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43.47% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 50: How Demon Hunter works (Part 2)

Chapter 50: How Demon Hunter works (Part 2)

Fred jumped into the water and dove a few meters until he found his method of transportation, the [Arcadia Mark 5]!

Fred grew considerably and progressively over three years to reach 2.69 meters, so much so that the design and size of his fast motor boat had to be modified.

A motor ship that, thanks to a growing budget and Stephen's technical improvements, was converted into a small submarine... unfortunately mostly made of wood... among other things to facilitate infiltrations into enemy ships, just as he had done now.

And just as he had said, Fred got into his submarine, changed his clothes, took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and surfaced again to continue with his work, a job that would take him many hours.

"Okay guys...

No one has moved, good for you...

Can you wait a bit? Do I have to talk to your bosses first?" Fred said as he put down a box full of medical tools.

Some medical tools... and not so medical... that Fred wasn't going to use for medical purposes...

"Very well guys, since you know me so well I will avoid the long explanation...

Do you want me to start with the testicles or anywhere else?


If you don't answer in 3 seconds, I'll understand that you want me to start with the testicles...




Well... here we go" Fred said to his enemies completely paralyzed as he brought a sandpaper to his testicles to exfoliate them before cutting them

So paralyzed that they couldn't even shout that they preferred the other option

So paralyzed that they couldn't even express the agonizing pain they were feeling, much less do anything to avoid that torture despite not being tied down...

As paralyzed as the rest of the crew, who were forced to watch that gruesome spectacle!

They couldn't move their legs to run away, they couldn't turn their necks to look away, and they couldn't even close their eyelids to just see nothing...

They could only remain immobile, feeling great pain in their stiff muscles and some even swallowing their own vomit... while they watched as the infamous Frederic Freed tortured and dismembered his captain, vice captain and everyone else with a bounty on his head.

An indescribable torture that lasted for hours and ended when Fred cut off their heads and placed them in bowls that he would later deliver.

"I see that you can move now!

Do you have all the muscles stiff right?

Yes, it's a nice synergy resulting from having the muscles tense in the same position for hours and the side effects of my [Red Light, Green Light Mark 12]

Something I love!

Stop you from committing the stupidity of trying to run away... or something even more stupid, attacking me " Fred said, laughing sinisterly as he pointed [Pussydestroyer69] at his future potential victims.

Future possible victims who, as Fred anticipated, were unable to move correctly, but not only for the reasons that Fred named.

They were scared and traumatized...

So scared and traumatized that her body trembled with fear, with no will to run, much less do anything against Fred...

"Okay guys...

You are all extremely lucky!

You will have the rare opportunity to get off this ship alive! An opportunity that of course you will have to earn and... be quite lucky...

It is relatively simple, you will have to promise me absolute obedience and after that you will answer some questions with all your sincerity

This is the most important test of your lives, since depending on your answer your chances of living will plummet

We will start with you and... we will end with that boy who shitted his pants

You have three seconds to decide...

YOU SWEAR TO OBEY EVERYTHING I SAY!?" Fred said as he pointed at a random pirate he found and at Komatsu, who was shaking in fear on the ground as he cried with his pants full of his own excrement.

"YES SIR!!!" All of them yelled, even though they had relative problems speaking for multiple reasons.

And Fred, pleased that none of them had wasted his valuable time, began his questioning with the first pirate he pointed out earlier, "Excellent!

Have you ever harmed, robbed, violated any freedom, coerced, or done anything wrong in general to innocent civilians who had done nothing wrong to you or anyone you know?

Refrain from including soldiers, pirates, marines, government agents in general... they signed up for this job themselves knowing what could happen to them."

A pirate who responded without any filter due to Fred's Pact Magic "I think I've killed about 30 civilians, at one point I lost count

I've been involved in a lot of looting in recent years...

I have raped at least one woman in every town we passed through and…"


Go, towards that wall, get into Horse Stance and hit your testicles with a medium force until I finish with the others

Don't you dare commit suicide, neither you nor anyone here" Fred said, with an even more terrifying smile than before, who went on to ask other pirate while the first one tortured himself before the astonished eyes of his companions

The interrogation continued and the members of the wall of the self-harm increased to alarming numbers... until it was the turn of poor Komatsu, who had been recounting his entire life for minutes...


