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66.66% Omni Sky / Chapter 4: Ben loves his housemates

Chapter 4: Ben loves his housemates

'I haven't forgotten at all !'

Is Stealth Elves thought 3 days later when the team is preparing to do a obstacle course as team.

"Go!" Spyro shouts and starts the timer and the Skylanders main team take off towards the first hurdle with Elf getting snapped out of her thoughts by Spyro's shout.

The group first has to scale a wall and Spyro and jet vac fly over it while Ben transforms into bloxx and turns into a staircase for the others after Eruptor and Pop Fizz made it to the other side Stealth Elf arrives and Ben wraps an arm made out of building blocks around the girls waist and propels both her and himself over the wall, landing just behind the others. Ben transforms back and sees Stealth Elf freeze up, so he grabs her hand and pulls her along. Once Stealth Elf realizes what's happening, she shakes her hand free and blinks to the front of the group, right next to Spyro.

"Oh yeah, we're going to make this look easy." Spyro cheers, flying towards the next part, where multiple sawblades on totems are standing in their way. Spyro swoops down and picks up pop fizz. The two of them plus Jet Vac then proceed to fly over the obstacle, dodging the few arrow shooting at them with ease.

Eruptor shoots fireballs at the totems and blasts them away with Ben and Stealth Elf following him through the path he clears.

"What now?" Eruptor asks when the group reaches a long drop down a waterfall.

"Get on." Ben says, turning into Diamondhead and creates a boat for them.

His two comrades quickly follow him onto the crystalline construct and Ben pushes them off, creating a dome over them and encasing his and Eruptors feet in crystals to keep them stable while he holds Stealth Elf to the floor in front of him, with her weakly attempting to get free.

After the drop the group felt Ben turns the boat so they're not upside down and dissipates the crystal dome and the crystal around his and Eruptors feet they jump of the construct onto the oath to their right, where the remaining members of their team are waiting.

"Guys, we should hurry." Pop fizz alerts them, pointing behind them, where their path is starting to fall away.

The group then hurries off in the opposite direction until they get to a field of moving platforms. Ben quickly turns into Bloxx and builds a bridge over the platforms to the finish line.

Jet-vac, Eruptor and Pop Fizz all run over the bridge with Spyro flying ahead and Stealth Elf blinking across the moving platforms

"Elfie, what's the matter?" Eruptor asks, looking down at his green skinned friend.

"Nothing, I just can get across faster this way." Stealth elf shouts back, not noticing that a ball comes flying at her and pushes her off with Stealth Elf hanging onto the platforms side.

"Elfie!" Eruptor yells worriedly.

'I got her." Ben tells the group, jumping up and making the three on him slide down to the finish line before he turns and falls onto the platform Stealth Elf is hanging onto.

He then turns into crash hopper, leaning down and helps the girl onto the platform before pocking her up in front of him and jumps to the finish line.

"And training is done, I'm gonna go look for my fans." Spyro tells the group flying off.

"Are you OK Elfie?" Eruptor asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." She replies, taking off her mask.

The group then walks away with Ben and Stealth Elf remaining behind.

"Seriously now, what's wrong? Did I do something? " Ben asks turning back human.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll be fine soon." Stealth Elf replies and starts to follow the others.

"Wait! I'm not letting you leave until you tell me what's up." Ben tells her decidedly, holding her back by her hand.

"Can't you just let it rest, please?" Stealth Elf begs him.

"Fine, just don't expect me to save your hide the next time." Ben scoffs, letting go of her hand and flies away by turning into astrodactyl.

Stealth Elf looks after him sadly before following her other friends to their home.

Later that day Eruptor knocks on Steath Elves room.

"Come in." She says and her magma friend enters the room, closing the door behind him.

"Elfie, is something wrong? You've been distracted and are acting weird." Eruptor asks her, sitting down on her bed, while she is cleaning her weapons.

"It's nothing." She says solemnly.

"Come on, how long do we know each other, 3 years?" Eruptor replies doubtfully.

"Fine, there is a possibility that I like Ben. " Stealth Elf confesses.

"Wow. Now that I didn't expect." Eruptor says shocked.

"Gee thanks." Stealth Elf sighs.

"Come on Elfie, what's do bad about that, so you like someone." Eruptor says.

"It's the timing that's annoying" Stealth Elf tells him with a groan, putting away her blades.

