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36.27% Omniscience in Marvel / Chapter 35: Omniscience in Marvel 34

Chapter 35: Omniscience in Marvel 34

Title - Return and New Acquaintance


"Hmm...?" Oshtur suddenly stopped talking and looked up in confusion.

"What is it, sister?" Gaea asked in confusion.

"Something...just flew into Earth's space." Oshtur said and stood up from her chair. "I must return to the Sanctum." She said and opened a portal only for Gaea to stop her.


"You don't need to worry. That's Leuca coming back."

"Huh? Didn't you say he was going adventuring? It's only been a few years. How could he be back?"

Gaea shrugged at the question and replied. "If you've stayed with him, you'd get used to not questioning his movements."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oshtur asked in confusion.

"Perhaps it's a trait of his level of Intelligence, but he gets bored too quickly." Gaea said with a snort. "You'd be shocked at the amount of things he'd thought up and given up on during my time with him."

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Oshtur asked worriedly. "If he continues like this, he won't be able to achieve much."

"Heh." Gaea only snickered at her without explaining. "How about you ask him to live with you for a few years. Perhaps you'd get to understand him better."

"Really?" Oshtur asked in excitement before she became worried again. "Would he agree?"

"Knowing Leuca and his drive for knowledge, he'd be pleased to go with you. After all, you're the most learned Magical practitioner on this side of the Universe. I must warn you though..."

"What?" Oshtur asked, seeing Gaea being hesitant.

"He can easily get irritated."

"And that is a problem...why?"

Gaea shrugged at the question. "You can't possibly tell me you don't see how your pantheon of Gods could irritate someone whose intelligence borders that of even the most intelligent of Gods. Not to mention that superiority complex when it comes to beings not of Divine Nature."


"You don't need to explain anything to me. Let nature take its course...Ah. he's here." Gaea said and suddenly smiled as the ever familiar noise of the Boomtube sounded in her Dimension as a white Portal opened up.

Emerging from the portal was Leucadius sitting on his Throne with a relaxed posture. A smile graced his lips as he caught sight of Gaea.

"Ah, Gaea, my dearest Mother," Leucadius greeted warmly, his eyes sparkling with genuine joy.

Gaea smirked in response. "Leuca. What brings you back so soon? I thought you were off on your adventures."

Leucadius chuckled softly as he floated to her side. "Ah, well, you know how it is. Sometimes the allure of discovery is just too strong to resist. But this time, I lost interest after some encounters."

"Oh? What could make you lose interest so soon?"

"You wouldn't believe it even if I told you." Leucadius said mischievously

Gaea rolled her eyes at him and replied. "Try me."

"An infinity stone." Leucadius said and took a dramatic pause. He didn't miss out on the minute reaction of both Gaea and the unfamiliar stranger. "The Mind Stone to be precise."

"What!?" Oshtur exclaimed. "You've encountered the Mind Stone? Are you alright?" She asked in worry as she came to Leucadius and placed her hands on him, her magical energy trying to scan him.

However, it bounced away as soon as it came in contact with his body much to her shock and Leucadius annoyance.

"Who are you and what do you think you're doing?" He asked, his voice devoid of the previous excitement he had upon arriving. At the moment, his voice sounded cold.

"Oh Leuca, this is my sister, Oshtur. The one you said you'd like to meet to exchange notes on Magical ideas." Gaea said, coming to her sister's rescue.

"Oh?" Leucadius hummed as his expression turned softer. "So it's you...a pleasure to meet you." He greeted with a small smile which quickly disappeared. "But you shouldn't have done that regardless."

"Apologies. I was just worried about you. With your mention of the Mind Stone, I couldn't be too sure if you were still in a good mental state." She said,

"Why wouldn't I be? Do I look so weak as to be influenced by something like the infinity stone?" Leucadius asked with a bit of arrogance which caused both Gaea and Oshtur's eyes to twitch.

Seeing their reactions, Leucadius burst out laughing and waved at them. "C'mon. I'm just joking. And True, the Infinity Stone is strong and dangerous, but I'm alright."

Leucadius then went on to give a detailed explanation on what transpired between him, Kree and the Chitauri and how he got his hands on the Infinity Stone, experimented with it and then returned it.

"Wow...To think would you return the Infinity Stone? In the wrong hands it could mean danger to the Universe." Oshtur said with a sigh.

"And who decides which hand is wrong or right? Everything in the Universe exists for a reason..I was only opportuned to come across the stone. I've used it, what else do I need it for?" Leucadius asked nonchalantly.

"So that's your Complete Motherbox?" Gaea asked, looking at the Throne.

"Yup. But I don't think calling it Motherbox is right..." Leucadius said while caressing the armrest. "Perhaps... Universal Matrix?"

"Universal Matrix?" Oshtur asked with amusement. "That's quite an arrogant name."

Leucadius glanced at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stood up from the Throne. "Would you like to experience it?"

"Seriously?" She asked suspiciously to which Leucadius nodded. She looked at Gaea who also nodded at her. Standing up, she walked over to the throne and observed it for a few seconds before sighing and seating.

"So?" She asked as she didn't feel anything after seating.

"Aspect, let her have an experience...set it to just a minute-" Leucadius said but paused as he remembered something. Oshtur was an Elder God Billions of Years Old.

Trying to overpower such a being with information was downright arrogant on his part.

While Oshtur possesses immense knowledge and wisdom, the sheer magnitude and complexity of the information pouring into her mind could potentially strain her mental faculties to their limits.

