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100% Omnipotent Dice / Chapter 2: Ghoul

Chapter 2: Ghoul

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing makes sense? As if the world had gone crazy and you are the only sane person left?

That was how I felt when I stood and walked out of that alley.

Lights flashed everywhere, the street was filled with people, foreign letters and commercials covered most surfaces, stalls of food and shops left and right, "Am I in Japan?" I muttered in disbelief.

This was a very crowded market, I recognized the people as Japanese, and since the sky was dark as it could get, I quickly understood I was in a big city in Japan.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw an elderly man in his sixties looking at me in concern.

He spoke Japanese so I understood nothing he said, "Can you speak English?" I asked.

He nodded and spoke slowly, "Barely, why... eh... you here like this?" He said and pointed at my clothes.

I looked down and saw I was indeed wearing a T-shirt and pajamas in the middle of a street in the city, it was abnormal, and since I didn't look like a homeless person, I was not Japanese either, I looked out of place.

"Your face... white? Pale, yes. You good?" He asked.

"Thanks, I..." I paused, I had no idea how to respond.

"Where am I?" I simply asked, I needed information.

His eyebrows rose and he laughed, "Dunk much? Youth, haha... You in Tokyo."

I gulped nervously hearing this, 'Just what is going on? How the hell did that Dice teleport me across the world to Tokyo?! This must be a nightmare...' I thought.

The old man left and quickly came back with something in his hand, "You look ill, here, eat." He handed me chopsticks and noodles.

I noticed there was a small stall to my left, the old man must have gotten it from there.

I didn't know how to use chopsticks so I just held it, feeling out of place and confused, I wanted to go home...

'How can I go home? That thing brought me here, maybe it can bring me back! Right, I need to find the Dice, maybe it traveled with me!' I quickly checked my body, it was nowhere to be found.

A deep pit formed in my stomach, 'Am I stuck here? Without ID and money, going back home is going to be hard...'

Suddenly an idea occurred to me, 'Maybe it is in the alley!'

Without waiting, I put the noodles and chopsticks down and ran to the alley. The old man was taken aback and called out to me, I said, "I will be back, thanks!"

I found the spot and sighed in relief, the Dice lay on the ground innocently.

I picked it up and looked at it more deeply, 'How can I use this to go back? Should I just roll the dice or say something before?'

As I was contemplating it, I heard footsteps, when I turned around, I saw the old man.

For some reason, he felt like a different person, his eyes especially, they glowed red and the sclera was black!

I was horrified, "Stay away from me!"

The old man's smiled in a predatory way, "I have never tasted foreigner, hehe!" As he was saying, my eyes caught sight of a blackish red tail of sorts coming out from his back.

I quickly understood from the clues what was going on, and it made my heart nearly jump out of my chest.

'But this can't be! It's a fictional universe! How can it be real?!'

As sherlock holmes said, When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

"I am in Tokyo ghoul?!" I blurted it out, the ghoul in front of me looked confused, I didn't wait to find out what he would do. I was not stupid.

My fight and flight function was activated, I chose to run since I did have any skill in fighting a ghoul. My best bet was to reach a crowded area to escape the old man and then use the dice to go back.

So I ran as fast as I could. The ghoul quickly ran after me.

"Wait!" He yelled behind me, I doubted his brain functions. What was the point of saying that? Why would any sane person listen to when he is running for his life? I never understood why people said that when chasing someone.

I almost reached the end of the alley, I could see the lights. I ran the fastest I had ever in my life, my heart was beating faster than ever, and strangely, it felt good. It was exciting, being on the verge of death yet surviving.

'This doesn't feel bad, maybe this is what I lacked in my past life? Excitement...' My thoughts were broken by a huge object flying above my head.

My eyes grew wide as saucers when I looked up, a big garbage container flew over my head and loudly crashed a few feet in front of me, I didn't manage to stop and crashed right into it.

"AHH!" I screamed in pain as I felt piercing pain over several parts of my body. Due to the pain, my hand got loose and the Dice fell out of it.

I felt something stab me in the stomach and right through my body. I didn't feel any pain, just shock, and numbness.

The thing that went through my stomach moved and raised me, I weakly looked up and saw a sinister smile on the ghoul's face. He stared me right in the eye and then suddenly brought me closer and bit my shoulder.

It was painful, yet for some reason, I found it distant, as if this wasn't my body anymore.

Everything grew dark, before losing consciousness, the last thing I saw was the dice stopping on 9.

'To think I would die like this, and roll a 9 as well, I truly am unlucky.'

I never could have imagined, that I would die to a ghoul from a fictional universe. Sometimes fate is funny. The future is indeed truly unknown.

Darkness took me.

I was prepared to meet God or go to some afterlife.

That didn't happen.

Instead, I felt movement, I felt a body, and there was no pain but it felt cold.

I was surprised.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a world covered in snow. It was freezing cold.

Looking around I realized I was on some sort of carriage, snow was falling, and there were others sitting near me, the overall scene looked familiar, very familiar, too familiar!

I had seen this many times before, 'Don't tell me! No way!!'

"Hey, you. You're finally awake." Said a blonde man wearing what I noticed was Stormcloak armor.

I felt as if I was going mad, I laughed at the absurdity of it all, and the others in the carriage looked at me strangely. I noticed my laugh sounded different, I was in another body... The world had gone insane.

Thankfully, I could feel the dice in the palm of my right hand. There was hope.

"Silence!" The driver said, and I stopped.

'I am in skyrim...'

LordNeo LordNeo

This story will be unpredictable, prepare for that.

Unexpected and sudden stuff will happen in this story due to the power of the dice and its randomness, expect that. There will be many surprises and sudden events. Especially when the dice rolls.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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