"What do you mean?" The lava man questions.

"We've just become Skylanders. I need to focus on proving my worth in the team, not get distracted by a dumb crush." Stealth Elf explains.

"I get it... but this is the first time you have feelings for someone isn't it?" Eruptor asks.

"Yes..." Stealth Elf replies.

"Do you really think ignoring is the right way to go about it?" Eruptor asks.

"I don't know E." Stealth Elf replies, slumping over and hitting her head against her table.

"Do what you feel is right. Just remember if you freeze out Ben, you're hurting the team and you won't be able to prove yourself anyway." Eruptor advises while leaving her room.

|Meanwhile at Ben's dorm|

After his training with the Skylander team Ben went to meet up with the cadets sharing a house with him.

"So you guys ready?" Ben asks his housemates, standing in front of their home with everyone geared up.

"Ok first things first, let's see what we're dealing with here. Everyone 15 minutes, laps around our house." Ben instructs them and roller brawl speeds away on her blades with Chill starting to run around the house with a mediocre pace while the remaining three namely Hex, Wind-up and Food fight also start rounding the house, being barely faster than a relaxing walking pace while complaining.

"Quit whining and go faster!" Ben yells at them, walking alongside them while Roller Brawl already laps them for the first time.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen to Mr. Bigshot Skylander." Foodfight groans picking up his speed with wind-up while Hex struggles to keep up with them.

"Sorry Ben. This is embarrassing." Hex says embarrassed, after two laps around the house with Rollerbrawl being at her twelfth.

"Don't worry about it. Just do the best you can." Ben tells her, while skull floats in front of her yelling, " Come on Hex, you're embarrassing us!" Ben reacts by grabbing onto the orb-bound skull and flinging him away.

"Skull!" Hex shouts worried and is about to run to fetch her familiar.

"Leave him. Focus on your running." Ben orders her, going himself to fetch her familiar.

15 minutes later Wind-up and Hex are lying exhausted on the grass while Roller Brawl is beaming proudly, Foodfight is sulking and Chill looks at Ben expressionlessly, waiting for the next task.

"Good job all of you." Ben praises them.

"Hah, metal-boy and spirit-lady didn't do a good job at all..." Foodfight remarks.

"Shut up they did better than you." Ben groans at the green teen, kicking him against the house wall, where he bounces off and falls face-first to the ground with Roller Brawl breaking out in an uncontrollable laugh and Hex smiles at Ben thankful for standing up for her.

"Now, onto the next test. Strength." Ben tells them, casually tossing Skull near Hex, who checks on her companion, who looks at Ben terrified, since the Skylander threatened to hurt him in multiple ways if he keeps belittling Hex and pissing him off.

"Bring it." Roller Brawl says confidentially.

"Alright, here. You go first RB. Put this over your shoulders." Ben tells her, gently placing a plank about twice as wide as her over the back of her shoulders.

"Hah, this is nothing." RB laughs triumphantly before she starts to struggle against the plank with Ben gradually adding a crystal cover to it, increasing it's weight while he's in Diamond head form.

"Ugh. Stop, stop, stop!" Roller Brawl yells when her knees buckle and she feels like she's about to get crushed.

"Relax, I got you." Ben whispers from behind her, lifting the plank off her shoulders with one hand and carves RB in the wood.

After repeating the same thing with his other housemates they have four crystal covered planks resting in front of their backyard.

"What was the point of that?" Chill asks interested.

"It's to track your progress." Ben answers.

"So, the last test we'll do is mental acuity " Ben tells them and gives everyone a few pages with riddles and intellectual exercises.

Once everyone's done with that test as well, Ben makes them sit down at a bench in their backyard.

"So, here's how it is. Before I start training everyone individually we need to get you all in shape.

"RB you need to work on your mental acuity a bit, you act before thinking.

Wind-up, you need to up your endurance most of all.

Foodfight, you need to work on everything. The only acceptable thing is your endurance and speed, but you still have room to improve there too.

Hex, you need to work on everything physical basically. You're mental stats are off the charts but brains can only do so much without brawns.

And last of all, Chill. I'm impressed. Your speed can use a bit of work but overall you're ready to get some one on one training already." Ben tells them, making RB pout when he praises Chill, who smiles widely at his opinion on her.

