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21.73% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 25: The Call... of Duty

Chapter 25: The Call... of Duty

After another somewhat theatrical interrogation session in which the second pirate accepted the same terms as the first one Fred used his powers to force them to accept all the necessary conditions so that they would be collaborative, don't represent any kind of threat and of course reveal the exact location of their secret base

According to what they said under the spell that forced them to tell the whole truth their hideout that was situated in a small rocky island about four hours from the island of Narhad. A small rocky island completely surrounded by sharp rocks and boulders in which there was only one access and exit, a tunnel well hidden by the Leech pirates that could only be accessed by boat.

Great secret hideout located at the edge of the West Blue that no one would find unless they knew where to look

After those pirates told them practically everything… even details they wouldn't have wanted to hear… Fred sent them to dig a mass grave outside the village in which to dump the corpses of their dirty companions. And while he gave them some use, he looked for the emergency Den Den Mushi that he had in his house, which for some reason wasn't robbed by the pirates, and he contacted the Navy.

"Dep Dep...

Hi, I'm the Private Lars of the West Blue Marine 80th Branch

How can I help you?" Said the Den Den Mushi, which after several minutes of waiting began to work

Therefore, when Fred saw the opportunity he spoke quickly!

From the time the Leech pirates left the island until Fred and Stephen finally managed to extract information from the two abandoned pirates, more than an hour had passed… and from what the pirates had explained every second was crucial, so Fred didn't waste a second "Good evening... My name is Frederick Freed from the island of Narhad, calling to report that our village has recently been attacked by the Leech pirates and..."

"For matters related to Leech pirates you'll need to talk with Lieutenant Francis, wait a moment while I put you in contact with him" The marine on the other side of the Den Den Mushi answered, cutting the communication after a few seconds

"Wait... I still haven't told you that...







Fuck..." Fred shouted not being able to believe that they had hung up the call, he was so nervous and impatient to ask for help that the nervous tic of his foot reached unprecedented speeds

And once again after a few minutes the Den Den Mushi sounded again, this time with a different voice, which said "Good evening, I'm the Warrant Officer Wang of the West Blue Navy 80th Branch.

The Lieutenant Francis isn't available at the moment, so I will take your call instead

Can you explain how I can help you?"

And once again Fred tried to explain the situation to the marine who was attending him "Hello, as I told your partner, my name is Frederick Freed from the island of Narhad

I am calling to report that our village has recently been attacked by the Leech pirates and as you can imagine we have many wounded and some dead people here...

For this reason, we would like to request a ship that can bring us more medical material and, if possible, some doctors as well. We have carried out first aid and treated most of them, but we don't have enough material or personnel for so many injured people since I am the only doctor on the island right now.


"One moment, to request medical supplies you have to talk to Ensign Marc, wait a moment while I put you in contact with him" Interrupted the marine, who cut the connection so that another of his companions could attend to Fred in a few minutes

"WAIT! I haven't told you yet...








DAMN IT! GET ALL THE INFO FIRST BEFORE DIVERTING THE FUCKING CALL!!" Fred shouted in desperation, who jumped out of the chair in a rage as he explained to the wind how the Marines should do their job properly.

And once again after a few minutes another marine used the Den Den Mushi to talk to Fred "Good evening, I'm the Ensign Marc of the West Blue Navy 80th Branch.

How I can help you?"

And Fred, a little more nervous and also angry, repeated his message again, including once again the parts that the previous marines interrupted "HELLO!

As I told your companions, my name is Frederick Freed from the island of Narhad, I call to report that our village has recently been attacked by the Leech pirates and how can you imagine many wounded and some dead people...

For this reason, we would like to request a ship that can bring us more medical material and, if possible, some doctors as well. We have carried out first aid and treated most of them, but we don't have enough material or personnel for so many injured people since I am the only doctor on the island right now.

I also wanted to inform you that we have information on where the Leech pirates are hiding, they're on a small island at..."

"One moment…

For matters related to Leech pirates you'll need to talk with Lieutenant Francis, wait a moment while…"


That's why the Private Lars diverted my call to Warrant Officer Wang and him to you!

Please can you listen to me first before diverting my call again?" Fred said, interrupting the marine before they forced him to repeat the same story to another useless marine



One moment" The Marine replied, that following the example of his other colleagues cut the connection so that someone else could do his job.










FUCKING SHITTY PUBLIC SERVANTS!!!" Fred yelled in uncontrolled frustration as he tried to control his urge to slam the Den Den Mushi into the ground and stomp it to mush.

And for the umpteenth time, a few minutes later, a different marine spoke into Den Den Mushi "Good evening, I'm the Lieutenant Lex of the 80th West Blue Marine Branch

How can I help you?"