When I was little I once hit a boy who laughed at me because my head is a little bigger than normal... and my brother too for exactly the same thing...


Sometimes I kept a coin that a person dropped on the ground, but instead of running to him to give it to him, I kept it...


Playing Monopoly many times I cheat and take money from the box without anyone noticing...

And... and...

I once stole a maid's panties... yes I was a stupid and horny kid that had just entered puberty

However, I returned them the next day! And very sorry as well! I swear!

And... and... I can't think of anything else...

I... I...

I just wanted to expand my family's business in West Blue to impress my father...



SNIFF... Smff...




BUAAAA!! BUAAAAAHHH!!!" Said Komatsu, who couldn't help but cry like a little child after having that well-deserved emotional collapse encased in his pants full of his already hardened excrement.

"Ok, ok, we have all understood, don't cry anymore...

Go with Tim, he'll help you change your pants." Said Fred, who could have told him to stop telling his story a few minutes ago, but he didn't, because it was incredibly funny and... for another reason. 'Hmm...

He is a son of a nobleman or a politician, that alone would put him on my blacklist, but...

For now that boy hasn't really done anything and he makes me feel a little sorry and...


I laughed, I admit it... poor jinx...'

Following Fred's instructions, Komatsu left with his slave partner, who received Fred's permission to live, go inside and get a change of clothes for both of them.

Meanwhile, Fred headed towards the wall of the damned, where about thirty pirates were beating their testicles while doing the horse stance "As you can guess from the pain you feel in your legs and testicles, those two are the only ones who have overcome the proof...

But don't despair, that doesn't mean I'm going to torture and execute you like your former captain"

"Really?" Said the punished pirates… many of them with squeaky voice… who saw a pinch of light at the bottom of that almost infinite and gloomy Lovecraftian tunnel

"I DIDN'T SAY TO STOP PUNCHING YOURSELF IN THE BALLS OR INTERRUPTING ME! YOU FUCKING CASTRATI!" Fred yelled with a terrifying face, as if he were a terrible bloodthirsty monster... to immediately speak to him with an extremely serene and even kind face... too kind… "Anyway, a while ago I would have executed you in the most painful and degrading ways possible, as you had seen before, but I have matured as a person...

Before I only saw you as irrecyclable garbage with no use for society

But over time I came to the conclusion that despite being a scumbag there is still something good that you can do for the people of the world

Like for example [donating] your organs to people who are possibly more valuable than you, which is not very complicated"

'THE WHAT!? The pirates mentally shouted, since due to Fred's previous shout and the Pact Magic they couldn't interrupt him

And Fred, after taking out a map and a compass from his pockets, continued with his corporate speech while pointing out a location on the map.

"Thank you for not interrupting...

I will call you one by one depending on how much you have upset me during my interrogation and with great affection... like the pigs that you are... I will try to use you as much as I can, without anesthesia, of course...

I'll only stop the moment we reach our destination, which is right here...

So, how many of you survive will depend solely and exclusively on how fast this ship is.

Good luck to all!

Except for you... you come with me" Fred said as he took the pirate who had committed the most sins against humanity by the ear, which he tied to a stretcher that he brought from his mini-submarine and placed it in full view of all...

A stretcher that he often used for medical reasons...






"No no no...

If I remove your organs while you are alive, the quality increases drastically and the price is better

Shut up and don't bother, I'm working"

And not so scrupulously medical reasons...





FAAAAASSSSTTTTTTT!!!" The navigator shouted after seeing what he was doing to one of his companions and that it could probably happen to him in no time.

Neither he nor any of those still alive wanted to be next to be emptied from the inside out, so they all rowed as if their lives depended on it, moving really fast despite dragging another boat and Fred's submarine.

The only ones who at least now didn't feel that despair were Komatsu and Tim, the youngsters kidnapped by the pirates who didn't have the time or the will to do horrible things to people who didn't deserve it.

"Hey guys, you smell better now!