"The real training will start tomorrow." Ben tells the group, who then retreats into the house, safe for Hex and Skull.

"Hex, let's go for a walk." Ben says, walking around with the necromancer.

"I already know what you're going to say... Everyone tells me to drop out and give up. But I won't." Hex says before Ben can say anything.

"Hahahaha, you couldn't have been more off target." Ben tells her.

"Do you really mean that?" Hex asks close to tears.

"Yeah. You have the greatest potential of everyone. Although you'll have to put in more work as well." Ben replies.

"Quit joking. We both know that's not true." Hex says pouting.

"Hex, trust me. I speak from experience when I say that the body can be trained with some effort. The mind however isn't that easy." Ben tells her, gently wiping away the tears dripping down her cheeks and pulls her in for a hug.

"Thank you. So much, you're the first one to believe in me." Hex cries, holding onto him for dear life while her tears soak his jacket.

"Hex, believe me. You have great potential, let's start getting you to use it." Ben tells her, rubbing her back calmingly, angering RB, who went looking for Ben only to find her crush in the arms of her best friend.

"Come on, let's go home now." Ben tells Hex, heading back to their house where RB locks herself in her room.

A few minutes after his talk with Hex Ben goes across the hall and knocks on his best friend's door.

When he receives no answer however he turns into Big Chill and floats through the door intangible.

"RB?" Ben asks, going over to the pinkette who has her face buried in her pillow.

"You OK? Are you upset I told you that you need to work on your patience?"

Ben asks, sitting down on her bed's edge and putting a hand on the girls back supportively.

"No, I'm upset that you seem to constantly have a girl around you." Roller Brawl replies upset.

"So? Half our dorm is girls..." Ben replies confused, lightly pushing against her side, turning her onto her back.

"Come on RB, what is it really?" Ben asks her, while she looks at him frowning.

"Dumbass. I like you, you idiot!" Roller Brawl tells him with an annoyed groan.

"Are you for real?" Ben asks surprised.

Yeah. I think all us girls like you... That's why I'm so concerned with you spending time with them."

Roller Brawl tells him while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"RB, I, sorry I didn't know..." Ben apologizes stunned and walks to the door after a moment of silence. After Ben slipped through the door Roller Brawl drops her head back down in her pillow, crying into it.

Lost in her sadness she doesn't even hear her door close and lock a minute or two later.

Ben approaches the girl after locking her door and touches her back gently, causing her to freeze up since she didn't know someone entered her room.

When she turns to see who is it she sees Ben hold out a pair of silver boots to the girl.

"I was planning on giving you these when we start your individual training, but now sees as good as time as any. Look RB, I'm sorry I didn't realize that you have feelings for me. Can you forgive me? And maybe still want to go out with me?" Ben asks her nervously.

Roller Brawl blinks at him for a moment before throwing her arms around him, causing the two of them to fall off her bed due to her momentum.

"Of course, you dummy." She says happily, snuzzling into the nape of his neck before kissing him hungrily.

"I think I owe you a treat at the very least." Ben says, pulling his collar to the side, exposing his neck to the girl, who hums excited by the idea and leans in closer to the side of his neck, running her tongue over it sensually, causing Ben to blush. Roller Brawl then pulls him up by his collar until he's sitting on the floor with her straddling his waist with her shapely legs on either side of his hips.

"I love you Ben." Roller Brawl whispers in his ears sensually before sinking her fangs in his neck, suckling on the skin with excitement.

After Roller Brawl had her treat, she pulls Ben to her bed, lying down on it with her new boyfriend.

"Say, what are we going to do with the other girls?" Roller Brawl asks worriedly while playing with his fingers.

"I don't know but if you keep violating my neck like that, they're bound to figure out we're a couple anyways." Ben replies chuckling.

"Hey, I'm being serious here. I don't want the others to be sad but I'm not giving you up either." Roller Brawl tells him, turning to her side, facing him.

"RB, I didn't know you have a thing for me and you are my closest friend. What gives you the idea I could think of a way to settle the matter?" Ben asks her snickering, while caressing her toned waist with her top having ridden up while lying on the bed.

"Don't sell yourself short. I know how genius you can be." Roller Brawl tells him, running her fingers over the two marks on his neck where she bit him.

"Mhhh, I don't know RB. I chose to be with you, the others will just have to deal with it." Ben tells her, kissing her underneath her chin and teasingly bites at her neck, making her chuckle because it tickles her.

