Since she was young, other than undergoing countless experiments, she was forced to cram for knowledge. She was simply raised to help the Vinsmokes create the perfect soldier, and the success of her experiments culminated in Judge modifying the quadruplets, which he deemed his ultimate creations.

"Oh, we aren't here for supplies. We are looking for a certain someone," Doffy commented while his observation Haki spread out, detecting any lifeforms in the vicinity. He couldn't help but smirk as he realized what was going on. It seemed their massive galleon hadn't gone unnoticed, and there were quite a few people hidden in the shadows, ready to strike.

Hunger makes people desperate. He couldn't help but chuckle. He never held sympathy; he believed in the ideals of survival of the fittest. In his opinion, even if someone was born on this island, if they had the tenacity and will to escape this nightmare, they could do so. The only exception might be the infants, but that is how nature is—cruel to its very bones, or rather, just fair to everyone, not discriminating.

As they walked further inland, the harsh reality of the island became more apparent. The ground was cracked and dry, with only sparse patches of vegetation struggling to survive. The air was thick with the stench of decay, and the few visible structures were dilapidated and crumbling.

"This place is a hellhole," Senor muttered, shaking his head. "Who could possibly live here?"

"We'll find out soon enough," Doffy replied, his eyes scanning the horizon. His Observation Haki picked up faint signs of life ahead. "Keep your guard up. We're not alone."

As they continued, a group of emaciated figures emerged from the shadows, brandishing makeshift weapons. Their eyes were hollow and desperate, driven to the brink by hunger and despair.

"Stay back!" one of them shouted, his voice trembling. "Hand over all your food or we will kill you, your ship... Your ship must have lots of food, right?"

Doflamingo raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. He casually picked up a fruit from the crate that Senor was holding and began to play with it. The eyes of the islanders who had surrounded them were filled with madness.

When was the last time they had seen a fruit? They gnawed on roots, tree bark, worms, insects, and rodents—anything they could get their hands on to survive. Sometimes, unknown to the rest, a few even resorted to eating the cadavers of the dead to sustain themselves.

"You... hand that over!" The man who had threatened them spoke again, his voice trembling with desperation as he pointed at the wooden crate that Senor was holding. Hunger and greed were evident in his eyes. Unconsciously, his legs started moving, wanting to snatch the crate away from Senor. Seeing him, the rest of the islanders felt emboldened and began making their move.

There was food, and that was all that mattered. If anyone came in their way, they would kill them. This was not the first time pirates had made land on this island, but despite all odds, they were still here. They had always overpowered the pirates with sheer numbers.

But just as the man in the lead was about ten meters from Doflamingo, a blue flame surged forth, and a piercing scream filled the entire area, freezing everyone mid-step.

"Aaaaargh!!" The scream was bone-chilling. Doflamingo took his time sending the message across, and within a few seconds, there was nothing left but ashes. The display of power and the fear of death brought clarity to the others who were about to attack the three new visitors to the island.

Senor, used to such acts from his master, stood unflinching. Even little Reiju remained composed, not showing much discomfort as the man was burned to cinders before her eyes. She had seen worse under her father's experiments.

Doflamingo's smirk grew wider as he addressed the petrified islanders. "You think you can threaten me? You think you can take what belongs to me?" His voice was calm, yet it carried a menace that sent shivers down their spines.

He tossed the fruit into little Reiju's hands, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he observed the terror-stricken faces. "Now, let's not waste any more time. We're looking for a certain someone. A little girl, around three years old. Have you seen anyone like that?"

The islanders were bewildered. The visitors were here looking for someone? Why would anyone come to this forsaken island searching for someone? Within the island, almost everyone knew each other, and the few children around were known to all.

Their thoughts immediately went to the little girl whose mother the villagers had convinced to abandon the little child in the mountains because the child was a burden in such a harsh environment.

The leader of the group, now quivering with fear, managed to stammer, "There was a girl... but... but she was abandoned in the back mountains a couple of months ago... deeper inland. If she's still alive, that's where she'll be."

Doflamingo's veins popped in anger at the mention that the girl might be dead. Ross had stressed the importance of finding the girl. Turning to the rest of the villagers, he pointed at the crate. "Whoever can find the girl for me alive, that's your reward!"

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in. They already knew they were no match for these pirates, so they immediately scrambled in the direction of the back mountains to find the little girl. None believed that the girl would have survived, but if luck favored them, they could have all that fruit to themselves.

