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One Piece - Sail Away (Hiatus) One Piece - Sail Away (Hiatus) original

One Piece - Sail Away (Hiatus)

Author: Tintagel

© WebNovel


So I'm dead huh. What an exciting way die. Haaah, my family is going to be so depressed, I'll never even get to see my niece grow up. Still, I don't know whether to laugh at how cliche this room is or freak out that I have consciousness.

I scanned the room, looking for exits. The room was cube shaped. White, glassy walls surrounded me on all sides. A towering desk sat at one end of the room hoasting a tabletop sign that reads 'Please Wait'. A towering leather chair held my eyes for longer than it should. It was dominating, imposing.

There's someone there, I couldn't help but think.

"You're correct of course. I'm here after all". A voice spoke ahead of me. Calm. Confident. Prideful. Everything I'm not at this moment. The voice blasted through my core, as if hit by a shockwave. "Don't disparage yourself too much. You're doing very well for a mortal. I suppose I understand why though. You have a strong will, a carefree confidence. I suppose you have already prepared for death, you sacrificed yourself to kill a terrorist after all."

I couldn't speak, as if the will of the world was demanding me to listen. To not miss a word.

"That brings me to why you're here. You've done a great deed for your world by dying. Throwing yourself out the window with that terrorist saved your world from a fate worse than destruction. He was the catalyst of course. A man, who would cause world war three, and Nuclear Fallout. A great deal of Karma has been rewarded for this. So it's been decided by the higher ups to allow you to reincarnate into a new world. Six Gods have volunteered to host you, blessed to have you in their worlds they believe. Your choices are; the 'Naruto' world, the 'Marvel' world, the 'DC' world, the 'One Piece' world, the 'Danmachi' world and the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' World.

"They're all fictional worlds? How is this possible?" Countless possibilities ran through my head. My reality has become a fanfiction.

"We're currently in Limbo, the space between worlds. Concepts, Thoughts, and Laws sometimes slip through here, embedding themselves into the subconscious minds of mortals, allowing them to share these worlds through art. Is that enough of an explanation? Now choose, hurry."

I sensed the godly beings impatience and made up my mind. After all, whose to say I won't get this chance again should I die a meaningful death.

"I choose the One Piece world." I spoke with confidence. Hours of reading Wikis gave me confidence I could make something of myself there, or at least stay out of trouble.

"What time would you like to be born?" I couldn't help but cheer inside my head, this is a cheat!

"22 years before the start of the story. The year of Gol D. Rogers death" Not too young for the story, not too old either. Hopefully, I'll be just hitting my Prime.

"Very well. Choose three wishes." This.. A cheat, I've been given the chance to soar.

"I wish to have a devil fruit based on the powers of Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Teleportation. And I want the only limit to these powers to be the effort I put in to mastering them." I spoke with trepidation, this could change everything.

"Hmm, it can be done. But you'll maintain the water disadvantage. I shall give you the newly named Mind Mind Fruit upon reincarnation." Haah, I couldn't help but release an Imaginary sigh.

"Then for my second wish, I wish to have high talent." I've thought hard about this during my daydreaming sessions. I'm not the most talented in the world. I did above average in schooling. Average in Sports. Above Average in the workplace. I want to be talented. This correlates to fighting ability aswell. My only experience fighting is Boxing and Fencing sparring, and not even seriois sparring. One Piece is a world where talented fighters thrive, even having the three t's I'm expecting to need to get down and dirty.

" It shall be done. Now, your last wish?" I had plenty more ideas, I could be selfish, and completely forget about my family back on earth. But I couldn't. They're my family, I loved them more than anything in the world.

"I wish for my family on earth, to be given good luck, whenever they need it, so they can be happy for generations to come." It felt amazing saying that. A weight has been lifted. I no longer felt as if I let down my family by dying so young, I must have caused them endless pain.

"It shall be done even without your wish. For your karma is tied to there's. Now, make a wish." Oh, well.. Then..

"I wish to be born into a prominent family in the One Piece world. And maybe add a bit of talent into me please."

"It will be done anyway. Stop wasting your wishes." I felt as if the goldy being was irritated that I was taking so long.

"Can i get a Regenative Healing Factor then?" Always a helpful support ability, can push my body to the absolute limits and be fine in a few minutes or days. Depending on the level he gives me.

"It'll be done. Finally, you can customise your appearance if you wish." Ahh, I was always bad at character customization, presets where a life saver.

"Then make me look similar to Sinbad from the Magi series please."

"We're done then. I'll reincarnate you now. You'll regain your memories when you're ten years old. I can tell you wouldn't want to experience your birth and early childhood. A word of caution. The Protagonist Aura is a thing that exists. As is the Antagonist Aura. Fate is a fickle thing, don't tempt it." With that ominous warning I began to lose consciousness. The ringing in my head and flood of memories are what awoke me.

Tintagel Tintagel

Writing for my own enjoyment. Thanks for reading. No schedule for now. I'll write when I have time between work. Have been planning this story for a month. Have pages and pages of notes stored on my phone. Hoping I can do my ideas justice.

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