"No! Benny, I know exactly how they'd feel. I can't let it come to that. We may just have to share you..." RB suggests.

"You, my jealous little vampire want to share your man, who's also your favorite treat?" Ben laughs, thinking she's kidding.

"Humpf. You just wait." She tells him, jumping off her bed and rushing out of her room.

Moments later she comes back while shoving Hex and Chill in front of herself.

"What's gotten into you this time Brawl? I didn't take the ice out of the fridge for the last time." Chill complains, since the vampire just grabbed her and hex and dragged them to her room.

"Ben? RB what's going on?" Hex asks confused, her eyes widening at the sight of her crush lying on her best friends' bed.

"Just do as I say you two." Roller Brawl instructs, shoving the girls on her bed before locking her rooms door.

"You aren't serious..." Ben says worried and shocked.

"Dead serious! Chill kiss Ben." Roller Brawl tells them, glaring at Ben.

The frosty warrior doesn't need to be told twice and crashes her lips onto the Skylanders' passionately kissing him with Ben's lips almost turning blue.

"Hah, that was enjoyable." Chill says, a trail of frosty breath connecting her and Ben while Hex looks at the scene stunned with rosy cheeks.

"Hex, your turn!" Roller Brawl orders.

"What?" Hex asks panicking.

"You kiss Ben, like this." Roller Brawl tells her before demonstrating by kissing a surprised Chill who is quick to jump on board however.

"Do it." Roller Brawl repeats.

Ben decides to help out the timid mage and turns her around so she's facing him and closes in for the kiss with Hex closing her eyes and accepting his advances with burning cheeks and a happy expression on her face.

"But RB I don't get it, you love Ben more than any of us..." Hex says shocked.

"True, but I couldn't live with myself if the two of you were denied your happiness, so I decided we're all going to go out with Ben." Roller Brawl explains, hopping onto her bed as well and leans over her two friends to make out with Ben right in front of them.

"And you two are on board with that?" Ben questions, looking at the other two girls with concern.

Chill nods positive with a smile and puts her hand over Ben's while Hex looks at Chill and RB before replying by making out with her best friend, running her pale hands through Roller Brawls pink hair.

"I guess that's a yes." Ben remarks stupefied, getting turned on by the scene.

"What about Stealth Elf?" Hex asks.

"I doubt she likes me." Ben tells her.

"Don't be stupid, she's smitten like a kitten." Roller Brawl tells her boyfriend, running her hand up one of his arms.

"How do you figure?" Ben questions.

"Just trust me. Obviously, I have a sixth sense for that." Roller Brawl says with a smirk.

"I guess... Anyways, would you two mind giving RB and me a moment?" Ben requests, looking at his other housemates.

"Sure." Chill replies getting up from the bed and pulling Hex with her, leaving the room.

"Why'd you ask them to leave?" Roller Brawl asks, rolling across the bed until she's lying on Ben, face to face.

"Well if you recall I was in thr middle of giving you a present before we got... distracted." Ben tells her, wrapping an arm tight around his girlfriend and sits up, lifting the pinkette off his lap and placing her on the bed's edge while he gets up from the bed and collects the shoes he showed her.

"Yeah they're nice but couldn't you have showed me that tomorrow?" She asks with a wink, running her tongue over lips slowly.

"These aren't just shoes. I designed those especially for you." Ben tells her, kneeling down in front of her and takes

Her feet, slipping the boots on them.

"They fit nicely but what's so special about them?" Roller Brawl questions, walking around her room in the boots.

"Hit the heels together and you'll see." Ben says with a gentle smile.

She follows her instructions and the boots transform into bladed roller skates.

"Ben! I love them." Roller Brawl says ecstatically.

"I figured with those you'd have no problem with the superchargers." Ben says, catching the girl who jumps at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around her waist, clicking her heels behind his back.

"Thank you." She says with a wide grin and pushes against him, making him tumble backwards until he hits her bed with her still wrapped around him.

"Uhm shouldn't I head back to my room soon?" Ben asks after the couple snuggled with each other for 5 minutes.

Instead of an answer however Roller Brawl hits him across his face. When he tries to ask why she hit him he sees her contently asleep however and only smiles, lying back down and draping the cover over Roller Brawl and himself

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