I suppose and I hope that your other colleagues have written down what I have told them and asked for, as well as explaining what is happening, so I will tell you the information I have about the Leech pirates…

I have the location of the Leech pirates lair and I am willing to reveal it so that you can kill or capture those pirates and also rescue the women they have kidnapped from our village and possibly from other villages as well.

Is this possible to do?" Said Fred trying to control his anger without much success to explain things as calmly as possible, despite the fact that his left eye was beating like a second heart as were the veins in his head, which swelled and moved as if they had a life of their own.


No, my colleagues haven't explained your situation to me, only that someone has information about pirates.

Then I'll ask them to give me the details...

Could you tell me where that base is and how you got this information?" Said the marine, who at least didn't redirected the call to another of his colleagues, colleagues who would probably also redirect his call



Incredible..." Fred sighed, his brain almost stopped as he discovered that his previous calls had been useless, but he had no choice but to recover quickly, the lives of many people depended on these calls "We discovered this information because the Leech pirates left some badly wounded pirates in the village who were left for dead and we made them confess

It is to the east of the village of Narhad, 250 kilometers away from here, in the area of the sharp rocks.

It is the largest rocky island in the area, as we have been told there is a tunnel to the north of that island which is covered by vegetation.

That is the entrance to the base of the Leech pirates!

Please hurry up there are women there who could die at any moment"

In this way the marine informed Fred that they would finally start doing their job "Thank you very much for the information Fred, we will verify its veracity and contact the nearest navy ship

Stay close to Den Den Mushi, we will call you in the next few hours to fill out the paperwork. I would need you to give me your personal information and..."

But this time it was Fred who interrupted the Marines when he saw where this call was headed.


I'm just asking you to bring in a doctor and medical supplies for about ten people, which I'll pay for out of my own pocket if necessary... and to send a warship to the location I've given you to catch some dangerous pirates for whom there is a big reward and rescue the people they're holding captive

Can you forget about the bureaucracy for a moment and tell me when that will be possible?" Said Fred demanding something practically unknown to the public sector, which was efficiency

Without a doubt a concept that Lieutenant Lex was unaware of "This...

Currently our agents are busy...

I cannot give you an exact date, but it's likely that the warship will take three or four days after the documentation is approved, just like the medical ship if you order them at the same time

However, if you order the warship and the medical ship separately, it's possible that the medical ship will arrive in two days.

Do you prefer to request them separately? Do you have a Fax Den Den Mushi nearby? In case you don't…"




IT'S TOO MUCH TO ASK YOU TO FOCUS ON ACTING FAST INSTEAD OF ASKING A MINOR ON THE WORST DAY OF HIS LIFE TO SIGN DOCUMENTATION IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EMERGENCY!?" Fred shouted, who couldn't take it anymore and finally exploded in anger, especially when he heard that it would take so long to get here when in theory a navy ship was only a day away from here according to the newspaper. Not to mention that they still insisted that he had to sign incredibly inefficient and illogical paperwork


Sorry boy...I didn't know...

I'll see what i can do...

But I don't think we can go there as fast as you'd like...


Still, I'll need you to help me fill out some forms... and believe me, I'll do my best to help you...

But if you don't help me, I can't do anything... I hope you can understand...

And I'm sorry once again..." Lieutenant Lex answered, a little more collaborative, understanding and sensitive after hearing Fred's situation. However, his arms were tied in this situation, as much as he wanted to help Fred he needed to follow the protocol...

And now Fred, a little calmer and even exhausted after that explosion of fury, frustration and hatred towards the public sector and its inefficiencies, without any other choice, he tried to collaborate with that naval officer in the best possible way, especially when he was being understanding and was even willing to fulfil paperwork for him "...

It's okay...


Sorry for yelling...

I'm not having a good day..."

In this way Fred recounted everything that had happened in all kinds of detail... with a version that avoided mentioning his powers, obviously... he explained exactly what they needed to treat the wounded and they reviewed once again the information he had obtained about the Leech pirates

When Lieutenant Lex heard about Fred's age and about everything that was happening on the island fully devoted to help Fred with the bureaucracy, deliver it to the right person quickly and in putting pressure so that everything would be approved as soon as possible

Even so… as he said at the beginning, the ships would take time to arrive, no matter how hard he pushed on this matter…

"Fucking shit!"

After completing all the procedures Fred turned off the Den Den Mushi and left the room from which he made the call and with a bitter expression he went to the room where the other children were to explain the situation. However, it was totally unnecessary... Fred and the other marine were talking so loud that they could hear everything...


Won't the navy be able to go rescue mom?" Sara asked crying and trembling with fear and impotence knowing the answer

'They will go, but probably too late...'

