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94.48% One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED) / Chapter 136: Rekindling Legends...The God Valley Echo

Chapter 136: Rekindling Legends...The God Valley Echo

[Ascendance Valley -- New World],

Ascendance Valley is an archipelago comprising of three distinct islands, each possessing unique geographical features. This strategically located and highly coveted region is destined to become the battlefield for the impending total war.

The three islands are close to each other, and anyone could travel between them with a boat in matter of minutes. Each of the three islands contain a small port town as well, where pirates can resupply, it also serves as a haven for black market traders.

The first ones to arrive was the Cross Guild, the Red Hair Pirates and their allies who proceeded to dock in the 2nd island of the Archipelago, the one in middle. Shanks was tracking Ashen and concluded that his next destination would be this place, so he made sure to arrive early and prepared to fight him.

Shanks isn't the type of person that would go his way to start a war with someone, but he deemed Ashen to be as someone too dangerous to be left alive specially due to his extreme actions in the past two years that made Shanks more warry of him than Blackbeard himself and on top of that like any other pirate he wanted to claim the title of the Pirate King and the One Piece just like his previous captain Roger did.

Buggy shared the same goal as him, so they were going to sort things out between them after taking down Ashen.

As for the World Government, their target was Ashen and Ashen alone and by amassing a formidable fleet of Marine Warships and on the one leading them was none other than Garp the Hero who is here for personal reason, to avenge his grandson death. Backed up by the 9 highest-ranking members of the Holy Knights and lead by their supreme commander Figarland Garling.

Coincidently enough Both Ashen, Shiki and the Marines all arrived pretty much at the same time, adding another variable that no one expected. Ashen was planning to target the Marines later on, but he didn't expect them to make a move so soon and he certainly didn't expect what would happen soon after that.

The Sword of Xebec was at the forefront leading a massively terrifying fleet of ships, more than a 100 pirates ships and more than 50,000 strong men, at least 2000 Zombies, 250 Gifters who ate the SMILE Fruits, The Seraphim S-Shark, S-Panther, S-Hawk, S-Bear and 50 Mark III units aka Pacifista all lead by S-Demon Ashen's clone, 50 giants lead by Dorry and Brogy and hundreds of Shiki's Mutated Animals.

And on top of all that, a lot of infamous pirate crews were present as well, it was a force unlike anything the world has ever seen.

"The Cross Guild and the Red Hair Pirates are already here, they seem to have docked and settled in the 2nd island in the Archipelago, the one in the middle…it also seems the Navy isn't willing to wait and hold back anymore, we might be at risk of fighting a war against the two at the same time" Calvin informed Ashen who was standing beside Shiki on top of his ship's figure head while observing the three Islands and the Marine fleet who was approaching it as well.

"There are three Islands in this Archipelago, we better split our forces into three and dock in different islands" Ashen calmly said with his arms crossed.

"I'll go to the one on the left…" Shiki said while smoking a large cigar, the wooden wheel that was stuck in his head for so many years was finally removed, thanks to Law's ability and the technological advancements that York made "…But it feels like I'm having a déjà vu, Why did it have to be in a damn island called Ascendance Valley"

"It's the perfect place in my opinion…since whoever wins todays, will ascend to new heights"

"Garp-san, what should we do? The Red Hair Pirates and the Cross Guild are also present?" Prince Grus asked, The Secrete Special Force SWORD was also present today.

"Akagami huh? Doesn't matter, I'm here for that demon's head. Let's go ashore!" Garp gave order and they proceeded to dock on the island.

"This is the first time that the four greatest pirates of the sea are gathered in one place…even the Pirate King Ashen is here" Koby stated nervously.

"Pirate King or not, I'm going to kick his ass!" Garp declared while cracking his knuckles.

Admiral Fujitora who saw Shiki and the Ashen Pirates splitting into three proceeded to change their direction to the 3rd Island while Garling and the Holy Knights went after Shiki separately. The Navy also brought with them the rest of the Seraphim that were still under their control.

A few minutes later…Near the 2nd Island's port…

Ashen and the rest arrived at the island's port before they disembarked and made their way in.

"Looks like all the monsters of the New World are present here today" Ashen stated while using his Observation Haki across the island.

"Yahahaha! It's gonna be a crazy battle!" Enel said looking forward to it. Yamato, Calvin, Moria and other officers and allies were here with Ashen as well.

While they were walking out of the port and inside the town, the Red Hair Pirates along with the Chief Officers of the Cross Guild finally appeared. The Town was empty since all the inhabitants were escorted out to a safe place, and in the middle stood Shanks.

He was surrounded by his top officers and the moment Ashen appeared in front of him, he flashed a hostile look while holding his sheathed sword's hilt.

"You finally made it…I've been waiting for you" Shanks said in a low menacing tone of voice, all his officers looked at Ashen and his crew in hostility.

"And here I am, ready to finally put an end to this rivalry, and your head is gonna be the trophy" Ashen said with sinister smile. The tension was high before Mihawk proceeded to speak.

"I would have loved to make this a duel between us demon, but the circumstances don't allow" Mihawk calmly said, though it seems he wasn't interested in fighting Ashen himself under these circumstances he was still gonna participate in this war.