Just relax and enjoy the trip, in a few hours we will arrive at our destination from which you can return to your old lives

Eat what you want in the meantime" Fred said, greeting the showered and shed Komatsu and Tim while he emptied his victim of organs and offered some snacks that he had almost next to him.

"Thank you Mr. Freed!" Tim and Komatsu replied extremely pale, responding as if they were common soldiers in the presence of the supreme general.

But they couldn't comply with the [order] to eat anything...everything they've seen and experienced so far had completely taken away their appetite and seeing Fred empty out organs from a guy who was still alive was making them want to vomit

"You're welcome... this... Koby 2 and Koby 3!

But don't call me [sir], I'm younger than you

Other than that, I'll be a bit busy as you can see, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I am not your enemy and you are under my protection until the next stop" Replied Fred, who forgot the names of the two boys whose lives he had spared "Mmm…

Although technically they would be Kobi 1 and Kobi 2

Kobi, the child kidnapped by Albida in One Piece chapter 1 must now be at most one year old if I'm not mistaken'

And while Fred kept collecting organs from dead pirates and thinking about stupid things, Komatsu... who didn't understand that reference, but also didn't want to appear ignorant in Fred's eyes... asked his new best friend Tim "This... .

Who is Koby?

"I don't know...

I only know that I want to vomit...

And then go to sleep for a week or two ... " Tim replied as he tried to control his retching.

He just wanted to get away from [Dr. Doom], the corpses, the organs and everything as soon as possible and get some rest

However, Komatsu couldn't afford that luxury right now!

He had before him a great celebrity in the West Blue, the sea where he had wanted to settle until now.

'This guy is four years younger than me and despite that he is already that strong, fast, skilled, intelligent, versatile, decisive... and mysterious... damn, he has incredible potential...

He is extremely cruel to the pirates but he's not a heartless monster... otherwise he wouldn't have spared our lives and even promised us that he would help us

I have... I have to make a good impression on him no matter what... even though I have already shown such a pitiful side of me...'

As a merchant Komatsu knew how important it's to make connections with people of this caliber!

Fred had just saved his life and this was a perfect opportunity to try to establish a good relationship between them!

He would normally offer him a reward for this, but right now he had nothing at all... and he couldn't be very obvious when it came to sucking him up to put him on his side...

He had to try to become his friend and start with a casual conversation, like the one he tried to establish a few hours ago with the pirates.

And in this case, Stuart's mask that was found on the ground gave him a good idea to break the ice, so Komatsu picked it up and asked his benefactor "By the way, Freed-san...

How could you get such a perfect mask of this guy?

Did you study him in depth for weeks to do it perfectly and infiltrate at the right time?

And what materials is it made of?

Is incredible!"

"Study him for weeks? Nah, I met that guy a few hours ago

This is made with the same face as that Stuart, although I have to do a few tweaks to match the bone structure of my face.

You see, that's how it's done..." Replied Fred, who didactically ripped off his victim's face and showed them how he did an ultra-realistic mask in record time

A demonstration that ...



Made them throw up!

"Guys, if this is too hard for you, you don't have to force yourself to stay here.

Take that antidote so that the poison in the food doesn't affect you, eat something, find a comfortable bed on the ship and rest.

I'll let you know when we get close to land" Fred said with an extremely kind and understanding face as he led the weak-stomached youngsters inside the ship, away from the gore of the deck

"Thank you...

We'll do that" Komatsu and Tim answered, who after giving up drank the antidote, took some of the dishes that were left over from the party and headed to the captain and vice captain's room, where the best beds were.

And while Fred...

He turned his expression 180 degrees as he spoke to one of the near sentenced to death pirates who were rowing as if his life depended on it "HEY YOU!


And when you're done, don't go too far...

When I'm done with this, you're the next

A terrifying phrase that further motivated the rest of the pirates to row to their death...

"Captain Mcnugget!

If anyone tries something strange, gouge out their eyes, they don't need them to row Said Fred, who couldn't bear to see his traveling companion doing nothing on top of the mast while he did all the dirty work



You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon

Meralman Meralman

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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