"Three or four days..." Stephen stammered with his face completely pale as he realized what that meant. He had been by Fred's side when the two pirates even confessed the things they used to do during parties, especially with the women they kidnapped either on purpose or by accident.

Just thinking that the things the pirates described could be happening to his mother made his blood run cold and filled him with anguish. An anguish that he was unable to hide and that spread among the other children as if it were a virus despite the fact that neither he nor Fred had told the other children anything about this…

'This is...this situation is...fucking shit!'

Fred looked at the faces of the four children in front of him, children who until now had had a completely happy and carefree life ... and who didn't cry for the sole reason that their body could no longer produce more tears right now

Sara and Edu had lost their father while Tania had lost her grandparents and his father was severely injured in this very room just like Stephen's father. However, without exception, all of them had had their mother kidnapped and were likely to die before the Navy could save them in a few days.

And also, without exception, each and every one of them felt that they had been left completely alone and helpless in a world that overnight had become too cruel and unjust for them.

'And now what? What I can do?

What can I do in this situation?

This is beyond me...'

And Fred, who for all practical purposes had become the only adult standing on the entire island and therefore felt it was his duty to take care of the children, heal the wounded and try to solve this great crisis...

He felt completely useless...

He had made an effort to help the children not to collapse by not crying in front of them to convey by example that they should be strong despite all this adversity. He tried to prevent them from losing hope by showing them that not only could they help the wounded to sustain themselves... that there was still a chance to save their mothers and avenge those who had fallen...

But he had failed them... he had created illusions that would be destroyed in a few minutes, No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep them all alive… no matter how hard he wanted, he wouldn't get their mothers back or avenge their families …

And he was about to break down like them…

'This is all? Is this all I can do?

Is this what I revived for?'

Fred completely refused to accept this...

He refused to feel worthless and helpless like in the past, just standing there doing nothing except for excusing his inaction...

He refused to be afraid to do what needed to be done, trusting someone else to do it for him...

He refused to not be able to do justice and fulfil his revenge himself!


Change of plans...

Stephen, go home and get all the weapons you can amass and..." Fred said with determination as he went to the desk and drew something on a piece of paper, which he would then hand over to Stephen "...and make one of these...I know it's wood, but I'll need it...

I'll go get my tools and find the two scum to load everything I need onto the ship..."



I'll have it done in a few minutes." Stephen replied as he analysed Fred's blueprint, not complaining about the materials needed and not questioning the dangerous decision Fred had made...

Something that others wouldn't do...

"One moment...

What do you mean Fred?!" Edu asked, getting in Fred's way before he opened the door to go find the two pirates who had been brainwashed in some strange way. He could be small, tired and severely traumatized, but he could perfectly understand that Fred was trying to do something reckless.

"From what the two scumbags told us, the chances of your mothers dying between today and tomorrow are high...

When those Marines arrive, not only are they likely to be dead, but that scum may even have escaped...

So there's no other option… I will have to go rescue them…" Fred answered as he gently pushed Edu to the side to pass, although Edu grabbed his leg like a koala to prevent him from moving.

And he wasn't the only one...

"No, don't do it!

If you go... if you go...

umffff... umffff...

You will probably die too...

Those guys were very strong, even Marlon couldn't beat them...


BUAAAAH!!! BUAAHHHH!!" Said Sara through tears, who following the example of her little brother hung on Fred's back begging him not to continue with his plan for fear of losing him too

"If you leave, it's likely that one of the wounded will die in your absence... and if something happens, we won't know what to do..." Tania said, following the example of the other two, hanging onto Fred's left arm at the same time she tried to convince him with a somewhat more rational approach

They did everything they could to prevent Fred from risking his life in exchange for helping them to reunite with their families… however, for a person who ran several hours a day with and hundreds of kilograms and many other restrictions on his body, their weight meant nothing, just like their arguments...

"I would never fight a battle I can't win, I have a plan...

And as for the wounded... the only ones likely to die are those whose life expectancy had almost come to an end... unlike your mothers, who not only have much more life ahead of them, they also deserve to live more years by your side…

You need them by your side...

It's cruel to have to choose in this way, but... as you have seen, life is cruel..." Fred said as he opened the door walking with all that dead weight next to Stephen, at the same speed as him

"BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR LIFE!?" The three shouted through tears at the same time with frustration seeing that once again they were unable to do anything

"As I said...

Life is cruel and many times you have to make cruel decisions...

Even for oneself…" Fred replied as he and Stephen broke the grip of the three children, whom they affectionately left on the ground and each one ran in one direction to fulfil their respective mission...


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon

Chatper Edited By: The_Bored_Immortal

Meralman Meralman

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