Doflamingo walked in the direction of the back mountains, not wanting to rely solely on these islanders. His observation haki would make his search easier. He even ordered some of his crew to check the village for any information about the little girl.

After a couple of hours of searching, Senor finally found a trace. His heart sank as he crawled through the dense underbrush, the thorny bushes tearing at his clothes and scratching his skin. Doflamingo had sensed a faint life force deep within the mountain, and Senor had been tasked with finding it. The closer he got, the stronger the sense of dread became.

After what felt like hours of searching, Senor finally reached a small, hidden cave. He had to squeeze through a narrow opening, the rocks scraping against his body. Inside, the air was stale and damp, and the darkness was almost suffocating. But then he saw her.

Huddled in a corner, barely visible in the dim light filtering through the entrance, was a tiny girl. She couldn't have been more than three years old. Her hair was matted and tangled, and her clothes were nothing but filthy rags hanging off her emaciated frame. Her skin was pale and streaked with dirt, crisscrossed with countless scratches and bruises, some of them infected and oozing.

Senor's breath caught in his throat as he realized what she was doing. The little girl was gnawing on the bones of a rodent, her eyes wild and desperate. She looked up at him, her expression feral, as if she were more animal than human. Her lips were cracked and bleeding, and her cheeks were hollow from starvation.

"Hey, little one," Senor whispered, trying to keep his voice gentle despite the lump in his throat. "I'm here to help you."

The girl flinched, clutching the bones tighter as if they were her only lifeline. She didn't speak, her eyes darting around in fear. Senor noticed the makeshift shelter she had created from the cave's sparse resources. It was pitifully inadequate, with just a few branches and leaves arranged to provide minimal cover.

As he inched closer, Senor saw more signs of her desperate struggle for survival. The girl's arms and legs were covered in deep scratches, likely from the thorny bushes outside. Her feet were bare and blistered, and her toenails were cracked and broken. She had tried to return to the village multiple times, judging by the fresh and old wounds alike, but had been chased away again and again.

"Please, don't be afraid," Senor said, his voice breaking slightly. "I'm here to take you somewhere safe. You don't have to be alone anymore."

The girl stared at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of suspicion and hope. Slowly, she released the bones and crawled towards him, her movements slow and painful. Senor's heart ached at the sight. How could anyone abandon a child like this?

He reached out and gently lifted her into his arms. She was so light, almost weightless, and he could feel every bone in her body. She clung to him, her tiny hands clutching at his shirt as if afraid he might disappear. Senor felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes but blinked them away, focusing on the task at hand.

As he carefully made his way back out of the cave, the girl nestled against his chest, her breathing shallow and ragged. Senor whispered soothing words to her, promising that she would be safe now and that she would never have to suffer like this again. He knew that Doflamingo had a dark side, but in this moment, he believed that they could offer her a better life.

When they emerged from the cave, Doflamingo and Reiju were waiting. Doflamingo's usual stern expression softened as he saw the girl in Senor's arms. Reiju's eyes widened in shock and pity.

"We found her," Senor said, his voice barely above a whisper. "But she's in bad shape."

Doflamingo nodded, his face grim. "Let's get her back to the ship. She needs medical attention immediately."

As they made their way back, the little girl clung to Senor, her eyes closing as exhaustion overtook her. Senor held her tightly, vowing silently that he would do everything in his power to protect the little girl from now on. No child should have to endure what she has gone through.

As they finally reached the ship, Doflamingo noticed a crowd of desperate islanders gathered near the shore, their eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear. Among them, a scrawny woman, all skin and bones, stepped forward hesitantly. Her eyes, however, were not filled with concern for the child but with a ravenous hunger for the rewards promised.

"That's... that's my daughter!" She cried, pointing a trembling finger at the little girl cradled in Senor's arms.

Doflamingo's eyes narrowed as he assessed the woman. He could see through her façade. More than her concern for her daughter, her eyes were set on the crate of fruits that had been promised as a reward. A cruel smirk played on his lips as he picked up the crate and walked toward the woman.

"She is no longer your daughter," he said coldly, placing the crate in front of her. "She is part of my family now. This is your payment for keeping her alive for these few years, though you did a terrible job of it."

Those who knew Doflamingo well could sense the seething rage beneath his calm exterior. Without another word, he turned and returned to the ship, where the doctor was already tending to the little girl.



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