However, as an elder god, Oshtur should possess a level of resilience and mental fortitude that surpasses that of mortal beings and even Gods. She has likely honed her mind over years, developing the ability to process vast amounts of information and maintain her sanity in the face of overwhelming stimuli.

That being said, there would still be risks involved in prolonged exposure to such immense knowledge. One being making her more powerful than she already was.

"Yeah. A minute should be enough." Leucadius said with a chuckle.

"Understood Sir." Aspect's voice sounded from the throne shocking Oshtur to her core. The reason being that she hadn't sensed any life form prior to seating on the Throne.

Hell, if Aspect hadn't spoken, she wouldn't have even known there was an existence within the Throne. "Is he?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yes. He's Aspect. The one I was speaking about."

"I thought he was still on your spaceship!"

"Why would I go anywhere without him? You ask the most ridiculous of questions." Leucadius said looking at her weirdly, and before she could come up with anything to say, he added. "You may begin,"

As soon as the order was given, Oshtur who was seated on the Throne suddenly spasmed as her eyes turned white and rolled up into her sockets.

"Geez, what an intense reaction." Leucadius said jokingly with a small laugh, however a stare from Gaea had him coughing to mask the amusement.

Meanwhile , as Oshtur immersed herself in the Motherbox, she felt her consciousness expand beyond the confines of her physical form, delving into the boundless sea of knowledge contained within the Motherbox.

Waves of cosmic energy surged through her being, each pulse carrying with it the essence of countless civilizations, realms, and dimensions.

Images of ancient rites and rituals, forgotten magics, and cosmic phenomena danced before her mind's eye, painting a clear view of existence in all its splendor and complexity.

She glimpsed the birth of stars, the rise and fall of galaxies, and the interplay of cosmic forces beyond mortal comprehension.

In that moment, Oshtur experienced a profound sense of interconnectedness with the universe, as if she were a mere droplet in an infinite ocean of existence.

She felt the ebb and flow of cosmic energies coursing through her, filling her with a sense of awe and wonder that transcended mortal understanding.

Yes. In comparison to what she had seen, she and her siblings who are known for their immortal existence were nothing but Mortal beings in the grand scheme of things.

They were only lucky to have the Essence of the Demiurge in them. That Chaos Energy ensures that even in death, they could be reborn. But that in itself was proof of their mortal existence.

As the minute drew to a close, Oshtur's consciousness gradually returned to her physical form, leaving her breathless and exhilarated by the experience.

She blinked rapidly, readjusting to the reality of her surroundings, yet the echoes of her journey lingered in her mind like distant echoes of a long-forgotten dream.

"Wow..." she breathed, her voice tinged with awe. "That was...breathtaking."

Leucadius grinned, pleased by her reaction. "Impressive, isn't it? The Motherbox holds the sum total of knowledge and wisdom in the cosmos. It's a privilege to experience even a fraction of its vastness."

Oshtur nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with newfound respect for the Motherbox and its capabilities. "Indeed. It's no wonder you call it the Universal Matrix. It truly is a marvel of...Cosmic engineering."

Leucadius nodded in agreement while Oshtur's mind continued reeling from the experience. "Thank you for allowing me to partake in this, Leucadius. It was truly enlightening."

Leucadius waved off her thanks with a casual gesture. "Think nothing of it. Knowledge is meant to be shared, after all. And who better to appreciate its wonders than fellow seekers of truth?"

Oshtur's eyes brightened at that, but before she could speak again, the Throne seemingly ejected her. "That will be it for you." Leucadius said with a smirk.


"Not buts. That bit of information is only as a gesture. True seekers of Knowledge don't rely on others, wouldn't you agree?" Leucadius said shamelessly.

'Like you didn't rely on her books to get the bit of knowledge you now possess.' Gaea thought while shaking her head at these shameless words. Even Oshtur was left speechless, but she didn't refute.

Despite knowing he was being shameless, her pride as the progenitor of magic on the planet seemed to agree with him. 'He truly can be a bit irritating...' she thought as she smiled.

If only Gaea knew what she was thinking, she would've asked. 'A bit?'

Before the conversation could go in a direction she wouldn't like, Gaea interjected with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Leuca, darling, I was just telling Oshtur about your...eccentricities."

Leucadius raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Oh? And what exactly did you tell her?"

Gaea grinned. "Just that you have a tendency to get bored easily and that you might find some...entertainment in spending time with her."

Oshtur's cheeks flushed slightly at the implication, but she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the prospect of learning from someone as knowledgeable as Leucadius.

Leucadius chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, Oshtur, if you're willing to put up with my quirks, I'd be more than happy to accompany you for a while. After all, there's always more to discover, isn't there?"

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, Oshtur nodded eagerly. "There's no true end in pursuit of knowledge indeed."

"Hahaha. Spoken like a true scholar. Come, lead the way. It'd be nice to have a change of scenario every once in a while."

"Eh? Now?"

"But of course." Leucadius replied.

"Wouldn't you have a bit of catching up with sister?"

Leucadius frowned at that and asked. "What do you mean? In our eternal Existence, there's never enough to catch up on. Mother, I'll be seeing you in a bit."

Saying that, Leucadius sat on the Throne that had floated over to him and gestured at Oshtur to go ahead in creating a portal which she did.

"You guys have fun."

"We sure will."


A/N: Sorry for the lack of daily updates now. I was feeling down for whatever reason and couldn't come online to do anything.

I'll be posting three chapters today as renumeration for that. So don't forget to drop those powers stones. Should this book manage to make it to the Rankings, 10 entire chapters will follow.


Josh_Richie Josh_Richie

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