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41.17% One Piece: A Sailor's Journey / Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Rise and Fall

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Rise and Fall

Ame doesn't even know if he could last even just a minute against a siege like this but he had to try...

At this very moment, smoke has suddenly enveloped the surroundings, blinding and halting the charge of the marines for a moment.

"AME, LET'S RUN WHILE THEY CAN'T SEE US NOW!" Ame heard Koby's shout from outside the smoke, but he didn't budge.

Seeing how Ame didn't even respond nor come outside the smoke, he thought that Ame was done in by them and just then he heard Ame's voice telling them, "WE CAN'T! NOW UNTIL EVERYONE IN THIS VILLAGE IS FREE FROM MORGAN'S GRASP!"

Koby heard Ame's answer and could only grit his teeth and grinned, he remembered what he was really here for in the first place. To enforce his own Justice.

Koby looked around andsaw Zoro tied up, he thought that Zoro could probably help Ame even if he has no swords, he should probably know some hand-to-hand combat as a fighter. He had to take a risk to go near there, it's the least he could do, and that is to free the Pirate-Hunter Zoro.

"Hey little girl, can you do us a favor and stay here until your big brothers are done with knocking out these corrupted marines?" To which the Little Girl nodded in response, he immediately ran towards Zoro and tried his best to untie and untangle the binds on Zoro's limbs.

Zoro noticed this and quickly said, "Hey! Why don't you help your friend over there?! You don't have enough time!"

Koby didn't budge and kept trying to untangle the ropes on Zoro's hands, "Compared to me, you have a much higher chance of helping Ame without getting in his way, this is my way of helping him too!"


{On Ame's side}


A large field of smoke has covered a good chunk of the marine base's yard, enveloping both Ame and the squadron of marine recruits.

Ame was looking around the surroundings, he could faintly make out several silhouettes of marines until an idea has finally entered his mind.

"With this smokescreen around everybody can only make out silhouettes of other people but they won't actuallly be able to recognize who is who, and which is which. If that's the case, wouldn't it be much effective if I use my Sneak skill? Only one way to find out."

Ame closed his eyes and willed himself to use his skill Sneak. His silhouette became even more blurry that nobody would notice his silhouette if they weren't inside a certain distance from Ame, his presence being decreased also helped since these untrained and amateur Marine recruits would find it even harder to notice his already faint silhouette. "The moment they'd notice that I was actually near them, I'd probably have knocked and disarmed them down, at least that's the plan..."

Ame now looked like as if he was very far from the marine's sight but in reality, he was nearer than they'd have imagined.

One of the marines wearing glasses should theoretically fare well in these situations but it still didn't make much of a difference as he was knocked down to the ground by a smack on the head.

Ame's strength already improved from his persistent training with the staff, the only hope is that his weapon wouldn't break before Luffy appears.

One after another, the marine recruits were knocked down without even seeing what happened, but one of the Petty Officers actually managed to deduce what might be happening as he noticed that the voices he once heard before answering him, didn't answer again after a while.


The seamen recruits finally understood the situation, they knew something off was going on since it has been a while the since the smokescreen appeared, yet no one has seen the enemy pirate. It was either they ran away or has been stealthily defeating their peers, and they knew it was the latter since the straw-hat boy was still inside the marine base.

Ame heard the alert of one of the marine and cursed, the marines started organizing themselves and gathered around each other to eliminate the possibility of being ambushed.

Ame took a deep breath and gathered the courage to meet the Marines head on as the smokescreen dissipated but a loud commotion suddenly attracted everyone's attention towards the roof of one of the marine base towers.

Ame's attention was also grabbed as he looked upwards and suddenly realized that a huge statue was about to fall on the yard.

The Marine seamen recruits immediately broke out, screaming, running, and panicking, trying to get out of the statue's while dragging along their unconscious friends.

Everyone, including Ame, Zoro, Koby, and the little girl finally managed to steer clear out of the crash site.

At least that's what everyone thought...

In the middle of the yard, there was a single unconscious marine recruit.

Everyone just stood and froze in horror, they couldn't even scream as they were just helpless, and hopeless. They thought that they have already gotten all of their but in the end, they failed and left behind one of their friends behind in front of a fate worse than death.

Yet they saw someone that didn't yield to the horror and hopelessness. Someone who is currently trying to fight against his fears while trying to defend someone from the unfair judgement of destiny.

Their enemy, someone who they were supposed to fight and bring down. Is now fighting, not to bring down one of them, but to bring up and save one their friend and family.

Ame ran straight and true, no hesitation, devoid of any thought about the consequences, all he knew was that if there was a chance, if he was fast enough, and if life allows. Then he can save someone from a horrible fate.

Ame held his breath, clenched his teeth, ignored his thoughts, and kept rushing towards the unconscious marine.

Everyone witnessed this moment unfold, the scene of a pirate trying so desperately to save a marine, something that no one would think was even possible to happen, but it is happening right in front of their eyes.

