/ Fantasi / One girl Krishna

One girl Krishna Original

One girl Krishna

Fantasi 2 Chapters 3.4K Views
Author: Pyaar_Pagal

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It's about a girl named Krishna who is always accessed of doing many things is it every time true?
She is famous.Many boys drool over her even her bandmates and closest friends even though she acts like a boy most of the time.There are a few people who know her really good.To be honest she is really sick she has may medical issues who are really rare or aren't even found.She lost many people that were really important to her.One of her sister-in-law has a clan in which she is involved and plays a big role there.Some of her sisters love her so much.Most of them are her step sisters.She and some of her siblings are from past they came here with a Time machine there is a big secret behind the time machine that even they don't know about.They barely go back with the time machine.Because they're family members there don't know about them or rarely can come to meet them like there mother.There is a family witch come and than Krishnas life start to become worse than it was.And with time they started to destroy many people.


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Author Pyaar_Pagal