"Don't forget about me!! I, Buggy-sama will be the next Pirate King after I defeat you!" Buggy exclaimed pointing his finger at Ashen before the latter released a strong burst of Conqueror's Haki towards them.

"Shut up" Ashen said before Shanks countered by releasing his Conqueror's Haki as well.

*Lightning*-*Lightning* Black and red lightning surged from their position, as the weak-willed people fell unconscious and their Haki canceled each other.

"You bare so much hatred towards me, is it because I killed Luffy?" Ashen asked, although he already knows the answer.

"I won't forgive anyway who hurt my friends let alone kill them. And you're not the only one who was interested in the One Piece…I have many reasons to end your life here today Ashen" Shanks responded while unsheathing his sword.

While Ashen and Shanks were confronting each other, Garp who didn't bother to go all the way the port and he docked his ship on the shores on the other side of the island before he quickly made his towards Shanks and Ashen's location.

"Someone is coming…" Enel said while looking at the sky before Garp who was flying towards them came crashing to the ground.

"G-GARP IS HERE!!!" Someone exclaimed, all the lower ranking pirates looked intimidated by his presence since his reputation was infamous among the pirates.

"Garp the Hero, this is troublesome" Calvin narrowed his eyes while saying that.

"G-G-Garp?!!!" Buggy exclaimed in shock, everyone had the same reaction but Ashen and Shanks still looked calm even after that.

"Sorry old man, but could you not interfere in this…it's a little personal" Shanks said to Garp without even glancing at him.

"Don't tell me what to do brat, this bastard killed my beloved grandson I won't forgive him…and if you get in the way I'll beat you up as well" Garp said, his forehead veins bulging from anger.

"So scary, everyone is after my head these days…"

"You're not the first one who had the absurd dream of becoming the king of the world brat. I'll make sure you end up the same as that shit head who came before you!" Garp declared while clenching his fists.

"Bold words old man, well…"

"…XAHAHAHAHA!!...Bring in on then!!" Ashen said before he took out Shusui while flames covered his entire body.

Immediately after that Garp and Shanks dashed at him.

Just as Shiki and his crew and the rest set foot on the island, Garling and the Holy Knights made an appearance.

"These must be the Holy Knights that Ashen spoke of" Hawkins mentioned while walking on Shiki's left.

"They look like a bunch of cock sucking nobles, it should be easily to fuck them up" Queen remarked.

"Bunch of government dogs shouldn't be that hard to take down!" Kid said with a wicked grin.

"Now that I know the truth about the history, it feels a little personal" Law muttered to himself while resting his sword on his shoulder.

"Never underestimate your enemy…Puff…specially if Ashen said so. But somehow that guy feels familiar, even his name rings a bell" Shiki said while gazing at them.

"That's Shiki and a bunch of troublesome pirates" Darian Figarland said, the captain of the Holy Knights and the son of Figarland Garling who also bare some resemblance to Shanks from the red hair to the saber he carries in his side that looks similar to Shanks 'Gryphon'.

"What can we expect, trash would ally with trash" Garling calmly said while holding his sword, behind him was the other 8 knights who all appeared to be swordsmen and excluded an aura of authority and strength.

"Golden Lion Shiki, fate have brought us face to face after 39 years. I still remember you as the little dog who followed Xebec around, though we didn't fight that time" Garling said while unsheathing his sword.

"Yeah, I remember this bastard, you fought Whitebeard back then" Shiki recalled the memories from the God Valley incident before he took out his twin sword.

"I'm glad that there are no civilians around, it would a pain to fight these pirates while protecting them" Fujitora said while he was followed by hundreds of marines.

"Damn it, why do I have to end up with this Ashen looking thing?!" Emma exclaimed while walking beside S-Demon, S-Panther, S-Shark, S-Bear with exception of S-Hawk and the 50 Mark III units who are with Shiki.

"Sorry, I don't know why you dislike me since this is the first time we interact" S-Demon responded to that, he looked genuinely confused.

"You're the only person who don't have any respect for him" Shiryu calmly said.

"She'll come around" Van Augur added.

"Gabababa! It seems that you dislike brother Ashen!" Brogy said with a big smile stretching his face.

"You know why Brogy-san!"

"Gyagyagya! I guess we could understand that!" Dorry said while laughing with enthusiasm.

"We'll have to continue this little chat later, we have company" Shiryu informed everyone as he unsheathed his sword. The Marines rushed towards them and encircled them, leading them was Fujitora.

"IT'S THE GIANTS!!! THEY ARE ON THEIR SIDE!!" Someone exclaimed.

"Not only that but the Seraphim as well!!"

The marine soldiers looked horrified at the scene of 50 giants and the Seraphim at the enemy side.

"You're the previous Titanic Captains, Shiryu of the Rain and Van Augur 'The Supersonic', and even a member of the Worst Generation 'Dia' Emma Helios…this won't be an easy task after all" Fujitora said, then he added "Deploy the Seraphim and get ready for battle!" He gave orders before S-Crocodile, S-Snake and S-Flamingo appeared and clashed. Tsuru and a bunch of Vice-Admirals and Rear Admirals were present as well.

"Admiral Fujitora…we'll have to work together if we want to bring down this one" Shiryu stated as he, Van Augur, Emma and S-Demon got ready to fight him.

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