Time seemed to slow down for everyone in the present, seemingly hoping for a miracle, a sliver of hope to come true. For Ame to succeed.

Ame was getting closer, but so was the statue. Everyone didn't take off their eyes, even Zoro, Koby and the Little girl just gritted their teeth since it was already too late to stop him, nor for him to stop.

Ame grabbed the uniform of the unconscious marine recruit, never stopping, never looking up, and never slowing down.

A second passed.

2 seconds passed.

Ame and the marine was almost out...

Everyone held their breaths...

The final second.

Everyone closed their eyes, after all, the statue was going to fall first, it looked like Ame was going to fail.

Ame knew what was going to happen from the expressions of the marines, so he did the next best thing.

He threw the marine over to his friends.

His final act of self-sacrifice, even if it was just a single action, he successfully have obtained everyone's respect and gratitude.

If it meant saving one person, Ame felt it was all worth it.

The statue crashed.

Ame couldn't make it, but the marine did.

Everyone held back their tears and saluted, not for the marine this time, but for Ame. The greatest act of respect the Marines and Pirates could ever give someone.

Koby and the little girl bursted into tears.

The marines felt as worse as them but they held it back, even though he was a Pirate, even though he was an enemy, he saved their own kin.

In their eyes, he wasn't a pirate anymore.

But one of them.

Zoro appeared to be in better state since he didn't know Ame that much but his hands were bleeding from gripping his hands too hard.

He was mad at himself, because he couldn't do anything of value when someone fighting for his and the citizens' of this town's freedom, fell down right in front of their eyes trying to save even his enemies.

In everyone's eyes right now, they lost a good man.

Luffy finally landed in front of the statue, he was confused as to why everyone looked devestated, so he walked over to Zoro and Koby, hoping to find some answers.

"Hey Zoro, here's your swords! Can you fight now?" Luffy said with a smile.

Zoro and Koby realized that Luffy didn't know what happened just now, to everyone, and to Ame.

"Took you... Too long strawhat... " Zoro said as he took 3 of his swords from Luffy.

Luffy felt kind of offended since he went through all that trouble to get Zoro's swords, "Hey, that's rude you know?! Hey Koby, look ay him, he's not even thanking me for getting his Sword back."

Koby looked up at Luffy, revealing his tears as he answered, "Luffy... Ame is-"

Luffy felt something was wrong, "What happened to Ame, Koby? Didn't Ame win since those Marines over there stopped attacking you guys?" He was hoping nothing bad happened.

Zoro clenched his teeth, his tone becoming higher, turning into anger. "How come you're so dumb?! Can't you see what just happened from the situation around you?! The fact that your crewmate, Ame is gone?!"

Luffy looked unwilling and in denial, he didn't want to think about it but his mind wasn't letting him be at peace.

Zoro that Luffy was still in denial, so he finally hammered the last nail into the coffin. "Ame is dead, Luffy. He died not from fighting the marines but so save a marine from death."

The heavy weight of devestation, horror, and disbelief weighed down on Luffy. He couldn't that Ame was dead, but everyone's reaction said otherwise, he was just gone for a moment and yet something like this happened? His first friend, his Vice-Captain, just died? The only thing on Luffy's mind right now was, "How? How?!"

Zoro answered, "Like I said, from saving a marine, from saving a person."

Luffy shifted his strawhat downwarda to hide his eyes and looked at the direction of the statue, "The Statue?" To which Zoro just nodded as Luffy said, "Who did this... Who dropped this grabage on here?!"

"Me, the Great and Mighty Axe-Hand Morgan! What about it Strawhat boy? Sad that your little scum friend died? It was an honor for him to-" Before Morgan could even continue, the marines turned on him, pointing their guns at him, Zoro drew three of his swords while using his mouth to wield the third sword, and Luffy just kelt spinning hand.

One of the marines said, "There's one thing you should never mock sir, the pride and reputation of a great and good man, and you sir do not even belong to either one of them. You do not have the rights to speak ill of the man who saved one of our own!" No one among the petty officers and recruits even faltered, their fear of Morgan has died down along with their respect for him.

"YOU DARE TURN ON YOUR SUPERIOR?! ME? THE GREAT AXE-HAND MOR-" Luffy's fists already drove deep on his face and guts, while Zoro already slashed open 3 open wounds on his chest. The marine recruits were already barely endured the urge to fire at Axe-Hand Morgan since they believed that Ame's crew should be given the right to punish him.

Morgan was already in a sorry state just from Luffy's punch and Zoro's slashes. Fear swallowes him as he realized that Zoro and Luffy were stronger, far stronger than he would ever be in his life. His false and pathetic pride and sense of superiority has already crumbled down to dust in front of Luffy and Zoro.

Luffy and Zoro looked at Morgan with disgust, not believing and accepting that their comrade fell just becauss of this disgusting, failure of a man.

Morgan panickes, trying to run or even stand up but miserably failing making a fool out of himself.

