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75% Ominverse Clan System / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The AI

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The AI

The person felt something was wrong in this head he was constantly hearing sounds

AI: loading Initialed

AI: Soul not Found

Al: Soul creation in Bound

AI: Soul creation complete

AI: Drawing power of the soul

AI: Bounding with soul complete

AI: Soul dispersion starting

AI: Body not found to be suitable

AI: Destruction of Body inbound

AI: Initiating destruction process waiting for consent

The person realized a blue screen was in front of him

Authorizing the destruction of Body


The time required for the destruction of the body:1 mint

The person freaked out then he realized he could simply ask the lords in front to help. The person turned to the boy and asked: My body the screen says it has to destroy it won't I die if this happens.

The boy: Then make a wish

The person through for a while looked at the boy and screamed: I want your body

Followed his scream was silence

The girl sitting on his left said in a soft voice: Pervert

The person's face turned red and he hurriedly tried to explain: I'm not interested in a sexual way. I just think it's a very cool

Amara: Then why didn't you simply ask for a body like his, no no what you wanted was his body. Do you think we didn't see you staring at his body?

The person didn't have anything to reply yes he has indeed been staring at the boy's body all this time and it has been obvious and before he could think of something the girl continued

Amara: And do you know the worst of it what you're after is the body of a 10-year kid.

She then turns to the boy and said brother don't worry I will protect you from this pervert.

The person just stood there after listening to this indeed he has been after the body of a 10-year old and now he didn't know what to say he quickly thought that maybe the old looking grandpa can mediate for him and looked in his direction and was dumbfounded all he saw was a loving grandpa sipping tea as if the matter happening around didn't concern him at all and finally he felt a burst of wind coming from his back turn to see the giant all puffed up and ready to destroy anything in his path.

At this moment he was sweating bullets he turns to the boy and saw his beautiful expressionless face and wanted to apologize but before he could the girl stood between the two. He sighted and again started begging to not kill him.

The boy: You can't have my body. Firstly your soul is not powerful. Secondly, my body can be regarded as a supreme treasure in which even a single cell can bring life to a planet and can also destroy it thus if someone finds out they will try to kill you at all cost that includes higher gods and ever hidden experts. Do you want to hear more?

The person was already seating bullets now he was too fearful thus he thought a little and asked: Lord kindly advice your royal subject.

The boy smiled and waved his hand: This body is made as best compatible to your soul it can create contain and consume any kind of energy and other things you need you can simply ask your system.

The person bowed again and pressed Yes on the blue screen. Count down begin 60 sec left... 45 secs left... the person looked at the boy and asked: will it hurt?

the boy: we will find out, won't we?

The person turns more nervous

AI: 5-4-3-2-1-0 Soul dispersion occurred body has been destroyed

AI: Soul suitable body found

AI: Soul attachment complete

AI: Requesting host to most the body in the shape of preference

The person felt a slight pain and then after reading the last notice almost jumped into the air he started changing his body trying to make it as close to the original as possible. He looked at the boy and tried to select the closest option to give him the same look. He selected and selected and then after feeling satisfied pressed done and looked up and thanked the boy.

The boy smiled at the childish nature and said: I have given you two gifts of your preference now you should probably try to ask other.

The person nodded and went toward old men as he seemed the easiest to talk to and bowed and request for his blessing

Old men continued to sip his tea paying no attention to the boy

The person continues to bow without raising his head

After who knows how long when the person was about to faint the old men raised his hand and materialize a chair for the person to sit on.

the person raised his head then seat on the chair in front of the old men quietly without making a sound.

The old men seeing this nodded in satisfaction and poured some tea: This is heaven's tea of the highest order one sip is enough to achieve the top of the world but I have removed all power from it as I have grown old and these old bones can't handle too much power hahaha come, come drink

The person raised his glass a little and gestured the old men wishing him a good prosperous rest and drunk the whole glass in one sip.

AI: Supreme object consumed warning issued

AI: Supreme Tea too powerful to contain

AI: Body structure changing to handle the energy dispersed by supreme tea

AI: Soul strengthening occurring due to supreme tea

AI: Requesting permission from the host to modify the body for soul strengthening

AI: Mission issued

/////STEAL THE TEA\\\\\

The host has consumed the Immortal Heaven Tea.

To break through and achieve protection over soul steal the old men's dearer than life tea and consume the tea.

REWARD - Chose the world you would like to go

Failure- Random world teleportation.

Time Left to complete mission 15 mints.

The person was shocked at the notifications and finally the quest. He thought for a moment and pressed yes for the modification and decided to ignore the quest. He thought life was the only important thing to consider right now, he might later ask for some tea but not now living is precious.

His body started changing his soul power started spreading all over his body fueling it as a power spread throughout his body from within.

The old men just sat there sipped his tea as if nothing has happened.

after some time power dispersed and left him with a soul with silver indigo color.

The old men nodded his head and said: What I will give you is a weapon

After saying that he swept his hand scythe appeared with a dark color darker than dark. The old men swept his hand and motioned it toward the person.

The person initially wanted to grab the weapon but numerous warning went off in his head

AI: scythe the supreme detected taking measures. Sealing the weapon.

The person was again dumbfounded and thought to himself why can't these gods just give him something he can use right now.

Old men sighted and motioned his hand: Goon maybe they will give you something you can USE RIGHT NOW

The person only now realized he has again talked out loud. He can sight and moved on giving one last look at the tea.

The Giant sat on his throne quietly as if telling him: Dance monkey dance

He sighed and bowed again expecting the giant to be unreasonable but the giant asked what does he want?

The person was confused but hurridly asked for inner work in his soul as big and as resourceful the god can provide.

The giant nodded and said: When the time comes you will be able to control and gain access to it.

The person thanked the giant and went to the young girl.

The young girl too just simply asked him what he desired

He replied by the ability to move dimensions and to retain the memories of the old life.

The girl too nodded and said to talk to the system when the requirements are meet he can jump dimensions and worlds.

He thanks the Young girl and went in front of the boy bowed and thanked him again for everything.

The boy: Are you satisfied with everything?

The person: Lord I will use this new life to be happy and make you proud.

The boy: Do you want me to issue a mission for your life then?

The Person: Any command of the lord is my life purpose.

The boy nodded and swept his hand

AI: Warning The Uchsaka Has issued a quest

AI: Warning The Uchsaka Has issued a quest

AI: Warning The Uchsaka Has issued a quest

AI: The quest has been granted the priority supreme



Reward - Uchsaka Legacy

Failure - Tarnish the name of Uchsaka

Time limit - unknown

Issued by - Eternity Uchsaka - the First known and the last remaining member of supreme Uchsaka clan.

The person was shocked by the quest as it basically meant the build a huge family. And he had no experience of family from his previous life and cause the family he knew took everything from him slowly and painfully. He shook his head and looked again at the boy who now he realized was named Eternity. He saw his smiling and nodded his head.

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