/ Fantasi / OmEnous

OmEnous Original


Fantasi 39 Chapters 42.5K Views
Author: TheNobleRain

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The sins of man had been cleansed off the surface of the Earth, thrown into a different world to manifest into a realm of unmistakable evil, malevolence and certain death... That was what the regular humans thought. Those bestowed with the keys to enter this desecrated realm, knew there was more to it.

It was a realm of countless realities, possibilities, laws and stories. And each time the bestowed, the Prophets step into this Realm, they would experience fables and transmigrate into brand new worlds, to conquer these stories, so that the bad ones don't manifest on Earth.

A strange boy found no place on Earth, but was bestowed with a key to experience these countless words as a Prophet, so that he may try again to find where exactly he belonged. But that was not his only motivation for traversing this Realm of wonder and yet, extreme danger. He also does it to find a cure for his misfortune.

For you see, although humans were made from clay, he was created from countless CURSES.

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Author TheNobleRain