Luffy looked at him ruthlessly, "Where's your bravado earlier? Where's the balls that you had earlier when you mocked and insulted our friend earlier who died from saving someone, to save your men?! WHERE IS IT?!"

Morgan already looking like he was mauled and gangbanged by 5 Lions at the same time, pleaded. "I-aym shorry, pleash fohrgive meeee!! Shpare me phreashhh! I'll turn over into a new reaf! Do you want mo-" Zoro kicked Morgan ballsack, making him turn over literally.

"I know you people, thirsty for power and drunk in their own pathetic superiority and power, people who wish they were strong but would never amount to anything in their life, basically living garbages who got lucky in life. It should even be illegal for garbage like you to be ae to think, speak, hear, and even dream." Zoro looked at Morgan with disdain.

Morgan was so scared and horrified that he defecated and pissed himself right in front of everyond, erasing any leftover pride he had as a marine.

Luffy was about to send another punch but he heard a familiar voice saying, "Man, I didn't die yet, but my Staff did though..."

Everyone fell silent and looked behind them, staring at the young man who was supposed to be dead, return alive.

Seeing Ame alive, the marines bursted into cheers and gratitude. Koby and the little girl bursted crying from the relief. While Luffy felt extremely relieved upon seeing Ame alright, and Zoro just smiled also relieved that he didn't have to bear the burden and guilt of Ame's death.

"HAHAHA, I knew you wouldn't die Ame! I didn't even doubt you for a second!" Luffy laughed while holding on to hit strawhat.

"Would you look at that, didn't expect you'd live through that friend." Zoro whistled, geniunely impressed by Ame's endurance.

Even the blond haired guy looked relieved which didn't escape the marine's eyes. They all thought the same thing, "Seems like the Captain's Son was more human than his father."

However, there will always be that one guy in a celebration who spoils everything.

"HOW DARE YOU GUYS HUMILIATE CAPTAIN AXE-HAND MORGAN!" Morgan who suddenly regained a sliver of his courage, chose to gamble on his life again.

The verdict was...

3 sword slashes, 2 punches and a kick, an onigiri throws to his face, a rope whipping him, dozens of guns being bashed to his body, and finally a wooden staff being thrown to his eye.

Morgan was finally, officially, defeated, and unconscious.

The marines knew that it would be a problem if the headquarters were to be informed that they have attacked a superior but at this point, everyone was following their own "Justice", that's what marines are after all.

A happy ending for everyone involved.

The marines celebrated in their base but not without thanking and apologizing to Ame and his crew for rescuing one of their friends and freeing the town from the tyrannt of Morgan.

The marines also prepared all kinds of dirt on Morgan just in case the day of his dethroning came so that they wouldn't be held accountable for their actions and so that their arrest on Morgan would be considered as reasonable.

The little kid led Koby, Luffy, Zoro and Ame through the streets to their restaurant where they had a bountiful feast and celebration.

Every citizen on Shells Town celebrated and ate along with them, they cheeted, drank, danced and sung together, enjoying the day of Morgan's fall.

Finally, after years of tyranny and oppression. Shells Town is finally, free.

Finally, dusk has come and everyone went in their own way, either continuing the party or going home. Most of the people went home, while the others went to the streets.

The time when Luffy and Ame must continue sailing and once again embark on a new adventure.


{At the harbor}


"Well, I guess this is farewell to you guys and to this town. It was a wild ride and I may have almost died but it was all worth it for eveyone here to earn the freedom that they have deserved." Ame reached out his hand towards the new Marine in charge of the 153rd Marine base, Ripper.

"Likewise, normally it would be a crime to even shake hands like this with a Pirate but for you guys who were fighting for the future of pur Town, we make exceptions." Ripper shook Ame's hands.

Koby looked over at Luffy and said, "Luffy, the next time we meet, we will be enemies. You better make sure to get stronger so I won't be able to beat you!"

Luffy saw Zoro appearing through an alleyway and waved at him, "OI ZORO!! WE ARE SETTING SAIL NOW! ARE YOU COMING OR NOT?!"

Zoro laughed and said, "Well I'm already a criminal the moment I escaped Morgan's prison and beat him up, being a Pirate doesn't make a difference. Besides, being a pirate with you guys isn't much different from being a Marine, also the Future Pirate King needs to have the Future best Swordsman in the world as a part of his crew doesn't he?"

This marks the end of the crew's stay on Shells Town, and starts the day of their voyage to another place.

The crew boarded the ship, waving goodbye to the Luttle girl and his Mom, Koby, Ripper and the Marine recruits, and the citizens of Shells Town.

They have etched their name unto the stone of history for Shells Town, not as Pirates, but as Heroes.


{Chapter 6 - Fin}

Freix_Gren Freix_Gren

My bad, I forgot to add the new rarities I created before since I thought the amount of rarities were too few so I went ahead and altered the chapter 1's roulette of fate rarities.

The new rarities are Silver, Black, and one with a Black and Silver hue as written on Chapter 1

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